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/lit/ - Literature

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16713662 No.16713662 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get published in a literary magazine?

>> No.16713671

Project yourself onto your characters that don’t resemble you in the slightest

>> No.16713673

Coffee is good in moderation

>> No.16713684

Search up "calls for submission." Click on a website looking for works to publish. Read PDFs of previous editions to see the kind of work they publish, also read their website to see what work they are looking for (a lot seem to be looking for "minority opinions," black/LGBT voices, etc.). Check their rules for submissions to see how many you can submit in one go, if there is a fee, and what other information you need to include. From that point on, just don't worry about anything. Be natural. Don't make every work with "this needs to be up to the lofty, high-minded editor's expectations." Just write naturally, and if you are skillful, you'll write something of merit and that they are looking for. If you simply cannot write the kind of material they seek, look for a different magazine. If no magazine publishes the kind of work you excel at, it's time to branch out and try something new, or start a magazine (provided that you have some friends, some money that's bugging you, and a pool of writers to draw on), but that's more of a pipe dream.

>> No.16713872

her tiktok@?

>> No.16713879

how soft her skin must feel.

>> No.16713898

This is great advice.

To find publications, Submittable has calls for entry and Duotrope is a database of publications and contest. Use the free trial, then move on.

If you read what they publish you'll get an idea of what they're looking for.

>> No.16713907
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First, become Communist.

>> No.16713914

A lot it is a numbers games too. You cant get discouraged from a mountain of rejections and there will be a ton of them.

This and check Entropy magazine "where to submit" as well as pw.org

>> No.16713943
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>> No.16713963

both of these women look like me and im a guy. should i be worried?

>> No.16714220

no embrace the twinkness while it last

>> No.16714240

girls do find me attractive because of it. are women just closet lesbians?

>> No.16714243

Delicious. I hope one day to taste a woman like that.

>> No.16714247

speed and cocaine, shaken, not stirred

>> No.16714275


>> No.16714682

stop coom posting and retain semen.

>> No.16714685

You wont

>> No.16714698

Start your own literary magazine.

>> No.16714728

effeminate men who have masculine grace are the ultimate androgynous sexgods

>> No.16714822

I prefer single origin

>> No.16714840

i hate women

>> No.16714845

with a bit of cream