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File: 115 KB, 1500x1650, 1301762364798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1674152 No.1674152 [Reply] [Original]

requesting the most up-to-date version of the tripfag alignment chart
pic related, it's what i'm looking for

>> No.1674162
File: 209 KB, 1500x1650, tripfag guide brotasty vs constrictiveness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the REAL version
that one was tybrax trolling

>> No.1674168

who made that one?

>> No.1674179
File: 115 KB, 1500x1650, tripfags-lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous first posted that one, so you can't take it seriously. Since then only brownbear has re-posted it. I assume he's justb trolling or its a personal joke as he's usually quite good for ignoring idiots.

pic-related is the most up-to-date.

>> No.1674185

>least in brotasy
>almost least in constructiveness
so i'm winning?

>> No.1674189
File: 19 KB, 353x414, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no that is the one YOU made and originally posted

>> No.1674203

by that chart, you're better than onionring, virginia & mogwai
wtg faboulous

>> No.1674205
File: 50 KB, 443x210, what fabulous thinks wit is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah sure thing bro
pic related!

>> No.1674209

is that wrong?

>> No.1674212


>> No.1674217

any other versions, suggestions, complains?

>> No.1674225
File: 147 KB, 1500x1650, tripfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This version is most updated, you silly little cunts.

>> No.1674228
File: 116 KB, 1500x1650, tripfags-lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the one i posted is pretty accurate for the most part, its had a couple of revisions. here it is with a new poster.

dont be so harsh, crapper lit is still lit.

>> No.1674234

>Truman Capote not in the upper right corner
>Stagolee in the green
troll harder

>> No.1674238

Who's harsh?
I'm just naturally abrasive. It's part of my charisma.

>> No.1674240
File: 71 KB, 647x883, tsar trips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1674241

who the fuck is !implying?
i remember him less than anorexicchan.

>> No.1674249

That's trolling.

>> No.1674256
File: 116 KB, 1500x1650, tripfags-lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i meant on yourself zed :)

stagolee is a literature prodigy. and also one of the funnest posters around. only a newfag would think otherwise (assuming they base their opinion off getting persoanlly owned by stag and not his track record of genius posts, images and threads.

was a shit poster but not as bad as AC.

>> No.1674268

Clearly, you have a much different aesthetic.

>> No.1674267

OP here, I'll be waiting for suggestions for a while. Then I'll provide the updated version of the chart.
Doing some research about post-counts right now, brb.

>> No.1674272

thx ty i could say the same about you

>> No.1674275

aww thanks stag, but you know it wouldnt all be true. im older than you yet my english skills are now where near as creative.

>> No.1674276

anyone who thinks truman posts are constructive instead of random noise is obviously stupid.

>> No.1674290

to be fair he is a decent enough bullshitter for a highschool kid

>> No.1674298

This is how D&E gives compliments.

>> No.1674302

In that chart, onionring should be placed much more to the right. Just saying.

>> No.1674310

thank you for not losing your sense at a time when the world has none!

>> No.1674322

if she had posted tits, she would definitely got a better brotasy ranking.

>> No.1674338

Start from BB's chart, op. >>1674162
The other ones itt are obvious trolli-charts.

>> No.1674362

>brownbully posting w/o a trip

>> No.1674368

he is known for samefagging

and lying

>> No.1674383

You know that the charts were made by tybrax, don't you?
Also, I don't understand why Virginia W00f is considered the best tripfag 'bro' of this board.

>> No.1674404
File: 219 KB, 354x500, slumdgo millionaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy says something i don't agree with but it agrees with what someone else said!
>let's call him a troll and dismiss what he says!

both of you stop acting like children it's embarrassing

>> No.1674414

i'm not the child here you're the one with your elementary school bully antics.

>> No.1674417

in the past month the majority of her posts have been pot shots at d&e and general one-off 'im better than everyone on this board, i babysit you all', 'shut up', 'this sucks'. she is NOT more constructive than d&e, truman, bb, stag or me. having knowledge about philosophy from her degree and posting the odd thing here and there + using jargon does not mean she is constructive. just means you've been fooled.

that's funny, bb was saying i made the charts earlier too :o

i made the ones i post. Anonymous made the one bb keeps posting. the original chart was made by no one on /lit/.

>> No.1674424

don't be such a grouch-o

>> No.1674431

you DID make the first one
i saved my version and reposted it
there's a difference

no i'm pissed off because you always act like a massive baby

>> No.1674434

Brownbear's chart is by far the superior chart.

>> No.1674436

This just means i need to work harder.

>> No.1674435


That was one godawful movie

>> No.1674440

She's still more cultivated than you. And than more others.

>> No.1674444


>> No.1674445

cultivated =/= constructive
just sayin'

>> No.1674446

i've got a collection of movie posters that were eventually scrapped
they're actually p good and i might dump em sometime...

>> No.1674447

so mean

>no i'm pissed off because you always act like a massive baby
i'm obv. just an innocent fun-loving boy from the USA

it's not like everyone isn't a baby on the inside

>> No.1674460

brownbear should be low on constructiveness, but high on brotasy. Whatever the hell brotasy is.

>> No.1674463

what were the chances for mogwai to get that quads? damn

>> No.1674464

i agree

he's more of a "brown nose" than a "brown bear"

>> No.1674471

People that care about get's are self righteous morons that listen to Interpol & Weezer,

Check em

>> No.1674500

>comparing interpol to weezer.
im not even a big fan but thats ridiculous.

my chart reflects this. bb -can- be constructive at times. sometimes he's not. but when he is its at a pretty high level thats why he's up there top-right.

>> No.1674504

lol, by your criteria deep&edgy's constructivity is way too overrated (notice he's the most right-eous one)

>> No.1674525

you and stag are much too high which shows that you were trolling when you made and posted it

>> No.1674530

if you want to learn about philosophy read books and think hard, if you want to learn about life go outside and be humbled

im not here to teach you stuffs.

>> No.1674533

>implying i was comparing
Just noting 2 shit bands, thats all.

>> No.1674536

don't be upset that i'm more of a bro than you

>> No.1674535
File: 7 KB, 250x201, Jeffersonbetterthanyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too high
you have no taste

>> No.1674540

d&e is righteous. and deservedly so with the shit he puts up with on here. but thats being a dick. he's still one of the most constructive people here by far. at the same time he's extremely funny but he doesnt always mean that and his meanness is just as prominent. so my brotasy placement is spot on.

you do not understand what constructiveness is. look it up then consider both axis on the chart.

im a pretty fun poster and way changed since the days that i was always a dick. people have criticised me for -wanting- people to like me on here before. we're using VW as example of pure brotasy so i think its right that im quite high up there. i dont get personal outside of arguments as much as you do with people.


keep your sad fantasy out of this. we are talking about how constructive you are on this board. also i dont think ive seen you talk about fiction much. majority of your posts are shit as you can see from that greenoval search.

>> No.1674549

not sure if you are serious about this taking yourself serious business. then again there is no reason to think too seriously about this so i wont.

>> No.1674552

Why DOES this board have so many tripfags, anyway, compared to other boards? I've never figured that out.

I bet there are actually lots of regular posters here anyway, we just don't know it.

>> No.1674559

Fuck you tripfag scum

>> No.1674566

/mu/ has much more tripfags. the ratio is just more noticeable here because there are less posters in general.

>> No.1674567
File: 6 KB, 144x144, EJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 tripfags

>> No.1674564


>> No.1674562
File: 51 KB, 748x537, anontriprelationship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1674569

You don't even belong to this board. So shut the fuck up.

>> No.1674572

... its because the tripfags on this board choose to affect an air of superiority over anon, by virtue of being tripfags (as opposed to anon simply being dumb, in those instances).

... essentially they force an environment in which one is not taken seriously unless one has a trip, and unless one posts every day.

>> No.1674580

sorry bro

>> No.1674585
File: 15 KB, 251x251, 1270845597649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two tripfag threads on the front page...
Really, guys?
I suggest you get a room if you want to talk about your own selves.

>> No.1674603


It took me about 8 months before anyone noticed me. But yeah, it's weird.

>> No.1674606

>lots of anons, leave this board; small part of them remain as tripfags.

This is why anon is better: they know when to quit.

>> No.1674650


