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/lit/ - Literature

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16734544 No.16734544 [Reply] [Original]

>post your university and what you study

pic related, studying physics and philosophy (undergrad)

everyone welcome!

>> No.16734555

I like these threads, they are the oppsite of the academia hate threads.

>> No.16734561

some of us only got into academia because it was /lit/ that got us interested in reading philosophy and literature

>> No.16734565

I can literally see my old college lawn in this picture, not telling you which one though

>> No.16734568
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Mycology and chemistry!

>> No.16734583

based. things are so different here right now with lockdown and everything

what is a stemlord doing on /lit/

>> No.16734591

Jesus fuck you're a literate stem girl? You must be rolling in lesbian pussy.

I abandoned my doctorate after submitting to my markers and now work a manual semi-skilled labouring job. It is more fulfilling and I have a greater research freedom.

>> No.16734595
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something something humanities
I wen't from oxbridge to a shitty us state school for phd. I will be jobless %100%.

To the zoomers who are lurking. PRESTIGE IS EVERYTHING.

>> No.16734630

i want to do a phd after my masters. this is a big uh oh

what do you like to research

>> No.16734644

If you are in humanities, only do phd in ivy or ivy equivalents, and I mean real equivalents
Berkeley is ivy equivalent, UCSD-Michigan etc is not.

>> No.16734654
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I’m actually an arts and humanities nerd, though I am interested in getting into mycology. Just Sucy posting for fun.

>> No.16734658

luckily it's easier if you're already starting off at a prestigious institution. in that case i am very lucky :^)

>> No.16734669

well, don't make the retarded mistake I did. Only apply for the top 10, even top 20 doesn't cut off.
Also make sure to not be white rich. They already have enough white rich kids in undergrad The last thing ivy departments want is more of them in grad school.

>> No.16734696

apply and reapply if i don't get a place?

finally for one fucking time its good to be a slav

>> No.16734718

Mind you each application costs about 100, no refunds.
I would apply for all the ivies and mit/ucla/chicago/stanford.

>> No.16734726

Thankfully there's a relevant archive 10 km from me and an archive 300 km from me. I'm pretty much rolling in it. Any time I get leave from work I can just roll up with a document list and read.


You're not getting a subdiscipline.

This does mean that 3/4 of my leave is spent in an archive rather than 5.25" deep.

>> No.16734736

I hate these threads because I’m at a shit university and it only reminds me il never be truly /lit/. I fucking hate it here

>> No.16734737

Utfsm, civil engineering. Fuck stem fags

>> No.16734747

I know that feel.
For my undergraduate I went to one the "best" schools in my third world shithole. But it had no soul, no community, security guards everywhere. Full of dumb rich brats.
I always envied the poor universities with festivals, student clubs etc. I found a gf from such a uni, and I was amazed how people hanging out in campus post class, you mean this is not an extension of high school? God damn.

>> No.16734762
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Fordham University
History & Ancient Greek

>> No.16734761

>If you are in humanities, only do phd in ivy or ivy equivalents
This is not true, I guess it depends in what area you want to specialize in but in mine I've been explictly advised by succesful people in academia to not do that. If you're serious in getting into it talk with someone who has already established himself in whatever you want to specialize in and ask him to give you some tips.

>> No.16734771

Where are you from Anon?

>> No.16734803

If its in humanities it is true
>by succesful people in academia
when was the last time they went into job market? ignore them. I repeat IGNORE THEM.
>f you're serious in getting into it talk with someone who has already established himself in whatever you want to specialize in and ask him to give you some tips.
NO. Do not mislead people. You go to the place that has the highest prestige towards normies. I don't care bumfuck flyover state has the best history department and harvard history sucks massive ass. You can bet that harvard history boys will get the job. No matter what.
Ignore departmental reputation
Ignore advisor reputation
Ignore your funding
Target only prestige.

when you apply for jobs, your cv will be read by someone who will only care about where did you get your degree. They get the jizz that their flyover state university has harvard educated professors.

>> No.16734811

somewhere in eastern europe anon, It doesn't matter. I'm in my 30s now. Had a terrible college life, meanwhile my gf dumped me and studied in that awesome school with his bf for 7 years, they are getting married now..fuark.
Anyways enough of woe is me.

>> No.16734816

wtf is this grandfather hand

>> No.16734822

Your hand is exactly how I imagined.

>> No.16734831
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Not my hand

>> No.16734846

>English Lang. & Lit.

>> No.16734869

I thought you could've been from where i'm from too. I'm in a similar situation, but it's a bit better, there's some interesting and good people I'm friends with, there's still some soul. But it has been soul-sucking too in some other aspects. Anyways, goodspeed Anon.

>> No.16734902

where u from anon

>> No.16734964

It depends though. If you want to specialize in an obscure subject, top 10 universities might not have someone who works on that subject. This is especially relevant in philosophy.

>> No.16734967

From somewhere in Latin America

>> No.16734974

where, maybe we're compatriotas

>> No.16734989

Mexico, how about you Anon?

>> No.16734996

Argentina, same shit happens here.

>> No.16734997

Fuck subjects, people pursue phds to find jobs. Not to research stuff.
I mean if you are wealth enough to not care then go ahead and study your hearts desire in Ohio State. If you want to be an academic you have to go to an ivy, hard to do youtube shit when you have people like the Minotaur of Milwaukee as your competition

>> No.16735039

You are right, I agree. But if your whole motivation is to find jobs wouldn't it be better to better to pursue a professional field instead? Academics don't earn much, the job market is overcompetitive, and there is already a lot of other bullshit to deal with. If you don't appreciate your subject of research enough to make it worth all this trouble, I imagine you are going to have a terrible time.

>> No.16735084

Yeah that is correct. But, that being said. Those who don't need jobs and pursue phds are rare. 1/20 grad students are filthy rich who are just in it for the knawledge. Many are there for jobs, many are the first in their family who have a college degree, let alone a masters/phd.

My family is rich enough for me to neet of 4lyfe, but boy I regret not just sucking it up faking interest and enrolling into an ivy. That of course assumes I could get into one but still.

what is worse is that I'm a minority, which gets me A LOT of interviews, but no jobs at all. I'm basically the token for departments to satisfy the diversity bullshit. "see we included this sandnigger in the last 3 candidates to be interviewed, and now we will hire the white ivy educated fellow as we always do"

Funny enough I heard that many black female grad students do not accept interview requests anymore.

>> No.16735137

>people pursue phds to find jobs
LMAO. The job is not the goal. It's an unfortunate necessity for funding and access to enable one's scholarly pursuits.

>> No.16735149

That must suck, I'm sorry anon. In my case, I'm already going to one of those "ivy-equivalent" schools mentioned above but I don't really care about mainstream subjects like phil of language anglo autism. The philosopher whose work I care about is almost exclusively studied in Europe, so that's where I plan to go. I've found other ways to take care of financial concerns so I don't even want to be an academic lmao.

>> No.16735165

University of California Santa Barbara/International Christian University Tokyo

English Literature

Scored a 170 on the LSAT back in July and I'm applying to law school.

>> No.16735169

please share your ways, anon

>> No.16735170

different anon here, but at a good school where many professors and academics had gone to much less prestigious schools throughout europe but still made it. seeing that gives me hope

>> No.16735172

UAB, neuroscience.

>170 on LSAT
Why bother?

>> No.16735175

maybe not for you, but for many it is the goal.
welp if you are a trust fund kid you don't have to worry about it.

>> No.16735196

Lol I'm double majoring an engineering field. I want to study under a trained philosopher in grad school but I don't want my future work to be subject to academic careerism. I think this is a much more honorable path.
Yeah, I noticed that too. Some of my professors also got their degrees in Europe.

>> No.16735200

You can part time masters I guess but not PhD. PhD is really an opportunity costs, you waste 5-6 years for shitty pay and have to endure dumb departmental politics. The only exception is having money.
We had a filthy rich guy, not rich I mean filthy rich, who didn't give a flying fuck about capriciousness of the professors. I always envied him on this.

>> No.16735201

I'm a URM with a high GPA LMAO my scores are weighted higher than whites and Asians. I'm good

>> No.16735533
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Studying English at pic rel

>> No.16735559

My bedroom
Where my nail clippers went.
Somehow a better use of my time than dealing with "Academia"

>> No.16736133

>and I'm applying to law school.

>> No.16736144

It's a tranny

>> No.16736147

English at the University of Adelaide. (graduate)
Wish I spent more of my undergrad taking English only and really fattening my literary brain, rather than caring about cringey electives or a minor I didn't actually need. Any anons reading this thinking of going to university, or still in their first year, pick one discipline and STICK with it, even if it's a grind, because if you only take classes of what interest you, or read only what entertains you, you will waste a lot of money and time in education. I learned that the hard way.

>> No.16736149

also at oxford

english & italian undergrad

which college are you?

>> No.16736157

>not having multiple spare nail clippers for emergencies
a common mistake for beginners

>> No.16736289

didn't expect to see my school here

>> No.16736842

I'm doing my master's in Modern American Poetry in Latin America. The program is one of the best in Latin America terms, but I plan on pursuing a PhD in the US.

>> No.16736871

What's LWA?

>> No.16737132

Lesser Wakanda in Africa.

>> No.16737135
File: 158 KB, 900x700, D1D1C5FF-1FD1-4755-B65A-10296D449755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little Witch Academia

>> No.16737138


>> No.16737381

Academia is death!

>> No.16737420

college begins with "B". are you ready for 5th week anon

also, i didn't expect so many people from here to be browsing /lit/ desu. pretty neat

>> No.16737430
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Oh... I feel silly for looking up LWA University now

>> No.16737449

What job? What idiot does a phd to get a job?

>> No.16737457

I don't know what planet you're from but plenty of PhDs get jobs, if it's not from a literally unknown university.

>> No.16737461

Longwood University
History with a Pre-Law concentration

>> No.16737479


>> No.16737503

MIT computer science ugrad

>> No.16737587
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>> No.16737623

What classes do you have and how much are you actually expected to read and learn at Oxbridge? A somewhat detailed answer would be much appreciated.

T. curious third worlder

>> No.16737657
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visiting oxford was one of the most wonderful memories I've got. Just wandering around the city was so rewarding. I'd absolutely love to get a post-doc position there when I graduate

>> No.16737974

Those were the spares...

>> No.16737983
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In this world you're either an academic or a person who rightfully despises academia. There is no in-between.

>> No.16738035

its around one-two problem sets/essays per week on average, each takes somewhere around 10-15 hours of work to do properly. whats it like to be here? you just get sad all the time and every now and then feel like an imposter. specific classes depends on what subject you do and i dont want to doxx myself lol

being a student rn is just so so great. i sit inside all day and have online lectures and classes. undergrads are glorified high schoolers

>> No.16738064

ok this kind of based tho

>> No.16738068

Warwick uni
Postgrad continental philosophy

where are the UK niqqas

>> No.16738071
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Want to go back to college to study a second bachelor's in maths but I'm 30. Maybe I'll just become an alcoholic and live a tough life instead

>> No.16738079

Royal Holloway?

>> No.16738088

Thanks for the answer. Could you be more specific about the subjects without doxxing yourself though? I'm really curious. Let's say someone takes a course in Ethics or something similar. How much are you expected to read? Is it work all day long or do you have some spare time?

>> No.16738093

I visited my friend at RHUL two years ago. Went to fetish friday, got insanely smashed and hooked up with the ugliest girl I've ever got with. She did Geography. Don't remember anything more than that. Egham is a right shithole. Campus is real nice doe.
Is the Arts department in the nice building or the shit STEM ones? My mate never got to go to the nice building because all his labs were in the new buildings

>> No.16738317
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did my undergrad at warwick, most depressing library in the uk

>> No.16738471
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>Not telling you
>Psych major
>might pick up a Bio minor, but I don't know if I'll be able to fit it in to my schedule as a junior

>> No.16738513

>but for many it is the goal.
Yup. I'm doing a PhD to break into the semiconductor field. Thesis is nearly finished and I want to die. My exhaustion is total.

I took a week off from writing and within 5 minutes of going back I was totally exhausted. FUCK ME I HATE IT

>> No.16738528

>Not telling you
Same. My country is so small and my PhD topic is so specific that people could probably work out who I am in five minutes. Not that it would matter but still.

>> No.16738669

Currently doing undergrad at Warwick and can relate. Was the library entrance also always swarmed by French students smoking?

>> No.16738690

Just don't bother with minors if you can get away with it. Focus on one major because that's all you'll have to do in the future if you become an academic (you need the foundational learning)

I'm guessing a PhD in pussyology.

>> No.16738704

yep, the gilet wearing wbs euro-types seem to be a constant presence at warwick

>> No.16738709

>Just don't bother with minors if you can get away with it
I'll have a lot of credits left in undergrad so I need something to fill it to 120, I guess I could just take a bunch of psych electives and read a bunch of bio/evolutionary bio books as supplements.

>> No.16738745

Does any one ever talk about Land or the CCRU, or are they still technically not real?

>> No.16738817

By anyone do you mean students or academics? I'd say most philosophy students I've met know of Land, especially if they're into continental phil (/which most of them are since it's Warwick after all). I've never heard an academic directly refer to CCRU/Land, but I do know a couple of people from my year that are writing UG dissertations on accelerationism in a broader context, all of whom are being supervised by academics in the phil department. It's definitely not as much of a banned topic of discussion as people think - lots of Deleuze and Heidegger interested people here tho

>> No.16738850

Gotcha, thanks.

>> No.16738924

attention whore, what are you doing here? girl's can't read unless it's some bdsm based romance novel or hentai

doing my masters at cambridge, did an undergrad in philosophy at oxford

>> No.16739122
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>My mate never got to go to the nice building because all his labs were in the new buildings

Have one really nice building everyone likes, build lots of shit new buildings no one lies.

Why do universities continue to do this?

>> No.16739650
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>Focus on one major because that's all you'll have to do in the future if you become an academic

>not being a polymath

>> No.16739662

Ok RC Waldun

>> No.16739676


Should be happy you don't go to Warwick or York tho, concrete everywhere. Do you guys have in-person seminars at the moment?

>> No.16739689
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I'm at the Uni of Swansea. How can I work my way up to doing post grad at somewhere like Oxford? Is it even possible to escape what I've fallen into?

>> No.16739714


>> No.16739716

école normale supérieure, linguistics

>> No.16739725

i don’t want my hate of academia associated with larping cucks with a surface level understanding of society that they got from the internet

>> No.16739735

>thinking in absolutes

>> No.16739737


>> No.16739771

So you're one of about twenty right?

>> No.16739919
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>> No.16739990

IF you got a 170 on the LSAT why the hell would you rush into law school? At least do something you find academically stimulating before you go. Law school will always be an option with your score. Don't be so hasty, you'll regret it.

>> No.16740276

All academia threads are off-topic and not /lit/

>> No.16740484

just keep working anon. many people here get complacent and lazy in their undergrad and dont move onto a masters

what is it like to study in france? i saw a girl who was at sciences po once and she made it sound quite intense, full of slimey careerist guys

my uni still does most of them in person

probably 100-200 pages of reading per essay is standard for me, essays are 2,000 words, there's extra reading possible too. lectures are hit or miss a lot of the time. there is some spare time but if you want to commit to your degree then work will take up most of your time, and you will have about 2-3 days off in a week. luckily only exams at the end of the year count towards getting a fail/pass/distinction, so any work you do throughout term is high in volume but not as important

st johns ox is unironically one of the worst places on earth. the brutalism is still kinda cool though

something like that


>> No.16740495
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anybody at glasgow?

>> No.16740504

you know that includes you too, right?

>> No.16740510
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Anyone here a rogue polymath academic?

>> No.16740592

i almost went to glasgow. i know a girl who was trapped in her accomodation there

>> No.16740594

Do you recommend Warwick for postgrad? Considering this route

>> No.16740694

Math and CS, might minor in philosophy

>> No.16741300

how is he such an accomplished polymath at only 20 years of age. I suspect we may have the next Goethe on our hands...

>> No.16741305

Unimelb philosophy

>> No.16741530
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biology at pic related

>> No.16741784
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>none of your damn buissiness
dual major in anthropology and linguistics, then another major in underwater archaeology, two minors; film production and norwegian

>> No.16742478

France is pretty cool, but there's a lot of obnoxious elitism in all of the grandes écoles. People still brag about how hard their particular prépa was, I find it super tedious. And yeah don't trust people who go to sciences Po, they're nearly all insane careerists. Just total neolib self absorbed types.

Really the comfiest thing about studying in France is all the cheap shit they give students, the cafeterias are gr8.

>> No.16742502

Nasim Taleb, someone who hates academia and is an academic.

>> No.16742600

>>Psych major
>>might pick up a Bio minor, but I don't know if I'll be able to fit it in to my schedule as a junior
Similar situation but I'm debating on doing a double major as pure psychology just doesn't feel right. Not sure if I'm going to do biophysics or biochem, might actually add both.

>> No.16742888

I'm still absolutely seething with myself that I never applied for Oxford desu. Wouldn't have got in as an undergraduate (too lazy and undisciplined as an A-level student), but I'd definitely have been able to at master's and maybe at PhD. Did a week-long course there last year and fell in love with the place, and wish I'd applied myself properly and made it my goal to get in.

As it happens, I've been to Exeter, Loughborough, and Sheffield Hallam. Studied different forms of psychology in each. Exeter is the best ranked of the three, but fairly shit. Sheffield Hallam is the worst ranked of the three, but completely shit. Loughborough is good for certain subjects and an up-and-comer overall, but still moderately shit. I've become convinced that you can't get proper university tuition anywhere in the UK outside of Oxbridge, but maybe I'm wrong and I'm just getting fooled by the pretty buildings.

>> No.16742954

Oxford at master's level is kind of a scam desu. It's not hard to get in but it's v expensive. I got in for my masters but I'm not shelling out 40 grand CAD a year for a linguistics master.

>> No.16742962

Hey, I'm from Adelaide! I escaped, though. Now I study economics in Europe.

>> No.16742967

Yeah you're not wrong, it's a scam to extract money out of people like me (relatively high-achievers who weren't clever enough to get in at undergraduate but still want to tell people that they went to Oxbridge). Still might have done it just for the """Oxbridge experience""" though, given that home fees would be lower for me (something like £7k per year iirc).

I've been thinking about moving to Oxford now that I'm a yuppie with a fully remote job, but I think it might be too late now. Really to get the proper experience you should be an undergraduate student I think.

>> No.16742974

Yes sir

>> No.16742990
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Didn’t know about so many uk lit bros. I study art his at the courtauld, hopefully grad school soon, my degree kinda blew up cos of strikes in uk and covid

>> No.16743005

Currently bachelor biotechnology in the Netherlands and soon two masters in medical biotechnology and bioinformatics

>> No.16743007
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King's College London for my history undergrad and MA, not going to tell you where I'm currently doing my PhD lest I be identified.

I loved university study in London. You comes in, you does your work, you fucks off. Even when I was 18, nothing seemed like a greater hell than having to fuck around "on campus" with a bunch queers, midwits and pseuds jockeying for reputation like a stereotypical American high school. I prefer my university work to be more businesslike.

>> No.16743021
File: 211 KB, 850x1360, Pisa-P-850x1360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently in my first year of a Bachelor's Degree in Medieval History in Pisa, Italy

>> No.16743052

I don't. I fell for the academia bad meme and kind of regret it desu. Wasted my 20s working minimum wage instead

>> No.16743582

Depends for what really, I only know about the phil/pol/econ departments. If you like continental philosophy then there's really no better place to study

>> No.16743595

I'm not in university; I'm currently enrolled for three years in accounting and after finishing it, i'll be an accountant probably. (550 €/year). I would have liked to enroll in French lit or philosophy but there is no job here and I'm not smart enough.

>> No.16743603

Same here but no regrets.

>> No.16743605


5th week can suck my dick I have almost no work

strength to you and best of luck avoiding covid

>> No.16743923

Nice, I applied for a part-time master's in their AAP for the Spring (not in biology)