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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 496 KB, 1998x1332, t-Richard-E-Grant-Withnail-and-I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16748839 No.16748839 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I recline on my chaise-longue in my tweed jacket and slubby cravat, with a cigarette in one hand and a cup of oil-dark coffee in t'other
Yes... this is truly « la belle vie autistée » ("the beautiful artistic life" in French).

How are you living your /lit/ lives, gentlemen?

>> No.16748845

Maybe i'm not getting the joke, but it would actually mean "the beautiful autisted life".

>> No.16748856
File: 10 KB, 221x150, nereus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a small dark cave by the sea, emerging only to take long walks along the shore and occasionally wrestle a Greek man who wants to know the future.

>> No.16748942


>> No.16748957

Monoglots GTFO. We don't want you in /lit/.

>> No.16748973

eat shit yuropoor

>> No.16749030

I wake up to go to literature class with my prepped discussion topics. I go home angry about the other participants of the seminar. I read the material for next week and as I begin to reflect on what was read I sit in my scuffed chair as I'm blasting Burzum, I go outside for an hour to smoke a cigar and I come back inside to jerk off and proceed to inject testosterone as I also take 1 of 4 tbol pills before dinner. After dinner I read some more of whatever I can find and then I go to the gym for two hours in shitty clothes on my shitty bike and then I go to bed and repeat this cycle for the following two months. C'est la vie.

>> No.16749591
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By going to the bookshop in search of one book and not finding it, but picking up 19 other books in the process. Which isn't too bad because the final bill plus tax was $65 and they are all classics, so it is definitely not wasted money.
I then proceed to go home, put them on the shelf, and read 1-2 at a time, with one being a home book and the other being read during lunch break. The home book is read either in bed or on the couch with classical music playing softly on the nearby radio. Currently juggling Flowers for Algernon and The Road to Wigan Pier.

I hope you're jesting, OP.

I hope you're not OP. If you are, you should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.16749613

I am currently unemployed. I live in my parents basement, have no relationships outside of my immediate family who live in the house with me. In my little basement is one window, the kind thats made with those thick blocks of glass that barely let any light in. I have a little bed, a desk I took from the side of the road where someone had left it for the trash, and a single bookshelf with a dozen or so books on it. I wake up at 8:00 before everybody else, and go upstairs to the kitchen. I make me a cup of coffee, and some oatmeal (maybe a fried egg if I'm feeling especially good that morning). Then I go downstairs and feed my cat. She sleeps under the bed most of the time, and only crawls in bed to sleep with me late at night when she thinks I am already asleep. I spend most of my day reading and shitposting on /lit/ and selling my books online so I can buy some nicer ones.

>> No.16749868
File: 13 KB, 480x270, 85B5EF31-8B91-41A6-BCDF-65A9CC9BD044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a retarded French literary teacher in uni, everyday I either go fuck one of my retarded student or call an escort. The greatest event of the year was when I hesitated to fuck a tranny. I live alone in a sordid appartement in the China town of Paris and love Huysmans for no apparent reason because I’m a stupid shithead who deserves nothing but a not-even-free euthanasia

>> No.16750360

I like your writing anon

>> No.16750407

and you'll convert to islam?

>> No.16750418
File: 64 KB, 528x675, 8FD6F4FD-E88E-4B05-83DB-A41D82C9F1CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Je n’aurais rien à regretter.

>> No.16750459

Based former dhimmi. Once you go halal there's no comint back.

>> No.16751223

Hear, hear! A toast to the artistic life!

>> No.16751231
File: 40 KB, 640x640, lbtv3kow9uq11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my picture.

*sups wine genteely*

>> No.16751325

>How are you living your /lit/ lives, gentlemen?

Praying for 8 hours of sleep and a solid shit

>> No.16751326

I am a stolid man. Last night I considered a bit of wine, but modestly abstained. Later today I will be traveling far inland to the country. We travel in long unbending lines near the sea and never see a glint of coastwater. Tonight I will be home.

>> No.16751340

>im too stupid to enjoy the finer things in life so I'm just going to call you autistic, truly my bugman t-shirt, soulless apartment with its futon, lack of smoking and act of ejaculating like an animal all over my slovenly self is superior
Redditor and kill yourself.

>> No.16751360
File: 148 KB, 750x688, 1585284699745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I adverbly verb the adjective noun as I adverbly verb prepositioning the prepositioned noun (the other noun)

>> No.16751384

Can you autist someone? What does this mean?

>> No.16751397


>> No.16751424

very aesthetic anon

>> No.16751436

This picture is the perfect representation of /lit/. Cheers, good buddies!

>> No.16752295

Ok I'll explain for you faggots. If op wanted to say "artistic" he should have written "artistique" or even "d'artiste". Yet, he wrote "autistée", which isn't a real word and it were, it would mean "autisted" since it is composed of: autiste + conjugaison du participe passé seul. In other words, you all are monolingual faggots and genocide should have existed when we conquered your gay Islands.

>> No.16752530

>Not using foreign neologisms in your writing

>> No.16752558

I hate you and op.

>> No.16752742

>weekdays, go into my easy engineering/office job for 2.5 hours each morning, making an above average wage for my age with low effort
>up to 1.5 hours of that can be reading or writing alone if there isn’t anything else urgent or some time wasting meeting
>come home to my manic-depressive expert violinist wife. I make us lunch. She’s kept the apartment and clothes clean due to her diagnosed OCD and our division of chores we each prefer
>log on to work to keep up appearances, make a coffee and commence reading, often at my desk or on the balcony in nice weather. Usually poetry or criticism/theory since I’m a published poet, but fiction as well
>socialize with wife. She teaches private lessons in the late afternoon and I write poetry
>make us both a wholesome dinner and stay quarantined at home. Read and write for a few hours, might go with my wife to her practice studio to change the environment while she practices and I continue
>maybe more coffee later, alternate relaxing together and reading and writing. Sometimes I’ll stay up late working while she falls asleep, or vice versa
>weekends I may use some of her pharmaceutical amphetamines while she uses them for clinical purposes. Go to the studio together, roam the town, but mostly stay isolated in quarantine
>refining my manuscript and submit it or sets of poems to publications

>> No.16752828

nigga that's the joke. i thought you got it when you posted that first reply.

>> No.16752900

Je suppose qu'il était le posteur autisté, après tout.