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File: 857 KB, 1265x1920, 1265px-Mein_Kampf_–_Volksausgabe_(1933).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16706881 No.16706881 [Reply] [Original]

Is this good?
Where can I get it? Will they put me on a list?

>> No.16706926


>> No.16706942

>Is this good?
>Where can I get it?
most big bookshops
>Will they put me on a list?
marketing list for gullible idiots maybe

>> No.16706947
File: 87 KB, 576x1024, 1602614886460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Is this good?
>>Where can I get it?
>most big bookshops
>>Will they put me on a list?
>marketing list for gullible idiots maybe

>> No.16706980

you're already on a list

>> No.16707433

No // the internet // probably not.

>> No.16707945


>> No.16708017

Source on pic

>> No.16708090
File: 271 KB, 756x633, 1602775881183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every book deserves to be read at least once

>> No.16708111

>Will they put me on a list?
You're posting a picture of Hitler on 4chan. You already are on several lists.

>> No.16708124

What if I make a book with a million pages of nonsense?

>> No.16708132
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You are valid, anon

>> No.16708140

in the trash
nobody cares

read a better book like the unique and it's property

>> No.16708233
File: 52 KB, 448x500, 1572901899569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I in trouble? What do I do?

>> No.16708418

Yes. Run.

>> No.16708474


>> No.16708926

Not OP, but can anyone elaborate why it is a bad book?, i have been thinking of reading eventually just to see what was behind this man not because "fuck leftist" shit like that.

>> No.16708967

He answered the questions from the OP and you did not have to be a dick about it.

>> No.16709006

I haven't read it, I'm not interested in reading it, I've read synopsis on it, I could read it in German, I do not have a favourable opinion of the author and since it is autobiographical I don't feel that it's necessary to maintain the separation of the art and the artist.

Maybe I should read it.
I did read The God Delusion and wrote a quite good antitheses and critique on it. Then again is it time well spent, does it (this book) matter. I'm not convinced so choose inaction.

>> No.16709034

Why do you hate him so much?

>> No.16709133

I know it can be hard to read, specially for the things he did, but i think you can still learn from it, specially if you want to prevent it to happen again.
I'm personally interested in reading it for historic reasons and i'm surprised it was recommended book before WW2 happened, so i want to know if Hitler was always a "horrible person" or he changed his mind along the way to make WW2 happen.

>> No.16709153

I am prejudiced against men with one testicle.

>> No.16709165

what's your fucking problem?

>> No.16709167

A barrel roll

>> No.16709175

Because you touch yourself at night

>> No.16709197

I am prejudiced, as I already said.

>> No.16709354

No, I really don't. I don't fap.

>> No.16709364

lol impotent willy

>> No.16709424


>> No.16709436

I had a friend in college who bought it just to piss off his family. He was a cool dude, not at all a /pol/tard, just a massive asshole. He also cracked the spine on some Nazi-related book at the store

>> No.16709440

Start is good, but then it gets REALLY boring. Goes on and on about stuff like the Austrian parliamentary system (or something like that, it was so boring that I've forgotten).

>> No.16710144
File: 373 KB, 2894x1635, white_falcon_5-e1450713978668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He also cracked the spine on some Nazi-related book at the store
What a vile, nasty little man he is. If you want to deface some vulgar, demonic garbage like the Talmud or the Kommunist Manifesto, certainly, by all means, go ahead. But do not deface a great, noble work like Mein Kampf.

>> No.16710253

>implying you aren't already on some kind of list

>> No.16710300

Did Hitler ruin the nazi movement with his smooth brained romanticist LARPing shit and by sucking the godless industrialist's cocks? he turned the whole thing into a faggoty faux-military circlejerk, killed Strasser, and demoted Feder because again, his bumhole was just a big fat Arschfickparty for the industrialists. Any self-respecting nazi should completely disawow Hitler, anyone who doesn't is retarded or a larping contrarian teenager

>> No.16710307

i hope the wolf in that pic rapes you

>> No.16710309

a self-respecting nazi lol
if they had any self respect they wouldn't adhere to a dead ideology that only makes others look down upon them

>> No.16710313

It's a sort of act of defiance, others looking down on them is part of the point. I imagine the 'self-respecting nazi' is a rare breed though, they're mostly just edgy quasi-criminals if they're not internet larpers. Then there are clowns like Richard Spencer, idk if he's a glowie or what his deal is.

>> No.16710316

t. Isaac Herschelwitz Goldblatt

>> No.16710320

'nazism' is just what jews and shitlibs call white people pursuing their own interests, debate me

>> No.16710326

Yes but it's also a more specific ideology that some people actually believe in.

>> No.16710328

A dead ideology that only accomplished one of the most astounding economic feats of the 20th century. Nazism was just severely poisoned by the gigantic fart cloud left by the 19th century which hung over all of europe, Hitler fanned that fart cloud into the nazi party and the nazis took one too many huffs of it and it melted their brains.

>> No.16710331

The difference is negligible, you either oppose jewish power, get called a nazi and effectively become one or you don't.

>> No.16710338

if that were the case then incels wouldn't be calling themselves nazis and hanging nazi memorabilia in their bed rooms

>> No.16710345

There is no such thing as white people. Thanks for playing.

>> No.16710352

Opposing Jews, or being racist, or all the other things that get you called Nazi are still not sufficient, because again it's a specific ideology with specific ideas about economics, culture, etc. I find Hitler's view of Jews overly reductive and honestly a bit obsessive, I'm not really big on all the mythologizing he was into either, and the militarism was over the top. I did like his take on finance, work programs, and the press.

>> No.16710353

Really not worthy of a response but I'll bite for fun, who are the recipients of white privilege if that's the case?
>Being white and opposing jews doesn't make you a nazi
Does anyone that isn't an autistic sperg agree with this? Or does that conception have basically nothing to do with reality?

>> No.16710355

What fart cloud?

>> No.16710361

Why does national-socialism have to mean "racest whyte peepul", is it just a historical stain? Why shouldn't a negro nation in Africa practice national-socialism?
It's just insular anti-globalist autarkic socialism, the pointless racialism only seems like an unfortunate vestige of 19th century memes

>> No.16710364

Sniff it and you will see...

>> No.16710369

>is it just a historical stain
>Why shouldn't a negro nation in Africa practice national-socialism?
Man don't you know anything about the influence of national socialism on the third world post ww2? Go read about Nasser
>pointless racialism
Spoken like someone that isn't inundated with negroes

>> No.16710371

But seriously I don't know what you mean.

>> No.16710372

Thanks anon, guess i'll just download it and not buy it.

>> No.16710374

anyone who knows how words work and what political ideologies are agrees with that. People who are just looking to get angry and call others pejoratives obviously don't fit into that category, they are just like retards calling Obama a communist as an insult.

>> No.16710383
File: 711 KB, 583x1008, kamala biden democrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then there are clowns like Richard Spencer, idk if he's a glowie or what his deal is.
he's a Kamala-Biden Democrat

>> No.16710392

Do people with power agree with that?

>> No.16710395

As a book no, as a way to understand Hitler and Nazism yes

LibGen, amazon, Most big bookstores if you order it

You are already on more lists than you can count.

>> No.16710397

He needed them for the wars he was planning.

>> No.16710398

What a compelling argument

>> No.16710400

t. Wolfgang Dieter Klaus von Johannsen

>> No.16710405

negroes in western societies have been physiologically/economically fucked by the govt and reduced to grovelling subhumans, such conditions would reduce any race to shit. If a negroe has the same cultural values as me and basically acts like a whitey then why should a give a fuck, the problem is that imported negroes usually have generations of psychological mindfuckery behind them, and the retarded liberal domino effect from govt psyOps doesn't help, so they just grow up into neurotic savages

>> No.16710410

Barnes and Noble typically carries 1-2 copies at any given store

>> No.16710411

white privilege is a misnomer, because there's no such thing as white people. To clarify, that means there is no such thing as a race of white people and the so-called white privilege is not therefore determined by the race of the recipient. Of course there are people who are white, but it isn't a race. There are no races.

In the American context you have: the descendants of slaves, the descendants of European settlement into America, the descendants of The Spanish Empire, and the descendants of migrants from the Eastern Orient. Those are your 4 main groups, all broadly based on their respective ancestry. It's a caste system, there are other examples of this kind of system in other countries.

>> No.16710412


>> No.16710413

he was planning those wars because of pressure from industrialists, Hitler was basically just a human fleshlight being impaled through the butt by a huge industrial cock, which went through his body and into his brain cavity, filling it with rancid cum.

>> No.16710414

Is it bad to be on a list? Are you being watched at all times?

>> No.16710417

So you're saying the best thing for white people is to not import negroes and not live around mindfucked negroes, great, agreed.

>> No.16710418

I don't care what people with power think, but the intelligent among them can obviously understand that National Socialism has a specific set of tenets beyond antisemitism, they're not retarded.

>> No.16710420

>the descendants of European settlement into America
that's what 'white people' broadly means, how absolutely pedantic.

>> No.16710421

just download a .pdf. It's not worth getting on a free thinking list in your country.

>> No.16710424
File: 40 KB, 645x380, Norwegian-Forest-3-645mk062211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of course there are people who are white, but it isn't a race. There are no races.
You are just babbling a bunch of nonsense. Leftists are mentally ill, neurotic, braindead freaks.

>> No.16710425

>the descendants of slaves
>the descendants of European settlement into America
>the descendants of The Spanish Empire
>the descendants of migrants from the Eastern Orient

Those are the four mainline examples, there are of course a few others.

>> No.16710435

Suppose there is a man from Barcelona and a man from Perpignan, and the former settles in Mexico and the latter in Louisiana.
What have I said that would cause you to name me as 'leftist'? I'm genuinely curious because I do not consider myself as such.

>> No.16710441

>There are no races.
Then I guess racism doesn't exist either. Glad we can finally put that behind us.

>> No.16710443

>There are no races.
This is leftoid retardation.

>> No.16710451

The other thing that is worth noting for this discussion, as it has veered this way, would be an understanding of from where this idea of racialism or race theory or race categories came from, because it is not a classical idea.

>> No.16710453

go on twitter and ask him

>> No.16710454

hmm, having trouble parsing out what you are trying to say in this post. It seems you just copied the post above your own. Weird!

>> No.16710460

damn, you fucking got him. Hell yea man!!

>> No.16710467

Racism exists in the same manner as nerds arguing over this or that within a closed fantasy setting. It's obvious that people believe in races, and people believe in all manner of similarly false ideas, and will even go to war over disagreements within their cults.
Can you show me, even by indication, some proof that denial of the existence of races is a 'leftoid' theory? I'd appreciate a definition of 'leftoid' also if you may.

>> No.16710470

Right they've assimilated into other cultural groups vaguely delineated by race. It's not as cut and dry as you think.

>> No.16710480

Races are just groups that were isolated from each other for a while and evolved alone, it's not a complicated concept really. the reality of genetics is quite complicated but it's easy to understand that eg. Australian abos are a different race than Inuit.

>> No.16710484

I am not making a twitter account just to ask some obvious glow in the dark negro a question.

>> No.16710494

Nope. Racism doesn't exist anymore. BLM can go home. Problem solved.

>> No.16710506

probably anglo aristocrats making up pseudoscience for nefarious colonial purposes, then the rest of humanity ate it up because narcissism of small differences

>> No.16710513

It came from Darwin you retard

>> No.16710517

>Australian abos are a different race than Inuit.
Race means nothing. You can change the word race in this sentence into myriad other concepts and it will not change the meaning of the sentence.

>> No.16710521

Race means a segment of the tree. You can look at a branch, or a smaller branch, or a twig.

>> No.16710524

Can you please show where Darwin outlined this concept of race?

>> No.16710532

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

>> No.16710534

to make the dem look like the racist party. He only did this so that people can say
>Look that nazi voted for Biden, so they must be the real racist

>> No.16710540

Nigger, I'm not going to go read 2 books whilst you wait. Do you have an excerpt or a quote or even some explanation from what you remember reading in those?

>> No.16710541
File: 104 KB, 564x577, a5dc7990c3b75af970046c61279fffe6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people throughout history were completely blind to the obvious physical and behavioral differences between, for instance, Europeans, sub-Saharan Africans, Semites, and East Asians
post proof now

>> No.16710546

that is one book and it talks about race constantly in it, it just means the different types within a species, they have started to diverge but have not speciated yet, or gone extinct.

>> No.16710550

Here's what Wikipedia says:

Darwin's influential 1859 book On the Origin of Species did not discuss human origins. The extended wording on the title page, which adds by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, uses the general terminology of biological races as an alternative for "varieties" and does not carry the modern connotation of human races. In The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871), Darwin examined the question of "Arguments in favour of, and opposed to, ranking the so-called races of man as distinct species" and reported no racial distinctions that would indicate that human races are discrete species.

>> No.16710554

The Descent of Man goes into even more detail but it's about humans specifically rather than race in general. He gives as an example some Native American 'savages' being killed off by the 'civilized' europeans.

>> No.16710561

Wikipedia is engaging in sophistry, of course human races are not discrete species, Darwin still compared them to the races within other species, the general concept is the same.

>> No.16710581

Darwin is quoted as using the term 'so-called races'.
So not about race, ok. That's not the same book as the fucker who called me a retard gave up as his proof either, and nor is it proof.

I'm going now to watch some election coverage. Have a good evening and thanks for the discussion.

>> No.16710585

Darwin constantly uses the word race, to refer to animals and to humans, it's not a complicated idea whatsoever, you're just a complete fucking idiot

>> No.16710595

>So not about race, ok.
god you're fucking unbelievably dumb. Not about race in general you fucking blithering retard, it's about human races

>> No.16710596
File: 104 KB, 1065x1064, 1604428072216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do these retards think race means?
>well yeah there are differences between these different groups of people but the point is race doesn't exist

>> No.16710646

Online, bookstores.

>> No.16710759


>> No.16710770

>Will they put me on a list?
yes the list of people who want white knee socks with blue strips and buttplugs

>> No.16710775

>as a way to understand Hitler and Nazism yes
yes that's what i'm looking for, thanks anon.
No if you don't do anything "bad". I don't think you're being "watched" only when there's suspicious activity related to you, but information is being pilled on.

>> No.16710822

The fact that synonyms exist doesn't negate the concept. Holy fucking shit the absolute lunacy of race deniers and levels of cope they will go to never cease to amaze.

>> No.16710896

>prove that this thing doesn't exist

>> No.16711007

It would be a New York times best seller!

>> No.16711358

He wasn't banned? The fuck?

>> No.16711366

he's useful for the establishment, like David Duke for the 21st century

>> No.16711663

nazism is nothing without hitler, it was just a rabble of vague ultranationalists before he came along

>> No.16711734

So many Euro fags itt

>> No.16712241

Other concepts by definition are not synonymous.

>> No.16712556

cringe cringe so very cringe

>> No.16712721


Kind of drawn out but a great read. Really displays the truth of things and a great foundational book for national socialism. I have an older version that is probably less watered down than what you would find in a book store, but it's my university's library copy :(

>> No.16713542
File: 261 KB, 1242x1226, 1572901247267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, worm.

>> No.16713663
File: 18 KB, 720x463, 1580060021067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Redpilled beyond belief!

>> No.16713680
File: 19 KB, 260x258, Goatmoon_-_Death_Before_Dishonour.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Nick Fuentes kid seems like a fag, but yes, I am very based and redpilled.

>> No.16713715


>> No.16713725

He might seem like a fag because he's not as socialized as the average person and so his behavior is a bit atypical, which is part of his appeal.

>> No.16715052

>Is this good?
>Where can I get it?
The library, bookstores, Amazon, libgen.
>Will they put me on a list?
Doubt it.

>> No.16715058

Except Nazis killed tens of millions of whites. The Nazis were Germanic supremacists not people pursuing "white interests", retard.

>> No.16716027

The fact the average human doesn't even live to one hundred years, this is completely false.

>> No.16716125

No. It sucks. Just the ramblings of a crybaby.

>> No.16716242

it fucking sucks honestly. he is suck a bad writer it reads more like elliot rodger's manifesto than anything else. If you wanna read fascists read Mussolini of course, much much much better writer and smarter man