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16736981 No.16736981 [Reply] [Original]

Anon, who's your favorite woman author? Woman poet? Woman philosopher? Y-you do read women, don't you?

>> No.16736986

Ayn Rand.

>> No.16737007

Savitri Devi

>> No.16737014

Gabrielle Wittkopp

>> No.16737021

>you do read women, don't you?


>> No.16737029

This unless they wrote a good textbook

>> No.16737031

The waitress who writes down my order
And Sylvia plath

>> No.16737032

God i just want to see the fear in her eyes once i start strangling her, DUMB BITCH I HATE WOMEN AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGG

>> No.16737035

>having a favorite poet

Sorry I'm not a fag

>> No.16737043

>Anon, who's your favorite woman author? Woman poet? Woman philosopher? Y-you do read women, don't you?



>> No.16737045

Denise Giardina and also I hate women.

>> No.16737056

Anna Akhmatova and Eileen Chang.

>> No.16737066

>pretty girl applying for some HR-type career-track program
Checks out.
Women are so goddamned useless these days.

>> No.16737076


>> No.16737083

Only women worth reading is Dora Marsden
cant think of any other

>> No.16737243

Short stories are the only form of literature I have read written by females. Here's my top 5:

Basement Miracles by R.S. Wynn
Cyber Monday by Anne Rasmussen
Other Names by Chloe N. Clark
Superman by Cari Luna
The Drive South by Sarah Boudreau

>> No.16737264
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>Whats a woman?

>> No.16737270

Although I must add that, if I remember correctly, if I had read those short stories without knowing the author's names, I would have never known whether or not they were female.

Therefor the nomenclature "female author" is a little pointless.

>> No.16737284

Flannery O'Connor

Anne Sexton

Simone Weil, I guess? I don't really read philosophy.

>> No.16737397

The most retarded trip strikes again.

>> No.16737401

O'Connor is great. The Artificial Nigger is the greatest American short story

>> No.16737434

That's simply not true. This is the greatest American short story:

i wish i had 2 tongues so i could suck your tits

i wish i had 4 legs so i could cross the street twice as quick
and suck on your tits

i wish i had 20 fingers so i could count all the way to twenty
while sucking on those sweet sweet tits

i wish i had 3 feet so i could wear my favourite pair of shoes plus the shoe i found next to the road the first time you let me
suck those fine tits of yours

I'll never forget those ostrich eggs
hanging from your chest

>> No.16737484


>> No.16737488

Savitri Devi
Angel Nagle
Simone Weil
Philippa Foot
Emily Dickinson
that's about it

>> No.16737508
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Here you go.

>> No.16737509

every author after death the animas ceases to contain sex and by reading dead authors I am more inclusive

>> No.16737513

Poetry: Alejandra Pizarnik, Marianne Moore, Emily Dickinson
Philosophy: a sausage fest

>> No.16737617

Yourcenar, Dickinson, Anscombe

>> No.16737990

Don't lump us up with men

>> No.16738024


That's a funny way of spelling Everything That Rises Must Converge

>> No.16738195

She looks exactly like my gf holy shit. I sent this pic to her.

>> No.16738217

Flannery O'Connor

>> No.16738311

Shirley Jackson

>> No.16738315

I don't know, I don't read any.

>> No.16738393

Charlotte Bronte wrote one of my favorite novels. In general, 19th century English female authors are incredible. I can't wait to read more. I'd like to revisit Frankenstein, this time in English, as well as reading for the first time Wuthering Heights, Villette, Emma, among others.

>> No.16738410

woman author?
George Eliot
Woman poet?
Woman philosopher?

>> No.16738419

Villette is even better than Jane Eyre, anon.

>> No.16738420

Lydia Davis

>> No.16738423

Marguerite Yourcenar
Elizabeth Bishop
Do such creatures exist? Usually whenever I start talking philosophy to women they call the cops and get restraining orders

>> No.16738424
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>Woman philosopher

>> No.16738433

Imagine having a gf that looks like that.
Why dont I get to have a gf that looks like that?
Why do you get to have a gf that looks like that?

>> No.16738483

>woman author
George Eliot
>woman poet
I'm dreadfully under-read in poetry; I also don't like much of it. Dickinson?
>woman philosopher
GEM Anscombe
All these people saying there don't exist major female philosophers are aggressively pseud. They probably only know about the most normie ones (Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Kant, et al) and know nothing about anything that isn't in an "intro to philosophy" class. Read more.

>> No.16738497

Elena Garro’s Un Hogar Sólido is amazing

>> No.16738506

I added it to my reading list because some anon kept shilling it. It might have been you; either way, I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.16738747

>Imagine having a gf that looks like that.

Why would you want a girlfriend who looks like a generic stereotype?

>> No.16738754

Mary Shelley

>> No.16739017
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This type of girl always makes me want to eat pusy. I want to slide my tongue all over their innie pussies, hoping that they didn't shave this week.

>> No.16739043
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>innie pussies,

>> No.16739165

I quite like Virginia Woolfe. I recently read To the Lighthouse and I enjoyed her prose, I feel she really captured that stream of consciousness feel. Hiromu Arakawa, author of Fullmetal Alchemist, is another good one. I do love Mary Herron, but that's only if you count screenplays for authorship. I honestly can't think of a female philosopher other than Ayn Rand, let alone one I've read.

>> No.16739215
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Pic related

>> No.16739520
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>No Djuna Barnes

Disappointment is a constant state

>> No.16739534

>Women writers
Didn't live tough lives.

>> No.16739585

t. Didn’t read any.

>> No.16739599

t. has never read a book before

>> No.16739634

Jane Austen
Christina Rossetti
What women philosophers should a socialist Yang Gang Catholic read?

>> No.16739642

t. Teen who hasn't lived a tough life.

>> No.16739648

C’mon. I thought you were just memeing. You can’t claim women haven’t had hard lives
Just because authors usually aren’t from poverty.

>> No.16739656
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>> No.16739672
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Currently reading this & loving the fuck out of it. Have McGlue on the way.

>> No.16739674

I'm not that other guy. I just want to let everyone know that you don't read and that therefore no one should take your opinion seriously on anything, whether or not you're right.

>> No.16739680
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I'm now trying to imagine the person who exclusively reads slave narratives, holocaust narratives, and that one guy who smuggled dissident short stories out of North Korea.

>> No.16739684

No one should ever listen to you for such blatant lies.
Back to /b/, furry bastard

>> No.16739693

Who's your favorite Nigerian author? Nigerian poet? Nigerian philosopher? You do read black African writers don't you?

>> No.16739712

I only read yellow African writers.

>> No.16739715

90% of this board would unironically be happier if we heard that you killed yourself. That's not a joke or an overstatement. I certainly would. I'd laugh.

>> No.16739736

I wouldn't, but I can tell from his posting style that he's a Teen who hasn't lived a tough life.

Read Ham on Rye, kid - you need to grow a pair!

>> No.16739750

name 5 writers of any Asian descent who lived and published in any African country

>> No.16739764
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>> No.16739786


>> No.16739915

Ask who the best woman philosopher is, they’ll say something like simone de bouvoir lmao
sad truth but there is not much to celebrate

>> No.16739994

>favorite woman author?
Woman poet?
Woman philosopher?

Because women need a special selection. Like in tennis. Sure you could drop the woman question, but don't be surprised when no one lists any.

>> No.16740009

Dickinson is America's greatest poet.


>> No.16740015

Tove Jansson, ez
I read virtually no women. I did have to read a book by Hannah Arendt for college, and tb perfectly h I thought it was brilliant

>> No.16740152


>> No.16740620
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E.S. Drower is good if you're into Mandaeism and the Middle East.
>What women philosophers should a socialist Yang Gang Catholic read?
Dorothy Day, if she counts as a philosopher.

>> No.16740669

You are honey ;), I don't care about any other woman.

>> No.16740976

Marie-Louise Von Franz and J.K Rowling when I was 12.

>> No.16740986


>> No.16741008

>Janne Teller
>Joy Harjo
>Judith Butler but tfw she supports a cop for president

>> No.16741021

I mean Adichie is unironically good

>> No.16741042

Your mom

>> No.16741047
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For me it's Eileen Chang

>> No.16741834
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Whats his secret?

>> No.16741882

>woman author?
>Woman poet?
>Woman philosopher?
No such thing.

>> No.16741886

sarah orne jewett of course

>> No.16741912

Very attractive women can't be good authors people only pretend to read them to simp.

>> No.16741929

Anon, did you read that essay in the Sydney review of books about her?

>> No.16741971

I'd rather read something from a trans than a meme tribal shallow woman.

>> No.16742393

Paglia, Le Guin, O’ Conner

>> No.16742417
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>slaves, Holocaust victims and North Korean dissidents
didn't live tough lives

>> No.16742428


>> No.16742441

do you relate to it?

>> No.16742483

Abella Danger

>> No.16742488

That's a job applicant faggot

>> No.16742573

helen dewitt is great but she only has 1 good book
can't think of a female novelist i like better so maybe its her
best female poet is christina rossetti
female philosopher, wtf are you on crack?

>> No.16742856

Emily Dickinson is my favorite female poet.

As for female writers, I honestly haven't read that many of their works.

I think Carol Churchill is pretty mediocre but I liked the overall message of Love and Information.

>> No.16742865

Linda Zagzebski and Eleonore Stump are my favourite female philosophers.

>> No.16743243

>get matched on tinder
>ask her what she does
>"I'm a neuroscientist, anon"
>"Oh that's great. I fancy myself a metaphysician. I can probably bother you a lot"
>instantly unmatched

>> No.16743273

she probably thought you already had a child, because this is biologically speaking true dad joke material.

>> No.16743379

>woman author
agatha cristie
>everything else

>> No.16743389

best post itt
> mfw no junky gore old hag literary granny gf

>> No.16743402

I usually don't like women especially when they are main characters or biased due to Realistic Reasons.

>> No.16743403

How do I get an art hoe if I'm a NEET, bros?

>> No.16743685
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>You can’t claim women haven’t had hard lives
>Just because authors usually aren’t from poverty.

>> No.16744044

become the art hoe

>> No.16744762

George Elliot.
Iris Murdoch,
Now let's fuck.

>> No.16744771

>105 replies
Holy shit you people are easy to bait

>> No.16744812


>> No.16744826

>having such a narrow definition of tough life
You probably didn’t live a tough life either

>> No.16744841
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>> No.16744843

Thought it was Vollman in drag.
It’s Helen Dewitt
How unfortunate

>> No.16744855

Vollman in drag is my favorite women author. It's amazing just how much better men are than women.

>> No.16744862

That's a man with ovaries, change my mind.

>> No.16744876

>Believes in “innie pussy”

>> No.16744918

>whore desperate for validation on 4chan thinks everyone is a roasty like her

>> No.16744988

Based. I've never read her, but I plan to at some point.

>> No.16744989

God youre insufferable, can you just fuck off ? No one cares how much of a gaping hole you have
Please stick to your horse dildos and never post here again, no one cares

>> No.16745066

You will never be a woman. As hard as you try to type like one, you just come off like every other quirky le epic fag. You're incredibly transparent and you need to go back.

>> No.16745361

Wuthering Heights, Vilette and Pride and Prejudice are the only three books I've ever thought were just as good as the output of the male canon (i.e. the canon)

Middlemarch had its moments but fuck me, Eliot is insufferable.

>> No.16745386

Jane austen, Julian of norwich, Emily dickinson

>> No.16745552

There are many excellent female writers in English. What is more remarkable is the lack of female writers in other languages. I have read some interesting articles about this subject and the tl;dr explanation is Protestantism.

>> No.16745597

A pitiful pile of secrets

>> No.16745694

Simone Weil, even though she is a bit much

>> No.16745740

Fuck if I know I rarely pay attention to the gender or even name of authors whom I have only read a single book from and at least half of my reading if from such books

>> No.16745892

andrea dworkin

>> No.16745893

I don't know, man. I've spent most of my life asking the same question. I'm really no different from you, but there's no justice in fate.

>> No.16746341

My grandmother

>> No.16746375

bitch i don't read

>> No.16746382

Best answer.

>> No.16746395
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>> No.16746402

No one believes you.

>> No.16746411


>> No.16746427
