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16736045 No.16736045 [Reply] [Original]

>I didn't ask to be born!
- Lucifer

Paradise lost isn't nearly as deep as everyone pretends it is.

>> No.16736067

filtered by milton, the second greatest english poet

>> No.16736074


What's next, you're gonna post a soijack?
Milton writes really well, but there are deeper plots in children's cartoons.

>> No.16736084
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>> No.16736194

You're not supposed to feel bad for him in that way. His fall from grace was due to his immense pride. It's just tragic that he started out as a noble angel and became the most foul demon, all because he wanted to be greater than God.

>> No.16736205


>> No.16736230

Yeah, man, Gravity Falls and Adventure time are so *puff* deep.

>> No.16736231

>You're not supposed to feel bad for him in that way
Yes you are lol. It's anti christian literature

>> No.16736268

>bad guy earns his station
>supposed to feel bad for him
I felt worse for Wallace and Bodie in the Wire.

>> No.16736297

Milton was a highly religious man

>> No.16736303

So was Darwin. "Highly religious" means nothing if you're a christcuck.

>> No.16736306

Superficial take

>> No.16736317

Darwin wasn't religious at all. Milton's work had the goal of explaining God's will to men and justifying free will within a religious framework. It doesn't really glorify the devil in any way or justify his actions.
>Means nothing if you're a christcuck
And what are you then?

>> No.16736525

>These are the people who think you've been "Filtered" if you didn't think Paradise lost was deep.
It's in no way anti-christian, nor is it meant to be unsympathetic to Lucifer. Lucifer is, within the story, mistaken but ultimately has motivations that are entirely sympathetic and understandable.
Darwin was explicitly not very religious, or indeed at all.
Fucking Ducktales deals with themes as deep as paradise lost and gives them as much consideration. Paradise lost is genuinely just not a very deep book.

>> No.16736560

He was you retard. Do you know anything about Darwin? He struggled immensely with the scientific discoveries he made, in large part due to his religiosity.
You are a dumb dogmatic monkey who doesn't realise he is that.

>> No.16736567

He literally admitted to being an agnostic, he only suffered because his wife was a devout Christian.
>"I have never been an atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a God. – I think that generally ... an agnostic would be the most correct description of my state of mind"
Hardly a deeply religious man. You're the one who speaks nonsense about things you don't understand.

>> No.16736570

>He was you retard. Do you know anything about Darwin? He struggled immensely with the scientific discoveries he made, in large part due to his religiosity.

That is entirely false.He straight up stopped going to church as a young man, and spent the time walking around in nature instead. Where the fuck do you christcucks even get this shit? What next, he "receanted evolutionary biology on his deathbed"?

>> No.16736581

Pick up a book other than the bible and you will see how wrong you are. I suppose christians dislike actual sources, but alright, I accept the superficial citation battle;
>"During these two years I was led to think much about religion. Whilst on board the Beagle I was quite orthodox, & I remember being heartily laughed at by several of the officers (though themselves orthodox) for quoting the Bible as an unanswerable authority on some point of morality."

In other words, he was - as I said - quite religious before his journey on the Beagle. You haven't read his biography, you just cite useless excerpts off Wikipedia.

I'm not christian you chromsome-missing ape. If you can read and would have actually bothered picking up his biography, you would know plenty about his religious feeling and when this changed. As indicated by the above citation, you are both retarded on quite a high scale.

>> No.16736590

He was only religious before and during part of his journey. As soon as he got off he started doubting the historicity of the bible and thought all religions were equally valid. Later on he identified as agnostic. That's hardly what a "deeply religious man" does.

>> No.16736657

Insanely moronic opinion. Paradise Lost is literally 'if you agree with Lucifer then, surprise, you're going to Hell!' Its entire thrust is faith over pride; it isn't better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.

>> No.16736676

First greatest is Byron

>> No.16736688

That is indeed hardly what a religious man does, as you are not describing Darwin.

>> No.16736722

Ok retard