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File: 89 KB, 479x435, charles-bukowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16732193 No.16732193 [Reply] [Original]

What about the tough life was so alluring to Bukowski? What drove him to sacrifice his health, his relationships and his sanity for it? Why did he take such odious and rancid oily shits? Surely there must be some reason why he went to these lengths.

>> No.16732352
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I think the guy was constantly running in circles, not addressing his underlying problems. He had a lot of unaddressed trauma from childhood, drank and smoked like a madman, was consumed by lust and fetishized his own sadness and despair. He was a very troubled individual no doubt, a person constantly distracting himself by whatever means possible throughout his life. Can't say I can blame him desu, in such a vile and absurd world one might as well live like an animal.

>> No.16732380
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As for the steaming shit.. it's probably the beer. I remember when I was on holiday with my family and I had drank so much that I missed lunch with them the next day because I was stuck on the toilet for hours, caught in a limbo of splattering, stinking beer shit.

>> No.16732398

Did you ever hear that story about Phillip Larkin when he got older and could only write shit? He got so morose, and lamented that he fucked up his life so that he could write good poetry. then suddenly, it stopped and all that was left was a ruined life. Bleak.

>> No.16732469

Damn, that's grim.

>> No.16732474

No here.

>> No.16732495

>me the quote
Bukowski should have drank less desu.

>> No.16732542

His shits were so foul because of his lifestyle. Him doing it to be a better writer is bullshit. Drinking, smoking, coffee, shit food day after day do that to you

>> No.16732544


>> No.16732618

His shits were that bad?

>> No.16732657
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Chad Bukowski

>> No.16733051


>> No.16733118

Bukowski didn't have an easy life. However, all the time he knew that he had a voice and a gift inside him (bluebird), so all exterior things were "experiments" to see how such a life would affect and provoke the voice.
Also, he suffered abuse and rejection from society and thus used the juice to get through the pain.

My favorite poem of his is Stew from Burning in Water, Drowning In Flame from the section called Crucifix In A Deathhand; it is epic