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File: 51 KB, 350x645, 71E3F1AA-95DB-4A2A-AC24-9995885D51A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16736740 No.16736740 [Reply] [Original]

>Behold! I show you The Ultimate Man. "What is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is a star?" – asks the Ultimate Man and blinks. The earth has then become small and on it there hops the Ultimate Man who makes everything small. His race is as ineradicable as the flea; the Ultimate Man lives longest. "We have discovered happiness"— say the Ultimate Men and blink. They have left the regions where it is hard to live; for they need warmth. One still loves one’s neighbour and rubs again him; for one needs warmth. Sickness and mistrust they consider sinful: they walk warily. He is a fool who still stumbles over stones or over men! A little poison now and then: that makes for pleasant dreams. And a lot of poison at the end for a pleasant death. One still works for work is a pastime. But they take care that this pastime does not weary them. No-one becomes poor or rich anymore; both are too wearying. Who still wants to rule? Who still wants to obey? Both are too much of a burden. No herdsman and one herd! Everyone wants the same, everyone is the same: whoever thinks otherwise goes voluntarily into the madhouse. "Before, the whole world was mad"— say the cleverest amongst them and blink. They are clever and know all that has ever happened: so there is no end to their mockery. People still quarrel, but are soon reconciled— otherwise indigestion would result. They have their little pleasures for the day and their little pleasures for the night: but they respect health. "We have discovered happiness "— say the Ultimate Men and blink.

Why aren't you Ultimate, /lit/?

>> No.16736758

nothing more cringeworthy than these fin du siecle anti-christshit protests

>> No.16736766

written while masturbating and blocking out his sister's voice but also being jealously aroused by it.

>> No.16736778

Nietzsche is literally the most aesthetic person who ever lived. Not an example of, not one of.. He is literally the most aesthetic person to ever walk this earth. For starters, take a look at pic related. His mustache is fucking glorious. His posture is fantastic. His demeanor is one of the most noble you will ever see. He looks like the ruler of the world in this picture, and I would gladly lend my life to fighting for whatever cause he stood for. Now look at his life. Okay, first he starts his life off with a bang as one of the most brilliant students in his time. He becomes a fucking professor by the time he was 24. Imagine that, a full time intellectual by the age of 24. Nietzsche was a born intellectual and truth seeker, a fucking warrior of truth. And after experiencing the horrors of the Franco-Prussian war, falling to the depths of a terrible sickness, Nietzsche recovers and begins his destruction of all of human thought, his quest for ultimate truth. He destroys metaphysics, he destroys morality, he destroys free will, he clashes with and destroys other geniuses like Wagner, he destroys psychology, nationalism, science, he destroys fucking God. He creates Zarathustra, a new way of thinking, a new philosophy, a new fucking modern world, in the course of 10 days. And he does so fighting against the greatest sicknesses known to human kind, not only metaphysical and moral, but physical as well. He transcends all of humanity, flying to the countryside where he confronts God alone, a wandering ubermensch in a harsh and lonely world. He fights, and fights more, until his very brain fails him. Until the neurons in his brain simply cannot withstand his transcendence, until he breaks beyond physical reality itself. The greatest mind to ever live, the greatest man to ever live, falls under the weight of the combined sickness of humanity. He fought for all of us, he broke for all of us, he ate fruit for all of us. Nietzsche is the most aesthetic person to ever live.

>> No.16736782

so the ubermensch just kinda chilled? sounds lame

>> No.16736784

Nietzsche did not think that he was the ubermensch.

>> No.16736786
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>> No.16736796
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"God", "immortality of the soul", "redemption", "beyond" -- Without exception, concepts to which I have never devoted any attention, or time; not even as a child. Perhaps I have never been childlike enough for them?
I do not by any means know atheism as a result; even less as an event: It is a matter of course with me, from instinct. I am too inquisitive, too questionable, too exuberant to stand for any gross answer. God is a gross answer, an indelicacy against us thinkers - at bottom merely a gross prohibition for us: you shall not think!

>> No.16736841

>reading a translation that calls the last man the Ultimate Man

>> No.16736887
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>> No.16736892


>> No.16736903

germanic words trigger the anglo inferiority complex

>> No.16736912

What a giant autist.

>> No.16736954
File: 873 KB, 1413x1835, DE57DEA8-8AD2-469E-9159-2BCADE828559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instead of behaving like the honest disciple he was and completing the work of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche took a stance that led him to an out-and-out absurdity. For example, claiming that he preferred the arrangements for piano of Wagner to Wagner proper was obviously grotesque. Thus Spake Zarathustra is a bit of downmarket poetry. Nietzsche is a lot better in Beyond Good and Evil - an indisputably great book, really well written, but a book that is still morally bad and philosophically inadequate.

>> No.16737003

Based but why?

>> No.16737010

>Behold! I show you The Ultimate Man. "What is love?
Baby don’t hurt me

>> No.16737074
File: 1009 KB, 760x920, Voltaire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you've asked the right question; there's nothing wrong with being a "last man" or, the "ultimate man" as it is translated here.

It seems as if this creature Nietzsche calls the last man or the ultimate man as it is rendered here, is actually in the best spiritual health; he is a man who has shaken off the pagan delusion that strife and struggle make life meaningful. As Voltaire said; "Il faut cultiver notre jardin." And the ultimate man knows this to be true. Or as Shakespeare said "There is no ancient gentleman but gardeners, ditchers, and grave-makers: they hold up Adam's Profession" (Hamlet Act 5, Scene 1, 27 - 29).

>> No.16737096
File: 290 KB, 1435x597, behold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seems as if this creature Nietzsche calls the last man or the ultimate man as it is rendered here, is actually in the best spiritual health
uh huh

>> No.16737205

The Wall-E people actually were really kind and of good cheer and lived in peaceful harmony. They’re much better people than your average contemporary person.

>> No.16737214
File: 208 KB, 324x470, StopIt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument. Obesity is a choice/a lack of self-control.

Also what you're saying is ridiculous for another reason. How have you come to the belief that anyone who lacks the self-control to live in a prosperous society, would somehow be fit to live in a poor and struggling society? There is no time in which a man with a weak mind has ever been better off.

>> No.16737224

>And after experiencing the horrors of the Franco-Prussian war
It was not that bad bro. And I'm French. It was just a war. A lot of people probably enjoyed it.
Did Nietzsche really hate it? Seems pretty contradictory with regards to his often warlike tone and ideals.

>> No.16737241

No, he enjoyed quite a bit.

>> No.16737257

>The Wall-E people actually were really kind and of good cheer and lived in peaceful harmony.
Sure, but there's many ways to be cheerful and be at peace with yourself. The Wall-E people were a representation of the last man's way of being as such: a fat, useless blob who was content living in a bubble and being fed through a tube until death.

>Obesity is a choice/a lack of self-control.
It's the result of the last man's lack of ambition and sloth-like tendencies which Nietzsche described.

>There is no time in which a man with a weak mind has ever been better off.
And Nietzsche would agree, and would have had many harsh things to say about the time we live in. In fact, he was already saying such things while he was alive, since he predicted most of this mess we're in.

>> No.16737470
File: 118 KB, 813x541, Wind in the Willows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fed through a tube till death
I think that's a little over-dramatic.

>Obesity is the result of lack of ambition and slothfulness
No it's not, it's just lack of self-control. Ambition is another matter entirely, and it's debatable whether it is worth anything. (I don't think it is because in my life I've noticed that having ideas about how my life should go doesn't change how it actually goes)

But I want to also say that part of what is wrong with what you're saying is that we are on the cusp of some utopia where we have everything we want, but are dissatisfied by it, so it's actually a dystopia. The truth of the matter, is that we're no-where near utopia, and life is hard enough even in the 21st century that I have zero fear whatsoever that I'll ever be fed through a tube and not have to work like the citizens of the spaceship in Wall-E. It's just unrealistic.

>> No.16737482

Based. Neetchcels btfo again.

>> No.16737490

Nietzsche never went to war.

>> No.16737492

Also if we had enough technology to make the dystopia of being fed through a tube, then because we're already so balls-deep in fantasy-land that anything is evidently possible, we might as well have the technology to have everything we want and not be dissatisfied at all.

>> No.16737515

Wait he's definitely being ironic here right? Because it obviously goes against most of his philosophy.. right?

>> No.16737520

I've heard that he was afraid of it and that's why.

>> No.16737526

>Ambition is another matter entirely, and it's debatable whether it is worth anything.
It's what gives people the motivation not to just sit around and become fat, useless slobs. Without it, that's what you become, and that's what the last man is. The last man thinks he's already found happiness and that he doesn't need to fight for anything more.

>But I want to also say that part of what is wrong with what you're saying is that we are on the cusp of some utopia where we have everything we want, but are dissatisfied by it, so it's actually a dystopia.
The last men aren't dissatisfied by it. They want it. I'm honestly kind of confused, what do you think Nietzsche is saying with the last man? Do you think he embraces the idea? He's criticizing it. He doesn't support the mentality of the modern obese consumerist liberal who seeks only his creature comforts.

>> No.16737528
File: 127 KB, 1200x1200, Wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is one.

>> No.16737539

Kek, I heard the same mass-marketed theme.

>> No.16737562

It's a garbage translation. "Ultimate" also means "last," but in the English speaking world, the former is more often associated with its other definition, "highest." So "Ultimate Man" is a garbage translation. The better translation is last man, because it better expresses the idea, which is a man who is an evolutionary dead end.

>> No.16737684
File: 93 KB, 736x700, BBCBreakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know he's criticizing it, but I'm saying he's criticizing nothing of any relevance whatsoever. The amount of tech needed to make not working and just being fed feasible doesn't exist. So you're already in fantasy-land if you think that the last man is ever gonna happen.

>Ambition gives people the motivation to do anything
False, the only thing that motivates people to stop being slobs is having a woman in their lives and having children. As Voltaire said, we must cultivate our garden, but hermits don't have gardens because they have no-one deserving of a garden.

Really motivation comes from having people you care about, ambition is worthless. Who are you ambitious for? Yourself? If so you'll soon not care to be ambitious, because you'll ask yourself "what am I suffering for?" And if you say "for my own pride and ambition" then you'll realize that there are 100 other ways to live that will be more enjoyable, which you can easily do since you have no real commitments.

>> No.16737708

>The amount of tech needed to make not working and just being fed feasible doesn't exist.
No shit, and Wall-E is just a movie, and the Overman / last man are just concepts. But even without the tech, there are still lots of people who WANT that, and see nothing desirable about discomfort, conflict, and so on, and those people are the last men.

>the only thing that motivates people to stop being slobs is having a woman in their lives and having children.
There's tons of fathers who are fat, useless slobs though, so obviously not.

>> No.16737730

Ultimate here means "last," as in "penultimate."

>> No.16737795

You see political expressions of the last men everywhere. Just look at how popular ideas like UBI and an "economy that works for people" are. The West is in the utilitarian mindset, i.e. suffering bad pleasure good solve for x.

>> No.16739006

Nothing wrong with this. The uberman is nothing but the hedonist deluding himself that he is the righteous by setting his likes and dislikes as his new gods.

>> No.16739294


>> No.16739371

No, nothing is wrong with being a mediocre peasant. Not everyone is a mediocre peasant, though.

>> No.16739517

>hermits don't have gardens because they have no-one deserving of a garden.
I’m a hermit and I have a garden desu

>> No.16739530

how'd Neetch spend so much time whacking it if he wasn't a last man?