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16734316 No.16734316[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>proceeds to install a totalitarian government
what did he mean by this?

>> No.16734323

There is no contradiction here, he obviously valued the state over freedom

>> No.16734328
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>freedom = good
Is there a bigger brainlet exposer?

>> No.16734340

>the universe is not the product of darkness and unreason; it comes from intelligence, freedom, and from the beauty that is identical with love
freedom comes from God and, yes, God is good

>> No.16734346

>literally tells you what to do and how to think

>> No.16734347

Freedom aint real

>> No.16734366

God doesn’t exist, your religion is an epiphenomenon of capitalism and will be stamped out in time. It’s a cosmic cope

>> No.16734367


>> No.16734374

I don't think capitalism existed for so long as religion did

>> No.16734382

Religious population is projected to keep on increasing in the next 100 years, so out in time you are just wrong.

>> No.16734383

It didn’t, but all religion is merely the product of misunderstandings concerning the natural world and from need to cope with how shitty their life is. Same under feudalism and other economic systems.

>> No.16734391

This is going to be due to a massive explosion of population in Africa, as well as the fact that the religious shit out a dozen children. Wasn’t even an argument against what I said

>> No.16734397

If you've ever read a book of philosophy, or taken someone's advice, then you've just been told what to do and how to think. If you live in a society with laws, ditto. The thing is, these petty appeals to ego are just that- petty appeals. "I've been told to think X." Boo hoo; I can also think for myself, as I have chosen X for a reason, and can defend X, just as you have chosen to believe in Y and defend Y. There is no real superiority between the "free thinker" and the person who defends the "freethinker's" Satan (be it organized religion, or capitalism, or what have you), only perceived superiority.

Everything is a cope, and religion is not necessarily concomitant with capitalism, but rather appropriated by it. But of course, a monomaniac will find only ONE mundane, earthly thing to be the root of all evils; be it Abrahamism, or capitalism, or Jews, or a particular brotherhood, and in each's mythology these occupy the central role of evil's farther and procurator. Religion ascends all profane ideologies and survives all profane ideologies.

>will be stamped out in time
Is this a cope?

>> No.16734404
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So when will religion be stamped out? In the next trillion years?

>> No.16734405
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>> No.16734407

>be it Abrahamism, or capitalism, or Jews
These are all just the Jews though. Ultimate cope to think it’s not

>> No.16734412

The natural world says materialism is false though.

>> No.16734418

communist, fascist, democratic, capitalistic, it doesn’t matter what it is this time. when an ideology gains enough power the result will always be control and stomping out all dissidence. and every-time it’s always done “in the name of humanity!” that’s why devout democrats and hardcore religious ppl are always pieces of shit and control freaks, and fighting them of course only emboldens them

>> No.16734420

I’d rather be euphoric about my own intelligence than worship some dusty kike tomes

>> No.16734426

>all religion is merely X
Yes, by all means discount (but with intellectual air) the millenia of human religious experiences as all having one, common root that you ("you" being the scientists and scholars who have told you what to do and how to think) have so cunningly exposed. How can you talk to me about "misunderstandings of the natural world" when considering the countless experiences individuals have had; you might as well say they're lying, as there are things no natural science can explain that these people have born witness to (as if the sciences don't also misunderstand nature).

>cope with how shitty their life is
That's not all there is to religion, or else we'd all, by virtue of the factual and irreprovable tenets of Evolutianity, believe in a religion that sends us ALL to paradise, regardless of how evil or cowardly we've been. So you see, there's more than just "muh fear of death" at play

> Same under feudalism and other economic systems
Like the communism that hasn't ever been correctly applied? In which religion thrived?

>> No.16734429

based retard

>> No.16734436

is that why atheists cope with how shitty their life is with suicide? really your basic bitch socialism is showing, you’re probably going to look back at how dumb you were in five years and cringe

>> No.16734439

>believe in a religion that sends us ALL to paradise, regardless of how evil or cowardly we've been. So you see, there's more than just "muh fear of death" at play
This is just a feel-good cope. Oooh I feel so guilty and have been a bad goy, but my cosmic rabbi will forgive me and he loves me, and we’re gonna go to heaven!

>> No.16734440

> my authoritarian "party of the people" isn't really a state
> that wasn't real marxism
every fucking time

>> No.16734441

Real Capitalism has never been tried.

>> No.16734442

i bet you're a self-described "positive nihilist" aren't you

>> No.16734445

How about you put up or shut up.

>> No.16734449

Better to rope than cope

>> No.16734452
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They ALL are Jews, but there are various other brotherhoods, organizations, and interests who have their fingers in our pie that aren't strictly Jewish, or Jewish at all. A higher, more common root that unites all of these malignant forces must be found.

Problem is with you science lickspittles that you're never being euphoric about your own intelligence, it's always someone else's intelligence you need to be euphoric about, because I don't see you slaving away in a laboratory and verifying these saintly, do-gooder dispensers of facts. I'm not even talking about those basic, chemistry set type theories like "add substance X to substance Y and see the result," I'm talking about space

>> No.16734459

Marxists don't think you can go from capitalism to stateless communism overnight. The centralized socialist state is considered a necessary transitory period.

>> No.16734468
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>Oooh I feel so guilty and have been a bad goy
Exactly, why feel guilt for anything? Surely that won't turn you into the greasy, conscience-dead kikes you exemplify.

>but my cosmic rabbi will forgive me and he loves me, and we’re gonna go to heaven!
Hell yeah. Is there a problem with that?

Better to shut up and take pills, ignore the side effects they're just hallucinations gotta give more money

>> No.16734481

you didn't even understand what OP conveyed and you dare call others brainlet.

voegelin was right, you people hate reality and live in a fantasy.

>> No.16734484

holy based you're so redpilled paganpilled fedorapilled

>> No.16734492

>Hell yeah. Is there a problem with that?
Yeah, it’s bullshit. Christfags need locked in an asylum
Thank you, I know

>> No.16734507
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>Yeah, it’s bullshit. Christfags need locked in an asylum
Yeah, they just need to let the love of science in their heart. Stop denying Science! He just wants to educate (indoctrinate) you! God exists? Do you have any peer-reviewed neurological studies written in an arcane dialect about that topic?

>> No.16734516

Wow I’ve been BTFO by your strawman attack

>> No.16734530
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There was nothing to BTFO because you did the exact same as me- mere name calling. It was just banter you nitwit

>> No.16734587
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>> No.16734627

Lol faggot gamma intellectuals long for better men to force a society that values their resentful ramblings because they can not produce anything of value or gain status on their own merits.
No wonder these resentful losers hate freedom. They are weak!

>> No.16734634

Lmao this is clearly a teenager.
You'd be more at home over at reddit kiddo!

>> No.16734643

You wanna know how to spot the teenagers? People who say "all religion is just X" or who point out logical fallacies everywhere, like it has some power over you.

>> No.16734901
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>freedom = good
>freedom = freedom
>good = good
stupid on every level

>> No.16734903


>> No.16734926

Retard leftists gonna retard.

>> No.16734971

He meant he was jewish.

>> No.16734979

Liberals aren’t leftist

>> No.16734988

Lenin never claimed freedom for anybody in the Soviet Union. It had a state and thus it had no freedom nor any illusions of freedom.

>> No.16735047

Anon, I'm legit curious, what kind of freedoms do you value in your life?

>> No.16735053

Plenty are. And all leftists are liberals.

>> No.16735070
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If we make it past this hurdle we can see the fruition of revolutionary/enlightenment age snuff it out for good.
Have a little perspective.

>> No.16735074

A “left liberal” is simply a fool who thinks capitalism can be reformed despite all evidence to the contrary.
An actual leftist is anticapitalist

>> No.16735077

>Rawls isn't a leftist
People who say this just show everyone they don't know anything about the development of liberal thought post-1900

>> No.16735109


>> No.16735125

What he meant is pretty clear if you read state and Revolution. You cannot have no state after a Revolution, for you need some apparatus to guide the Revolution, and this will be the state. And until communism is achieved you're going to need a state, bucko

>> No.16735143

Are you actually retarded? Obviously I meant John Rawls. Was this supposed to be a joke? I think you should know by now: you're not very funny.

>> No.16735148

anyone who affirms secularity, denies metaphysics is a leftist by nature

>> No.16735212

Never heard of him.
> John Bordley Rawls (/rɔːlz/;[2] February 21, 1921 – November 24, 2002) was an American moral and political philosopher in the liberal tradition.[3][4] Rawls received both the Schock Prize for Logic and Philosophy and the National Humanities Medal in 1999, the latter presented by President Bill Clinton, in recognition of how Rawls' work "helped a whole generation of learned Americans revive their faith in democracy itself."[5]

This is your leftist? Traditional centrism isn’t leftism

>> No.16735216

I didn’t stutter. All leftists are liberal.

>> No.16735219 [DELETED] 

Anticapitalists aren’t liberals. They’re socialists and actual leftism.

>> No.16735224
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Step off
Anticapitalists aren’t liberals. They’re socialists and actual leftism.

>> No.16735227

>actual leftism
Liberalism. Neat.

>> No.16735242

My God! You've never heard of John Rawls! This is extremely embarrassing. He is literally the most famous and important political philosopher of the 20th century. I can't imagine talking about political philosophy knowing as little as you clearly do. Read a book some time. You clearly haven't read before.

>> No.16735243


>> No.16735269

>the most famous and important political philosopher of the 20th century
>cuz Bill fucking Clinton gave him a medal for propping up the system
No need to have a meltdown, kid. Not everyone’s interested in liberalism.

More like the opposite of a rectangle

>> No.16735275

If a square could talk, that’s what it’d say.

>> No.16735279

You're really stupid and under-read. It's not because he was awarded a presidential medal of honor, it's because the entire world of political philosophy revolved around him for 30 years. Nozick, Dworkin, and Nagel all viewed him as the reason that they wrote political philosophy. Rawls' idea of the veil of ignorance is probably one of if not the only original and reasonable concept created by any political philosopher for the last century. I don't agree with Rawls on very much of anything, but denying his importance only shows your own lack of erudition.

>> No.16735282
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You’re a square

>> No.16735287

And you’re a rectangle. ;p

>> No.16735289
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All of this raging is irrelevant. You given no reason to think this isn’t some dippy troll.
Go be dumb somewhere else

>> No.16735299

I don't know what that means. It's good to read about something before you comment on it. You clearly haven't read much political philosophy if you've never heard of Rawls. That's fine; it'd just be a lot preferable for everyone if you stopped talking about political philosophy. I honestly think you should try another board than /lit/, one which shares more of your interests, and I honestly don't mean that to offend. You just aren't very interested in literature or reading; that's fine. Just get off my board.

>> No.16735315

t. literally the "plight and suffering of all students" activist from Demons

>> No.16735482

Makhno did it overnight but he wasn't a fucking liar looking for cheap excuses for total control.

>> No.16735547

Being able to fuck your mother

>> No.16736812

Jews' boy

>> No.16736867


Yes, this.

>> No.16736893

yeah, the anarchist state with secret police and capital punishment

>> No.16737192

The only based answer. But I don't look down upon them even though it is just a cope, some of them are better than the self-improvement guru-reading fags.

>> No.16737245

Much of religion may be cope but humans clearly also just have an innate religious instinct, at least most people do, perhaps it's a bell curve of religiosity. When people abandon straightforward religions they just replace them with other ideologies that rather closely resemble religion, a cliche statement but it bears repeating. Absolutely any political ideology that promises some end to exploitation and oppression is extremely obviously fulfilling a religious function similar to that of heaven.

>> No.16738462

who is we? Specifically I mean.

>> No.16738636
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All the life threatened by climate change and the coming extinction event. Some life will be resilient enough I imagine, but not the big animals

>> No.16738861

unironically it's all relative. the average chink has far more freedoms than the average westoid especially in the things where it counts. that will probably change as china sets up more regulations, i think they've regulated/banned fireworks in good cities already.

>> No.16738901

good. fuck fireworks. they are annoying and for obnoxious people. china keeps getting based.

>> No.16738919

>5 points have been added to your social credit score

>> No.16738935

What is the best resource for learning what life in China is really like these days?

>> No.16738954


this guy

>> No.16738995


>> No.16739191

>until communism is achieved

>> No.16739551

lenin's goal was to temporarily hold russia in anticipation of the revolution in germany, but the revolution in germany was defeated because marxists had underestimated just how despicable social democrats were
stalin was the real architect of the ussr as it went on post ww2 and stalin was very stupid and didn't understand materialism