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File: 1.21 MB, 1647x2240, Sigmund_Freud,_by_Max_Halberstadt_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16745444 No.16745444 [Reply] [Original]

What was his problem?

>> No.16745462
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I think he might've had an oedipal complex

>> No.16745469

what would Freud have to say about inceldom?

>> No.16745542

being a jew

>> No.16745601

E Michael Jones discusses Freud and says that his theories were based on authors like Nietzsche (or simply copied) and that something happened to him during his childhood, but what, we will never know, as he burned all of the papers pertaining to the points above before his death.

>> No.16745624
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he couldn't stand getting IQ mogged by his protégé

>> No.16745628

probably didn't live a tough life

>> No.16745646

He was projecting

>> No.16745669

freud still hasn't been refuted, it's all just cope

>> No.16745688

Spoke the truth.

But for a non meme answer. The same thing that is wrong with modern psychology. He was a product of his time. He had many great theories, but he let his personal biases in and constructed a framework for how to view the world instead of a scientific method.

>> No.16745774
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solar anus

>> No.16745886

Strike and Mike found it in other contemporary sources:

> realizes all his neurotic patients were molested as kids
> these Viennese patients are all jews
> Viennese colleagues, also all jews; icy reception of his talk
> take him aside, explain this is endemic to jewish culture, makes them all look bad, stfu bro
> Freud flips it 180 on the patients
> now it's all sexual fantasies the dirty naughty little children came up with

Which is exactly how child molesters talk btw. They always speak about their victims seducing them.
What Freud burned contained all his material pertaining to child molestation among jews, including his own.

unironically repressed homosexuality

Redpill: No one really likes Jung or gets anything useful out of him. They only mention him because they hate Freud.
Redderpill: Freud is more useful that Jung on and if you read Eric Fromm's book he explains it pretty succinctly.

>> No.16745954 [SPOILER] 
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>Redpill: No one really likes Jung or gets anything useful out of him
The petersonpill: Jung is more relevant than ever.

>> No.16745978


>> No.16745993

he discovered that an inordinate amount of child sexual abuse was happening and people didn't want to believe him.

>> No.16745999
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This is Rose's new boyfriend.

>> No.16746010
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Rose, he's comin' for ya!

>> No.16746031
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>> No.16746032

jung didnt denounce freud
freud didnt consider him the heir of psychoanalysis, but he himself saw himself as at least a continuation of it
he only said that frueds model was too 'objective' meaning that it was a naive approach to a very subjective object, and that it was too perverse, which simply reflects the artist in the art, ie freud was a pervert so his model was perverted, jung was religious so it is reflected in his art
and before you say anything all work is art and the way is present in all things

>> No.16746050
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>No one really likes Jung or gets anything useful out of him.
Oh hey look someone who literally never has dreams and doesn't understand the use of reading them

>> No.16746089

>unironically repressed homosexuality
What how?

>> No.16746135
File: 53 KB, 500x488, freud v jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 1910, Freud said to Jung, ". . . Promise me never to abandon the sexual theory. That is the most essential thing of all. You see, we must make a dogma of it, an unshakable bulwark."

Jung asked, "A bulwark - against what?"

Freud answered, "Against the black tide of mud . . . of occultism."

This exchange had been brought on by Freud's refusal to cooperate with Jung's attempt to interpret one of Freud's dreams, saying, "But I cannot risk my authority!"

>> No.16746168

he was bicultural. this is better seen today between israeli jews and diaspora jews. israeli jews are monocultural and their psychology is not of a cowardly victim compared to bicultural jews. so think of his works from that perspective. the end.

>> No.16746359

>jung didnt denounce freud
Never said he did. Irrational Freud haters hold him up as the better Freud the West should have slavishly copied instead. I'm talking about the narrative of people who say "heh but Jung tho", most of which couldn't tell you what he actually meant by "the collective unconscious" and don't know the first thing about his work on alchemy.

Here's Frued's important insights in a single 4chan post. I personally feel I owe a debt of gratitude to him for these, as does the world

• You have dreams to keep you from waking up from strong emotional reactions (i.e. "guardian of sleep")
• Those reactions are both to internal ruminations (fuck I should be writing that paper) and external stimuli (barking dog, alarm clock, etc)
• Dream content forms from a confluence of two factors: a desire you can't fulfill (can't afford that new book) and images from the previous day (saw a colorful poster)
• Dream content will fulfill the desire and symbolically represent it with recent memories (I own a cool new book and the cover art is that poster I saw yesterday)
oh, and homosexuality is pathology, that's a given, duh

This stuff seems basic but it's incredibly important if you're trying to interpret your dreams. It's also a key to the palace gate if you're doing esoteric & occult work.
Everything else out of Freud is trash and his influence on Western culture has been more devastating than the hydrogen bomb. But these things are so good to know I almost forgive him his trespasses.

To complete the list above, add the following insight from J.W. Dunne

Dream content is formed from things you saw yesterday and things you will see –tomorrow–

And now you have the master key to the interpretation of dreams. Copy this post and refer to it if you forget.

>> No.16746394

Never got out of the anal phase

>> No.16746446

>"But I cannot risk my authority!"
You know you're dealing with a jewish intellectual movement when it creates its own little institution that cargo-cults a college and functions like a cult.

>> No.16746451

yeah i agree, i never saw jung as a 'better freud' i did it correct and i started with freud and then went on to jung
their issue is that they dont realize that it what jung doesnt say or explicate that supports freuds doctrine. He tacitly assumes that you know freuds theories as well as he does, without those tacit, unwritten presuppostions, and a few chromosomes, its very easy for people to believe that jung is spiritualist and not a scientist or a continuer of freuds general theories
also on your freud post below
i am unaware of if he substantiated dreams as simply necessary to maintain rest, and i think he would have benefitted from the knowledge that the body becomes paralyzed during sleep and that dream can only disturb sleep, and that sleep without dreams is more peaceful, ie the common 'a deep and dreamless sleep'
though i believe the causes may be more or less arbitrary, i tend to maintain that the object of dreams is to maintain a psychic balance, a compensation, of the former days activities
furthermore, i do not believe i am hylic, for many reasons, but i am unaware of anywhere frued spoke on prophecy and soothsaying in dreams. i know he spoke about the biblical accoutns of such, but he was very much not religious so i cant imagine him endorsing that.
is it simply that the unconscious impulses and stimuli collected throughout the day are then codified into a general prediction at night? would this not be akin to a tarot card reading, which cashes in on your projections to render a prophecy?
also i have displayed success in my dream interpretation, i have not been able to find future prophecy in dreams, how do you derive such?
i am not at all opposed to such a belief, as i have seen it, not in dreams, but in real life, ie. i walked in with the same guy on two consecutive days, this cannot be happenstance, what does this mean?, i predicted it meant that the referendum that i put off the day prior will be put off again, and i was correct (im speaking in general non particular terms)
i am very interesting to hear your position

>> No.16746465

most great thinkers don't

>> No.16746565
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Freud didn't understand what REM sleep is, or that there even is a REM sleep vs dreamless sleep. Much less its neurological function. He just understood how dream content is structured. From this he postulated their point is to keep you from waking up out of anxiety or other strong emotions. If you think back you have done that from time to time. Waking up suddenly will killswitch sleep paralysis 99% of the time.

Dreams are not only the guardians of sleep, but that is an enormous part of them. Dreams are also the unconscious mind's opinion on your life, performed for you as a metaphorical stage play where you get to be a performer too.

>but i am unaware of anywhere frued spoke on prophecy and soothsaying in dreams.
He didn't. J.W. Dunne's work proved objectively that it does, but Enlightenment rationalism makes people dismiss that sort of thinking out of hand. Which is why Freud would have never considered even considering such a notion.

>is it simply that the unconscious impulses and stimuli collected throughout the day are then codified into a general prediction at night?
No. Your unconscious remembers tomorrow the way it remembers today. It doesn't know the difference and has access to both streams of information. That was the point of Dunne's work. Read this book.

>i do not believe i am hylic
You're not. You're a pneumatic.

>> No.16746580

he wanted to fuck his mom and assumed everyone else did too

>> No.16746614

I like both Freud and Jung.

Jung is the man, though.

>unironically repressed homosexuality
lmao time for some shadow work, friend

>> No.16746654

I'm only supposing what Freud would have said. He might have also said fear of women, maternal rejection anxiety etc

I would like to know if there's any substantive difference between "shadow work" and just being brutally honest with yourself while doing the usual dream work (journal keeping, interpretation, etc)

>> No.16746670

I should also add that fear of women was the cause of homosexuality in Freud's view. So I guess I just repeated myself.

>> No.16746837

>substantive difference between "shadow work" and just being brutally honest with yourself while doing the usual dream work (journal keeping, interpretation, etc)

Guess that's one way to do it. Art is another.
Shadow work is just a placeholder name in English for a concept that we can not fully comprehend.

Once we articulate it, it is that but not only that. Kinda like our shadow.

>> No.16746860

so youre saying theres a chance
I was entirely unaware of dunnes existence let alone works. Im very interested and will give it a read
I also despise post enlightenment thought brother, were rare company to find these days

>> No.16747114

The Enlightenment really fucked everything up but it was also inevitable. There was too much dead brush in the forest. Now we have more flammable clutter in the form of scientism and the dehumanization Uncle Ted talked about.

Dunne is very much worth your time. You can get that and another of his books on libgen. AEWT was rare a decade ago but people started catching on and it's in another printing, so you can also buy a paperback at a reasonable price.

If you want to start doing The Great Work keep a dream journal.

>> No.16747701 [DELETED] 

By the great work do you mean alchemy?
Ill hazard, along with jung, that you do not become stuck in an anachronism, similar to (i need to vomit after saying this) “western buddhism.”
I dont believe you are, because u probably dont have vials, and you have correctly seen the great work as a psychospiritual process
O also ur redpilled on uncle ted do you have a burner email where we can exchange information? Youre too based to let go: psychoanalysis, uncle ted, anti enlightenment, alchemy, called a guy a hylic, though i think gnosticism has problems with it, a certain amount of it is very valuable
my burner is dummyisdumbdamn@gmail.com (its a true burner) if u dont want to get doxed or whatever

>> No.16747745

>>16747114 #
By the great work do you mean alchemy?
Ill hazard, along with jung, that you do not become stuck in an anachronism, similar to (i need to vomit after saying this) “western buddhism.”
I dont believe you are, because u probably dont have vials, and you have correctly seen the great work as a psychospiritual process
O also ur redpilled on uncle ted do you have a burner email where we can exchange information? Youre too based to let go: psychoanalysis, uncle ted, anti enlightenment, alchemy, called a guy a hylic, though i think gnosticism has problems with it, a certain amount of it is very valuable
my burner is cagiesttitan@hotmail.com (its a true burner) if u dont want to get doxed or whatever

>> No.16748030

>esoteric & occult work
Could you put something at the start of your post next time that informs me you're a schizophrenic?

>> No.16748036

>we have more flammable clutter in the form of scientism and the dehumanization Uncle Ted talked about.
The progressivism stuff is what is going to combust most explosively, because it demands a world that will never exist, and it keeps getting more hysterical about it all the time.

>> No.16748094
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Yeah I do. I find that symbol set useful, and also pleasantly pretentious.
Actually there are a lot of people on /lit/ who think as we do. Check out the Borzoi thread in the catalog: literally everyone in it is a fellow traveller. But I'm happy to keep chatting with you. I'll shoot you an email.

Also, to answer your question
>i have not been able to find future prophecy in dreams, how do you derive such?
You generally don't. On very rare occasions it's obvious.

What you do is get in the habit of analyzing your dreams on a daily basis. Use dream journaling to both improve your recall and symbol analysis. Re-read your journal from time to time: things you didn't understand when you woke up become painfully obvious a week-moth-year later. That in turn improves your ability to interpret dream symbolism in the future. You're building a relationship with your unconscious mind by doing this. It –IS– a mind, with its own opinions and ideas and language, which is symbolism. Building the relationship with it is the "Alchemical Marriage", or at least one of the meanings of that symbol.

Say you're now pretty good at recalling your dreams and interpreting their symbolism. If there's something there that really stood out but you can't tie it to the recent past, then that's about the future. But you won't always know what the metaphor means until the situation it symbolizes to arises. You can use it in the moment to make a more informed choice about it. Or you can't, and it seems inevitable. It's all situational.

If you saw it, it was for you.

>combust most explosively
Not sure I agree. It's a control system and skillful hands are on the knobs and switches. The people who built it can trace their intellectual ancestry back to Freud. Like him they're using mass psychology and fake ideological dialectics as a tool to get what they want. Which is more wealth and power for their tribe.

>> No.16748098

I think this is a shallow interpretation of dreams. Why would it be limited to just what you saw yesterday? I assume your answer to recurring dreams is you keep seeing something the day before that spurs the recurring dream, but this sounds very unlikely to me.

I think the Krishnamurti analysis of dreams is the most accurate once I have encountered. Which is that your dreams exist to serve your identity, which explains why people's dreams vary so much. Your dream is the story you are telling yourself of who you are

>> No.16748189
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>Why would it be limited to just what you saw yesterday?
That's not the limit. The temporality of symbols is a Gaussian distribution. But everything in the second and third quartiles is yesterday and NO HYLICStomorrow.

>dreams exist to serve your identity, which explains why people's dreams vary so much. Your dream is the story you are telling yourself of who you are

I absolutely agree with this, and don't see a contradiction. The Freud/Dunne insights are just mechanical. The painter uses these kinds of brushes, his canvas is X by Y, the available colorspace is defined as a mixture of these colors, he speaks this language, etc. But that's important to know if you want to actually understand it.

When you get good at interpreting dreams and especially when you NPCS: DO NOT READget good at lucid dreaming not only do you come to understand it as a living dialog, you learn that the artist is absolutely goddamn brilliant, witty, and often has surprising opinions.

>> No.16748204

And by witty I don't mean light bantz. I mean razor-sharp puns and jokes that are hilarious, pull no punches, and cut to the heart of every matter.

>> No.16748213

tldr me on what are dreams from Jung's perspective

>> No.16748238

>It's a control system and skillful hands are on the knobs and switches.
They have drunk their own koolaid

>> No.16748255

yo i linked the wrong email at first but you somehow got to it before i changed it

>> No.16748341

Gimme a book to read about this

>> No.16748524

No they have not. If you see someone drinking the koolaid you're not looking at who I'm talking about.

>> No.16748532

No problem I'll use this one.

I'm thinking I need to write one. It wouldn't be long, honestly.

>> No.16748534


You smell your own farts too much man.

>> No.16748773

yo email me so i can take down my email

>> No.16749383
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>> No.16749696

Done. Sorry, a bit busy here.

>> No.16750136

Spawned a retarded fanbase who takes his mysticism seriously

>> No.16750563

>fanbase who takes his mysticism seriously
Based Jung

>> No.16750619

beyond based

>> No.16751074

>No one gets anything useful out of him
Pseud spotted, he has never read Jung
Pseud 2 spotted, Jung is only one of his major influences, Freud is big too

>> No.16751637

Read this
Then this
And this

Then realize that the "medical community" who ostracized Freud and threatened his career was almost entirely jewish.
In 1897, the same year that Freud reversed his theories on neuroses and child abuse ("Seduction Theory") by publishing on the Oedipus Complex, he also founded the Vienna chapter of B'nai B'rith. Hardly a coincidence.

When Jeffrey Masson published his book about the suppression of Seduction Theory he was ruthlessly attacked in the press by jews, including The New Yorker and Ralph Blumenthal in the NYT. This was 115 years after the fact, and supposedly no one still takes Freud seriously, but jews do.

Without looking it up, what was Jung's opinion of UFOs?

>> No.16752734

He was right, the internet has only proven that oedipal complexes are a real thing with the rise of mommyfags.

>> No.16753728

Pretty sure mommyfags are people who DON'T want to fuck their mothers. They want a different mother who actually loves them, and they also want to fuck.

>> No.16754395
