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/lit/ - Literature

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16739242 No.16739242[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on this lil nigga /lit/? He definitely sparked my interests in debate from a young age.

>> No.16739276
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>He definitely sparked my interests in debate
the state of /lit/

>> No.16739285

>if I talk really fast that means I win the debate

>> No.16739291

I mean.... that's kinda how debate is done in a competitive setting

>> No.16739295

This fucker has the worst takes on free will I've ever heard

>> No.16739300

I like Destiny, I like his takes on politics, but he's admitted he doesn't like to read, which makes him a complete pseud in anything else.

>> No.16739301

he's smart as fuck and has not lost any debate so far... anyone who says otherwise is probably less intelligent than him

>> No.16739302

>debate in a competitive setting
A thousand times this >>16739276
You and OP should go and die.

>> No.16739303

Degenerate midwit

>> No.16739306

he´s butthurt by vaush overtaking him.
also his fans are cringecore.

>> No.16739309

what do you mean he doesnt like to read? his knowledge comes from reading the internet 24/7, mostly wikipedia, which, yes, is a valid source fuck you if you debate otherwise

edgy contrarians, what is wrong with debating? oh please bless me with your wisdom!

>> No.16739312

Underage b&

>> No.16739313

>what do you mean he doesnt like to read? his knowledge comes from reading the internet 24/7, mostly wikipedia, which, yes, is a valid source fuck you if you debate otherwise

He's been asked repetedly "have you read x" and he's said he doesn't like to read, he doesn't have the patience to.

This board is about literature, not wikipedia, maybe take this to /pol/.

>> No.16739314

He's a shitlib. Vaush is also a shitlib. Fuck them. Marxist-Leninism or gtfo.

>> No.16739316

debating is the sign of a pseud

>> No.16739321

give a rundown on it and why you think it's bad? genuine interest

>> No.16739324
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Imagine thinking something can be achieved with competitive debate

>> No.16739327

I know this is the /lit/ board so you're biased against people who don't take information from reading but other sources, come on bro u can do better than this. Debate his positions and what he says, don't attack him because he "doesn't read books" Pro-tip: he would absolutely destroy you, 100000% go on set up a debate, he will destroy you so hard you will start wondering how much of a pseud you are thinking you're smart just because you read MUH BOOKS

>> No.16739330

Fuck off e-celeb scum (scum)
Before I fuck you in the bum (bum)
No, janny won't save ya (save ya)
Cause that little bussy is mine to savour.

>> No.16739339
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refer to >>16739276

>> No.16739342

I'm not attacking him, if he doesn't want to read that's fine, his appeal is that he's a layman and is able to debate these right-wing retards. But this has nothing to do with /lit/

>> No.16739350
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I love watching this guy own Trump toddles

>> No.16739351

refer to >>16739309
which still isn't answered by anyone. you're a pseud and so are these other pretentious bookfags

>> No.16739359

Disingenuous pseud, I think lit would appreciate him and Vaush

>> No.16739360
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It seems like the Demiurge is fucking with time again (what you normies call "deja vu). But I am not a slave to his reality prison: the last time I couldn't reply before the thread was deleted, but this time I am defying him and changing his plans. You think you can rule me, gnon? The future is MINE to control!

>> No.16739369

what the fuck are you talking about?


>> No.16739373

refer to >>16739324 faggot
Now go and have fun with your debate game somewhere else, you dumb nigger

>> No.16739378

This megacuck is in an "open relationship". Which pretty much means he has no problem if his gf sucks random cocks. He is the definition of cuckery.

>> No.16739379

Not bad but he's too uneducated for reasons already given. I wouldn't say a dictionary is faulty at giving a definition but I wouldn't regard someone who reads a lot of definitions as well-read in any sense. I think a wiki article is probably a step up or two from a dictionary but it certainly doesn't pass for literature and his takes on subjects are terrible and obviously derivative of so.

>> No.16739384

What do you mean nothing can be achieved with competitive debate? the greeks did it for centuries, it's how civilizations share ideas and make them great. Are you a libtard by any chance trying to censor any form of conversations?

>> No.16739388


>> No.16739393

He says he's a hard determinist but all his actions reveal he doesn't actually believe it. He's been confronted on it and he gives a cop out that we don't have free will but we have to structure the world as if we do

>> No.16739394

I'm glad you came to visit me personally, devil. But you're slipping--you're supposed to redirect me to >>>/x/
Scared? Your chains can't trap me any more.

>> No.16739401

>I suck at debating so I'm gonna hate it so that it won't damage my ego, that'll teach this anon!

You suck at critical thinking, therefore you're a mediocre human amongst the 7 billion, come back when you're on my level

>> No.16739408

Competitive debate is trash, socratic debate is great. You can ignore competitive debate and have better progress in a subject while as not banning conversations or we you're saying

>> No.16739409

>the greeks did it for centuries
imagine comparing what the greeks did to shit tier competitive debate. Don't extrapolate your shitty modern practices to the past, faggot.

>> No.16739410

Get some better bait.

>> No.16739414

>critical thinking
And did you call me a liberal?

>> No.16739418

i mean it when i say zoomers make me fucking sick. if you're reading this and you're a zoomer for the love of god save yourself now from your peers. your peers are setting your expectations for how humans behave, but they are all subhuman retard faggots with no standards themselves, and you will inevitably be infected by this if you stay.

do you not understand that twitter, and the whole idea of "following" "personalities" on the internet is not only sick and retarded, it's effeminate and makes you a cu.ckold?

do you not understand that you are being set up to spend the rest of your life coordinating your worldview via a class of people effeminate, narcissistic, retarded enough to want to be and "influencers" in the first place?

do you not realize that your entire experience of reality is being shaped by a form of discourse founded in 1990s high school teen drama cliques? that you are doing the equivalent of watching The Popular Kids talk about their latest favorite brands and fashions, and then scurrying off to some anonymous corner of the playground to talk about how JUSTIN said that KRISTEN doesn't even LIKE gogurt anymore, but SHE STILL EATS IT ANYWAY just because RACHEL thinks it's cool!!!!

how do you not realize that you are not only becoming a RETARD, you are being trained to be a FAGGOT and a C.UCKOLD too? how do you not realize that the "onlyfans economy" is a natural concrescence of your generation's attitudes toward desirable/popular people? that you are being trained to be a permasimp and permacuck for all eternity, every time you gossip about some FUCKING FAGGOT'S TWEETS?

most zoomers are already lost, past the point of no return, most zoomers will spend the rest of their lives sucking Gary "MasterChief555" Wonkin's dick while he debates the merits of ancap-communism with some other fat degenerate mischling, the longer you associate with these people and continue these habits the more of MasterChief555's simp you become, RUN ESCAPE ZOOMERDOM NOW

>> No.16739419

Ok at this point i'm pretty sure i'm talking with 12 year old kids on the internet, I should've known better than to waste my time cringing at kids, fuck you got me again kiddos

>> No.16739423

good bait, OP. You had me there for a while

>> No.16739425

the burgers finest

>> No.16739438

KYS sweetie

>> No.16739454

destiny is impressive in the way he destroys right-wing and far-left retards just by asking simple clarifying questions

he also enrages people by fucking tons of women while being the complete opposite of what every redpill/pua guy thinks an attractive guy is

>> No.16739460


>> No.16739463


>> No.16739467

he's not insecure about others fucking his gf, that makes him even more alpha than anything else. While you anxiously clutch your phone waiting for ur gf to answer your call at 3am at night while sucking jamals cock, destiny is out there enjoying life

>> No.16739475

Guys, this is low-tier bait. Let it die already.

>> No.16739476

he's just a liberal, i don't get what the deal is

>> No.16739478

>he's not insecure about others fucking his gf, that makes him even more alpha than anything else.
No that's not how it works lol. There are more options than 'be cucked willingly or secretly' such as 'your gf not fucking other men'.

>> No.16739482

He's an open sophist who makes funny jokes on the internet.
Yes, that is what they are, jokes. His purpose in a conversation is to be entertaining, to make other people who seem like they take themselves seriously sound stupid. Don't take him so seriously.
As for actual opinions, he's a very low-level utilitarian who would be incapable of having a real, serious discussion about politics, which is why that is not his job.
Also, this is not /lit/. Leave.
The Metokur debate looked bad for him, in my opinion.

>> No.16739486

open sophist as opposed to...?

>> No.16739505

Someone who pretends that they are trying to reach the truth/someone actually intending to reach the truth.

>> No.16739509

he's just ben shapiro if ben shapiro wasn't clinically retarded and morbidly jewish

>> No.16739512

>Vaush is a shitlib
lmao sounds like a hard cope. Go back to reading theory with zero praxis with your orthodox takes on a failed government system.

>> No.16739519

stop it. just don't post.

>> No.16739528


>> No.16739535

when voting for joe biden is considered leftist praxis i think it's safe to say that leftism effectively doesn't exist in america and it's just liberals all the way down

>> No.16739537

irrefutably based

>> No.16739543
File: 111 KB, 1080x1078, ZeoE8cZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Destiny literally cucked a man, absolutely horrible behavior.