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16730523 No.16730523 [Reply] [Original]

who was in the wrong here?

>> No.16730549

>eating from a cereal bowl 50 other men stuck their penis in

>> No.16730560

John Green, of course. Frivolous and constant inconsequential sexual intercourse is often a mark of a flighty and unstable personality. His assumption that the experience of eating cheerios and a sexual bond betwen people is even comparable is so disingenuous that it hurts.

>> No.16730561

bad move by comparing women to breakfast cereal, but the principle is at least defendable

>> No.16730567

I guess you can make anything that is right seem wrong when you frame it in the most obnoxious reddit format, with the most reddit hack as the spokesman.

>> No.16730569

Roasties and John Yellowe

>> No.16730573

Something tells me this guys wife is used goods

>> No.16730578
File: 49 KB, 600x524, 0914-SARAHGREEN1-600x524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really makes you think

>> No.16730606

>the look on her face
oh ho ho YOU JUST KNOW

>> No.16730632

Is sexual liberation makes us happy then why does every adherent have to inject themselves with SSRI's?

>> No.16730638

I have never had sex and I have to inject myself with SSRIs

>> No.16730643

He was underestimating with 48

>> No.16730648

She's pretty cute. Would fuck while reading Schopenhauer

>> No.16730651

perhaps there is a middle path between promiscuity and abstinence

>> No.16730657

You don't have to, you choose to

>> No.16730660


>> No.16730710

study women and you will jsut see women want to keep men competing for them, but as usual women use the euphemism of ''courting'', ie being a princess with lots of princes orbiting them and when in bed, women want to be fucked raw while talk dirty.

Women let the men do the first step, so that they let men think they are in control and are the stronger sex, and women benefit furthermore by passing as not a total slag and can play the harassment card if the orbiters are too repulsive. Men love this and since they are simps, they truly believe they have the upper hand.

Then women end up pregnant, because that's what happen after years of bending over.

This time the woman can play the card of the helicopter mom, feeling like protecting and providing for a tiny kid, taking it in her arms, feeling its heat and watching it moves and be happy, which is exactly what men dream of doing to women.
Women love their kids, they are faithful to them.
Women do not love men, they are not faithful to men. Women see love as an action equivalent to an economist performing a cost-benefit analysis.

Then women get bored from the helicopter mom and begin to long for the golden years of their twenties when all the young orbiters would never stop looking at them.
With the kids growing up, she starts bending more and go back to casual rough sex, either in secret from her official hubby, or just casually dropping her sexploits in conversation, this time cutting the ''princess act'' because after all those years, ''she knows what she wants'' and with little effort on her side, she can still pull it off, attracting lots of chad simps to get her pussy and ass eaten.

Then the menopause really kicks in and all her orbiters become more and more old, at best having a semi hard on from her when they watch her being nude. She begins to think about a breast lift, some bottox here and there, but she knows it is jsut vanity.

She still has swinger sex and feel happy about being a slut. Her official provider is happy to be cuckold and happy to make her happy, to be her for her day after day.

Then less and less men look at her and now she is a grandma, watching her daughter kid becoming what she was, perpetuating the eternal female life, a slut, a mom, a slut.

Grandma finally dies and everybody now thinks she was a saint.

Then the daughter hits the wall, the adolescent granddaughter becomes a slut until a few years later it is her turn to get knocked up by a beta cuck and or get another one happy to provide for her and so on and so on.

Such is the cycle of the vaginal existence.

>> No.16730725

Deeply based

>> No.16730745

There really isn't. There's chastity, whoredom, and less explicit whoredom.

>> No.16730750

Just marry and impregnate a teenage girl.
Tell her if she cheats on you you'll murder her and serve the prison sentence.
t. Happily married for 25 years

>> No.16730756

This is like saying there's a middle way between smoking crack and not smoking crack.

>> No.16730758


>> No.16730797

The cognitive dissonance from LARPing all the time must be pretty tiring.

>> No.16730812
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>cognitive dissonance
I don't think you know what that word means

>> No.16730819

You're like Charlie Kelly using words you don't know.

>> No.16730832

based retard

>> No.16730983

this is so ridiculously specific hoenstly hilarious you think all women are like this

>> No.16731041

Girl with body count of 1,000 but not STDs = perfectly fine to date
Girl with body count of 1 but with STD = I'll pass

>> No.16731045

The woman

>> No.16731053

not really a surprise there were so many virgins here

>> No.16731066

In your opinion, do you think using "virgin" as an insult works in a thread where people are discussing promiscuity?

>> No.16731071


>> No.16731077

It comes down to this, do you think your life has a higher purpose that goes beyond you, then sex is just for reproduction and for intimacy in a relationship, with the purpose of building a family and educating your young.

Do you think life is about fleeting pleasures, that dont matter anymore when you are death, then you abuse the organ of reproduction for your own whims.

This is what makes all loose sexual acts, including masturbation inherently evil. It serves no higher purpose outside yourself.

>> No.16731088

John Green. I fucking hate this neutered cuck and they made me watch him in history.
>inB4 backtopol.png

>> No.16731095

Yes, all woman suffer from borderline, narcissism or sociopathy.

>> No.16731107

>they made me watch him in history
how young are you?

>> No.16731124

20, those videos aren’t that new we watched them in HS

>> No.16731128

you are an std

>> No.16731160

I think being STD-free is a fair thing to ask.

>> No.16731169


>> No.16731172

Ahhh, the white knight soiboi.

>> No.16731179

Just graduated and they play maybe 1-2 john green vids a week in history, less often but prevalent in science classes too
the kids L A P T H E M U P L I K E D O G S

>> No.16731190


>> No.16731230

You really shouldn't care so much about who your partners have slept with. Thats something only guys with little dicks care about. That or theyre fat.

>> No.16731241

what's wrong with having a small penis?

>> No.16731248

You should, because people who have many former partners have hedonistic values. People with hedonistic values are less reliable partners and also end up being unhappier.

>> No.16731271

>Things that don't matter
Body Count

>Things that do matter
Lying about body count
Lying or hiding who is in your body count
Being unwilling to do things with your current partner that you willingly did with past partners

That said, this is a personal thing. If someone doesn't want to date you for having a hundred dicks inside you, that's also fine, they're allowed to decide that.

>> No.16731289


Only faggots use this terminology, so no shit they wouldn't care about volume. People who want a stable girlfriend or wife should very much care about how many cocks they've had in them.

Every slut I've seen get married (of every race, in every economic strata in multiple places, from NYC to Brentwood TN and beyond) has eventually had a failed marriage. We can speculate on why this is, but it does occur. Stop trying to make an honest woman out of that girl that sucked twenty dicks in HS, shes fucked in the head. Any girl that says they were raped is fucked too.

>> No.16731299

If people stopped having premarital sex for one generation we could eradicate stds.
Not to mention indulging so much in meaningless sex can only create more problems and make you unhappy in the long term.

>> No.16731323

The chance a woman will get divorced increases with every cock she previously rode. There's such a ridiculously strong connection between the two. Sexual liberation goes hand in hand with emotional problems, drug use, and the breakup of the family.

>> No.16731325

Nah. I've been with plenty of girls whove slept around a lot. Also been with a few virgins. The virgins are usually the looney ones, but I won't theorize as to why because I'm not sure its worthwhile. Like I said, the only guys paranoid about this are ugly. If you weren't ugly, you wouldn't be nervous that she'd been with other people, cause you know you're a great guy with great qualities that anyone would be lucky to have. That simple. Ugly dudes want a virgin because the thought process goes that if the girl hasn't tried anything else, she won't know how bad she's got it now. Improve your dick game, do some crunches, read some books, you'll be okay.

>> No.16731337
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>Also been with a few virgins
c u in hell bucko

>> No.16731343

women are property and I don't like used goods

>Also been with a few virgins. The virgins are usually the looney ones
all whores were virgins once

>> No.16731346

>Ugly dudes want a virgin because the thought process goes that if the girl hasn't tried anything else, she won't know how bad she's got it now.

>> No.16731355

>muh defiled pure maiden
christcuck spotted
1. all women are whores
2. women who seek casual relations are whores
3. women who are sweet talked into casual relations are stupid whores

>> No.16731364

Why shouldn't there be different standards for different kinds of people

>> No.16731365

Nah. They're people. Not property. Treat em like it and you'll do a lot better

>> No.16731373

I don't think women are pure maidens but that doesn't mean they're all whores either.
I don't care about le jew on a stick.

Not all women seek out casual relationships

>> No.16731374

I think it is funny how intellectually dishonest you are. First, you create fictional people in order to try to defend promiscuous women.

Then, your second part is not really an argument, but rather a way of trying to "win this argument" via a "status game".
Instead of arguing if promiscuity makes someone a better or worse "partner", you try to "reduce the status" of those who criticize promiscuity. "You can only think X is you are an ugly loser, so if you do not want to be an ugly loser, you should not thing X".

You are not arguing in good faith. You are a dishonest piece of shit.

>> No.16731391

>Then, your second part is not really an argument, but rather a way of trying to "win this argument" via a "status game".
>You are a dishonest piece of shit.

Kek. The hypocrisy made it too easy. Sorry buddy, youre ugly.

>> No.16731395

>They're people
euphemism for whores

>> No.16731396

Also, you are pretending to be a guy. You are not a guy who has slept with dozens of women.
You are some promiscuous woman who doesn't want your status to be devalued, so you defend promiscuity and attack the status of those who criticize it.

>> No.16731405

Nah im a guy who's slept with women. Not dozens, but more than one dozen. Most have been relationships, though.

>> No.16731408

Again, you are showing how dishonest you are.
When I mentioned how dishonest your "arguments" were, your first instinct was to... ...continuing with your dishonesty and starting another "you are an ugly loser" shit.

>> No.16731414

You are not a guy. You can see this by the kind of argument you try to deploy in order to defend promiscuity.
I'm sure you have slept with many people, on the other hand.

>> No.16731419
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The cheerios. Never trust anything that can't speak for itself.

>> No.16731434

I understand it would be easier to believe I'm not a guy who has things more figured out than you do, but its the truth. Youre argumentation falls apart because the crux of it depends on you determining my character and critiquing it, which is the very thing you claim im doing. Its rough buddy, and I feel sorry for you. I'm sure its hard to be an ugly guy, if not physically than with your pretentious and half-baked world view. Im sorry im the counter to your perfect virgin bliss girl, but she doesn't exist and never did. Read some Tolstoy or something for Christ's sake.

>> No.16731444


>> No.16731449
File: 4 KB, 72x78, 20201107_123044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why people keep taking your obvious bait.

>> No.16731452

Kind of. I don't ask women about previous partners as that's none of my business but a girl who sleeps with many men probably has some problems too, also there's a bigger chance of STDs.

>> No.16731456

Again, you don' have a true argumentation. You don't have arguments on why promiscuity is not bad. Not a single argument. The only thing you have is this status game where you claim that whoever disagrees with you is ugly.

Mentioning that you use dishonest arguments is completely normal in a debate. Because you are using dishonest arguments.
Look at your post. You are just trying to up your status and reduce mine. You are not trying to debate the issues.
> a guy who has things more figured out than you do
>I'm sure its hard to be an ugly guy,

Saying that you are a dishonest piece of shit based on your argumentation is just stating facts plainly.

>> No.16731462
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>I don't ask women about previous partners as that's none of my business

>> No.16731464

lol wtf? Why is Snowden talking about fornication like it's serial? Why is Snowden talking about fornication at all?

>> No.16731470

Ugly ugly ugly. Please post face or body.

>> No.16731474

it does because much promiscuity is a virgin cope

>> No.16731479
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thank god i'm a pedophile so I don't have to worry about previous sexual partners

>> No.16731480

Non-argument that others have shit on already "Been with plenty of girls" says you have not been in a long term relationship or marriage that's succeeded. You assume virginity is the only metric of a woman's sanity, a retarded premise. I've been married for 8 years, own a few rental properties and have kids. I'm 31 and have been attractive/in leadership positions my whole life. Wife was a virgin and more importantly, a close friend prior to any sex.

You dismiss the point of view about women and promiscuity like the only fathomable way that conclusion can be reached is being hideous and lonely. Even if we had no knowledge of genetics, sexual norms or statistics, my conclusion would still be reached. This is because over time you will observe what relationships falter and which ones don't, assuming you have friends and family. There has not been a cock-carousel queen that's happy or in a successful long term relationship my whole life, anywhere.

You can say "nah" and the love hormones can manipulate you into thinking your relationship with some slut will work over a long time, but it won't. This chemical deception has ruined many people. Young males reading this in their late teens/early 20's just beware of certain women if you want something more than banging and hanging out on the weekend. She will always suck some other dick.

Also don't love any woman with BPD. You are not a savior of anyone, help yourself first.

>> No.16731481

>You don't have arguments on why promiscuity is not bad
Its not bad because there's no data showing correlation between the number of sexual partners and loyalty in relationships.

>> No.16731483

If you are criticizing promiscuity that means you don't value out of wedlock sex. If someone doesn't value out of wedlock sex, that person won't be bothered by being called virgin.

>> No.16731492

>I'm 31 and have been attractive/in leadership positions my whole life
Post pics or gtfo

>> No.16731499
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>> No.16731508

Some people just have to learn the hard way.

>> No.16731514




>Each additional sexual partner increased the odds of infidelity by 7% while increasing years of education seem to decrease the risk by 10%. Very roughly speaking each addition partner negates the benefit of a year of education with regard to infidelity risk. Yet another study demonstrating the effect of promiscuity on relationship exclusivity/stability.

>> No.16731524

Well you can't have a lot of men who's having casual sex without a lot of women having casual sex. The one group creates / is dependent on the other group for it's existence. It really is a no brainer.
I consider myself lucky that I grew up in a society where celibacy before marriage is the norm and extra marital sex is frowned upon.
I end this post with a quote from the musical group Live in their song unsheathed:
>Free love is a knife through the jugular vein son
>Free love, I can't afford to add up what you fuckers are made of.

>> No.16731525

>posts IFS chart

BAHAHAHAHAHA God youre a fucking dunce

>> No.16731538

>With a sample of more than 4,000 individuals we found that there was a significantly negative shared influence for previous romantic, sexual, and cohabiting relationships on current relationship attitudes, sexual satisfaction, commitment, and stability. Above and beyond the shared influence, there was also a unique negative influence for previous sexual and cohabiting relationships on current relationship stability. The effects were largely similar for women and for men. It appears that on average the positive lessons that are learned from previous relationship experiences are likely being overwhelmed by the negative carryover, especially in regard to relationship attitudes and relationship stability.


>> No.16731544

Just because you close your eyes and refuse to look doesn't mean there's no evidence.

>> No.16731547

Marriage stability might be more related to different norms at that time than to the number of secual partners. Divorce is just way more accepted nowadays.

>> No.16731555

Overall, we rate the Institute for Family Studies (IFS) right biased based on story selection that favors conservative causes and Mixed for factual reporting based on the endorsement of poor science. (D. Van Zandt 3/16/2018) Updated (7/28/2019)

>> No.16731563

>Women have a right to be liked and express their feelings, even if they're hurtful.
>Men have no right to be liked and should not express their feelings.
I dunno. Seems like a normal opinion. Kind of depends on what you mean by "wrong"

>> No.16731566

>right wing

>> No.16731572
File: 168 KB, 1044x864, deboonker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those researchers are conservative therefore you've been DEBOONKED.

>> No.16731596

"Mixed for factual reporting"

>> No.16731616

Sure that's meaningful. It's not like you could say that about literally any social research institution but it's only right wing groups that get held to this impossibly vague standard which is of course never explicated.

>> No.16731619


>> No.16731625

What does factual reporting mean and how is it judged in this context?

>> No.16731629

A liberal journalist looks if some controversial person has ever been part of the institute.

>> No.16731650

Any this means what, that the research they put out is bad? That's a genetic fallacy

>> No.16731739
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>> No.16731744
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you really need to have sex

>> No.16731773

Quit the LARP. It comes through horribly in the way your post flows

>> No.16731782


>> No.16731790
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>> No.16731819

bro you're just using autistic 4chan incels as an example, plentey of chads are insecure asf about their girl being with other dude

I mean just think about it, it doesn't make you uncomfortable at all when you think of your girlfriend getting plowed and creampied by some other dude before you?

>> No.16731862
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>> No.16731866

I'm not larping lmao

No, because I know that I've plowed and creampied other girls and I shouldn't be held to a different standard

>> No.16731895

You're already serving a 25 to life prison sentence.

>> No.16731908

I personally know several attractive men who will not marry non virgin
Your essentially saying all of christendom is ugly because every real christian wont marry a non virgin

>> No.16731922

>No, because I know that I've plowed and creampied other girls and I shouldn't be held to a different standard
and this is why she prefers sex with her past partners and secretly wishes they settled for her rather than her settling for you.

>> No.16731926

U realize most scientists are actual redditors right?
meme is real
So obviously theyre going to say about the worst thing u can call a scientific study or data collection/analysis in 2020 by calling them ‘right wing’ which is synonymous with ‘hillbilly’ ‘country bumpkin’ and ‘uneducated christian zealot’
U really cant see through this huh

>> No.16731945

>No, because I know that I've plowed and creampied other girls and I shouldn't be held to a different standard

thats just retarded equality moralizing and you know it, there are things that you would do that you would not want done unto you

>> No.16731984
File: 20 KB, 563x387, Screenshot 2020-11-07 145451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you can, and that's how it normally is in modern history, usually most of the men would have experience with other partners, while most of the women remain virgins. This is because a small group of women would sleep with a large group of men. This pattern is common through almost all enduring societies too. Right now we are heading towards the opposite.

This image is how american teens answered if they ever had sex. If the chart continued you'd see the female bar getting a little higher and the male bar falling more steeply.

>> No.16731988

Look at how hard yall are coping. No, I dont care who they've been with, because like I said, I've been with people myself and beyond that, I feel comfortable with myself.

>> No.16732001

Coping with what? You are the one who is trying to defend your feelings almost like you're telling yourself something
>No, I dont care who they've been with, because like I said, I've been with people myself
Men are women aren't the same, and ignoring that, bad behavior from one person doesn't justify bad behavior in others
>I feel comfortable with myself
So it doesn't bother you at all that she prefers sex/is more attracted to her past partners but settled with you for other reasons?

>> No.16732022

lmao its actually you that are coping pretending you dont care when you actually do

think about it man think about all that passionate sex you had with your girl, your hot breath in her here, her whimpers, slamming her back and fourth some other guy did that some guys did it over and over again some guys just used her like a cheap whore once

its your nature to think like this you evolved to be jealous you just pretend you dont have those feelings every man cares they just learn to accept it

>> No.16732041

Your chart suggests that it was actually a small group of men having sex with a large number of women, and not the other way around.

>> No.16732045

Its pathetic! Yall have so much value put into sex, and it shows how inexperienced you really are. Its body parts moving together at the very core, whatever value on top of that you see is one you've dreamt up. Why can't yall fathom that I live my life comfortably in a way thats antithetical to your beliefs?

>> No.16732052

85% men, 12% women in 1960

>> No.16732066

And don't get me wrong, it did upset me at one point, after my first girlfriend, but thats how I know you're both inexperienced. Once I started seeing more people I realized how empty, emotionless, and frankly boring sex can be. I attribute no emotions to most of my hookups. Maybe something vague in the way you remember a past meal, but I certainly don't get worked up, and when I'm interested in someone new, I definitely don't feel like I dumped all the other girls because they were lesser than the current. They're just different. Some are better for me, some worse. Some are better at sex, some worse. Some do kinky shit, some don't. Itsnjust a complicated thing thats easy to view simply and childishly. Avoid that if you can

>> No.16732080

I've probably got more experienced than you, you talk like some 17 year old whos banged a handful of girls. Sex is the most intimate relationship you can have with somebody, saying its just "body parts moving together" shows how much of a naive idiot you, its like you're a virgin or you just hooked up a few times drunk. You may as well say "giving birth is just squeezing flesh out of your vagina". Half of the sexual act is the emotional and psychological aspect, if you had sex you'd fucking know that.

>> No.16732086

Can you actually not read numbers?
The chart shows a path from 64% of men having sex with 12% (a large number of men with a small number of women) to roughly half of men having sex with roughly half of women. This doesn't account for how many men were lying or fags before, and doesn't speculate any kind of breakdown of how many, but there's no way you can read it as a small number of men fucking a large number of women.
You too, look at those labels again. The year markers are unclear, but 1960 shows 50-60% men and ~20% women.

>> No.16732097

I think at this point you are baiting, but the reason why people should not hook up too much is because they dont want to have your nihilistic outlook on sex. You are proving my point.

>> No.16732099

>I realized how empty, emotionless, and frankly boring sex can be. I attribute no emotions to most of my hookups

kinda the problem with casual sex isn't it? if sex wasn't special at all you wouldn't have a problem with your gf cheating your just in denial

>> No.16732105

You are larping. And you are not very smart. You can't answer the points of any anon here.

>> No.16732127

Ok, by that logic would you be okay with your partner sleeping with other people, since it's just 'sex' and doesn't matter. If I didn't put any value on sex, what is the point of a relationship with a woman at all? What do they really offer aside from sex. Sure I could find a woman with a good personality who I relate too etc. but I could find a friend just the same.
Right, but at that point I'd rather forget the sex altogether and become a celibate monk. I have seen to many women who run a train of narcissistic player types then 'settle' down with someone who they just end up resenting.

>> No.16732132

I have had sex. I've had emotional sex with people I've loved. I've had awful soft-dick sex with girls i wasn't attracted to. I've banged fat chicks, fit chicks, nice girls, mean ones. I've done one offs, long term. I've never had group sex, but im up for it. I've been high, drunk, had things in my butt and put things up other butts. I've kissed guys and girls, but have never fucked a guy, or a trans person for that matter. The scope is so wide in my very limited perception that its impossible to imagine there's some inherent emotional weight to it.

Its just... a fine thing to do. Its certainly not worth dedicating your life to pursuing a virgin. Sometimes it's great, other times its not. I encourage you to take my word or get out and find out for yourself. And I've had way less sex than some of my friends. Some guys I know are at 30 or 40 girls. A girl I know (and hooked up with) guesses she's somewhere around 100. The sex was the same with her as it was with others, more or less. More fun, probably. Like I said, I felt like you once. A deep disgust in the pit of my stomach, and then I realized how trite and insignificant most of it is. People use it to affirm life, but its not that. Its just another factor of life.

Also, because I can't talk about this with any of my friends, I think im going to be able to swing a threesome with the girl im seeing and my ex. Fingers crossed.

>> No.16732152

This. Why is so much value placed on a biological function that serves to propagate the species? It's insane when you think about it. A man isn't considered a man if he doesn't do it. And yet sex has become completely divorced from it's function in society.
I find it hard to believe that people can engage in sex with another human if there isn't at least some thought as to possible offspring being generated. And this necessary implies that there should be some kind of rapport between two people engaging in sexual intercourse.
Of course we can trace all this to the media, magazines and movies romanticizing and normalizing the practice of casual sex as if it has no implications.

>> No.16732161

Its not nihilistic. Maybe vaguely and boringly existential, giving the meaning to it that I feel it should have given the circumstance, but I definitely don't feel burdened by it. I feel good about it when I want to feel good about it, and when I want to feel tormented about my ex fucking another guy, sometimes I do that.

As for sex during a relationship bothering me, I think it would. Not because the act disgusts me, but because it breaks the unwritten vows of the relationship. Id be equally upset if my girlfriend told another boy she loved him than if she slept with some guy. Its the same to me, something that's meant to be between the two of us at that time. It has nothing to do with the physical act holding some innate emotional energy. It has to do with a breach of trust>>16732099

>> No.16732173

I'm starting to feel bad about you.

You really need to read some philosophy and practice celibacy for a while.

>> No.16732174

>Some guys I know are at 30 or 40

lmao I'm nearing 50 and I'm only 21, I honestly think you're just a result of the current culture, you've suppressed and overcome your instincts to the point where you no longer value sex, you haven't countered a single point I've said other than some vague bullshit about it "not mattering bro" it does. It effects your pyscology deeply to the point where you lose your ability to properly love and pairbond. This is more so for women than men, but men do become more cynical. If you really think a woman can love you in the same after having 10, 20, 30, 50 men you're deluded. You're just living in a fantasy world of hedonism.

>> No.16732261

>i felt like you once... then its all so ebic and trite and insignificant
It is and isnt at the same time
But the bigger thing is this isnt some ‘higher consciousness’ enlightenment bs and the rest of us are sheep, ur a slave who the master raised up above other slaves
Your conscience has been dulled
Youve been blinded by lust
Youre a fool

>> No.16732324

>lmao I'm nearing 50 and I'm only 21
I'm at 51 and im 20

>> No.16732340


>> No.16732357

Johnny Boy. I don't even care about virginity, but at the least you should be having sex with people you care about, or even just like. Talk to anyone who's fucked more than 15 or so people, they straight up hate most of them. Sex is an intimate thing, there's no getting around it. If you perform it without intimacy, you're a damaged person. Look at the new zoomer term for sexual partners, "body count." It's sociopathic. You shouldn't treat other human beings as receptacles/dildos for you to cum in/on. You don't have to be a fucking no such before marriage puritan to embrace the beauty and humanity of sex. Just jerk off if you're horny and don't care about other people. You're probably such a narcissist you'd enjoy it more.

>> No.16732365

>I don't care about le jew on a stick.
t. atheist nigger I could kill in one strike.

>> No.16732387

when women have a bunch of sex it ruins their ability to pair bond, and without pair bonding they will never be capable of loving a man til death do they part. plus women who sleep around are always fucked in the head.

>> No.16732391

unless you got outpedophiled by her uncle

>> No.16732409

No, I'm content. I'm a good writer and I read plenty.

>> No.16732482

You are not fooling anyone, anon. At least if you had read more you would know why having too much sex is a bad thing.

>> No.16732508

Tell that to Joyce, kek... or Byron.

>> No.16732510

wow, this is quite based.

>> No.16732546
File: 114 KB, 1200x900, Arbys-Meat-Mountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obtaining the next coom is more important than food, and even water. so what if her roast beef vagine has been pounded by 50 dudes, i gotta get my coom.

>> No.16732551


>> No.16732608

what a charming man.

>> No.16732875

thanks boyo

>> No.16732887
File: 43 KB, 474x632, Hope_Solo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me of her pussy

>> No.16732907


>> No.16732929

then just focus on wealth and purchase prostitutes

>> No.16733424


>> No.16733463

It wouldn't change his views. More rational to assume he already has

>> No.16733499

That is one pointy gal

>> No.16733627

based effortposter

>> No.16733665

Posters here want their partners to be virgins because they are themselves and are intimidated by women with sexual experience but John Green is still pretty cringe

>> No.16733672

The problem is that he did

>> No.16733678


>> No.16733840
File: 150 KB, 600x331, mememe_0e4757275457cd2cdbecc2b126627404-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturday night, a good book, and you finally find the incel thread. Cheers bros.

>> No.16734223

Men should also be slut-shamed

>> No.16735562

I think dudes who fuck a lot of chicks are kind of gross too. There is a sort of macho-ness to it but it's still more of a tell on them that they can't find a committed relationship. Same goes for women. If a women fucks 100 dudes then I know that for some reason she had bad enough judgement to fuck a dude at least once, realize he's a faggot, and then do it again over and over, or is such a bitch that she has been dumped 100 times.
It's hardly even a cleanliness thing, like most people think.

>> No.16735575

The exact opposite.

>> No.16735597


im 21 and I remember I had to watch his videos to. although I liked him alot more back then because i didnt really see this side of him...

>> No.16735624

Has a food analogy ever not completely missed the mark?

>> No.16735696

>but it's still more of a tell on them that they can't find a committed relationship.

They can, they just don't want to