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/lit/ - Literature

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16719620 No.16719620 [Reply] [Original]

Best intellectual conservative books?

>> No.16719630

lmao, what the fuck do you think this book is conserving? Have you even read it?

>> No.16719650

Armin Mohlers Die Konservative Revolution

>> No.16719667

There's no interesting intellectual conservative. Interesting reactionaries, interesting revolutionary right-wingers, sure. But conservatives are defined by fear and thus boring.

>> No.16719668

Pick one

>> No.16719714

pic rel is the most anti-conservative books ever written

>> No.16719717

I should have said pic unrelated. ik this book is accelerationist goobly gop

>> No.16719728

Oakeshott and Scruton immediately come to mind

>> No.16719755

can you pls recommend interesting reactionaries and interesting revolutionary right-wingers pls then :3

>> No.16719759

de Maistre
de Bonald
Donoso Cortes

>> No.16719768

shitty bait m8, wheres accfag with the real bait

>> No.16719784

it's funny because some poltards unironically think land supports their sociologist engineered ideology just because a lefty on Twitter called him a word

>> No.16720318

someone doesn't know their Weimar history

>> No.16720335

Has anyone ever understood what exactly Land does support politically? I have seen him praise English and Dutch 18th century Republicanism, Singapore, and post-Deng China.

>> No.16720351

No I think the party was retarded and it was no longer the cool and hip nazi-sozis dominated over them.
Conservative and revolutionary is oxymoronic.

>> No.16720353

Richard Weaver - Ideas Have Consequences
Anything Alasdair MacIntyre has ever written even though he, correctly, rejects the label "conservative"
After Virtue is a good place to start with him
Edward Feser is great too - read his Scholastic Metaphysics or The Last Supersititon
Roger Scruton is great - read his Soul of the World
I'd also recommend just reading the Greeks and Medievals >>16720263
Other recs;
>Rene Girard - Violence and the Sacred
>Patrick Buchanan - Death of the West
>Oswald Spengler - Prussianism and Socialism // Decline of the West
>Julius Evola - Men Among the Ruins
>Guillame Faye - Archeofuturism
>Charles Taylor - A Secular Age
>Konstantin P. Pobedonostsev - Reflections of a Russian Statesman
>Ernst Junger - Storm of Steel
>Carl Schmitt - Political Theology
>Carl Schmitt - The Concept of the Political
>Niztan & Bichler - Capital as Power (useful BTFO of Marxism and Neoclassical econ but its written by cosmopolitan academics so you can safely ignore their view of theological history)
>Phillip Blond - Red Tory
>Cardinal Sarah - The Day is Now Far Spent

>> No.16720361

>no longer
No wonder.

>> No.16720426
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Thousand Plateaus

>> No.16720893

Intellectual is not contrary to to conservative, but conservativeness surely is contrary to intelligence.

>> No.16721002

Thank you, very interesting

>> No.16721033

>intellectual conservative

>> No.16721073

It depends on if you're talking about old or new Land, a distinction that seriously trips up pseuds and those who haven't read the book.

>> No.16721115

schmitt is based

>> No.16721163

Sometimes a doorstopper is only fit to be used as a doorstopper anon

>> No.16721174

Old Land is incomprehensible in terms of any actual politics, I am going off what he has actually said on his Xenosystems blog about real governments.

>> No.16721486

sure bud

>> No.16721956
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>> No.16722002

Sorry, what?

>> No.16722045

>But conservatives are defined by fear and thus boring.
Imagine choosing an ideology based on how "exciting" it is.

>> No.16722057

that is what literally all young people do and then when they get older they choose it based on whether it will lower their taxes or give them gibs

>> No.16722195

Bunkerchan faggot containment thread lol

>> No.16722208

yes and that's why i reddit suck

>> No.16722256

How can I read xenosystems? It seems scrubbed from the Internet. Does he have a new blog anywhere?

>> No.16722462

Any productivity self help book.
Any entrepreunership self help book.

>> No.16722475



>> No.16722486


>> No.16722591

Oh fuck. Oh shit. It really is 140

>> No.16722734


>> No.16722805

erik von kuehnelt-leddihn

>> No.16722825


>> No.16722834

Ever heard of Iran?

>> No.16722841

That’s a huge part of what motivates young people, and the few who maintain the fire of youth into older years. Excitement is good, being bored is not.

>> No.16722913

dimwit, leave this site.

>> No.16723327

>genre fiction

>> No.16723336

young people are stupid

>> No.16723351

>Niztan & Bichler - Capital as Power (useful BTFO of Marxism and Neoclassical econ but its written by cosmopolitan academics so you can safely ignore their view of theological history)
surprised to see them included in a list of conservative literature, very based book though, I used to shill it hard on /lit/

>> No.16723400

Why Liberalism Failed by Patrick Deneen is probably the most influential new book?

>Anything Alasdair MacIntyre has ever written even though he, correctly, rejects the label "conservative"

I think the label "conservative" is wrong as well. The kind of society we have right now is not exactly the kind of society any conservative wants to keep as it is.

>> No.16723654


>> No.16723671
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>> No.16723684

>posts obviously conservative jew with kippa

>> No.16723749
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>> No.16723925

accfag/Nick still desperate to post here.

>> No.16723929
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>> No.16723996
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>> No.16724000
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>> No.16724010
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>> No.16724013

Stop bumping accfag shill threads retards.

>> No.16724017
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>> No.16724026

what's acc?

>> No.16724037

Dude read Crypto-Current.
Er I mean based conservatives. Nick Land is the foundation of DARK CONSERVATISM.

>> No.16724368
