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16745271 No.16745271[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can you guys recommend me books on Marxist-Leninism?

>> No.16745283

Haraszti. Worker in a workers' state.
An M-L criticism of revisionism from the factory floor.

>> No.16745292

Nope, sorry, I cannot.

>> No.16745299

People are still latching onto this ideology that's failed literally every time huh?
Yeah because hyper capitalist China is the best representative of socialism.

>> No.16745306

György Lukács is a highly underrated Marxist writer.

>> No.16745318
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learn to shut the fuck up and not talk about things you don't know about

>> No.16745320

Hmmm maybe try marx and lenin

>> No.16745348
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Your OP didn't say Marxism, it said Marxism-Leninism. And yes I've read plenty of Marxist authors, I know more than someone who likes modern China as a Marxist.

>> No.16745368

just read marx and lenin you nigger

>> No.16745559

kolyma stories, by varlam shalamov

>> No.16745591

>soulless bug people in western corporate uniform under the watchful gaze of le grand high Zion elder

China in one image.

>> No.16745713
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>> No.16745855

Explain marxist-leninism to me in one paragraph

>> No.16747609

Gibs me dat fo free

>> No.16747785

we can fix the world, trust us!

>> No.16747886

Achieve a classless utopia by establishing a repressive dictatorship

>> No.16747922

A sociopolitical and philosophical ideology built on the works of Marx, Engels and Lenin whose ultimate aim usher in a classless, stateless society by the immediate means of a dictatorship of the workers (socialism). There is more to it but that's the simplest explanation.

>> No.16747976

Why do the chinese think Karl Marx died in 2018?

>> No.16748108
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every right-winger in this thread is a faggot and should be culled

>> No.16748120

Tongue my anus nigger

>> No.16748126

that was his 200th birthday

>> No.16748135

shut the fuck up weak ass faggot.

>> No.16748150
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do you people not think before you type or are you just acting all nigger-like for fun. i honestly can't tell

>> No.16748159

If i am going to be genuine for a second. I find it very amusing to take the piss online. Especially when people are taking it seriously.

>> No.16748188

I like to act like a stupid nigger

>> No.16748232

>every right winger in this thread

Including the CPC members?

>> No.16748239

Poo poo pee pee

>> No.16748290

Under the conditions of monopolar US-NATO world domination, the proletariat requires an alliance with the peasantry, progressive sectors of the petit-bourgeoisie and the national-democratic bourgeoisie, to be led and coordinated by the vanguard of the working class with the priority of establishing economic and political independence from the US-led imperial bloc first as a precondition for even beginning to build anything looking like socialism.

>> No.16748304

>progressive sectors of the petit-bourgeoisie


>> No.16748329

doesnt apply in the imperialist core obviously. being a marxist-leninist in the US or europe just means hoping your country loses all of its wars and not bitching that popular front class coalitions of the type described in my post "arent real socialism" for including classes other than the proletariat. no ML would say theres progressive sectors of the petit-bourgeoisie in the West (except for the fringe ones who try to latch onto shit like the anti-mask, anti-vax, or gilet jaune shit and accidentally end up adjacent to or outright mired in right wing bullshit like redkahina)

>> No.16748369

>right winger
Most of the proletariat are right wingers. You're a class enemy.

>> No.16748373

this is a fantasy

>> No.16748377

> doesnt apply in the imperialist core obviously.

Ok, then you should differentiate that from the start. Lenin talked about petit bourgeois “adventurers” who’d take up puddle deep revolutionary aesthetics.


Is this an eceleb? I don’t follow any of those clowns.

>> No.16748379

Xinping is a literal oligarch, his relatives own business and one has to look at Trump's G7 hotel proposal to figure out what happen when businessmen occupy public office and use it for their own benefit. China with its huge class divide, private ownership of means of production and wealthy officials is closer to Third Reich than to the USSR. Mao would put entire modern CCP to the wall if he were alive.

>> No.16748385

Modern China pulled off fascism better than Mussolini ever did

>> No.16748386

you are thinking of the petty bourgeoisie

>> No.16748397

>huge class divide
>private ownership of means of production
under the dictatorship of the proletariat
>and wealthy officials
many officials come from humble backgrounds
>closer to Third Reich
you're an imbecile

>> No.16748399

rofl if youre on left twitter shes an essential follow

>> No.16748409
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Yes, retard. China is more unequal THAN THE UNITED STATES.

>> No.16748410
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I don’t use social media

>> No.16748709

It's too late to have a revolution at least in the West. In the 19th century something like Civil War was possible in America because there wasn't such a great disparity in arms. Today if you try to start a revolution you will just be drone striked it doesn't matter how many guns you have. It's over. Capital has won.

>> No.16748726
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>Some people own shit others need to survivre thus democracy and liberalism is a fake, real power lies in property, thus property should be overthrown

>european industrial workers no longer fill the box of (nothing to lose, everything to gain) Thus the russian peasantry will be the revolutionary subjects

>Russian industrial workers no longer fall into the box of (nothing to lose, everything to gain) Thus the third world peasantry (led by China) will provide the revolutionary subjects

>Chinese industrial workers no longer fall into the box of (nothing to lose, everything to gain) so why be socialist anyway, central comitte or private entrepreneurs who cares whatever catches mice LMAO

>> No.16748745


>> No.16748795

Why is no one recommending books?

>> No.16748954

no one here reads

>> No.16748976

Give the state ultimate power and trust us that it will wither away

>> No.16748998
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For M-Lism you read Lenin.
I don’t recommend you do this though. Let China illustrate how state socialism is going.

>> No.16749068
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Yes state socialism is a failure, as opposed to anarchism. You know all those anarchists around posing a threat to capitalism. When will you eat the succ-pill?

>> No.16749113
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Made a thread about it, but someone reported it for being about a book.


>> No.16749221
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>equating the French revolution too communism
The paris commune was a short lived experiment swallowed up by the forces of production and distribution

The fact that socialism is popular is not disputed, more than a billion people live under its leadership, this does not change the fact that its inefficient and unable to sustain itself in a dialectical environment.

Think about it this way: You are a prole in french city in the year 2000, You and your fellow anarkiddy neighbours decide to become anarchists. So you abolish ownership and make managment democratic or turn taking.

What happens when the capitalists on the other side of the hill decide too embargo/surround/slowly pay off your little experiment and do so with their immense resources and capital combined with state power?

Here MLs have a concrete strategy, and it involves uncle kalashnikov and Uranium isotopes.

I dont know if any of this made sense, its late and im tired.

>> No.16749236
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>read bookchin

>> No.16749241

I appreciate your honesty anon.

>> No.16749703

Why is Zizek so retarded about China?

>> No.16749757
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> You and your fellow anarkiddy neighbours decide to become anarchists
>What happens when
Not the sequence I’d go in.

I read The Next Revolution. It was okay. Disappointing. He gets revolutionary Spain all wrong. Very sloppy.

>> No.16749960
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Same result really.

>> No.16749978

Lenin. He's not a particularly hard read, and you'll skip a lot of the inconsequential analysis. An interesting critique of Marxism-Leninism from the left is The Russian Tragedy by Alexander Berkman.

>> No.16749992

the fantasy of the hedonists is that hedonists will hug each other once all their desires are met.
This is why marxism is materialism, ie reducing everything to material conditions and money, and why they push for more and more cheap goods.

hedonists get acclimated to their current situation, but they need more and more pleasures and less and less hardship to feel happy, otherwise they get depressed.

This is why atheists (who are hedonists) confuse happiness with having free stuff, free goods and services.
According to marxists, people are happy only they have the material conditions for it.

Liberals define freedom and happiness with an opulence of goods, an orgy of sense pleasures and they call this progress.

Okay, but since hedonists need bigger and bigger breakthrough to ease their life, they get depressed when those breakthroughs do not happen, like it has been the case since the 80s.
They freak out when there is a recession and they whine that progress stagnates.

For 2 centuries atheists could hype their human rights has progress and the right side of history, because human rights is just giving people more and more of an easy life.
However it is never enough.

>> No.16750048

So the solution is to make life worse and exacerbate hardships? What the fuck are you even advocating?

>> No.16750053


>> No.16750094

imagine believing this lol

>> No.16750133

We have a spiritual problem not a material problem