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16727294 No.16727294 [Reply] [Original]

>Weakness seeks refuge. Don't build one for it in you.

>> No.16727315

Feed the right wolf-tier statement. Building a shelter implies work, which is what you do to become strong. Weakness is the result of neglect.

>> No.16727330 [DELETED] 
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Seek grammars of higher if in you

>> No.16727336

Weakness isn't defined and is too unweildy. If you want to have made-up conversations about nothing and be extremely passionate about it have fun but it's not worth my time.

>> No.16727375

How could you see such a statement as >>16727294 that aims to instill vigour, vitality, and existence into the people here that've rejected most of society;

and then proceed to derail it you absolute degenerate tranny shitsack?

Listen to OP for once anons

>> No.16727413

Am I on Facebook?

>> No.16727461

I wish. I forgot my password two months ago.