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16725784 No.16725784 [Reply] [Original]

Best book to read in public for art hoes to approach me?

>> No.16725788

Don't read, write.

>> No.16725789

they will never do that. You need to catch them reading something and start talking about how x character is so unjustly hurt by y or whatever

>> No.16725812

rape tutorials

>> No.16725813

men do the approaching you effeminate faggot

>> No.16725825

he said art hoes, not the police

>> No.16725826

>he's never been approached by a woman

>> No.16725829

The edgier the better. And make sure you glare defensively at passersby.

>> No.16725833

this lol

>> No.16725838

When i was about 18, i was reading a large compilation of HP Lovecraft's works and two girls approached me. They actually thought i was reading the bible though. We talked for a few days but it didn't work out.

>> No.16725839

how do you do it?

>> No.16725868

I got my first kiss when I was 18 because a girl talked to me while I was reading Karl Jaspers (she didn't know who he was).
I am now 24 and it is the only time a girl talked to me because I was reading in public, it was also my only kiss. Recently these books made people talk to me:
Karl Jaspers (again): a nice black man who was very impressed by the fact I was reading
Huysmans: a nice old lady who thought I was reading some Serbian book (I don't live near Serbia), we talked about her childhood
Augustine: an old faggot who asked far too many questions about my life, I lied to him and I hate him
Prevert: a little boy and his mother, his mother asked him if i could let him try to read because he was learning and he wanted to try but was too shy to ask himself, I let him do so. It was cute.
Anything else: just some people who wanted a lighter
Overall people won't bother you and if you want to woo some girl, you will probable have to be active.

>> No.16725880

Something by Foucault, probably.

>> No.16725890


>I got my first kiss when I was 18 because a girl talked to me while I was reading Karl Jaspers (she didn't know who he was).

>> No.16725898

funny post. What do you do?

>> No.16725900

BPD and ecstasy

>> No.16725905

Not that anon but I once was approached by a girl while I looked like a hobo
Just be yourself! :)

>> No.16725911

Where exactly do you read in "public"?

>> No.16725957

How were you being yourself while looking like a hobo?

>> No.16725960

anything by camus

>> No.16725961

How to Have Confidence and Power. And then read wikipedia on some boring literature.

>> No.16725973


>> No.16725984

He's a hobo

>> No.16725990

Why are all the
>how to have confidence
>how to have power
>how to influence people
type of books always American?

>> No.16725995

this is the only real answer. art hoes fucking love Lolita because Lana Del Rey told them to.

>> No.16726008

Don't recommend art hoes man, being a book worm will only have you end up being fat on their asses. They eat you book boys for breakfast.

>> No.16726011

Women don't approach you, you approach them. This is why it's called "game"; women are the prey and you are the hunter

>> No.16726013

Milk and honey. If you don't want to feel like killing yourself, anything by Foucault

>> No.16726016

unironically ducks newburyport
the "hardest" book they'll ever try to read
has the right "political" opinions
written by a woman
well known but not too mainstream
easiest way to get some arthoe pucci

>> No.16726018

I look always like a hobo

>> No.16726025

Hello Mark Mason

>> No.16726027

Elementary particles

>> No.16726057
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I fucked a girl from Starbucks who later said she was turned on by my having a Reclam lying around (it was Stirner, but that doesn't matter - since it's all about the form and aestetic of it)

>> No.16726132

I fucking hate you and I don't even know you. I'm gonna go to Starbucks with my Fraktur-set leatherbound edition of Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung just to spite you.

>> No.16726150

what the hell is reclam

>> No.16726152

Confederacy of Dunces. You need to show that your are patrician

>> No.16726188

obviously a publisher that puts out books with minimalist covers, midwit

>> No.16726214
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what exactly is the problem

Although yeah I encourage you too

They publish mostly philosophy classics in small softcover and tend to be very cheap but still nice. Might be a German thing, I donno

>> No.16726248
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just looked into it and it seems like it's from Stuttgart 150 years ago or so

Ironically, there's a TV spot on youtube where a guys read a Kant book by reclam in a cafe to look smart

But yeah I do recommend to bring those bird sized fuckers with you if you have to learn in a cafe for 3 hours even if you don't read it. Could be a conversation starter

>> No.16726267

riveting tale

>> No.16726274

last time a girl approached me i was using drugs in a public park and she joined in

>> No.16726304

About thrre years ago I actually got approached by a girl while reading The Castle by Kafka on my train back home from university. She was pretty cute and awkwardly told me that she loved Kafka and that The Castle was her favorite. I told her that I hated the book (not true, it was alright) and she went away, seemingly embarrassed. Since then, I have probably masturbated at least 50 times to the thought of fucking her.

>> No.16726336
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>> No.16726345

While it does happen, you will more likely have to put im the leg work and approach them anon

>> No.16726359

have a nice dog

>> No.16726387

My brothers, you can relax and drop the pretense, we are all nameless and faceless here. Painful to admit but we don't live in Murakami novels. Toghter, we can find better ways to cope, psychotic breakdowns manifested as visual/auditory hallucinations are not worth it.

>> No.16727235 [DELETED] 
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>Mission failed, we'll get em next time

>> No.16727255

but then the dog will cuck me

>> No.16727337
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>> No.16727349

I'm just really built, the waitress paid for my meal when I was having dinner with a friend

>> No.16727457 [DELETED] 

And then everyone clapped.

>> No.16727780

Only time a woman approached my while I was reading was some manga (pic related).
She was a borderline art hoe and not a weeb and she gave me some of the best blowjobs ever.

>> No.16727786

Forgot my pic

>> No.16727797
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God damn it I’m retarded

>> No.16727929

It actually happened, I was spergy though and thought she was hitting on my friend and then dipped while he was hitting her up for her number, only after she refused did I figure out by process of elimination that she was into me

>> No.16728143

society must be defended and some vague freshman tier take on how it's applicable to current year would get midwit college poon

>> No.16728235

Painting is where the real pussy is.

>> No.16729067

Cafes, public parks, public transit. Tbh I like sitting in McDonald's sometimes since they have good coffee and I find a lot more people in places such as McDonald's or Tim Hortons are interested in striking up conversations with strangers when compared to snobby coffeeshops.

>> No.16729077

I'm too gorgeous so women assume I'm out of their league.

>> No.16729083

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

>> No.16729103

> Painting is where the real pussy is.
Kek no. Have you never known dudes who can play the guitar?

>> No.16729258

This. You need to sit in a more-decent-than-its-surroundings-suggest café in a rough-but-not-too-rough part of town, typewriter, notepad and fountain pen (filled with black or royal blue ink) on the table, sipping a teabag earl grey. If you have a scarf, make sure not to take it off when you get in there.
This is the only way

>> No.16729303

had my cock out

>> No.16729329

This, definitely not coping

>> No.16729347

the art of the deal
and when they come to be angry at you, just act like trump is satan and tell them how much you hate the book

>> No.16729364

kek wanna know how do I know you're a virgin?

>> No.16729373

t. Elliot Rodger at stage 2

>> No.16729375

Virginia Woolf type shit

>> No.16729403

Kafka is actually the way to do it. The only time I ever got approached by a girl in public was when I read the Trial.

>> No.16729407

I love women

>> No.16730139

Sylvia Plath probably

>> No.16730448

the literal answer to this is mein kampf

>> No.16730454

Make sure you are attractive if you are going to try this

>> No.16730480

I remember hearing some girl use the title of this book as a casual sentence and cringing so hard I turtle-tailed through my nostrils.

>> No.16730481

Came here to say this. Bitches love the genealogical attempt to historicize the body.

>> No.16730492
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I was reading a Jean Francois Lyotard book with a similar cover. Any books with a monochrome cover and a straight horizontal line somewhere gets the art bitches wet.
>cover related

>> No.16730535

>I told her that I hated the book (not true, it was alright)
Why would you do this?

>> No.16730559

Thanks for the chuckle anon.

>> No.16730624

Unironically good thread.

>> No.16730636
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About a year ago, on a fine autumn day, I found myself in the park. The afternoon sun glowed on the leaves, red and orange and brown, and I sat, reading Wordsworth's 14-Book Prelude, and from time to time I pauses, raised my eyes from the page, and sighed at the beauty. It was during one of these spots of time that I noticed her, sitting on a bench like my own, on the far side of the path that wended through the trees. She was, I suppose, what they call an art hoe, but such an appellation does not convey what I felt upon seeing her. Her hair was dark, her face pale; in the Byronic idiom, she had a beauty like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies. And all that was best of dark and bright met in her aspect and her eyes. I noticed that she too had a book, though I could not tell which.

At that moment (oh happy time!), she looked up, and her eyes met mine, and I confess I was afraid. I have rarely spoken to women, being absorbed in my studies and unwilling to risk the distractions of the feminine form, and how right I was, and yet how wrong! For all thought of Wordsworth and his Prelude fell from my mind, but in their place came a contemplation of Beauty so profound that, like the great poet of Grasmere, I wished to cry "I feel- I feel it all!"

Presently I wondered whether I should approach and speak to her. Her gaze had gone back to her book, as had mine, though of course the words imparted no meaning to my mind (for the light of mere signs is as darkness before such radiant Beauty). I had almost decided to chance a conversation when it happened, and I heard a voice, soft but insistent. "M-my favorite poem is Wordsworth's 'The World is Too Much With Us,' but I've only read the 2-Book Prelude." My heart leapt up at her words, for how could it not! I beheld her face again, lovelier by far than any I had yet seen, and had the urge to take her hand. Instead, I asked her to sit beside me, and she did, her body close to my own, and yet her presence did not make me tremble. It gave me strength, and manfully I expounded on the great poet's efforts, his impossible quest to write a prelude to an even greater work, a work of philosophy so wondrous that it could not be glimpsed, and even its Prelude could not be finished in this life.

As we conversed, her mouth curling sweetly into smiles and her fingers tapping in nervous happiness, I waxed great with love. The feeling grew stronger still when she showed me her book: the Riverside Chaucer, well-worn and with copious notes. "I'm just rereading the Wife of Bath's prologue," she explained. "She's kind of a feminist icon, don't you think?" I did not mind this display of pseudo-political fervor, misguided though it was, no more than I minded that she had not read the entire Prelude. What could be better than to help another soul (and one so lovely!) grow in wisdom? Since then, we have spent many nights together in the pleasures of body and mind, and I pray you will one day find an art hoe of your own.

>> No.16730665

Borderline art hoe in the sense of bordering on art hoe or art hoe with BPD

>> No.16731004

cringe - not the image, the post

>> No.16731023

best post ITT

>> No.16731042

A massive copy of the Holy Bible.

>> No.16731840

PlanB lifetime supply

>> No.16731852

newfags need to lurk more or leave

>> No.16731859

Anon, actually they never approach you, it's you that must do the first move.
Just read what you like, they don't read, if they do they read YA and generally they don't care what you read about.

>> No.16732559
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