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16734777 No.16734777[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some tough books to read?

>> No.16734783

Pewdiepie is an asshole who is a good yter?

>> No.16734786


>> No.16734793

I'm not watching that hoe I could troll her tho

>> No.16734794
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>> No.16734797

Finnigans Wake

>> No.16734804

What yter should I troll butts?

>> No.16734805

I can't stand his accent/speech impediment. Pronouncing 'th' as 'd' just screams of unintelligence to me.

>> No.16734810

Nah it's a cute coddled life

>> No.16734812
File: 77 KB, 482x307, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what? He can write better proses than you.

>> No.16734815

Stop posting this faggot's face.

>> No.16734842

>this garbage actually gets published.

>> No.16734843


>> No.16734878

This bitch is terribly arrogant fuck you

>> No.16734882

That and she has a hormonal imbalance, too much testosterone

>> No.16734884

how is she arrogant? she's nice! :3

>> No.16734919

why? pewds is based

>> No.16734924

lol based

>> No.16734927

who's this chinaman

>> No.16734931

She's ambitious asf, outwardly even more so. That and she was rude to me

He was rude multiple times and still had the balls to ask me for something.

>> No.16734935

A bigger westerner than you lol historically and contemporarily

>> No.16734939


>> No.16734942

She's a fucking whore that likes being choked too wtf

>> No.16734945

i am a proud non-westerner, fag

>> No.16734949

>He was rude multiple times and still had the balls to ask me for something.
I don't know what you are talking about but whatever it is it proves he is indeed based.

>> No.16734951

Offer more sacrifices

>> No.16734954

Be so but don't be racist

He said he lost and has a tiny dick. Even made me a video explaining it. I used to love him but he's dumb asf now

>> No.16734959

I need more yter sacrifices!

>> No.16734962

how was i racist? honestly asking

>> No.16734966

He lost what? You sound schizophrenic anon...

>> No.16734972

Doth thou poo in thee loo?

>> No.16734975

Just saying anything racially related I mean. It's worse than a hylic desu because it's almost entierly sociologically-derived.

I sound like the winningest person in history. Now offer me sacrifices!

>> No.16734978

Shut up opoop

>> No.16734980

Let me have sex with him

>> No.16734983

>believing non-westerners have the need to pee
you have a lot to learn, fellow unevolved

>> No.16734985

Is it a requirement for women on yt to have ridiculous testosterone levels?

>> No.16734990

how's that racist but saying irishman or frenchman isn't??

>> No.16734993

Let me fuck his boy pussy rc waldun i want you on my cock

>> No.16734995

Are you saying my boy don't poop?

>> No.16734998

I already clarified my point about it being racial but nobody addendums man after those words

>> No.16735002

lol you even have a name for it, why don't you raise it as your son you disgusting faggot

>> No.16735006

luckily you didn't wasted those trips, fag

>> No.16735018

Yeah poop was made up by the huwhite man to control us

>> No.16735025

You don't need to lie to hang

>> No.16735028

what's going on here

>> No.16735043

im horny

>> No.16735045


>> No.16735048

>That and she was rude to me
>She's a fucking whore that likes being choked too wtf
Preferably video

>> No.16735062
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>> No.16735075

fuck off, chang

>> No.16735092

我是寒 hoe boy

>> No.16735096

You have to know her and I'm not saying anything

>> No.16735185

Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Baudrillard

I've read it numerous times but god damn...his prose is just excessively dense sometimes...maybe its the translation

>> No.16735206

Theory of Games and Economic Behavior - Von Neumann
The Almagest - Ptolemy

Basically any astronomy/astrophysics book or any mathematical book.

In terms of non-mathematical stuff, I would say The Organon takes the cake :3

>> No.16735215

>racism out of /b/

>> No.16735220

>owww, my gaping curryhole is bleeding!

>> No.16735233

Drew gooden

>> No.16735235


>> No.16735313

this faggot has such narrow shoulders
his analysis of the book is as if he only read the Wikipedia article
i want to cut this faggot's head off

>> No.16735317

Oh no, a schizo gnostic. Please take your meds

>> No.16735320

what the fuck is this shit? who wrote this? i want to cut this faggot's head off. post more excerpts pls

>> No.16735323


>> No.16735351

It's from The Learned Disguise by esteemed polymath R.C Waldun, who is pictured in OP.

>> No.16735377

>esteemed polymath
what does he do other than write and make youtube videos ?
also, he isn't the worst of the booktubers
some are so bad i dream of dismembering them

>> No.16735432

>esteemed polymath

Woah, no way

>> No.16735464

I would recommend R.C's amazing and erudite videos on the topic of becoming a polymath. Inspired by Da Vinci, R.C deftly defines what it takes to become a polymath. Truly a scintillating way to spend some time.

>> No.16735467
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>> No.16735472

Of all the booktubers of all time (so far) he seems like the most 'complete' human being - by far. Skilled, tough, smart, well dressed, attractive, extensive world travels and has lived in the 3rd world for long periods, speaks multiple languages, tea appreciator, noted flaneur, studied sciences and arts, published author, renaissance man, etc.
You can tell he genuinely has his shit together, like he could probably be a millionaire running just about any business, if he wanted.
Are there any other booktubers that impressive?

>> No.16735477

God if you're trying to poison my opinion of him you're doing a good job but he's not a bad guy

>> No.16735484

I agree with your assessment, finding myself concurring . R.C is young as well. It is simply astonishing that he as managed to achieve so much in such a little amount of time. They say the muses only bestow their gifts rarely, and R.C has been gifted immensely! His proses read like something belonging rightfully in the canon of great literatures. I cannot wait to see what he will write next!

>> No.16735492

we need to bring back using humans as lab test subjects so i can pour industrial solvents over him
are you guys joking? sure he's better than most booktubers but he's no genius. a midwit at best, i'd say
this man, however, is a god

>> No.16735498
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How can a midwit write proses like this???

>> No.16735504

lol which one of you faggots is this???


>> No.16735506

He hasn't posted in six months. You have to let go

>> No.16735519

is english his second language? why does it feel like he's making so many grammatical mistakes? is he actually messing up or does he just write really awkward sentences?

>> No.16735530

A Portrait of the Polymath as a young STEM student

>> No.16735535

Severely based. Honestly his work is just overflowing with pure intellect.

>> No.16735542

I assure you that I am earnest for my praise of RC. I suspect that many among yourselves find yourselves in resentment at a young man getting his proses published while your dreams remain all but unfulfilled.

>> No.16735549
File: 180 KB, 1055x230, polymath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life changing video. I was honestly in disbelief. Could it be that we have before our very eyes a mind like that of Goethe?

>> No.16735553

He's a kid fuck off

>> No.16735555
File: 23 KB, 843x133, purecope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahah RC actually commented on that. Holy fuck, you can tell he was crying as he wrote it.
>This is gold.
Laughing off criticism makes me hate this guy.

>> No.16735560

He's 21.

>> No.16735564

that's 9 in chink years
pls tell me he isn't pretending to know french
pls tell me he knows at least some french

>> No.16735566

Are you under 25?

>> No.16735570

House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

>> No.16735573

Just barely. Are you?
t. someone, who even at 19, could have written circles around all you pseuds.

>> No.16735580

Then shouldn't you be studying?

>> No.16735582
File: 24 KB, 308x302, 1494268083864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz don't bully him anons

>> No.16735583

What are you, a polymath?

>> No.16735584

The Learned Disguise. It's a must read. Inspired by Goethe's Faust, The Learned Disguise is a literary portrait of a young man's journey of dealing with inner conflicts, falling in love, and discovering his life's calling as a writer.

>> No.16735589

I'm a monolingual chink

>> No.16735590

>The Learned Disguise
i don't get it
he's disguising himself as someone who is learned?
so he's just being pretentious?
did he intentionally label his main character as pretentious?

>> No.16735594

I genuinely feel like he might kill himself if he finds these threads. He might do it anyway, once he inevitably realises just how fucking bad he is at writing.

>> No.16735599

He lives a nice comfy life. I think he can bear a lot before he has to take a plunge into the abyss.

>> No.16735600

>Arthur Forrest is the name of the protagonist. He was but a young scholar, confined to his own skull, as his intellectual pursuits slowly drained the vibrancy of his youth. Abroad, his life appeared orderly and dignified, but soon all composure slowly withered as he sensed the presence of Veda.

Inspired by Goethe's Faust, The Learned Disguise is a literary portrait of a young man's journey of dealing with inner conflicts, falling in love, and discovering his life's calling as a writer.
wait this is the actual description
i thought you were kidding holy fuck
>Inspired by Goethe's Faust
oh no no no no
>He was but a young scholar,
nooooo no no no
>as he sensed the presence of Veda.
noooooooo no no no no
>his life's calling as a writer.
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no no no

>> No.16735603

For real, if this nigga actually read all of Gravity's Rainbow, then he should at least know how to fucking use spellcheck and the proper use of a comma.

>> No.16735612

his normie hyper-sincerity might save him from the abyss, you're right

>> No.16735614

>writes his first book
>it's about the path to becoming a writer
how did he write about becoming a writer if he wasn't a writer yet?
shouldn't a writer's last book be about how they became a writer?
what is this nigga doing?

>> No.16735617

IT is a calling. You wouldn't understand. It's a spiritual calling you feel in your soul. Your mind overflows with words and thoughts that you can only respect by putting them to paper. The writer yields many powerful tools; the tools to make people cry or laugh, or smile and explode with glee. It's something not many people have the courage to embark on.

>> No.16735638

Meanwhile watching yt videos is a plunge into the limits of human sadism

>> No.16735644

It's called speed run pathing experiments. Popular among zoomers

>> No.16735646

I cannot but help to concur with you, Anon. Certainly, he doesn't have the talent of some for crafting enormous, fantastical worlds of imagination. But what does he have? A sharp set of eyes, with whom he can capture the tumultuous and beautiful world in which we live.

>> No.16735650

yea :^(

>> No.16735670

>I'm not saying anything, I'm just vaguely implying that I know her and she's a horrible person with no proof

>> No.16735674

I wholeheartedly agree with you. This young man posseses within him a sense of the effervescent insight of the indescribable which leaks and ebbs from the immaterial substance of Mana that pervades the green world. The craft of writing has called upon him to create words, worlds, universes that are within and without our compass of imagination. I can tell that he will be the next John Green, the next prophet and seer who will announce to posterity the indescribable experience of being a human, a butterfly, a flower. Ching chang chung...the One...Zhuang, Zhung, Zhing...The tears will they be of happiness, of sorrow, of pleasure or of dog meat??

>> No.16735681


>> No.16735686


>> No.16735687

Well I've spoken to her face-to-face multiple times about deep subjects and you haven't so fuck off.

>> No.16735698


>literally just more cope, you can tell he is flustered af over that youtube review of his book

>> No.16735732
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>> No.16735737

>a story a day
god, have mercy upon us

>> No.16735745

my diary desu

>> No.16735748

sounds like good practice

desu i was a shit writer at 20. stopped writing for 2 years. tried again at 22, was much better, got published in short story mag

it might be because of some mental maturity that develops between these ages, or that i was reading very good writing throughout it

>> No.16735749

He’s so talented! So dreamy too.

>> No.16735752

How good is your proses?

>> No.16735793

>tough books to read

>> No.16735795


>> No.16735803

I think Waldun can be one of /ourguys/ if we just redpilled him.

>> No.16735820

he and Quentin should collaborate.

>> No.16735825

if they met they would inevitably have gay anal intercourse

>> No.16735858

I live in his city, if I ever see him flaneuring his way about Melbourne I'll redpill him.

>> No.16735884

how does he get it right each and every single time?

>> No.16735906

It's easy for a polymath to make riveting content!

>> No.16735907

woah, he's a polymath too?!

>> No.16736022

that would be based

>> No.16736103
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>> No.16736114
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>> No.16736123
File: 129 KB, 330x468, 1470611585965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my greatest nightmare. After heavily dedicating a large proportion of your useful lifespan investing in literature, you spend a sizable chuck of that time pouring out those virgin book ideas and prose you've have bubbling up into a novella. Then when you've finally published it and you've felt a sense of accomplishment very few people get to experience, your entire worldview gets shattered. That part of your soul you've released to the world is being torn to shreds by the masses. You get the privilege of re-evaluating every single interaction you've ever had with a teacher, a fellow student, your friends, your parents, who now you think might all agree that you're actually retarded, and went along with the act to make you feel better. Your entire life was a lie, and you didn't do anything but try your best.
I would not consider myself to be suicidal, but that shit would easily push me off the edge. The only consolation this guy has is the 500 views. This video could honestly either make his career, or bring about his ego death. Not many people get to experience that, so I guess that's something.

>> No.16736150

who the fuck gets their self-esteem crushed by some ”muh female characters” fat idiot? Yes, his book was probably bad and judging by the excerpts it was probably really bad, but if he has already written another book then he can easily justify that he is now much better and that the criticisms aimed at his first book are not towards him right now, but something he was. At least this is how I can bear the cringe of some of the stuff I wrote in high school, it’s no problem

>> No.16736187

>That guys 26
What the fuck went wrong

>> No.16736225

Oh no no no no no

>> No.16736245

>be a fat neck beard
>pick on a book by a 20 year old

>> No.16736257

He would look better if he put on a learned disguise

>> No.16736259


>> No.16736271

t. Fat neck beard

>> No.16736272

hello waldun

>> No.16736281


>> No.16736287
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top fucking kek

>> No.16736294

>a learned disguise
Laughable book title lmao

>> No.16736299

he almost certainly has read these threads, because they must popup if he googles his own name, which I am sure he has

>> No.16736300

Sorry, RC. Good luck with the next book

>> No.16736345

I posted this lil nigga last week as a joke and since then I swear I see many threads about him. I had never seen them before in my however many years of browsing lit. Please don't bully him. Please, please. This is making me feel guilty now and I feel like a dick.

>> No.16736351

his blood is on your hands

>> No.16736356

You aren't special retard
This board have been throwing shat at him from quite sometime.

>> No.16736362

You have started this because he is a chink

>> No.16736374

imma let this lil chigga know that he's made it now that /lit/ is memeing on him.

>> No.16736405
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Thank the fucking Lawd then lad. Thought his blood would be on my hands

>> No.16736472

Yes and I thought he was a cute girl at first. Now I can clearly see that's not the case.

>> No.16736514

He’s been posted here for over a month now, you limp-wristed faggot. You didn’t do shit but add to the spam

>> No.16736519

Not bad prose. But he's a pretentious faggot.

>> No.16736527

This is what Bukowski was talking about when he went on about how boring some writers are

>> No.16736536

>Not bad prose
Such obvious bait. Do better.

>> No.16736564

My wrists are anything but limp. I'm 320lbs.

>> No.16736675
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>> No.16736721
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