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16709218 No.16709218[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's start where we have to start: Europe. The wave of attacks (3 in France, 1 in Austria) are just one example of the total failure of the multiculturalist project promoted by the postmodernist leftists that flooded Europe after World War II.

The first thing to understand is that neither the left nor the right will ever be definitively defeated. That idea of "the end of the story" (Fukuyama style) is far from possible. What will continue to happen is that both trends will continue to alternate.

Why? Because none have learned the basic lessons. That is why they fail again, they once again feed up the people, and they again provoke the voters to put the opposite pole in power. In Europe we are currently seeing the erosion of the left.


A) If Trump loses today, the right is not defeated. B) The attacks in France and the attack in Vienna show that, in reality, this time, it is the left that is defeated.

The European left scored a good success in understanding that it was pointless to destroy the capitalist economy, and on the basis of the free market it managed to build the famous European social-democratic model, which has been successful to a greater or lesser degree, in some countries. It is going well.

But they also gave in to an idiotic idea, stemming from a pang of conscience caused by the devastation of World War II and the Holocaust. From there arose a cultural flaw that is summarized as "white Europeans have been sons of bitches."

And don't tell me "but they have been." Let me explain something to you: we have ALL been. The WHOLE humanity still has not gotten rid of many of its distinctly animal behaviors (hey, 16 million years of primate evolution are not easily overcome just like that).

Europeans were only the best-armed and best-organized sons of bitches, and that's why they defeated other sons of bitches in other parts of the world. But struggles for power, exploitation, injustice, hunger and all that were the norm all over the world.

The detail - paradoxically - is that Europe is more philosophically advanced than the rest of the world, and the remorse of conscience (something that the Chinese, for example, still do not know) is due to a greater intellectual clarity typical of European culture.

Let me explain: at least, Europe already has the capacity to say "hey, we really were being assholes". The problem is that the new generations (since the 1960s) took that idea where they shouldn't. In other words, they took the postmodern-Foucauldian path.

The result is a philosophical mess disguised as a fight against injustice, called "post-colonialism". Beyond its intellectual rhetorical pyrotechnics, the bottom line in the minds of its adherents is that everything related to colonialist white Europe is bad.

>> No.16709224

Hence an idiotic slogan: "you have to be with the resistance." And it is idiotic because - paradoxically - it departs from a fundamental idea put forward by Foucault: micropowers and their struggles are present throughout society, everywhere, all the time.

That's why we could see painful examples like Sartre defending a shitty genocidal maniac like Pol Pot. Because "he was against the empire." Or more or less intelligent people who continue to applaud Cuba and defend Fidel. Or Maduro. Or Chávez.

When you start to unravel all the speeches, in the end you only find a deep resentment against Western European culture. So it's not about thinking. Only to take sides, and it must be for resistance, even if it is equal or worse than brutal.

What is unique about the case is that it is an ideology promoted from within Europe, and that is why it is clear that it is due to a pang of conscience. Obviously, other brutal (and worse) ideologies like Soviet socialism before or extremist Islamism today, are happy.

Under this ideological notion, Europe tried a new form of multiculturalism since the 1980s or 1990s. One in which migrants were not forced to submit to the rule of (European) law, appealing to their right to preserve their identity.

Sounds cute, but it was bullshit. The only thing that was conceived was the creation of ghettos where extremism flows uncontrollably, and from which TERRORIST groups have emerged with their own agenda: to impose their ideas by force and subdue everyone else. Don't like something? They kill you.

A good example of this idiocy was the case of Sergio Vieira de Mello, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, who died in 2003 in Baghdad. De Mello was a great opponent of the USA. And he had good reason to be, but he never understood the scale of things.

>> No.16709230

The Iraqis responded with a bombing at the UN headquarters in Baghdad, and De Mello died in the rubble of his office. All for not being aware that there are also sons of bitches in the Arab world. Everywhere, not just in the West.

The recent attacks in Europe are the logical consequence of not understanding that there are groups to which if you give them an inch, they take a mile. The funny thing is that, deep down, there is still a deeply racist idea on the part of left-wing progressive Europeans.

According to this idea, the whole world is a group of animals without their own ideas that only react to the stimuli of the European white man. If Europe did everything wrong, it is inevitable that they will be angry and do terrorism. How to end terrorism? By giving up Europe.

Obviously they don't explain it to you like that. But that's what postcolonialism and modern multiculturalism are about, unwittingly. And not. The "others" are not animals that only react. They have ideas and projects of their own, and some are not good at all.

What is ahead? Simple: A European society who's fed up with this. One that, because it is uneducated, is impervious to philosophical sophistication, and prefers practical and direct projects in the style "we are going to annihilate terrorists", or "let's make Europe great again". Does it sound familiar?

The situation is creating the perfect scenario for sooner or later the extreme right to seize power in Europe. And then pandemonium is going to break out, and the Muslims are going to lose out. Too bad, because most of them are normal and peaceful people.

Therefore, even if Trump loses the election today, that is not a defeat for the right. It would be, at best, a setback. The liberal, postcolonial left-wing ideological model has failed, and terror can take hold of Western societies.

If that happens, politicians like Trump will become increasingly common. And those who come will arrive with increasingly brutal projects and policies. So welcome all of you. The party is just beginning. The next 20 or 30 years are going to be a terrible mess.

And the funny thing is that almost nobody will understand what happens. The only thing I dare to assure you is that, after the worst, the system that will continue to strengthen will be the capitalist one. It is too pragmatic and adaptable, so it will survive like a crocodile.

Regarding today's elections in the USA, they will not be the ones that determine a new course for the world. Pay attention to Europe. This is where the next stage of history is unfolding, with the right back to power.

>> No.16709249

None of this would of happened if Europeans did not spend all of their time imposing their neo-liberal world order on the Middle East - including backing genocidal dictators, extracting their wealth, and jailing leftists. Now radical Islam, or 'political Islam', which has roots that go back very far, but did not gain much prominence, has gained prominence. They are the anti-imperialist resistance front of the Middle East. They have reformed a religion that is practiced widely differently and syncretized to shit and back into a imperialist psuedo-fascist state building project.

This is the first event in the Middle East where the moderate, everyday Muslim openly supports the actions of these terrorists. No Muslim can support the defamation of their prophet, even if they live in secular society, and think of themselves as Muslim. This is a perfect issue to keep killing people over.

We will either get rid of the problem by deporting all Muslims from Western soil or clamping down on them in the Middle East at totalitarian levels. Their state building project will happen unless another ideology takes its place. Middle East butthurt and revanchism are in full swing.

>> No.16709273

>are just one example of the total failure of the multiculturalist project promoted by the postmodernist leftists that flooded Europe after World War II
but anon, that was the goal from the beginning to destroy us. It's a total win for them.

>> No.16709275

they thought it was to build a better and more inclusive society, stop huffing ideology

>> No.16709284
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>they thought it was to build a better and more inclusive society

>> No.16709291

Yes, you're right it was the jews. They want an easily controlled multiracial society to lord over us.

>> No.16709300

Another thing to add to OPs point - the clamping down on Islam in Europe and America will have devastating affects in the Middle East. It will whip up the Middle East into a frenzy and give their 'muh ummah' meme legitimacy.

Do we really want to build a world where we're going to devote resources to obliterate the Middle East to stop them from killing us?

>> No.16709301

>retard mistook daydreaming for reading a book again

>> No.16709311

It's not free speech if it is deliberately intended to antagonize to anger. Blasphemy laws make more sense than the end of the notion to freedom of religion.

>> No.16709313

Who cares? Arabs have an average IQ of like 90 at best and have oil but not much else and the oil states will play along with us. If they don't we can just invade them again.

>> No.16709318

I never understood why filling up Europe with devoted and fanatical Muslims who actively and politically oppose both the sovereignty of Israel, as well as having a clean conscience in regards to antisemitism, was their plan, when they could be ruling over shy European cattle that is still intimidated by the mere mention of the Holocaust. Seems like watering your crops with coke for no good reason.

>> No.16709319

They're not rational actors, Jews still hold grudges over the Second Temple, Alhambra Decree, etc.

>> No.16709320

You're a special kind of retard. You really think it will be that simple? Are you over the age of 18?