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16716858 No.16716858 [Reply] [Original]

I don't even know why I finished this retarded book but do women really seriously verily unironically write like this?
>im a smoking hot girl from a mystical background who does bad drugs and knows about Tolstoy wowowowo
>did I mention that I have a MBA in russian and is engaged to a smoking hot gorillionaire murican white boy?
>oh but im such a bad girl im gonna throw him away for this russian mafia bull instead heehee
Jesus Christ

>> No.16716882

If you read trash it's obviously going to be bad, what were you expecting retard.

>> No.16716891

yes. that book is completely unironic. you can tell by the cigarette.

>> No.16716920

Fuck you, this book is rated higher than your mum smoking my cock on goodreads so I thought I'd finally do something other than book-log but now I know. Never again.

The whole fucking thing is unironic. The entire god damn book reads like some fantasy diary of an angsty 14-year-old white girl that discovered russia is a thing. I've literally never read something so repulsive and tasteless written by a non-infantile human being.

>> No.16716934
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>rated higher than your mum smoking my cock on goodreads
>on goodreads
Dumbass. You always have to subtract at least 1,5 stars from every rating. Idiots rate those books too.

>> No.16716952

Retardation confirmed.

>> No.16716960

Read Rikki Ducornet and Anna Kavan and come back later.

>> No.16716979

Sigh, alright I'll bite if you're not being sarcastic. What books?

>> No.16716987

The Fountains of Neptune and Ice

>> No.16717010

>taking recommendations from Goodreads
This is your mind without sex, Chud

>> No.16717013

shit, well, you convinced me at least.
Also, apparently Rikki Ducornet is in a Steely Dan song?

>> No.16717016

Women are just criminally unfunny and don't seem capable of having deep thoughts.
Like a good chunk of men who are EVEN dumber but women seem to occupy some plateau of mediocrity while men are all over the place.
Women are just used to instant and massive praise and validation for everything they do and their works are accepted on quota rather than merit which produces predictable results.

>> No.16717024


>> No.16717036

You're obviously interacting with the wrong women, some of the funniest people I know are women.

>> No.16717049

Name one funny female stand-up comedian where 90% of her material isn't her vagina or body issues.

>> No.16717053


>> No.16717073
File: 290 KB, 1530x1144, 18AF74FC-D55A-4340-8E74-46BE162B8199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a few great female writers and thinkers like Camille Paglia and Flannery O’Conner but they are exceptions. In fact you could throw Emily Dickinson in there and say all three weren’t conventional women in most aspects of their lives. I think the big thing is that most women crave acceptance More then men and that holds them back from really achieving ground breaking things. All three women were known as really not caring about being acceptance or their status.

In general though female authors aren’t as good. I’m hesitant to read books by female authors because they have a higher chance of being duds.

>> No.16717081

>quoting a known fascist
Come on, now. I bet you listen to Jordan Peterson and complain about immigrants on /pol/ too

>> No.16717087

Great male writers are also exceptions. Most of humanity are mediocre. Having a dick only marginally augurs one for greatness.

>> No.16717098

And having a vagina more securely cements you into mediocrity.
There's huge overlap, obviously, but just like there are few female Mozarts, there are few female Jack the rippers.

>> No.16717112

If you aren't on your way to becoming O'Conner or Dickinson discussing that stuff doesn't really matter. Care more about cementing your own greatness before caring about others being cemented into mediocrity. It should be even more existentially terrifying that we have everything slanted in our favor but still end up on the side of history's wastepaper basket.

>> No.16717117

No one who posts here will ever be great. I'm talking about the distribution of great writers, not litposters

>> No.16717127

Filth talking about gems is meaningless, whether its 0.1% on one side or 0.01% on the other side. It's all quite petty and tribal.

>> No.16717132

No one is forcing you to participate. Not every discussion needs to involve you.

>> No.16717146

>I'm talking about the distribution of great writers.
That's inherently biased against women. Whether women are dumber or smarter doesn't change the fact that women have been actively and violently discouraged from participating- and those that do either have their work stolen, ignored or they're "the exceptions". Every time a woman does something impressive there's a reason why it "doesn't count". Remember all the shit people said when Katie Bouman came out with the photo of the black hole?

I'm not interested in a discussion. It's just extremely fucking frustrating.

>> No.16717150

>Woe is women
>Oh the oppression
Women are given hugely preferential treatment in almost every avenue of modern life, though.
And how many women chess players are there at the top ranks again?
You just have some idea that the two sexes are inherently equally capable in al things and it's demonstrably false.

>> No.16717166

>Women are given hugely preferential treatment in almost every avenue of modern life, though.
they aren't. mgtow idiots think they are, because the can't get pussy.
If you're a hot woman, yeah, you get preferential treatment. Then, as soon as you hit 30, suddenly nobody gives a shit about you anymore and you don't know why. And then you have to come to terms with the fact that everyone you thought liked you, just wanted to fuck you, and now that they don't, you have no worth to them.

In every situation where a women "has power" stereotypically, under scrutiny, it's the opposite.

>> No.16717167

It's merely interesting that whenever these sort of threads pop up, it's always the pussyfooting of a bunch of nobodies trying to identify with a larger mass inclusive of men much better than them. One wonders why they don't feel the sheer existential chill of being placed in a position where there's a greater inclination to be a Shakespeare, Melville, or Mozart and yet none of this potential has come into fruition. No inherent biological thrust has made itself tangible in any way. Alas, at least I'm not a woman; I may be a dunce with a dick in my hands, a fetid fart of a man with flab on my belly, or a fragile fairy, but at least I'm not a woman; so goes the song. Where are the flecks of genius then? Where is that masculine dazzle so apparent in the books and statistics? Shit in a basket, like everything else.

>> No.16717169

>they aren't
But they are. Women are the beneficiaries of affirmative action quotas in hiring, they have gender based scholarships in some cases and anything produced by a woman is instantly met with praise and affirmation when posted in any public forum.
Anyone pointing this out is treated with the same sort of strawman you just posted.

>> No.16717173

Why do you think criticism of an idea means identifying with some group supposedly associated with the opposite?
I am not a murderer but I can point out that people who murder people should probably not do that.

>> No.16717183

Okay, how about this?
A man has never had to try to convince a random faggot on 4chan that their entire gender isn't a gibbering, retarded collective with toddler brains.

>> No.16717197

A specimen of an alternate type: the 'fair' observer. Merely wishes to regard the facts as exact as one can. Of course, I just want to get the record straight. Make it sure that we count our gems to the right proportion. And let's discount that sapphire that seems a bit too pink, a bit too much vagina on that one. Oh, what's the final number? A thousand men on the ledger, a hundred bitches; we've tallied our Flauberts, found our Murasakis, discounted our Zadie Smiths: the maths is correct. Facts remain facts. Doesn't matter that I'm just a pencil pusher. I can so bravely say that the bitches are a proportion less. Make a mantra out of it. The world set in stone. Oh, looks like I've counted myself as a part of the grinding gears- well facts are facts. I'm a stickler for those; a slob with nary a spark or a shine but with my facts in my pocket I can sail the seven seas of the grand delusion- happy as a little peppy dick to the shore. Don't matter what's my worth; it's all a numbers game. Get society in order so I can leave it to go on the Great Oblivion Trail with a skip in my step. The facts are just facts.

>> No.16717198

Red Russia is a Stacy revenge story. get ready for a real blood-boiler and read They Never Learn by Layne Fargo, a "feminist serial killer story"

>> No.16717215


Playing chess and writing are completely different activities. I don’t believe the comparison is valid at all.