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/lit/ - Literature

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16744362 No.16744362 [Reply] [Original]

Vocaloid throwback edition


>> No.16744414

I'm thinking about this song, it's pretty gud.

>> No.16744545

anime will never save you

>> No.16744599

Shitposting should be considered a skill. An art.

>> No.16744600

I read for an hour last night before bed, and woke up with a clear mind. I should do it more often.

>> No.16744614

Guess I dodged a bullet there.
>the virgin anime otaku
>the Chad vocaloid enthusiast

>> No.16744615

I love the look of the morning moon so faint in the bright blue sky as I go walking and the sun shines in the other half of my eye and the music blasts in my ear and I smile at all the people and they smile back even if through masks it’s intoxicating this world whenever I allow myself to look at it with pure eyes

>> No.16744625


>> No.16744727

Been thinking about the concept of "symbolic order" and how it relates to performative wokeism. There are deliberately obfuscated, over-technical, arcane symbolic systems and discourses which are designed to keep some people out and to prop up those within it. A clear example of this is the complex and formal language of a legal document. A lawyer can just say to a person who doesn't understand it, "don't worry, just sign here." All legal documents could be written in plain language so they are understood by people with only basic literacy. They are not because this gives the legal system special symbolic power.

Another, glaring example is the Catholic church in medieval times suppressing literacy and monopolizing it among the clergy.

Wokeism is the same. It is a set of codes and linguistic cues which, if one is able to transact in that discourse, is accorded a certain amount of credibility within the liberal elite. One who doesn't speak the lingo, or disagrees with it, is rejected. In fact, in a totalitarian turn, one who doesn't speak it is a pariah and a traitor, "silence is violence." If silence is violence I have the right to engage in violence to defend myself from you for doing nothing.

The corruptness of wokeism ought to be called out and militated against by all rational people. It is just a power structure and a system for judging others with a fake moral objectivity. You can see this with "racism creep" and "nazi creep" where everything that disagrees with wokeism is racist or nazism.

>> No.16744742

wish I was better at viewing and respecting the divine origins driving the people around me. in truth though the real reason I wish for it is I think it would help me relax, so it's a selfifsh thing, really.

>> No.16744827

god I wish it was a employable skill

>> No.16744852

Start a podcast/become twitter famous/get a media career.

>> No.16745018

I love this pandemic. I’ve been “working” from home for the duration and doing fuck all. Id have been fired months ago if I was in the office since I’ve been legitimately working for <1 hr a day.

When it ends I won’t be able to go back to a desk job. It’s sad and I feel bad for all of those that have lost loved ones. But I want this to continue as long as it can.

>> No.16745389
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Awful dream in which I was reading a /lit/ post about a free diver swimming at night with a school of small fish. I was seeing it happen, practically on the screen, as I read it. Milky blue water, diffuse light, diver swimming through fish. "He only needs to brush his hand against something", his hand touched something invisible, making visible scratches. I panicked and started reading faster as he was trying to surface only to hit something now barely visible. He could not find the surface or tell up from down, and kept bumping into a now visible giant sheet, fish frantically swimming around him. I couldn't breathe. "It's Mother Sheet, the mother of all Archons", it said, "it knows what to do with zooplankton". I was at the bottom of the page, slowly scrolled back up as if surfacing, lifted my nose above water around the address bar of the browser, the sky was pitch black.

>> No.16745445

Legal documents are extremely complex because they have to reduce ambiguity as much as possible. It's not a conspiracy. Also, the idea that the Catholic Church somehow conspired to reduce literacy is a protestant-Enlightenment trope. Jerome produced the vulgate in the 4th century, and the Catholic Church produced the English language Douay-Rheims bible decades before the KJV.

>> No.16745498

Opaqueness is a useful side-effect of legalese, even if its primary purpose is explicitness. When lobbyists want to shove a law through congress, they deliberately write massive documents in order to obscure their meaning. The republicans for instanced pushed their tax bill before anyone had time to read it. Congress literally doesn't read someone of the bills it passes because they are so obtuse and aren't given enough time. One bill was 2,232 pages.

>How fast can you read? Can you read 2,232 pages in only 18 hours? That would be 124 pages per hour for 18 hours without a break and with complete comprehension.
>Last week’s 2,232-page omnibus bill to fund the government was literally impossible to both fully read and comprehend in the limited time between release and vote.


Same goes for terms of service for various apps.

>> No.16746156

tired of this life

>> No.16746550

Wrote this shit up for a thread the got deleted as I was typing, but I feel that it is an applicable enough point to most posts that touch on politics or philosophy that appear on this board so Ill post it here lol:
>No matter what you do or who you read or what way of thinking you ultimately find yourself tending towards, whatever you do MAKE SURE you cut your political treatises and philosophy with some honest to goodness history books and good reporting on current events.
>Yes, many historians and reporters have a bias- but if you read enough of it and if you read the honest ones you will be able to separate the biases from actual fact and be able to objectively evaluate the writer's analysis.
>Too often I see posters on here, even ones I agree with, tend towards a-historicity in political arguments. If you want to talk about Marxism or Liberalism or whatever, your points will be infinitely more worthwhile and nuanced if you can ground your ideals and abstract understandings in actual events and historic processes.

Of course, this point mostly pertains to more poli-sci minded and theory minded stuff. I am not so sure it applies to literature as a whole, so Ill ask you all here- how important do you find historical context to be in a work of fiction? DO you think a truly great work of literature can transcend cultural differences, or can something be a masterpiece within one specific framework or context but not in another?

>> No.16746559

This life is the only life you’ll have. You need to adjust your perspective and learn to be happy

>> No.16746588
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worried I was rude to a classmate
worried I'm too much of a sperg to get a wife
wonder if I should care though, I don't think I ever had a significant drive to be anything but a sperg
content that my faith solidifies over time, a couple of big theological questions got their answers recently, God willing
really just lying in bed
killing an hour or so more before bed
watching some stream
not really thinking, except about being a 4 ever alone sperger
nothing I really want to do
hope to wake up rested tomorrow

>> No.16746619

here's an idea:
write your stories on toilet-paper, then wipe your ass with them and flush them. maybe this is a good remedy for ego.

>> No.16746637

Tailbone hurts and sitting is uncomfortable. Poor sitting posture? I’m unsure of the correctness of it when sitting in my office chair. The minor pains bother me and are effecting my work. An essay due November 11th and the strain prolongs my avoidance. I don’t even know the positioning of my own body. At first it’s all intuitive and non conscious, but now that I’m aware, my body is complex and I’m left in distress.

>> No.16746643

We shouldn't have to work in the winter. We can't produce food after all, why not rest and reflect while saving energy?

>> No.16746675

When I save enough money I want to buy a cabin in the woods with beans, rice, and enough books to get me through the winter. I'll get high every day and be content in my solitude.

>> No.16746789

Fun fact, there's a certain way to sit on your ass, that is anatomically correct. People tend to sit with their tailbone pointed inwards, and it puts your weight on it, leading to ass pain and lower back pain.

You're supposed to sort of push your tailbone back, sort of like you were presenting your ass to someone for intercourse.

>> No.16746793

I hate traveling, but I also hate where I live.

>> No.16746818
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I spent the entire last night talking to an anon from soc about various things and one of the things we talked about was finding happiness and having some sort of an artistic aspiration in life to create a feeling of purpose and identity. This is a thing that I've been struggling a lot with recently but this conversation sparked a feeling of hope. Today I have been feeling a growing sense of wanting to express myself. I'm not sure which is going the be the right medium for me, but the ones that interest me the most are the written word and video/filmmaking.

>> No.16746990

Have to fucking pay to get tested for covid.

Starting to realise America doesn't have an actual government. It's all neoliberals and vampiric jews

>> No.16747125

Does Londonfrog still post?

>> No.16747153
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Pic related is what I wrote not more than a few instances ago.

>> No.16747643

Says the tranny who spends all her time arguing with neckbeards about 1984 and the great gatsby. It does give perspective I suppose: we could be you. Just messing with you Boomerguy, have a good one

>> No.16747647

yeah, and pretty regularly. He's gotten more retarded though after going on /biz/ all the time

>> No.16747884 [DELETED] 

How do I tell what level of writing my ability is? How do I tell if my writing is good or not?

>> No.16748118

native French here
what does "qu'elle seule peu sever de mon être, ce membre entravé" is supposed to mean?
Good writing, a bit pompous, looks like something taken from Le tableau de Dorian Grey

>> No.16748122

Imagine how much worse your life would be if you had listened to your mother and highschool career counselors

>> No.16748132

still me, saw some mistakes, you should paste your text on Bonpatron to see what you must be corrected

>> No.16748157

I would've abandoned sciences for lit studies and would've been a language teacher. Sounds frustrating judging by the ever decreasing level of the students in my country but comfy.

>> No.16748193

Im the opposite anon. I loved my humanities studies in college, but job prospects are grim and I wish I had a career where I could apply my intellect to material problems. Grass is always greener I suppose.

>> No.16748250
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Under all of those boomer songs people comment things like "Ahh, I remember skipping school just so I could smoke reef and listen to this". I never smoked reef and listened this that. Now I wanna do that too but I am not in school anymore.

>> No.16748282

I have an incredibly fragile ego and no confidence. So much of what I do every day is based on not getting yelled at or reprimanded. I break down at the slightest pressure and have and have wept in front of my manager twice. I'm a major kiss ass and will do anything to make my superiors like me. I just want to be told I'm not a total screw up.

>> No.16748308
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Get yoked and grow some self respect buddy I hate seeing weak people get taken advantage of

>> No.16748312


I am a brainlet and I will never amount to anything and no matter how hard I try it will never ever matter and I am tired of trying... But I am still lmaoing at your life you are a pathetic loser who only exists to make slightly better losers like me feel better about their life that's how much of a loser you are

>> No.16748313

>I have an incredibly fragile ego and no confidence.
And who’s fault is that?

>> No.16748456

whoever has been making these threads lately is a miserable little garbage person

>> No.16748587
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I just learned about foxy boxing the other day. Did you know that in the 80s and 90s they would have women fight each other in bikinis or other sexy outfits?
People in the past were so weird haha

>> No.16748605

I've been in such high spirits the past few weeks, but it's all come down in a crash. I awoke two days ago horribly depressed, my dopamine seemingly used up. I'm trying to fight it though anons, I want to remain happy. I don't like being at the whim of my emotions.

Watching the locals and the school kids mill about in the plaza today, sitting in the sun, I felt some sense of the beauty of human life and that made me happy.

>> No.16748618

what do you mean?

>> No.16748671
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>Trump puts a loyalist in charge of Department of Defense, takes full control of the military
>Trump will soon put loyalists at the head of the FBI and the CIA, taking full control of them too

It's actually, legitimately happening.

He's not leaving even if he's declare the loser.

All the God-Emperor memes are about to become real. Trump thinks he was cheated and his response will be to just fucking seize power.

>> No.16748694

I had the most amazing earlier regarding a certain geometrical figure that completely makes clear and evident the meaning of philosophy, the nature of the soul and the nature of reality all at the same time. It also has physical implications that could explain certain unexplained phenomena. It is also intricately connected to the reason for why motion exists. I feel truly blessed by God today bros. I would share it with you, but what God has kept secret should be kept secret.

>> No.16748882

I have one audible credit, and my next credit is coming. Can't decide what to cop. Some kind of shitty biz-dev book, a random great courses, some oxford history of something.

>> No.16748926

>sort of like you were presenting your ass to someone for intercourse.

I won't do that because I'm not gay.

>> No.16748938

I broke a nail playing guitar ;-;
I have to wait until it grows back before I can play comfortably and with an even tone again.

>> No.16749067
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I thought about diverting more time to getting a wellpaying degree or something of that nature and bettering, because as edgy as that sounds, I want power, women and something to break.

>> No.16749220

Is there any point in doing anything, other than doing it?

>> No.16749231
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It irks me how haunted people are about things. Why are they pretending that anything is superior to themselves?

>> No.16749305

Halloa writers of /lit/
Please check out >>16741501 if you are interested in the newest lit collab: the annotated Moby-Dick

>> No.16749519
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mermaid could actually work nicely for lit charts...not sure how anons make them but this is me fucking around with the greeks chart

>> No.16749543

I don't know what to write, so i wrote this.

>> No.16749572

memes are inherently retarded

>> No.16749623
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tried a more meme-y chart for added difficulty

>> No.16749640

Thank you also native french but I never did French properly in school (long story), yeah it's a bit extravagant for what it is.

The formulation is dodgy, I want to write about how only the person can free my mind from the weight of my feelings and somehow also make an allusion to the boulet around a ankle.

I'll run this through Bonpatron!

>> No.16749715

Love the feeling of that last little leftover turd falling out of my ass just before I start wiping

>> No.16749742

I find myself being obsessed with (You)s. Often I went back to threads to see what become of my posts, no matter how mundane or off-hand their content may be. Most of the time there'd be no responses. If there is even one response I counted it as an attention grabbed. I keep coming back, sometimes instinctively whenever a post crosses the subconscious of my mind. I don't think it cared that the subsequent reply chain resulting from it had even more discussion. It's the dopamine-seeking brain taking control, keep coming back to collect its due of instant gratification, seeing the count of (You)s increasing from x to x+1

>> No.16749763

That's what we all do

>> No.16749789

>16749742 (You)
It’s just checking your mail.

>> No.16749839
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I really do not like the concept of union with god or ego death. I like individualized existence; I don't want to get absorbed into some all-compassing entity without any sense of what it is (or rather what it isn't), even if it would be a wholly positive experience and that being an individual is technically a limitation. Most religious/esoteric teachings treat union with God as the only endgame though. Why can't I, in an universe of infinite possibility, just have my comfy spot in heaven with all the things I like in the moment forever (or what feels like forever)? I guess I can't cope with the fact that my idea of my self is constantly changing and illusory. What I considered "me" a millisecond ago is dead, but it's ghost is still being dragged along time to possess new mes, perhaps mes wouldn't like, until it may forget the me it originally inhabited. But God forgets nothing; there would have to be a heavenly index of sort for every version of me in their own Planck unit thin slice of time. What would happen if you were to choose one and pop him out of this slice, if a thing was possible? Would he be like a static character in a novel that never grows or changes from how he is from the moment, with his likes and dislikes? I think if the most recent slice was popped out (me this very moment) and was catered to his every like and none of his dislikes, that would be ideal existence. I hate change.

>> No.16749866

Start a yt channel

>> No.16749910

Alright I’m going to tell you guys what’s has been bothering me for the last 2 weeks I gues, so I’m about to graduate from an engineering field and I told a friend if he could get me a job as an intern in the company he was working so I could get some experience and when I got there I quickly realized that it was shit, the pay was too little, there weren’t clean glasses to drink water we had to work 12 hours, the food was too little for the amount of work we were doing and the place I was staying was really hot, I wasn’t learning shit, and I decided to quit, so when I quit my friend hired a new guy for the same position and then the company hired that guy as an engineer but when I was there my friend never told me about a position because there weren’t new positions my friend told just to stay a month and quit but I quit sooner and then when I saw them there were giving shit for not staying like if I knew or something but hey fuck them im gonna get a better job than that shit

>> No.16749957
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Does NOBODY ELSE realize that Trump is basically carrying out a coup right now?

It's happening right in front of everybody's eyes, but people who are left-wing AND people who are right-wing don't notice it! It keeps being excused and ignored, even as it comes into focus.

Holy fuck, I'm actually right-wing, so I wouldn't mind Trump as America's absolute ruler. But how am I the only one who notices that this is happening? How the FUCK do people not realize that everything normal about this has been BTFO? We are literally witnessing Trump seizing power, in real time. I can't be the only one who is watching this, right?

>> No.16749975

ah yes, they famous golf war preparations

>> No.16750182
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Can't sleep so i'm gonna post some late night autism :)
I continue to be interested in how social forces and power determine language and how language reflexively determines society and power. This is something that the philosophy of language from an analytic perspective can't grasp. Wittgenstein realized this when he quit trying to isolate the meaning of propositions as some inner logical kernel (Tractatus) but rather sought to locate it in the interactions between language, behavior, and social participants (PI)

For instance, one thing I am interested in is how a person's status determines what meaning their statement is accorded. It is perfectly possible for a respected expert in a given field to utter the exact same statement as a layman on the topic relevant to their expertise but the expert's statement will be accorded more meaning than the layman's. What this clearly demonstrates is that the meaning of the statement is not contained in the statement at all. At best it is correlated with it. The meaning is bound up in the utterer and their position in society.

Wittgenstein's no private language argument implies the only intelligible language must be shared public language. We can't have a language that only we know the meaning of. This would mean, however, that language itself is distributed in its meaning, it is a collective "cloud" entity, that does not reside in any of us as a static entity but rather flows through us and emerges from us collectively, like the primal intelligence of a beehive.

What baffles me is the seeming infinitude of language, despite it being the most commonplace and normal part of human life--one of its absolute defining characteristics. It gets even more exponentially fucky when you consider the internet and how it has created an even more complicated hive of language. It has all these bizarre amplifying and decontextualizing and replicating effects. There's no way I could get to the bottom of it!

>> No.16750189

He's too dumb to. He might have aspirations to pull of a coup, but he hasn't sufficiently undermined America's institutions. He's done a decent enough job of it, but he simply isn't a good leader and he cannot think enough steps ahead. He lives entirely in the present, and reacts entirely based on gut feeling rather than magisterial calculations.

>> No.16750221

You are literally doing what everybody has done for the last four years: underestimate him.

He now has control of the Defense Department. This is on top of him having loyalists at the Justice Department and the State Department. He could have Trump loyalists in charge of the FBI and the CIA within the month.

And if he has all of those departments on his side, what else does he need? He'll have the military, he'll have the legal apparatus, he'll have the intelligence agencies.

Trump has thrived and grown mighty because everybody keeps telling themselves, "Oh, we shouldn't take him seriously."

It's time to start taking him seriously.

>> No.16750268

Understandable, yeah it's always greener. I've been told there was no possible career but being an academic if I went through it too. I didn't really enjoy my science studies until very recently and I'm not even sure there is a career out there for me, if it can help alleviate the pain.

>> No.16750294

In the modern world, there are 2 choices: accept your slavery or engage in criminal activity.

>> No.16750315

Is it the autumn depression, blues, whatever the fuck they call it? I was fine, but today I just want to go back to bed, at times I want to cry, but worst of all is that I can't motivate myself to read.
I wish it was raining and I wasn't at work, so I could just wrap myself in a warm coat and wander aimlessly through town.

>> No.16750330

stick your head into sunlight for ten minutes a day and eat your vegetables

>> No.16750336

I eat plenty of vegetables, but I indeed don't get enough sunlight, can't help it if it has been really cloudy all the time for the past week or so.

>> No.16750541

I think another perspective to take is that God becomes your first person point of view. So it's like remembering that you are God.
It's a new chapter of your life, starting over from the beginning.

>> No.16750625

anon the love is still in your heart. that means you can not be a total screw up. it means you deserve to be loved.

>> No.16750646

does anyone actually know how to create things without getting self-important about it? whenever I make something I think is good I keep returning to it just to stroke my ego. Is the only way to be a trü artiste that you hate what you do, and yet you continue to mangle it out of your body whether you want to or not? I wrote something in another thread and I liked it, and now I find myself going back and reading it again and stroking my inner boner. What is the good of this?

>> No.16750650

if that's what you want, you will have it. but it won't save you, and will bring you piece neither in this life nor the next.

>> No.16750656

yes, because there are morals. morals mean that what you do has meaning outside of the actual doing.

>> No.16750658

I think you knew all along

>> No.16750665

(You)s are to life as injecting thick polenta is to heroin. It will kill you just the same, it'll just be very slow, with no real drama to it, no swift down-turns and dramatic up-turns (like when you steal a tv-set for instance): just slowly you turn into a thick paste. And as you thicken, more and more you resign yourself.

>> No.16750696
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I think I go through cycles of romanticism and pessimism. First something or someone fires up my soul and gives me the illusory sense that life is actually worth it. Everything is then butterflies and flowers until inevitably reality hits me in the face. Then I'm back being my usual brooding self for months until someone deceives me again, only to fall back down harder than before.

>> No.16750740
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>>>>>> (You)
>>>>> (You)
>>>> (You)
>>> (You)
>> (You)
> (You)

>> No.16750889

Most conversations are so shallow and people's lives are so pointless. I myself on the other hand have traveled into the deep end of human intelligence. I have a surface level understanding of most branches of science and applied math. I can apprehend the math if I look at the teaching in front of me, but can't remember it all because that is too much information to immediately retain.
I've looked into philosophy and theological debate. I've sharpened my sense of reason to the utmost degree. I see the limitations of human rationality but definitely appreciate its function.

What is my highly developed intellect interested in? I will tell you... Christian Mysticism(Not Gnosticism and no Jewish Hogwash included.) It literally answers all of life's mysteries, and if you closely at the teaching of the gospel, you will realize it for what it is : A roadmap to the mystical life style.

The purpose of humanity? To become the next Christ.
"The Kingdom of heaven is within you."
"You must be born from above to enter the Kingdom."
"The Spirit of Truth, when it comes, it will reprove the world in regards to righteousness, sin and judgement"
"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God."
"Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is Perfect."

>> No.16750979

> low IQ that can't possibly comprehend maths since comprehension is retention
> I myself, on the other hand, have travelled into the deep end of human intelligence

guess it's baiting time

>> No.16750999

You try to pick up all the intricate math in the various subjects of science and come back to me.

>> No.16751139
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>> No.16751177 [DELETED] 

Joe Biden named Cindy McCain to his board of transition advisors. Haha.

>> No.16751232

Good point, however I think without love I can't care about the meaning outside of the doing, because that meaning can only be a 'meaning for others' as in other subjects, and I don't feel loved by anyone and I currently can't love anyone, so morals are out of my reach in the meantime.

>> No.16751242

As a manlet seeing a girl rest her head on a guy's shoulder makes me want to gouge my eyes out and never leave my house. Also shopping for clothes is painfully depressing.

>> No.16751286

You can always tell the interior of a Russian house because of almost every inch is decorated with these worn counterfeit tapestries in an effort to hide how poor the average Russian is, with some appliance from the fucking 80s like the stereo system there that really betrays the owners for trying to keep up appearances.

>> No.16751356

As a wizard seeing a girl makes me want to gouge my eyes out and never leave my house.

>> No.16751515

I’m going to seduce a teetotaler while drunk wish me luck lads

>> No.16751950
File: 311 KB, 1000x683, 1583099461993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how "taking pictures of everything" is being paraded around as some kind of moral failing; some kind of generational flaw.
"Look at these stupid fucking zoomers, taking pictures all the time!"
Humans love documenting their lives. It just used to be they had to paint shit on cave walls, and carve up stone tablets and what the fuck ever. Now we have phones. We want to remember and we want to show others. We document. We tell stories.

Everyone should know Robert Landsburg. He was onsite during the Mt. St. Helen eruption. He knew he'd never escape the eruption, so instead, he took as many pictures as he could. Then, he zipped his camera back up into his backpack, carefully set it on the ground and covered it with his body in the distant hope that if it was uncovered, the photos might be saved. He did not pray. He did not run. Instead, in his very last moments, he decided to document and share. He provided scientists with invaluable information no one else could have gotten, and he did this fully cognizant of the fact that he was about to die.

He should be canonized by the fucking church.

>> No.16751969

No one likes faggot tourists taking pictures of everything.

>> No.16751988

I'm not talking about faggot tourists. Faggot tourists are always dumbfucks completely divorced from the fact that they're always taking pictures.

>> No.16751989

so you're saying it's more "stagnation"

>> No.16751999

>that part about Robert Landsburg
No way.

>> No.16752015

that pic is one of the pictures from his camera

>> No.16752038

Looks like a bunch of smoke and upheaved rocks. Really don't know how much scientists can glean from this.

>> No.16752302
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I wanted to discuss the difference between children of Fantômas, but it's pointless do make a thread that will just drop off with maybe one or two replies, so might as well say my thing here.
It's a bit cliche, but still interesting how prince Vladimir, raised as aristocrat, turned out to be a spoiled moron, more evil than his father, but at the same time pretty useless, cause he never actually had to work towards saving himself beyond flaunting his title and money. On the other side there is Helene, raised as a boy by a black servant woman in South Africa, running free and doing stuff like riding, shooting, evading wild animals... you know, boy stuff. Came out honest, friendly and hardworking, not that great at saving herself, but Fandor wouldn't have much to do if she were.
They are essentially polar opposites.

>> No.16752336

There's an entire series. A geologist would be able to glean a lot more from it. It's also an important historical artifact about america's most famous volcanic event.

>> No.16752341


>> No.16752640

I'm so tired.
One hug would be enough.

>> No.16752681

I need to stop drinking. It makes me feel like shit in the morning, makes me read less and without a clear mind, and it doesn't even make me feel good anymore while I'm drinking. It's just a useless and harmful thing I do out of habit at this point.

>> No.16752873

*hugs you*

>> No.16752979

It's related to the routinization of charisma, the idea that systems initially designed to further purposes become self-justifying after those purposes are no longer organically represented by concrete individuals pushing to get shit done. Catholicism in Germany was oppressed so it created a massive party apparatus and gathered together all the oppressed Catholics into a society within a society, which gave it power. It used that power to get concessions from the system, and then it just became a system within a system, part of the overall system. Then the socialists did the same, and sold out the revolutionary core that was the purpose of system-building in the first place.

Bureaucracies are always dangerous but we live in the age of bureaucracy, where everything is a bureaucracy made up of smaller bureaucracies. Rent-seekers thrive in this environment. The simplest way to stop it is to delegitimize it all and start from scratch. Clear out the political machine and allow for new blood with new ideas. The people should revoke its faith in any vetting institution, like universities and other forms of accreditation.

This is the worst it's ever been. We have millions of lawyers who, by the standards of actual lawyers a few generations ago, are not lawyers at all, but generic clerks who know how to pull their very specific ropes and levers in their specific area (but don't know where any of the ropes or levers go or what they do, just that they are the ones to be pulled). Millions of interns with total faith in The Machine but no idea what it is or why it works, or even why their subsection of a subsection of it works. It's like this in every bureaucracy. Very dangerous stuff. Either it leads to a complete overthrow and re-do, which is dangerous already, or it becomes permanent.

Look at modern unions. They have nothing to do with union activity anymore. It's just another lobby. Systems make good with THE system.

>> No.16753427
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>> No.16753435

I give into my nihilism much more easily during the winter. I see the world as a cannibalistic machine eating itself, and those who survive are those that are cruelest and without inflection.

>> No.16753479

Not sure what I'd do with it

>> No.16753485

Reading together is legit comfy. I've stumbled upon footage from a manifestation in honor of a dead writer. They've read a few pages from one of his books to the audience inside a small dimly lit room. Sharing the sensation of reading looks like a lot of fun.

>> No.16753662
File: 91 KB, 1200x594, 554786186bb3f78f7d33ba2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is my therapist laughing all the time during my session? Im not even making any jokes.

>> No.16753676
File: 14 KB, 333x293, 1384412247423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm getting paid for this

>> No.16753823

Doing an essay on Joyce’s Dubliners, if I’m quoting the book, do I need to use Harvard referencing each time? e.g (Joyce, 2000, p.34)

>> No.16753842
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>tfw too pussy to kill yourself

>> No.16753880


>> No.16754109
File: 40 KB, 600x714, 1589192959464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading PUA books is making me depressed. It's like staring at the mirror and hating your reflexion. It so demoralizing to understand all the traits of an alpha male and realizing you were never one - and probably will never be. I was already consicouss of my problems regarding women, but having them rubbed in your face is a different feeeling.

>> No.16754144

i'm so tired. i want to die. fuck i hate working hard but i'm going to have to for the next several years at least. fuck i'm tired. so much work to do.

>> No.16754162

it has been a couple of days dominated by shitposting
I have extensively engaged the buddhists and the daoists of /lit/. I am in an abrahamic tradition, but one of the major reasons I ended up in one is because I had a kind of breakthrough after reading bhagawad gita, and I believe I had some form of enlightenment-experience. my conclusion from this was that there is one God, who rules unimpeded.
This means that a big part of what it means for me to be an abrahamic practitioner came from a practice inspired by an eastern tradition. Sometimes this puts me in between two things. The metaphysics can sometimes be different. I believe they are essentially the same, but what to do with them is the question. I think my tradition is the strongest in terms of leading to good deeds in the name of God, and that this is the purpose of human existence. I get the impression the goal of buddhism and daoism is non-human existence: the reality of this world as nothing more than a hurdle. It is for us too, but it deserves loving care rather than beind discarded as a meaningless illusion. The difference is in reality subtle, we use the language of the illusion too, but you see what I'm getting at? There's a difference in how we teach that the human part of existence should be practiced. I think the easterners think they are superior, essentially because they think they are above their humanity. We rather find ourself to be the people "of the middle", ie between our human and spiritual existences. Both have their place, and since God is God over heaven and earth it is only reasonable that what happens on earth also deserves respect. I know easterners think that their deep findings are beyond heaven, but this only lacks in imagination. Possible exception for the daoists, which is why I like them.

so a human being finds his place between heaven and earth. some find heaven and discard earth. I think this is not right. That doesn't mean, however, that seeking heaven is wrong. I have accidentally become syncretic. I don't want to be, but this is how things happened. I broke through by the east and found life in the west.

>> No.16754253

Would you mind writing about your enlightenment experience? I am interested in different stories of them.

Have you read Thomas Merton? Or Ignatius of Loyola?

I share your theological hunch that the manifest, created world can't be a meaningless obstacle or hurdle to be overcome. None of it makes sense, why would God need to create a material or material-seeming container for souls if that container didn't have some value too? Surely the one thing we can know for sure, if we assume providence, is that everything has a meaning?

You might find Eastern Orthodoxy interesting, it is mystically rich and more in touch with neoplatonism which is similar to the oriental mystics, but Orthodoxy maintains its Christian aspect.

It's funny how different critiques by Christians kind of line up. Some critique the pagans for being "this worldly," others critique the orientals for being "other worldly." The most interesting dimension of Christianity for me is that Christ is not just God, but Logos, mediating between the two realms. If this realm was worthy of God's appearance and even suffering in it, how can we assume it's meaningless?

>> No.16754256


>> No.16754295

this is a DAMN GOOD orange

>> No.16754335

Isn't it selfish to become Christian?
If you understand that is the only path to salvation and eternal life at first place how can you become an honest follower of Christ?

>> No.16754360

It's a honeypot, all Christians are going to hell

>> No.16754457

>Would you mind writing about your enlightenment experience?
the approach was that I had a feeling that what gives a person a coordinate in time is that they are perceiving information that is transmitted iver time. Like for instance, I had had a thought for a long time that rocks don't have a position in time, since they have no perception, so that they existed throughout all of time "at once", if you will. I had also realized that there is a difference between what is being perceived and that which perceives it. Like, simply put, I take in light by the eyes and this is compiled into an image. Fine, but who is watching the picture? So the inner observer (I'm sure there was more than this but it's been a while) had to be separate from the observation. I believe this inner observer is what a buddhist would call "unconditioned". The heart in sufi metaphysics. I thought a lot about observations and reactions. It was a long buildup, but basically I read from the gita and meditated with the idea that if I could de-couple the attention-mechanism from the experiences, there would be nothing left for it to attach itself to, which should make something strange happen time-wise, since it is the attention pointed at the experiences that gives the fixed coordinate in time.

I believe this happened. You find that which is the potential of all being when you exist unconditioned. And I was right: it has no place in time. I remember I phrased it that "its existence is equally valid in all time-coordinates", and since time permeates space this means that it is... well I believe it is the condition for every form of perception, and that it is not containable in any intuitive sense. I believe I had a vision of the world that is from outside of it. I do not necessarily believe that this means I reached "the tree" in islamic mysticism. I was outside the world of being, but I thought that there were more ways of existing. These would then by definition be heavenly, and the world of being would be "dunya" in islamic terminology. This did not make sense to me, but the point was that it couldn't, so that wasn't a problem. In hindsight I wonder if I wasn't shown heaven and earth, but at the time I thought it seemed very unlikely that I had been given so much of both. in Islam the duality of man is in a body of clay that is in dunya, and a soul of light that is in heaven. I believed I de-coupled myself from the clay and perceived instead through the light. Some muslims think the soul and the heart are the same, but for this reason I do not. I believe the heart is filled by either of the two, clay or light, and so it should have some form of existence of its own.

>> No.16754462


What I saw in the vision was that there is nothing in dunya that can give it meaning. I saw the whole of it, all of space and time and what they contained through their whole run of existing. The movement of this should, it seemed to me, always net zero, since any movement of one thing created an increase in one place and a deficit where it had gone from. Roughly. When I looked back on it I wasn't always sure the argument held, but I still believed that dunya should have a net movement of 0 over a whole cycle, and it did not. I found that it was completely dominated by one movement, and that movement ran like a river of light across it. This river of light, this movement, was Love. So Love was the Law of dunya. And I saw those who did not love, who chose other directions, and they existed in a kind of spawning darkness. So I was sure that some One gave to existence its meaning, and that this some One was Loving, and was absolutely indecribable. The Gita describes Vishnu. Had it not done this, it is possible I would have been a hare krishna, but as is it can not present a real theology, Or the theology it presents is incomplete. I was reading the Qur'an simultaneously, and so my conclusion was to devote myself to it, since it had rung true for me already, and since the vision confirmed for me what I already believed.

>> No.16754470

Chads and Stacies get to be shallow assholes. Yet if I do it I get mocked and ridiculed. Society.

>> No.16754486

>So I was sure that some One gave to existence its meaning, and that this some One was Loving, and was absolutely indecribable
in order for it to have this absolute complete mastery it could not be of the world, but had to be the absolutely unhindered King of it, which is the meaning of the words "Allahu Akhbar"

>> No.16754598

>I was reading the Qur'an simultaneously, and so my conclusion was to devote myself to it, since it had rung true for me already, and since the vision confirmed for me what I already believed.
it says in the Qur'an that God has placed some of the greatest signs "within". So this is what I think it was: a sign. Certainly not a meeting with God, but a sign that pointed to Him.

>> No.16754635

aaaaaaaaaaaa I can't do colleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeege I had a fantasy today of being a street cleaner and it seemed so perfect broooooooooooooooooooos

>> No.16754640
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Went on a date Sunday. It went extremely well, yet I fear it won't turn into anything serious (I'd like it to) despite nothing telling me she didn't have a great time too. The fuck is wrong with me, bros?

>> No.16754653

It's over.

>> No.16754657

intermittently employed street cleaner you will look back on this day 30 years from now and think "whyyy whyyyyyy didn't i just tough it out and get the stupid degree and use every minute of those 4 years to build a decent resume skillset" and then parallel universe gainfully employed long term career nice pension you will step in from the alternate timeline and said "it's okay, i toughed it out so hard in college in my own timeline that i made enough money to save the both of us" and street cleaner you will say "but did we surrender our authenticity in the process?" and gainfully employed good universe you will reply "no, we still chose to become a street cleaner, things were just easier and i had an easier time building from success to success by using that initial opportunity, and i even used my college skills to help the other street cleaners unionize and now we're all happier together with collective bargaining" and everyone lives happily ever after

>> No.16754674

this is making me wish I had voted biden... what else haven't I experienced?

>> No.16754894

Witnessing the double standards is blackpilling. Its even worse when people deny it. Thank God the Internet exists.

>> No.16754935

the creative-transgressive spirit of 4chan has fled. in its wake is a contrarian, destructive, reactionary corpse. the new cutting edge of online culture and creativity is unironically on twitter

>> No.16754938

>friend attains a bit of genuine happiness for the first time in half a decade
>want to tear it all down
Why am I like this?

>> No.16754944
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love and factories

>> No.16754947

first date? it's healthier to not expect anything.

>> No.16754949

Online culture was always vile and worthless. It needs to die faster.

>> No.16754958

this literally made me feel sick

>> No.16754963

Join me brother, it was the best life decision I ever made. Alcohol was making the quality of my life so much worse, leaving mw groggy and irritable the next day even if I'd only had a small amount. Now I'm addicted to how fresh I feel without that shit in my system. I still drink on weekends with friends as I am not brave enough to yet cut that out - plus I still enjoy actually being drunk. But getting rid of booze on weekdays was a real game changer for me - made the switch last year and I'm still feeling the benefits.

>> No.16754978


>> No.16754998

I just listened to this 3 (three) times.

>> No.16755035
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It's interesting to me that cultures around the world generally assume that children and adults inhabit different lifeworlds. Children effectively live in a mental land that is far afield from adults, and in this land there are unfamiliar laws and rules. Children are not merely ignorant of the adult world, they have their own world, their own system, with its own childlike logic.

There are obvious practical considerations to these facts. Children, like the elderly, comprise a distinct class of people from the normal average of adulthood, who for whom practical exceptions and specialized treatment must be administered. Yet there are other social realities, which fade in and out during different phases in life, that apply to the boundaries between the child's and the adult's world. The loss of innocence, and the need to protect it in children, is related to this understanding. Or, how adults playfully manipulate children's epistemic shortcomings by getting them to believe in Santa or fairytales.

In adolescence, one reaches the precipice between childhood and adulthood, and it is precisely this transition which is often so shocking, intense, and exhilarating. Adulthood brings new stresses, but new pleasures and adventures. Sex and more enticingly, the discovery of sex, beckons. Existing in a transitory, bivalent state between adulthood and childhood, the adolescent breaches the gap between worlds. The essence of adolescence is this ambiguity.

>> No.16755042

This is like me except substitute being a a couch potato for the past 6 moths versus working out again.

>> No.16755054

If you've watched it, do you remember in La Dolce Vita when the girl starts rambling, stops mid stentence and says to the guy "ah don't mind what I said, I'm drunk." Drinking is like a safety net one can fall back to, just in case. It's the reason I despise drinking and adore the solitery drinkers and the world-weary kind of types.

Social drinking is a complete joke. People drink to feel good or to ease up a bit and they still can get easily outperformed by someone who's sober. It's not even a huge factor.

>> No.16755098

>People drink to feel good or to ease up a bit and they still can get easily outperformed by someone who's sober

You're right of course. The reason I drink is to forget where I am for a while. I only really enjoy binge drinking if I'm being honest, only a little alcohol in my system just makes feel restless or tired. It's that complete loss of control of oneself that accompanies blind drunkeness that is thrilling to me. But it's of course not healthy at all.

>> No.16755112

Just think of al the poor peasants and slaves throughout history who never had someone to empathize with

>> No.16755128
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it didnt feel like it as I was doing it but I really wasted this day :/

>> No.16755133

Every day is technically wasted on nothing so.... Its a frame of mind (^:

>> No.16755167

last two digits on the post numberino are the percentage prediction of a coup-attempt coming up in the US. 00 = 100

>> No.16755174

seems about right

>> No.16755215
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It's insanely catchy isn't it

>> No.16755285
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I believe I have become too much of a weirdo to ever have a meaningful relationship with a woman. I can't imagine how one would fit into what I do all day, and I can¨t imagine one would want to. What do people do? Go for beers? have hobbies? I shitpost and think about esoteric crap. Most of what I do is think about dumb shit and work. I can't imagine what adding another person to that would do. Maybe she has valuable insights, you say. But does she speak the language I've developed on my own for 10 years? Is she familiar with all the great debates that have gone down? No. No one is. I have become a weirdo, a real one. That's ok I guess.

>> No.16755301

I think a lot of people aren't meant to be half of a couple.

>> No.16755332

we had hooked up in uni, talked during quarantine, but stopped bc she was originally working in one city, but ended up taking position in mine, reached out, reconnected and met up again for first time since. so, yes, first date and im not expecting anything, but there is a bit more to it to be fair.

>> No.16755358

I don't mind being in a relationship now, but I do mind being labeled as "boyfriend" and having to live up to everything such an abstraction brings with it. Whatever society, she, her father, her mother, her grandmaa and the letters of her great great grandmaa thought up what a "boyfriend" is supposed to be and how he's supposed to beeehave, I will have to decode it and play along to make the whole thing work out. I've seen friends do it, like turn a 180 because a girl likes certain things, but come on I'm 28 and I did that only once in my life at 16-17 because of a girl, she got me into reading and opened the door wide open for aesthetics in my life, but the girl is gone, I cherish the memory but trying to repeat that feels forced and it makes me feel like a bastad.

Whatever I have in my arsenal to help myself cope with all this, it's the equivalent of walking on thin ice.

>> No.16755784 [DELETED] 

Biden is already attempting a coup, but it's going to fail.

>> No.16755910

i started wondering earlier what i could've done had i grown up w some sort of way to socialize with people better. if i could've invented something or written something impactful. i don't know if i'll ever have decent social skills in my life despite being intelligent and having had some sex. every relationship i've had w a woman has been a cringe fest except for maybe 1. there's an odd connection i'm making to validate my "diamond in the rough"ness which involves a synchronicity at best and chuuni-tier delusion at worst. this game just has so many similar elements mapping on to what i experienced earlier... idk what to make of it. maybe others are similar or maybe my taste is good. feels like a damn religion.

anyway i can see myself enlisting as the most realistic outcome to next year. hoping air force but if the army will take me if the first doesn't that's cool too. i just need to get out and expose myself to more. i might go in with the motivation of killing people but that will probably fade after basic training blends up my psyche since the killing impulse is reactionary anyway. jung was military and i love that guy, granted he spent most his time sitting in occupied forts going insane.

>> No.16756222

Every girl I get with ends up being a swim teacher or lifeguard, coincidence?

>> No.16756224

My brain is rotting meat I am rotting meat fuck FUCK

>> No.16756235

Do you live at the swimming pool?

>> No.16756271

lmao there is a gigantic nsfw ad for the bottom banner on a blue board, ha this site is fucked. hopefully biden's internet task force just blocks it in america.

>> No.16756460

My mother told me she's probably becoming an atheist. I know exactly why this isーshe lives in the rural South (US) and constantly finds herself shocked at the kinds of things the old women of Mississippi regularly get up to. From the sound of it you'd think they're taking rebel flags through the streets, but in reality it's more like the following: One of her younger coworkers let it slip she's living with her boyfriend (and paying on his lease), and an older woman censured her at living with a man before marriage. Old fashioned? Yes. Stupid? Not so sure. You see, of course by law it's perfectly fine for a young woman to cohabitate with a man before marriage. And no one wants someone to butt in with a personal value they have in any scenario - especially when it's a value the recipient has no reason to take seriously. But this reveals an important change in the country. America was always secular, but tacitly Christian - Church values were the community values, and if you wanted to integrate, you followed the values of the town. However, with the advent of Television, town values disintegrated into national values. For a while, TV values were also implicitly Christian. This slowly collapsed too as each social taboo gave way to the incredibly powerful capitalism-backed current of pleasure. The cultural commentator must note that the biggest sin in modern American culture is to push your beliefs on to other people. It's a system of ethics built on the Golden Rule: Do whatever you want behind closed doors as long as you don't drag me into it. Virtues and morals are treated as completely arbitrary, except when it's a "I knows it when I sees it" type deal. The result is a serious degradation of the people. When you can't hold your neighbors to any common standard, what kind of community do you even have? The answer is, you don't have one.

While searching for info on this, I also found the following wikipedia article. Give it a lookover, it looks fun
I'm thinking of writing more about this, perhaps as I continue thinking about it I will

>> No.16756618

I cured my anxiety and low self esteem by reminding myself constantly that everyone around me are either faggots, nigger, or chinks.

>> No.16756679

I can't stand children and adolescents. God should just skip those years. Also skip the years after sixty and older, except it's your parents.

>> No.16757100
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It is now as it was then, an evil that permeated every position of power in society. Silently influencing the public and shifting blame of every ill they caused onto their enemies. Completely subversive and predatory but does it have a reason? Does this destruction have the justification it needs for it action? In it's eyes it does. In it's eyes everything goes into creating it's goal, a semblance of Hell on earth. It will not stop when you stay neutral to it. It will not stop when you concede or capitulate into their demands. It will not stop when you flee to one corner of the world to hide away. This evil is an all encompassing consumption of everything decent, everything human. What it means to be human is an affront to this evil because to be human is to create, to be human is to have a soul. To be human is to believe in more then just yourself and that indominable faith is what defines us.

It's more then just politics or media. It's more then could be said in a simple post. It's the salvation of you and your family's souls. It's the salvation of that remarkable spirit of humanity breathed into us by God Above. We can fight this unrelenting evil with the ability to create our own families, to create our own strength, to create our own beliefs in the eternal struggle of life. It is an eternal struggle and by embracing it and learning to find strength in it, you will learn to thrive in the face of adversity, in the face of this evil and learn what it means to be truly human.

>> No.16757295
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4chan and twitter have been the only social media ive used in the past few years and I'm still left with a sense that i can't *be myself* . the reason I stopped using fb and ig is because i felt like i couldn't be honest or sincere on the platform. i left twitter in the last few months because it made me realize something more important. even though i could more safely and honestly express myself they were still largely aimless and desperate expressions. just like this dumb post. they just get swallowed up in the din and it's impossible to think because just as you make on of your posts you're bombarded with everything else all at once. we're all contributing to this cacophony and inhibiting each others thinking. as Deresiewicz said you're "marinating yourself in the conventional wisdom" by participating in these social media.

you can just sit there scrolling and reading other people's posts, but the way you read them is so transient that, it's almost as if they're your own thoughts. marinating is a good metaphor for it and i believe it has a serious effect on your psyche whether you acknowledge it or not. i'd say it even approaches schizophrenia.

i woke up having a panic attack one night, and i tried to relax by reading 4chan, but everywhere i looked it was nothing but venom and it just affected me so strongly. being in such a sensitive state at the time, i could feel my heart reacting to these thoughts of yours and mine -- ironic or not. it made me realize that 1) it is of the utmost importance to spend time alone, not reading or listening or doing anything really. so ive been walking more and more lately. 2) you have to be careful what you say on here because you are having an effect on other people, however small.

>> No.16757910
File: 353 KB, 1280x1953, 1602517659865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Je chie ça race

>> No.16758330

I'm pretty sure my life is actually easy mode because I'm a girl. I don't deserve to be doing well in anything or praised for being so painfully mediocre. If I was male everyone would see how pathetic I was.

>> No.16758431

Your value is intrinsic so you might as well optimise it while you’re young, a mediocre man has nothing. If I was a hot girl I’d be cashing out on sweet diversity hire checks right now

>> No.16758481

Shit, I just remembered it's any day now that my brother will try to find out through our mother what to get me for birthday. I got my parents to buy me a new chair, so that side is taken care of, but each year I have more and more trouble deciding on what he can give me (and no, "nothing" is not an option, I tried). It sure doesn't help that we now have nothing in common except genetics, that I have everything I need since I just buy it with my own money and it can't be over a certain price cause it would be rude to exploit him and my mother would go ballistic if I even attempted.

>> No.16758505

Just tell him you don't want anything? Jeez.

>> No.16758509

I'm a white girl, only slightly better than being a white male in terms of diversity hiring. I also hate working.

>> No.16758525

I see you haven't read my post entirely, or you would notice I already tried that and it didn't work.

>> No.16758609

Feels weird to read a woman being so painfully self aware. But why feel guilty about it? You were dealt good cards, unlike most of us. Take advantage of your situation.

>> No.16758642

I'm so hung up on the idea that everything I do has to be amazing, that I can't even enjoy just being good and I'm hella fucking mad about it.

I firmly believe that the social obsession with uniqueness, with originality, with being special is detrimental and is self-destructive. I believe that first and foremost the goal should be satisfy your own needs, and to act for yourself. SO WHY CAN'T I FUCKING ACT LIKE IT!? I HATE THIS SO FUCKING MUCH.

>> No.16758644
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A couple of answer to a deleted thread:


The abolish-abide dichotomy of "fulfill" is silly and both ideas are, moreover, anti-Christian in the sense of (re)absorbing Jesus in the very thing he is supposed to change, so is a third position of coinciding them. Rather, consider "fulfillment" as not so much 1, or 2, or a converging 3, but the fundamental 0 whence they all diverge: the Law neither resolving by Jesus maximizing abolishment at the expense of abiding or vice-versa, nor by finding a perfect balance between them, but by destroying the seesaw itself. It is "fulfilled" by having the FORM of Law exposed, which transforms, and I maintain destroys, its CONTENT in ways otherwise impossible. "Atheists" are incidentally right, and very Christian, in finding Atonement absurd. It is the "Christians", or Catholics, who are anti-Christian when attempting to reconcile it with Jesus Christ as if trying to put two halves of a broken object together. That they can no longer constitute a whole is precisely the point. The clothes have no emperor.


>The Lord of the Universe is not called 'Father', but 'Forefather', the beginning of those that will appear, but he (the Lord) is the beginningless Forefather. Seeing himself within himself in a mirror, he appeared resembling himself, but his likeness appeared as Divine Self-Father, and <as> Confronter over the Confronted ones, First Existent Unbegotten Father. He is indeed of equal age <with> the Light that is before him, but he is not equal to him in power.


>The Lord of the Universe is not rightly called 'Father' but 'Forefather'. For the Father is the beginning (or principle) of what is visible. For he (the Lord) is the beginningless Forefather. He sees himself within himself, like a mirror, having appeared in his likeness as Self-Father, that is, Self-Begetter, and as Confronter, since he confronted Unbegotten First Existent. He is indeed of equal age with the one who is before him, but he is not equal to him in power.

>> No.16759002

It does feel very strange. I have never read such a post like hers here ever before and I've been on 4chan for over a decade. This girl will either become a total slut after she realizes that her self-guilt is useless or a nun. Honestly, I don't know which of the two would be btter.

>> No.16759334

you should go get some oranges. oranges are simultaneously good and amazing. they are the bridge.
>inb4 I didn't make the oranges
someone made your experience of them

>> No.16759782

I am immensely jealous of full-time internet content creators. I wish I could make a living researching, writing and podcasting about niche topics.

>> No.16759843

Take advantage of it to find a nice man, most girls assume it's because they're "nice" or "smart" but it's because they're young and beautiful. Make no mistake your beauty will wane and with it your advantages.

>> No.16760177
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it's fucking over man I can't work any more now. I got irons in the fire I need to watch. it's a shame in a way, I fall behind on everything but there's not much to do. I might be losing my mind desu, but I've felt that way for over a month now and I keep not losing it. It is not in order to rest that I pause my work. it's just that there are so many ghosts flying around that it is hopeless to try. I'm hungry too.

>> No.16760267

I already did.

It's probably just that most women in my position (female losers) took the radfem pill and don't post in places like this. I don't feel guilty exactly just don't want to develop delusions of grandeur about myself or my potential. I find being female depressing in some aspects but I'm not ashamed of passively benefiting off the advantages of it for the sake of making it in life. I'm devoted to one person so I don't think I'll become either.

>> No.16760275

Meant to quote too >>16759002

>> No.16760408

It def is valuable, but couldn't Landsburg get the fuck outta there and share it himself? Even if a person can't outrun pyroclastic flow, he should've known better than standing in a volcano that can explode any minute

>> No.16760447

Are the ghosts hot at least?

>> No.16760459
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I live in the mountains and its the first time it's rained in a while. Time to get C O M F Y, lads.

>> No.16760461

Did the leftypol trannies invade this board too ?
Haven't been here in a while.
Well, it was always more feminized and cucked than other boards here anyway.

>> No.16760495

Get him to buy some beers

>> No.16760543
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>he should've known better than standing in a volcano that can explode any minute
now, I'm not a geologist, but I'm pretty sure you can't predict when a volcano is going to blow. Mostly it's "uh-oh, this mountain is doing something" and then guessing. If I remember right, there was "behavior" at the time. I think that's why Landsburg was there in the first place. Beyond that, Helen's eruption was pretty fucked up, as far as volcanos go. When it blew, it didn't go upwards, it just blew the whole mountain apart on one side.

>> No.16760556

I'm so fucking jelly anon

>> No.16760704

I... I don't understand

>> No.16760762
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What are some good cheap reading accessories you can get on aliexpress?

>> No.16760994
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I see what you mean. Once upon a time this sort of activity was envisioned as part of a new economy. (Who Owns the Future? by Jaron Lanier gets into it in detail.) The vision was that we'd develop the formulas of the internet money machine that a large number of people would be able to make a decent living just sharing their passions or being themselves online, and the traffic this would generate would provide a basic income. This would make up for the deficit in jobs lost to globalization and automation, because you can't offshore a job that requires your creativity and you can't automate creativity almost by definition . People would post content and then benefit from a fat tailed distribution where their content racks up views in a manner reminiscent of a scattershot Poisson distribution.

You don't even need to be creative. Most internet activity like google searches or posting on a major network generates a small amount of income. The major tech companies typically capture all of it, but Lanier advocates for a system where a fraction of it would go to the user who generates the value. Over time this would end up being a reasonable amount of money for someone.

The problem with this "content creator" economy is that it is subject to power laws, also known as Pareto distributions. There the vast majority of content creators do not generate a significant viewerbase, while only a rare subset, like Pewdiepie or Bella Thorne or whatever, capture massive sections of the viewerbase. Quality of content does not necessarily predict viewership, there are what economists call network effects (winner keeps on winning basically) that take place. Well received content is promoted by the algorithms of the platforms, increasing their discoverability by users, while less lucky content is not promoted. It becomes a cycle that disadvantages most creators

>> No.16761021

A lot of what you read online isn't a person's real thoughts at all, but their thoughts through a filter, or even something they don't believe at all. On /v/ for instance it always feels like people are being way too forceful about their opinions because if they weren't, no one would ever reply to them since everyone else is doing it too and it's like this ADHD thing where if your opinion isn't making enough noise then it won't even be seen.

>> No.16761059

All thoughts are given through a filter though, language is ultimately always a filter. You can still try to glean the truth that exists at the core of even the most out-there shitposting.

>> No.16761521


>> No.16761684

so tired

>> No.16761722 [DELETED] 

The first step is to stop making content for 4channel for free. You must have written tens of thousands of worlds of posts on here, not to mention if you made any images for free.

>> No.16762337

I don't remember what I meant. but oranges are solid though

>> No.16762404

chief o'brian did have a hard life

>> No.16762841

I'm so glad to have the anon-made ads back. They're a lot funnier and feel better for the "community" than the spam ones. I may even put some money in take out an ad or two.

>> No.16763055

Learning another language is impossible for me. I’m such a brainlet, I just sperged out and threw the textbooks across the room. Fuck Japanese.

>> No.16763105

It is. You just don’t have the connections. I once saw a job listing for an online research center that needed people who could “decipher and replicate” syntax and grammar in online spaces. It was around 16, and I’m fairly certain it was a job position for a shill.
We can spot those who are not from here

>> No.16763168

I hate having to poop, its so humiliating

>> No.16763447

You're just an ADHD retard who isn't able to spend more than 5 seconds focusing on anything that isn't easy. Anyone can learn a language. Even fucking babies can learn a language. You just didn't want to. It's not your intellectual capacity it's just your shitty character. Own up to it.

>> No.16763520

I think immigrating to another country will become my new purpose in life.

>> No.16763571

And what would you get out of it? Whatever trouble or suffering you're having now won't exist out there?

>> No.16763602

It's not to escape suffering, but for a better quality of life overall. I've never liked where I live but I believe it's going to get even worse in my lifetime, and I wouldn't want to raise children here. It's not one of those desires I just came up with on a whim, but something that's been stewing in my mind since my teenage years and never left.

>> No.16763606

The whole world is becoming 3rd world tier

>> No.16763695
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brothers, i need your assistance
this pandemic has shown how weak i actually am
ive lapsed so hard on so many things
>started taking adderall again
>lost motivation
>stopped working out
>stopped reading
>losing my ability to write
>losing my sperg math skills
>spend hours tossing and turning every night thinking about all the bad things that i had previously let go
>tried to make myself comfy over the summer but all i did was lapse on the sperg comfort items i had sworn off
>started watching ponies again
>started enjoying ponies again
>lapsed on my degenerate fetishes
>uni grades falling
>stopped talking to friends
>afraid of talking to people
>afraid of going out
>tried to purge and fix myself
>fail every time
>self aware enough to realize that im a whining faggot who needs to man up and get over it
>hate myself even more
its almost like ive lost the redpill that got me into self improving in the first place
i had a small taste of comfort/ relaxation and now ive become complacent
i don't know what to do

>> No.16763703

trauma release exercises, TRE; might help

>> No.16763711


>> No.16763748

no but kind of, some guy in /pol/ has been spamming it but a lot of people have claimed it helps; it seems like all of those exercises where you hold a position until you start shaking, the claim is that this helps to release, stuff. I haven't tried it I was just throwing it out there, google's got more for sure. Sometime just doing *something* helps, anything, just to break the rut

>> No.16763782

I hate transgendered people as I'm religious but every now and then I fantasize about being a beautiful woman.

>> No.16763993

>Even fucking babies can learn a language

Show me a single baby that knows how to talk

>> No.16764160

Should i really just stop giving a crap about organizing my output and start publishing whatever type of content comes to mind ? I've hit rock bottom lately, completely losing myself, and been retracting away from the belief that self quality control was a primordial aspect of being a content creator. Fear of failure has gotten me nowhere. Instead of being meticulous, or even appearing to be meticulous, all i've done is waste more and more days in vain. Might as well just embrace lunacy and see where it goes. I don't know.
Thoughts on this sort of recklessness ?

>> No.16764170

Xxxxxx., 1am q

>> No.16764181

Why do we know what's good for us and then do the opposite?

>> No.16764352
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I'm cultivating not giving a fuck. If normies are going to autopilot their way through things and be rude and selfish, then I am going to turn on my autismpilot and give them my own genuine reaction right back.

I dislike normies.

>> No.16764358

zyzz was a normie

>> No.16764363


>> No.16764368

Remain blind if you wish

>> No.16765612
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Why do I deny myself my calling? I don't understand bros, I don't know why I can't do it but it hurts so badly not to do it. It so strongly attracts me that everything else I do feels utterly inconsequential and meaningless in the face of it.

>> No.16765816

You have an inherent calling and you dont pursue it? I'm jealous

>> No.16766006

I'm tired too.

>> No.16766097

Sometimes (not rarely) I dream about watching porn (like actually dream in my sleep).
How bad is that? I've been off porn for two months.

>> No.16766170

Fuck I’m getting too old to ever be a professional athlete
If I ever have a son I’m going to force him to be great

>> No.16766206

Just don't limit him to one sport, or be too pushy about it. A father of a friend made that mistake, both his kids were irritated about having to practice handball on professional level, and then he made an even bigger blunder when he essentially stopped paying attention to my friend when she acquired an injury that ended her career.
In the end you'll want your kids to actually like you, they might stick you in a better home if they do.

>> No.16766255

What it's like to love your mom? I feel like I've never experienced motherly love. I haven't been breast feeded, my three older siblings got all the attention, I've always been alone since I can remember, I have no connection to my father neither who was almost never present when I was younger. Now I'm addicted to substances for years and I recently thought that this might be a compensation for the affection and trust I've never received as a child. My mother has no empathy, my father is anxious of people, and I became a mix of both of them while also coping with drugs and alcohol.

>> No.16766278

Dreams are just mindvomit, don't worry about it

>> No.16766353

When I write, I really hate doing character descriptions (physical ones at least), is it unnerving to introduce a character by name and through dialogue and then never address what they actually look like? Unless it serves some specific thematic purpose where their race/ethnicity is part of the themes/plot I'm going for, they have a specific physical feature that will be referenced later or used as a plot point, or their physical characteristics in some way give hints to the rest of their character I just don't really see the need for the audience to know that John is a regular looking guy with white skin and brown hair.

>> No.16766443

I’m not gonna live past 60, my kid can hate me so long as he makes gold

>> No.16766463

I'm gonna go to the source with all my wonderings and winding thoughts: I'm gonna go to grandpa. And he's gonna realize that I have, indeed, been clinically insane more than once. But I'm gonna try to make him understand.

>> No.16766569

accidentally cooked delicious lunch. really well balanced flavors going on here, like a spicy french deligh

>> No.16766679

thinking about how i should read all those books and why i don't. maybe it's because if i do and i don't become fulfilled then i have nothing to look forward to. by denying my own growth i exert control over my experience.

>> No.16766706
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Based /ck/ anon.
My mom tells me I make killer french fries. I gonna make some today.

>> No.16766727

very nice

>> No.16767418

hi anons havnt posted in a while, hows it going

>> No.16767447

I wish I wasn't such a fucking spastic. I'm constantly fucked up with anxiety and I can't do anything with it. If I work, it's not good enough, if I don't, I should be, it's just this huge fucking cycle of directionless anxiety. Just low level anxiety attack 24/7. Everything is just not right. Aaaah.

>> No.16767450

My dad tried that with me. I intentionally came in middle of the pack in every sport I did to spite him.

>> No.16767471

There are certain values Western society will not accept as universally good for men which are in reality always to his benefit. Of these I include stubbornness and indifference to criticism or blame. A man should not despair in the face of reproach, and accept negative feelings only if he made an incorrect choice.

>> No.16767632

there is a promise in the Quran that within every hardship there is ease. the arabic word for hardship here is 'usr, and ease is jusr, so hardhip sort of literally fits within ease. the particular is the hardship, but the general movement is towards an easing of hardship. Take heart anon, be patient, the aid from your Lord is never far.

>> No.16767673

Allah-dono... I kneel.

>> No.16767736

I'm sorry for posting you on /mu/ that one time. It wasn't cash money.

>> No.16767842

It's okay I forgive you

>> No.16767968

I have a girlfriend now. I'm trying to support myself with freelance work (some of which is erotica stories for clients). I'm getting a frenuloplasty tomorrow, and I hope you are well. I never meant to hurt you or make you scared.

>> No.16768014

I've been watching the same 35 youtube videos on loop for a month. I'm about to blow my brains out. I just want 2 hour monologues from people tearing apart bad books/movies etc.

>> No.16768062

That's always trashy entertainment but I admit it's really entertaining

>> No.16768411
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Last night I had a dream about a zombie outbreak.
It started while I was on some kind of ferry. The driver of the boat must've become a zombie or was otherwise indisposed because instead of pulling up normally the ferry smashed into the docks and scraped up onto the sidewalk and tipped over in a burst of broken glass. I crawled out with the rest of the survivors into a world of bloody chaos and fire. At this time I'm proud of my dream-self that I was keeping it together and even displayed some leadership traits and a modicum of bravery. I banded together with three other survivors. One suggested we find supplies, but I said that every typical place we'd go looking was most likely already looted. I stated that our best bet was to get onto the roof of a building and assess the situation from a safe vantage point.
They agreed so we ran off to a nearby office building. In a cliche turn of events, I found myself holding a door shut as several zombies clamored to get in and as the other survivors looked for shelf to bar the door. This turned out to be comically easy; after all, zombies lack coordination or even the understanding that they have to push something to open it if resisted on the other side. So they were just scratching at it and leaning on it and I barely hardly to apply my strength to keep the door barred.
Eventually we found something to barricade the door. As we ran to the roof, it occurred to us to smash and loot all the vending machines, as this would provide fluids and at least some calorie content to sustain us.
After we made our way to the roof, I realized I should call my parents to tell them I loved them. I called both their lines. Both were disconnected. I understood that their chance of survival was minuscule and that both my parents were probably already dead or turned. This is the saddest I've ever felt in a dream.

In reality, a zombie outbreak would probably get under control in a matter of days or weeks rather than take over the whole world and destroy civilization. The idea that unarmed, dumber than any living human idiot, decaying zombies (who would eventually die off from dehydration themselves) would cause the downfall of civilization is ridiculous, when a single military armored vehicle could clear out an entire infestation without the slightest danger to itself. In any case it's a strange cultural phenomenon that zombies are such a thing...Is it a metaphor for consumerism? For the dumbness and mindlessness of the modern world?

>> No.16769065

dubs and I don't wake up tomorrow

>> No.16769194

Dubs and you die at 75

>> No.16769259

i need to find my soul

>> No.16769286

zombies are the modern monster, a representation of both isolation (for the individual) and being trampled under the "mindless" hordes. To become a zombie takes away your individualism, something so precious to modern western man.
Perhaps the greatest trick of the zombie apocalypse is the notion that we are a mere few days away from complete chaos. (as people do not trust or feel any bond with eachother on a collective scale) Because we are individuals, atomized
thats my hot take anyways

>> No.16769705
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>The gunmen were three French natives: Foued Mohamed-Aggad, 23 years old, Ismaël Omar Mostefaï, 29 years old, and Samy Amimour, 28 years old. As the band began playing their song "Kiss the Devil",[89] witnesses heard shouts of "Allahu Akbar" just before the gunmen opened fire on the crowd

>Survivors escaped via the emergency exit into the street or made their way onto the roof, with some taking refuge in toilets and offices;[88] others lay still on the floor pretending to be dead. According to surviving eyewitnesses, the terrorists walked among those who were lying down, kicked them and shot them in the head if there was any sign of life. They reloaded their weapons several times and laughed while shooting at people who tried to run for the exit while they were reloading.[93]

>The French Parliamentary report contains details of how female victim's bodies had been sexually molested, while others were mutilated, by eye-gouging, disemboweling, castration, and beheading; however, some French law enforcement officials have insisted that the injuries were caused only by gunfire and shrapnel.

>They initially estimated that 100 people had been killed,[75][91] but the toll was later revised to 89,[16] and finally 90.[17][18] Two attackers died by detonating their suicide vests.


>> No.16769798

i wish i lived in the cloud house from the film oblivion with a sexy secretary wife in a totally isolated wasteland
the moral of that film was fucking gay, his life was perfect

the anarchist shows their true colours, if you can be happy under capitalism then you have no soul

you do know that politicians pass laws and staff, right? it doesn't matter if your team won, your life is gonna be effected exactly as liberals lives are

>> No.16770085

I understand tranny schizos because I idealize femininity, lesbianism, and female writers. But I don't think I will cut my cock off because I like giving it to busty slampigs.

>> No.16770134

life is about balance

>> No.16770306

don't know how to live desu senpai

>> No.16770331

I genuinely hate muslims

>> No.16770605 [DELETED] 

Trying to figure out why I bookmarked the wiki page for Charles de Brosses. Browsers should let you add a reminder or note when you bookmark shit. This dude did a ton of shit, and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking at here.

>> No.16771432

I was a trap throughout my college years and easley passed. Being a girl isn't what its chocked up to be. Don't get me wrong, I loved the attention but that's all it is, useless attention.
Trannies and fags have no idea because 99% of them couldn't pass.
I'm much happier now that I'm beyond that phase.

>> No.16771512

i wish i knew what it was like to grow up with a father and a brother and a mother

>> No.16771528

Can't I kill a nigger faster than the coffee in my veins courses around the coils of my raging heart? All this moralizing is a coping mechanism of the highest order. It's over! You all have BPD now. Enjoy it! You earned it.

>> No.16771774
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The past four girls I've seen the exact same routine has happened. I sleep with them exactly 3 times and after the 3rd time I lose absolutely all interest in them and they go from objects of desire to objects of revulsion. Somebody so attractive to me becomes ugly... and I wonder when they got so unattractive. It's like clockwork and the same cycle repeats itself.

But I'm determined not to let it happen another time, I'm going to try push through my uneasiness. Even though it feels a little bit like lying, I need to break this cycle.

>> No.16771820

taking an escort to the opera, cringe or patrician?

>> No.16771930

je connais ce sentiment

>> No.16771995

After reading several spiritual texts and having an LSD psychosis, I've come to the conclusion the OP of Kuuchu Buranku is God's answer to the problem of evil:


Reality is not a prison: it's a psych ward.

>> No.16772004

Chauvinist, so patrician?

>> No.16772033

Me too
>t. exmuslim

>> No.16772092

I hardly write anything it seems I've reached a point when I just prefer to read through stuff I've already written so I can sit in my chair drunk and fantasize about being good at this shit which I have moments but in all they're sparse and so few and far between that it occurs to me my best bet is to finally clock out mentally speaking and live exclusively through my memories I don't have many but goddamn the ones I have are great much better than anything else

>> No.16772107

All I do lately is watch street fighter third strike videos

>> No.16772150

fix your life

>> No.16772156 [DELETED] 

Women often say they drawn to me because of my intelligence - perhaps more specifically because I have a number of prestigious academic achievements under my belt. But they never ever actually interested in discussing anything related to the areas I've achieved in. For all they know I could be a complete fraud, but they take it at my word that I'm 'smart'. There's a lesson in there somewhere.

>> No.16772467

couple years ago, during a very visual experience on lsd, weed and ketamine, I asked, "ok, show me god". Instantly a mosquito appeared, clear and detailed, filling my whole visual frame.

>> No.16772725

Very thought provoking take.

>> No.16772929

If you're able to actually get girls to sleep with you it's time to try leveling up to one you actually like at least a little bit

>> No.16772966
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It already has.

>> No.16773012

>God is not ashamed to strike a similitude even of a gnat, or aught above it. As for the believers, they know it is the truth from their Lord; but as for unbelievers, they say, 'What did God desire by this for a similitude?' Thereby He leads many astray, and thereby He guides many; and thereby He leads none astray save the ungodly

>> No.16773184

Greek is actually fucking hard but I'm glad I signed up for the course in the end.

>> No.16773200

based. the only problem with learning a language is you have to figure out a reason to use it. other than that it is the finest thing a man can study in my opinion.

>> No.16773263
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It's amazing what you see when you step back for a moment and look

>> No.16773278

I made the classic /fit/ error of getting shredded without any social skills, I don’t know what the fuck to do now that I get female attention. I am like Ryan Gosling but less sexy. Fuck this

>> No.16773439
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I'm progressing slowly through Victorian Rogues Megapack, and I gotta say I like Colonel Clay stories. I didn't really like the end of the series, but that's because I'm too used to the charming thief remaining free and maybe reformed, rather than ultimately beaten, but I appreciate how the author made it a comment on society and relativity of financial crime in dependence on social class. As one of the main characters noticed, Clay did get a bit of a satisfaction in the end, his two wives (yes, two) are certainly nicer and more loyal than the self-centered bitches the millionaire and his brother-in-law were married to. Money can't buy you everything.

On the other hand, Count's Chauffeur by William Le Queux functions well as one, maybe two short stories at maximum, it just gets too boring too fast. It's always just "I know nothing, stuff happens, I do as told, wow my car is so awesome, then my boss quickly recaps what happened behind scenes".

>> No.16773530

I am filth

>> No.16773666
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It would be better if there were more of everything. There is more pleasure on Earth than pain, every satisfaction is transitory, fufilling new desires, and giving desire to oneself in the transition. The pleasure of the beast devouring a manlet is much greater than the manlet due the difference in size.

>> No.16774079 [DELETED] 

Biden's covid advisor wants 6 weeks of shelter in place. Since Dems win big when the economy is trash, I guess their plan is to keep the economy shitty. At least Amazon stock is going to go sky high when small local businesses are forced to close again. Maybe it's a favor to Bezos for all the Orange Man Bad article the Washington Post published.

>> No.16774241

Do you think you're begin smart when you're trying to test me? Stop stalking me.

>> No.16774342
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>> No.16774485
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I became what is know as a "Vtuber" few months ago my channel is small, and while is fun to say shit and play games using a cute girl avatar got me wondering and feeling kind of bad.
Somehow I ended being included in the social circle of other Vtubers and most of them seems to be teens, in most cases I am literally ten years older than most of them.
I of course feel like the embodiment of "How are you doing fellow kids?" at times, even while I don't try to hide my age or even my voice when I play games or write shit.
Despite this they seems to have accepted me. But back again at what I wrote at first.
What makes me feel absolutely horrible is the sensation of having wasted my life, while they do play shit and waste time like teens almost all of them seems to be focused and have goals in their lives, at their age I was just jacking off and playing videogames. Just like now really, I feel like I haven't made past that, haven't really progressed.
But while this was obvious I have found something else that worries me, they take this too seriously.
They plan their streams like I have to plan my workday, they coordinate their minecraft servers like it was a company.
And I don't know man, I wonder if they are losing being like this or I am just a lazy dumbass with no goals in life beyond getting drunk and jacking off.

>> No.16774513
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Watched Chariots of Fire yesterday. Christ, what happened to the British film industry that they don't produce movies with soul anymore?

>> No.16774664

Anon... Don't worry too much about it. Just have some fun with it. Imagine questioning yourself due to some video games playing zoomers.

>> No.16774689

Well streaming is now technically a "career", even if it's absurdly top heavy and a waste of your time to pursue seriously without unique circumstances. Instead of being a small fish among a community like that, you could find a serious pursuit that's more worthwhile and channel energy into that.

>> No.16774745

How do you act like an anime girl without hiding your age and voice? Wouldn't the audience find that really off-putting? I don't get the appeal of vtubers in general, but this really doesn't make sense to me.
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about not being to take video games that seriously. That just means you've got more time to focus on serious stuff.

>> No.16774793


>> No.16774833

I've got to shed my dead skin. My life is good and I wish my dumb brain could let me enjoy it.

>> No.16774861

Anaxagoras: Snow is black.

What a mad lad.

>> No.16775222

I haven't played videogames in almost a year.

>> No.16775274

When I try to it feels so pointless I give up after half an hour.
It's funny because I browse this site for a lot of time but my brain somehow doesn't pick up on its uselessness.

>> No.16775328
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I am having fun, but can't stop from having those "memento mori" moments.
>you could find a serious pursuit that's more worthwhile and channel energy into that.
I mean, I only do it like two times a week when I was going to play videogames anyway, I have seen people doing it literally for eight hours straight all the week.
I have other pursuits in life, but everything has been paused because of corona.
>How do you act like an anime girl without hiding your age and voice? Wouldn't the audience find that really off-putting?
That and being old is probably my whole shtick. Some people found it funny but as I mentioned before, its a really small channel so yes I guess that is off putting for the majority, I could have used a voice changer but the whole thing started as a shitpost to be honest.

>> No.16775342
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Peers are trying to set me up with girls because they know I’m a nice guy and have my shit sorted but I’m too socially apathetic to hold a relationship and have no will to continue trying despite craving intimacy. I wish I didn’t have to be a eusocial queer to keep a gf.
Pic related my volcel sphere, please let me out

>> No.16775431

Today I walked into a bookstore to take a look around. The number of tomes overwhelmed and and reminded me of how little I have read. I had to leave with a sinking sense of disappointment and bubbling anxiety.

>> No.16775452
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>eight hours
Some of the bigger names can go all day can't they? Your circle probably just has other indies who aren't overly popular themselves (unless I'm underestimating your ability) and might be trying to mimic the business-like schedules of larger fish in an effort to make it. If you're just doing it to pseudo-shitpost and blow off steam or waste time there's nothing wrong with your lack of seriousness, you're not getting thousands of dollars in superchats to be worrying about rigorous schedules, and you're not a real woman to be baiting people into emptying their credit cards.
Now cough up the details you runt, have the "designated threads" linked you once or twice?

>> No.16775536
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> "designated threads" linked you once or twice?
You mean, the ones in /jp/ or in /v/? Probably not, I shitposted about it a few times on /g/ about it but I don't think so since the channel is in spanish

>> No.16775570

I need to leave this site. It offers nothing to anybody that wants make something of their lives.

>> No.16775581

Remember, you're here forever.

>> No.16775582

I agree.

>> No.16775589 [DELETED] 

Uh oh, Biden's chief covid advisor has said they will use targeted lock-downs against covid. In NYC, DeBlasio's "targeted" lockdowns only seemed to hit Republican areas for some reason: Orthodox areas in Brooklyn, and now Catholic areas on Staten Island. Biden wants to bring it to the national level where they can just crush your economy if you voted the wrong way. Hey, at least Biden voters saved us from mean tweets!

>> No.16775592

I would argue quite the contrary, this site offers a lot of good starting points to start getting your life on track.
Of course the problem is living here 24/7

>> No.16775595 [DELETED] 

I wish /lit/ existed when I was in college.

>> No.16775623

Cope. Spending too much time here is merely a symptom, not an ill. Plenty of successful people from all walks of life browse here. Don't blame this website for your personal failings. If you fix your life, you'll likely spend less time on here as a natural consequence, but the reverse is not necessarily true.

>> No.16775631

I don't want to, oh my god, please no

>> No.16775646

I agree with this, but I would still advise anon to stop coming here for a while

>> No.16775647

>successful people browse here

>> No.16775652

there are ivy league/oxbridge fags here

>> No.16775668

>going to the Ivy League means you're successful
Do you remember Princeton toad? He used to browse here, said that his life there was miserable.

>> No.16775674

that's still "successful"

>> No.16775820
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Some of them occasionally fuck about and mention a Spanish branch as a possible area of expansion for the already existing companies but if you say you're too obscure to even get mentioned I believe you. If you ever make it big you know what to do for a shoutout. Don Quixote reading until your throat dies then you shit on the anglos/EOPs

>> No.16775881

Yes. Some very rich people do, and some very famous ones, and lots of sorta rich and sorta famous ones. Does that not fit into your definition of successful?

>> No.16775950


>> No.16776101

Cope & seethe.

>> No.16776106

Idk 4chan makes me laugh more consistently than any other website I’ve been to. Maybe that says something negative about me but who really cares, I am having fun.