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16749442 No.16749442 [Reply] [Original]

The one book (excluding the Bible) that comes closest to expressing your current worldview/ideology is........?

>> No.16749457

The Guide to Big Black Ape Donger Riders IV: Effective Cum Eating

>> No.16749478

Bad Boyz 2: Passion of the christ

>> No.16749507
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>> No.16749532

how is it that your entire life is based off this trash but you still cant even answer the fundamental question of how an autonomous neighborhood would maintain its autonomy while surrounded by exponentially more powerful entities

>> No.16749546

My Diray Desu

>> No.16749547

Easy, by throwing stinky poo at them

>> No.16749548

das Kapital

>> No.16749557
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I have answered, but I guess you were out.
It must be done in peaceful stages of mutual aid and duel incomes, spreading as an underground mass of fungi would. Reaching a point where their superior firepower cannot incarcerate everyone.
Yes. The alternative has to be that good. And it is. It just needs a little courage and support.

>> No.16749569

Butterfly, you give off some based and cringey vibes simultaneously quite often, how do you do that?

>> No.16749577

this does not at all answer the question

>> No.16749585

Ahh yes the best way to combat overwhelming external force: endless theoretical discussion about the best possible state of the world.

>> No.16749609

Manifesto of the French New Right by Alain de Benoist

>> No.16749612

The Aeneid

>> No.16749631

The Tolstoy essay ''In what consists my belief'' is maybe the closest thing.

>> No.16749639

Christ the far left is unironically the worst, you people are like the absolute worst ball and chains holding back real human progress while you sit around waiting for something that will literally never happen, and then you have the gall to accuse everyone else, even liberals who pander to your delusions, of being bad just because they are too busy looking for real life solutions to problems, and every once and a while leftists actually get savage enough to topple a government and put everyone their families through hell just because you want to live out your deranged fantasy (which fails literally every single time)

out of everyone on this planet leftists without a doubt deserve to be persecuted for how dangerously retarded and delusional and anti-progress they are

>> No.16749648

if you're mad at leftists you should really read about the central banking system, since they fund all leftists

>> No.16749653

White Fragility

>> No.16749666

I have a fucking job, liberal boy. And what I propose is not waiting around, but actively doing it.
“Progress”! What is this, pasta?

>since they fund all leftists

>> No.16749668

they funded Lenin

>> No.16749676

then why haven't you dont it? what are you waiting for? do it right now, im waiting

>> No.16749681


>> No.16749683

And invaded. Haha.

None of your business

>> No.16749689

what are you waiting for?

>> No.16749714

Not waiting for anything. The point of all modern discourse about ideology, society, blah blah blah is to capture your effort that could be used in actually doing something into endless theoretical discussion.

>> No.16749729
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I already answered. Leave the thread to it’s theme.

>> No.16749760

you will eventually be raped or murdered by people who can't even read Stirner, that's the fate of you your populace, have fun

>> No.16749790

no you literally didn't answer, and for no reason other than the simple fact that you know you can't

of course being confronted by this reality will in no way effect you because you've likely already cooked up lies and excuses internally to convince yourself that your world view being fundamentally broken is not at all a problem, or just flat out blanked it out and will move on like nothing happened

>> No.16749840 [DELETED] 

Mein Kampf, unironically

>> No.16750002

>faggot trip is a faggot
>people inform him that he’s a faggot
>DoNt DeRaIL tHe ThReAd

>> No.16750046

View of the world: I have no idea. A while back I might have said some libertarian socialist type shit. Views about how to live life: The Ethics of Ambiguity by Beauvoir.

>> No.16750050

Nuclear deterrence, every community has a legal right to nuclear weapons. Boom, no more war

>> No.16750103

Mein kampf

>> No.16750122

top zozzle, I can see it now
>screw wealth redistribution, lets redistribute nuclear weapons to every neighborhood then tell every single one they are on their own so good luck, and see what happens. welcome to the leftist utopia!

>> No.16750139

Leaves of grass. The best philosophy/poetry of America. Whitman was a prophet.

>> No.16750154

It is more of a wealth redefinition scheme.
States collapse when not funded, so doing without accumulative currency is enough. Comical scene though. Nukes will have to be dealt with.
Some anon mentioned thorium, a weaker energies grade source (getting sleepy) could do that. Seems doable

Will have to read sometime soon

>> No.16750162
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*releases hot oily filth from his ass*

>> No.16750184

Blood Meridian

>> No.16750214

My dear you could have said Guerrilia and people wouldn't complain as much

>> No.16750222
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this desu

>> No.16750224

A Short History of Decay, Cioran

>> No.16750245

>excluding the Bible
fuck right off kafir

>> No.16750259

That can become an element, but that’s not it