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/lit/ - Literature

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16731681 No.16731681 [Reply] [Original]

>make a genuine thread trying to discuss a book
>get 3 replies and thread dies
>make a shitpost 0 effort thread
>still up with over 30 replies and counting
why are you guys like this?

>> No.16731709

Do you really prefer 30 one-liner replies by ADHD zoomers and political shitposters to 3 serious replies by actual book readers?

>> No.16731715

You're a geek and I can smash your face in front of all these people. What are you going to do? Run to my daddy? Ha.

>He died one day and he went down below and this was all the tune that he could play-


>> No.16731722

I tried to make threads about books a couple times. They got a couple pity bumps but never caught on cuz obviously no one read them or even had hot takes about them. I don't bother now.

>> No.16731757

this is a meme board nobody on here actually reads

>> No.16731766

You're probably a Teen who hasn't lived a tough life.

>> No.16731774

This. I haven't finished reading a book since May.

>> No.16731778
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Chad Bukowski

>> No.16731794

It's tourists. Once you have realised that OP hasn't actually read the book or author he is referencing, you can hit them with the the troll stick and irs. Move along.

>> No.16731802

You should bother though. If you keep making the same thread you will become visible and it will gain traction. Also, not everyone who reads may have read the book yet.

>> No.16731809

You see, it's funny cause he's a "plastic paddy" but also it's an Irish folk song about some jagoff burning in Hell. LOL

>> No.16731812

I hope your 'genuine thread' was not one of the hundreds 'what did I think of book' threads we get.

>> No.16732259

people who spend a lot of time here and post a lot are subhumans. the only good posts and threads are by those just drop in.

>> No.16732315

Based violenceposter. Why argue? Just threaten to fuck your opponent's ass in real life and behead him in front of his own mother instead.

>> No.16733114

No one here actually reads. /lit is composed of (1) Leftists who fetishize the intellectual aesthetic despite being braindead; (2) /pol/acks who see books and authors as meme-like things to be shitposted about; (3) Religious people who only care about books that agree with their beliefs; and (4) People who don't read but are asking for books on a specific subject or author.

Every author and book is caught up in a net of ego-games and ideological struggles. No one cares about Schopenhauer's philosophy. They've only read the wikipedia article on him. They simply find him an amusing figure, and as utilize his name and image when they feel it is appropriate to bring him up in a conversation. Think of how often someone has posted something along the lines of "XYZ disproves this?"

>> No.16733119

Because jannies don't delete bait threads

>> No.16733141
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>>make a genuine thread trying to discuss a book
>>get 3 replies and thread dies
>>make a shitpost 0 effort thread
>>still up with over 30 replies and counting
>why are you guys like this?

>> No.16733156

based, effortposting is the only thing that brings me back to /lit/

>> No.16733161

Intelligent people with normal attention spans do not visit 4chan.

>> No.16733168

haven’t finished a book in two years, but i project i will finish one by the year end