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16738239 No.16738239 [Reply] [Original]

i would think it should serve to buttress his own theories, but im curious as to what his specific thoughts are on this

>> No.16738244

He looks like he lived a tough life.

>> No.16738256
File: 3.91 MB, 520x293, Jean-Louis_Aubert_and_Michel_Houellebecq__Un_Autre_Monde__.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think he's cute when he's dancing

>> No.16738266

what's jbw theory

>> No.16738268

he looks like he lived a homosexual jewish life

>> No.16738282

"just be white theory". it posits that all you need to do to get a gf is be white, and that ethnic girls will overlook nearly any personal or physical flaw to be with a white guy

>> No.16738438

these days on tinder i see a lot of "won't respond to white guys" but i am in a liberal uni area

>> No.16738464

they actually write that in their profile?

>> No.16738469

he would support its main tenets. JBW theory is the least researched aspect of blackpill philosophy but its validity should be obvious to any white person who has ever visited and Asian country, particularly the South East Asian region. the most important takeaway from his novel Whatever is the analogy between sexual liberalism and economic liberalism. a corollary of this is that tools of Marxist analysis can be used to analyze the dating market. the French title can be literally translated as "Extension of the domain of struggle", a popular slogan used by Marxist students dating back to May '68. for ages women have been economically dependent on men which made it easy for everyone to find a woman and get married resulting in a roughly flat and egalitarian distribution of access to pussy. women liberation movements won women economic freedoms ("freedom" of employment etc.) which meant that women could act more liberally on their natural instincts, becoming pickier and throwing the least desirable males under the bus. one might ask why so many men were actually supportive of these movements. historical materialism provides a definitive answer - no one cared about women's freedom and suffrage until around WW1 when war efforts resulted in a massive deficit of workers putting women in a more privileged position as a potential fresh pool of labour force to be exploited. from then on women and men were equals in light of the law but this only revealed a more fundamental and primitive inequality - the inequality between women as owners of means of (re)production and men as sexual proletariat. all basic laws of historical materialism stay the same mutatis mutandis - thanks to their ascension into the labour market women no longer needed men for anything other than their own pleasure. JBW theory is to blackpill theory as theory of imperialism (Lenin, Bukharin, Luxemburg) is to Marxism. undesirable men from countries where promiscuity is most rampant and unfettered migrate in search of a potential bride to countries where they are considered good matches due to their racial features (Caucasian men having on average more traditionally masculine features than Asian men). Tinder had the same effect on relationships as invention of the steam engine had on commerce and industry - increased globalization, greater volume of "goods" being "exchanged" internationally etc. JBW amounts to nothing but sexual imperialism. one might ask - what will happen to Asian men when most Asian women settle for a white guy? increased misery of Asian men will lead a way to a sexual proletarian revolution - by overthrowing the rules of currently existing sexual market Asian men sublate their own status as sexual proletariat.

>> No.16738508

Yes, but most of them are hipsterish white girls.

>> No.16738509

He's neither, and he quite clearly just devoted his life to his books and art in general (he sung some music, was always involved in literary circles, etc.).

>> No.16738518

>just devoted his life to his books and art in general
just like a gay jew then

>> No.16739023


>> No.16739045

I live in a liberal area of the northeast and I've literally never seen that. The only preference I ever really see is Italian girls saying they're only attracted to "hairy loud Italian guys"

>> No.16740038

damn dude give me that bussy

>> No.16740104

>being American

>> No.16740110

They only do that for show so they can pretend to be woke but they exclusively fuck white dudes

>> No.16740688

>getting filtered by a basic shit test
lol the state of you

>> No.16742431


>> No.16742451

That's how girls whore harder. It gets more attention for them. They can do this w any race it works

>> No.16742452


>> No.16742454

He should transition

>> No.16742455

No houllebecq

>> No.16742740

mildly deranged but basically good post

>> No.16743134

how do americans cope with knowing there's chance their future wife and mother of their children might have fucked a negro?