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/lit/ - Literature

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16702744 No.16702744 [Reply] [Original]

feeling taschen-y
might delete later, idk

>> No.16702752

hi-jacking your thread to ask: I keep hearing about the apparently legendary library that 'Rapture' has, can someone post some pics?

>> No.16702765

how stupid are you

>> No.16702770

That's pretty gay

>> No.16702781


>> No.16702805
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not gonna lie, little odd to "hijack" my thread to ask others about my library, but hey, weird times

>> No.16702888
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i also just avoid posting a lot of the library at this point. taking pics of individual shelves or bookcases takes up entire threads and go on for a while; i like to start threads or enter random bookshelf threads with a couple images in order to see what anons got going on lately

i also only take pics of my general storage shelving, which i keep in a series of undergound basements. i do not take pics of my actual personal office/library; private space i share with the wife.

>> No.16702894

I have a collection of DK hardcovers and learn all the facts about world, economy and the like from them.

>> No.16702917

...so I didnt realize that the person whose thread I was hi-jacking was the person who's library I was asking to see, oops. On average, how many books would you say you have total? Also those shelves >>16702888 look kind of unstable, arent you worried about them falling over or breaking or something?

>> No.16703068

>This level of psued
How is middle management treating you champ? Paying the second hand eBay book bills?

>> No.16703087

Based and graphic design pilled.

Or it would be if you cropped the photo a bit so it didn't flip! Grrrarrgh.

>> No.16703097

What are your favorite works of fiction?

>> No.16703122

There's some pop history in there but I wouldn't call this a pseud shelf. More the shelf of someone who ravenously processes the modern churn with reasonably good taste -- a librarian's shelf.

>> No.16703209
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at this point and after the most recent haul, i've got somewhere between 26,000-27,000 volumes.
virtually all of the shelves i have shots of are more or less "active"--or at least they were pre-covid. that is, i move the books in the pics around enough that the books are not distressed for too long. these shelves work very well for general practicalities and have lasted for years, believe it or not.
more generally, i try to avoid stacking books and keep the finer/finest volumes on nicer shelves and unstacked.

thank you--are you into graphic design?

off the top of my head, and excluding poetry/plays: the waves; king lear; dr. faustus; the tin drum; the peregrine; man without qualities; brothers karamazov; moby dick. others.

thanks, generous and exacting eye.

>> No.16703215

>between 26,000-27,000 volumes
jesus christ mate, what the fuck

>> No.16703274

How many of these do you get through a year?

>> No.16703281

How much of this have you read? Give an estimate.

>> No.16703480
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i'm also a PhD candidate, so my answer is a little skewed since in general i am paid to read, but i actually get through a decent amount.
a lot of the library is for reference: an essay here, a chapter there, etc., so its not necessarily about covering entire texts, though i do a lot of this as well.

but i also read fairly slowly, and annotate everything i cover pretty thoroughly--i prefer to really engage a text and "dig in deep" as opposed to covering quantitative ground. an average book of mine looks like pic related--my copy of being and time, which i can easily take a full week for the first 30 pages alone, where other texts--pop poli sci, for instance--i can down 1-3 whole books in a day.
it really depends on the project and the material involved.

>> No.16703488
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believe it or not, have a deal set up where i'm basically about to double that number by acquiring a massive private art library.
i'm excited.

>> No.16703512

Impressive. How did you earn your fortune?

>> No.16703531

It differs depending on my mood.Right now it’s probably some combo of Moby Dick, The Magic Mountain, Don Quixote and if short story collections are allowed, then Hemingway’s Collected Stories and Turgenev’s A Sportsman’s Sketches.I also like Hemingway’s big 3 novels.Since I mostly read acclaimed novels, I’m rarely disappointed.The Tin Drum was one of the strangest books I ever read but I liked it.Surprised it and Grass in general aren’t mentioned more.Lastly, it goes without saying but awesome collection.Did you buy them over a long period of time?

>> No.16703717


>> No.16704023

i have that hiroshige book on my list. it does look beautiful

>> No.16704038

king lear is a play

>> No.16704055

Are these shelves really safe?

>> No.16704063
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I got the smaller version in a bargain bin a few years ago and recently found out the bigger version exists. That and a Hokusai book are on the top of my Christmas list

>> No.16704090

As is Dr. Faustus

>> No.16704433
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from 2007-2011 i worked at a company called vivendi; during that period i helped to oversee/invested in the acquisition of activision and the further integration of blizzard. made a pretty penny. started graduate school out in cali around 2011, ended up getting in on palantir's private investment structure, made another penny. have since invested extremely aggressively, have ridden the bio-tech bubble and pushed a number of other fronts, primarily in natural resources.

great selection. the turgenev is hardly mentioned around here. love the Grass--the chapter on corinthians/faith-hope-love is one of my favorite in western lit. Grass also wrote an autobiographical work--peeling the onion--that i think is very much worth reading. do you read poetry as well? are you into non-fiction?
i started collecting books in high school and have since spent around 15-16 years or so building up my library book by book. every single volume has been selected and bought in that period.

yes it is.

yeah, they ultimately hold up pretty well. been using them for years and they are pretty durable while also being fairly movable.

the hiroshige is just a masterwork in printing, i think. its beautifully bound and the inks are breathtaking. taschen does a world-class job IMO, and their large/jumbo/sumo series are just works of art in themselves.
what hokusai version are you referring to? does taschen make a special one?

thomas mann's doctor faustus

>> No.16704471
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don't know about that other anon but my favourite book about hokusai (well, of the two i own, the other being the taschen basic series one) is the one that accompanied the british museum exhibition a couple of years ago.
>i helped to oversee/invested in
is that not insider trading?

>> No.16704487
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that's a good volume
i know taschen makes a basic art series but i've never really been into that. didn't think they had a hiroshige-level print for hokusai.
phaidon also has a great volume on hokusai, and "hokusai's landscapes" is another high-quality printing, i think.

>> No.16704498

I’ve been exploring non fiction more recently.Mostly autobiographies.Casanova and Cellini’s should be read more on here.I’m not into poetry but I’ve been debating taking the plunge.Unsure where I would start.Any recommendations for books that go under the radar here?

>> No.16704512
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>under the radar
in what category? specifically books about starting with poetry?

>> No.16704525

How many of these have you actually read? Not only the books in that picture, but in your entire library.

>> No.16704531

have you got any wider shots that give an idea of the scope of your library? i can't really imagine what 26k books looks like

>> No.16704537

>i can't really imagine what 26k books looks like
have you never been in a bookshop anon

>> No.16704555

that is pretty cool, credit to you for putting such work in

>> No.16704596

My guess is that he is actually pretty well read
His blog is pretty meandering and all over the place, but he cites a ton of sources and has clearly covered a lot of ground
I’d also like to know just how much and more so how he covers it. Seems like it requires some discipline.

How much you read a day, rapture?

>> No.16704599

Under the radar but not obscure works that lit often ignores which are critically acclaimed .For example Manzoni, Trollope, Balzac, Zola, Updike, etc.Lit seems to only discuss ~20 or so writers from what I’ve seen

>> No.16704663

Yeah, no surprises there. This is his dad https://dembojones.com/team_member/walter-c-pennington-2/

>> No.16704693

That guy is an accountant anon
Just by the looks of it I don’t think we’re dealing with accountant money here

>> No.16704716

Where are the Greeks?

>> No.16704725

To add on, good entry points into poetry would be welcome

>> No.16704729

I think his mom is some sort of director at a design institute as well. Regardless, I think the point anon is trying to make here is that the guy already had money to play with.

>> No.16704735
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I've read maybe 15% of my books, check out my shelf.

>> No.16704756

Anon has proof that he came from money?
Even if the accountant dude is his dad, do you know many super wealthy people who are accountants? I know several very successful accountants and by any income standard that would still be a sizable generational gap, one that would have to be explained. You usually don’t go from accountant to 25 thousand book personal library. It also seems like he made money of his own.
Is it through his mom instead?
Don’t care very much either way, cool library.

>> No.16704795

A poster actually shows up who appears well read and too many questions are about his financial background..The state of lit...

>> No.16704805


>> No.16704976

>Anon has proof that he came from money?
Just playing the odds. If someone has money—especially the sums we're dealing with here—it's more than likely that their parents had money. His parents' occupations and the story he told above would seem to corroborate this—people don't just "get" investment positions at places like Vivendi out of nowhere. The guy obviously already had money/already knew people.

>> No.16704995

Blog link ?

>> No.16704997

>what hokusai version are you referring to?
Not Taschen, this:

>> No.16704998

I was naive and optimistic but lit showed its true colors

>> No.16705007

I guess I’m missing the point anon is trying to make
Anon asked OP where he made his money, OP gave an answer, anon is...not satisfied with OP’s answer?
If OP came from money would that make a difference to the thread? Just seems kinda weird to track down his dad in order to speculate if that accountant dude is him.
Am i missing something about OP? Does this change his library?

>> No.16705026

It’s just part of his his full library project, anon. He shills his reading list and the “pykewater challenge” all the fucking time around here: pykewater.com

He has a cozy discord desu though. Ask him for the link, I don’t want to get kicked out.

>> No.16705032

Rapture...I love u.

>> No.16705053

Man U R fucking B A S E D

>> No.16705068

If he came from money (which is most likely the case), the implication is that he didn't entirely *earn* his money. That's what anon was pointing out.

>> No.16705104

Had an idea! A single cubby on my bookshelf (or one dedicated just for this) that contains only books with 1-word titles, arranged in such an order as to spell out a message. But what to say?

And what one-word titled books do you recommend?

>> No.16705236
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>> No.16705788

theres ALWAYS a shelf thread up and running, but they also die really quick. i wonder why that is.

>> No.16705830

American ads you are going up against the wall when biden wins tomorrow

>> No.16705867


>> No.16705984


>> No.16706018

Absolutely awful what you did to that poor book. Do you have a second copy for pleasure-reading? The page is a cluttered mess and I doubt that marking texts is actually effective if you compare it to a sheet of notes with your own thoughts and summaries.

>> No.16706020

becuase thats the interesting thing about the person, he hasnt read all 26k books he has brought 26k books its boring when its just a rich guy who has a lot of shit.....so we ask how he got rich, when we ask for these kind of "bookshelf" threads is becuase we genuinly want to see what others are interested in and see that humble book shelf then its interesting as to what books they have and what their interests are, but in this case the only interesting thing about him is how he got rich and accumulated such a collection as we cant tell from a library of 26k his interests and specific knowledge on certain subjects.

>> No.16706029

wow you circle things and underline.you must be super duper smarty pants "scentific research" wow i would never of thought to highlight that, you are big brain guy

>> No.16706041

Buy decent shelving Anon.
That plastic shit is ready to collapse.
Tennsco Q-Line is sturdy, if you bolt the top and bottom shelves in place.

>> No.16706076 [DELETED] 
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This is what adderal addiction looks like.

>> No.16706228

"See he's that kinda guy who has to make it all nice and lovely before he blows his load on their chests", he said and chuckled. "He - he kisses them and asks if it's okay, can you believe that?" He was wheezing. To save myself the embarassment of a failed, snide remark I demurely took another sip of the kind of whiskey I don't like, not that there is a kind of whiskey I do like, or any kind of alcohol for that matter. After a while I saw an opening and went for it: "Gentlemen, surely you do know Martin Heidegger? You know I really think he was onto something with his idea of "Dasein", you know, "being-in-the-world"." Silence, perspiration.
Alan's stubby little nose kept twitching like a rat's, his beady little eyes eagerly glanced to the side for the go-ahead from his Don. He thought he saw it and snorted, but he was cut off with an incredulous look in my direction.
"Do you speak German?"
"No, but I always choose the best trans-"
"Heidegger war ein Phantast und sein Werk steht und fällt mit der Frage, wie man zu seiner Form eines reaktionären Essentialismus als Antwort auf die deutsche Nachkriegsidentitätskrise, steht. Deine Frage zielte lediglich auf einen, für dich, positiven Abwärtsvergleich ab, aber welche Sphären du für diesen wählst, zeigt gleichzeitig in welchen du schlicht nicht überlebensfähig wärst. In short, you thought you could compete, but you can't. What I do, I do out of a deep appreciation for ancient culture. My invitation is an offer you should be grateful for. Now relax and enjoy."

"I didn't "make it all nice and lovely" that time. He had to pay quite a bit to keep it under wraps," I thought to myself, but I knew it was a lie to think of money as an issue for him. "So what if he speaks German and heard of Heidegger? He can put a veil of culture over his debauchery all he wants, but if he doesn't have the capacity to appreciate the sublime..." I trailed off in my thoughts as I clicked on the button to add the item to my shopping basket and bought the near-mint first printing dual-language edition of "Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt". "Fuck you, Jeffrey", I said.

>> No.16706529


>> No.16706553

How many of these you actually read?

>> No.16706946

wanna jump here to say that as a tech founder with quite some overlap of titles, I'd be cool to meet you
t. uropfag

>> No.16706964

All-American AIDS

>> No.16707303
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the way the books are distributed across rooms/halls throughout my basement means that i don't have a single angle that could convey everything at once. i've been thinking of ways to display all in toto, but that's a big project and i haven't gotten around to it yet.
i have a private office/library i share with my wife, but that only has a small selection of books in it, more of a minimalist vibe.

thanks man

it depends on the day and what i'm reading. as i mentioned here >>16703480 i can spend a day on a couple of pages; i've also covered upwards of 450 pages of more consumable stuff in a single 24 hour period. i can also go an entire week without reading at times, read intensely for days and then take a break; at this point i dont have a schedule or anything like that, i read when i want or need to and see reading as part of a much more general matrix of "living well." i generally don't find quotas or page counts or anything like that very helpful.

man so many ideas here. my immediate reaction is to suggest some poetry that i don't see very often here: holderlin; wallace stevens; hart crane; rilke; mallarme; szymborska; celan; trakl; cassels; haines; larkin; hall; etc.
toomer--cane was very good, read that recently. didnt care for the new translation of de assis.
contemporary short story writers like jamie quatro; wells tower; carver; tobias wollf; o. henry; barthelme; cheever; l. moore; s. dybek; ken liu; etc.
playwrites like sarah kane, sam shepard. fan of david mamet. hardly ever even see beckett, artaud, etc. discussed. ionesco. E O'Neill.

>> No.16707375
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That is my dad, i don't mind admitting that at all, he's on my website somewhere anyway: he's a great father, i'm proud to be his son. my mom is an architect. both my parents are some of the most loving people i have ever known--any fault me or my siblings had/have is not traceable to my home environment. my childhood and upbringing were the closest to a human ideal you can get.
yes i come from money; yes i made money with that money. not sure why this is such a point for stalker/insecure anons.

my blog: pykewater.com/catiline-conspiracy
mind you that it is a blog--its about 200,000 words of just my random musings on random ass topics. please don't expect much beyond that. have like no followers and am very ok with that.

beautiful volume. just ordered it. thanks for bringing to my attention. are you into japanese prints more generally? have you checked out taschen's volume on japanese block prints?

>i doubt markings texts is actually effective
for you, maybe. as someone who has found a great deal of success in academia and book-related labor, it's exactly what i like/need and enables me to mine/glean/extract every last drop from a text that i can.
every book i own is just a small territory in open rebellion; sooner or later that rebellion is quelled with the annotations from my pen.

hey man thanks for the line, would always love to meet someone with similar interests--what type of tech are you in? do you collect books/ have a vested interest in a personal library?

>> No.16707702

Great posts in this thread. I’ve got a slightly off-topic question - would you recommend any specific literature for someone who wants to get into/study graphic design? Anything specific from the list on the website?

>> No.16707704

Impressive. Do you really annotate all your books like this? Do you have a method?
Do you have more examples? I’m trying to get better at using notes to actually remember stuff from a text

>> No.16708225

Based AF patrician thread
What are you currently reading, OP?

>> No.16708417

How many books do you read on average per week?

Does it bother you that you'll never read all of these books?

I have fewer than 400 books. I know I won't read them all. I accumulate more books as I'm reading. It bothers me.

If I read a book a week on average, and I live for 60 more years, that's approximately 3000 books.

>> No.16708551
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rate & hate

>> No.16708858
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oh man, great question. what are you looking to get out of graphic design/what's your general interest? i can offer a lot of more specific suggestions depending on what you're looking for, BUT, some great intro texts:
for some basic theory/framework, i'd recommend stuff like:
lupton - graphic design: the new basics
wheeler-- designing brand identity
the elements of graphic design (second edition)
knaflic--storytelling with data
wall street journal guide to information graphics

for more directly applied methodology, i'd recommend:
grid systems in graphic design
samsara--making and breaking the grid
tufte's works on visual information/communication
manuel lima's work's on visual information
stuff like taschen's "logo modernism" and "logod design" series are great compilations and fantastic sources of inspiration

for some general orientations and great histories of graphic design, i'd recommend:
taschen's 2-volume "history of graphic design"
rymer--the world in prints
de jong--type: a visual history
doring--the poster: 200 years of art and history
eskilson--graphic design: a new history
raizman--history of modern design (second edition)

i'd also recommend more general reference material, like:
taschen's "world of ornament"
taschen's "symbols" book
fox--symbols: a handbook for seeing
pantone's color series edited by eiseman

i could go on for a while--this is sorta my bread and butter, and a lot of what i do outside of academia is now consult/work on political and advertising campaigns. love this stuff. let me know what subjects interest you the most and i can point you toward a host of more specific titles. you want the top book on logo design for black metal bands? check out "lord of the logos." want the best book on graphic design and medical care? try "can graphic design save your life?" want to know how graphic design has shaped the production and aesthetic of american election ballots? cheng's "this is what democracy looked like" is what you want. etc. etc.

>> No.16709022

outside of graphic design, are there any other subjects you would consider yourself well-read on?

>> No.16709121

>a & w
Bang's is the best root beer

>> No.16709136

I'm guessing you haven't read half of these. This is a mental illness.

>> No.16709161
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I’m an ABD PhD candidate for government with a concentration in American politics/political theory and minor concentration in comparative politics/ancient political thought; I’ve taught courses on political theory, history of political thought, history of American political thought, congressional politics, German idealism, terrorism, etc.—I’m pretty sound with a lot of political/theoretical stuff and related historical/philosophical material. Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, conversion, propaganda, Schmitt, Greek thought—topics i would say that i am an expert in even within the academic/expert realm.

Business theory just through a lot of experience in the field and encountering perennial and popular titles.

I studied literature/architecture undergrad, have a master’s degree in architecture and play the piano, so architecture and musical composition/history are two other strong points. As far as literature: 19th and 20th century American; emphasis on 20th century.

Working on history of art and medicine as my next major endeavors.

Again, i get paid to pursue all this, this is all that i do with my time, etc.—these are the subjects i also happen to be the most passionate about. Would love to discuss any and all aspects of them—what have you studied? What are you most interested in?

>> No.16709183
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...there are 26k books.
Of course I haven’t read half of them, i would never claim that. Half? My god. I cant imagine you in one of those “guess how many marbles in the jar” competitions.

Jesus Christ, this board’s obsession with just arbitrary numbers, data, statistics—why don’t you ask me my IQ while you’re at it?

I couldn’t tell you the exact percentage. It’s a tiny fraction of the total. It will always remain a tiny fraction of the total.

>> No.16709232

Thank you so much. This looks like it’ll help a lot. This is a lot of info for now, right now my plan is a BA degree in graphic/information design (in Europe). It seems like I’ll need a good amount of preparation for the course as it’s one of the more prestigious universities in my country. Again, thanks a lot for the list, more than I expected.

>> No.16709258

wow that looks great anon
might get that myself

>> No.16709351

How old are you?

>> No.16709410
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for sure, good luck with your degree

i'm 31. you?

>> No.16709437
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Why would you need someone else to run a political theory blog for you then?

>> No.16709439

What's your IQ then, dickwad?

>> No.16709443

Thank you!

>> No.16709448
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>>This board’s obsession with just arbitrary numbers, data, statistics
>Obsessively hoards twenty-six thousand (26,000) books

>> No.16709464

That library has a specific purpose though, anon’s website has been mentioned in this very thread

>> No.16709467
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What? What are you talking about? It’s my blog, i run it. Everything written there is from me. I dunno why you thought otherwise.

>> No.16709524

Wasn't that the whole point of your new discord?

>> No.16709545
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Dude I don’t know what you are talking about.
The discord is designed to glean people from this sight who want to participate in a more moderated community. I’ve thought about ways to incentivize discussion and conversation, including beginning a new forum or collection of anons works, but it never had anything to do with my writing. Again I’m not sure why you thought that.

>> No.16709568

he's not an anon

>> No.16709630

>Jesus Christ, this board’s obsession with just arbitrary numbers, data, statistics—why don’t you ask me my IQ while you’re at it?
You bring it on yourself, rapture, and by now you should have realized this will invariably come up in the varied responses to any of your posts that discuss or relate to the size of your library or your investment portfolio.

>> No.16709729

After looking at the website and your posts here, this sounds like something I’d love to join - is it open right now / is there a valid link?

>> No.16709887

Anyone got pics of his hot Greek chad top-wit body and his chiselled marble jawline?

>> No.16709910

go buy more books you'll never read, rapture

>> No.16709912

>i print out wikipedia pages and call them books

>> No.16709913

t. Teen who hasn't lived a tough life

>> No.16710003

I’ve got pics of him with or without cancer, you choose

>> No.16710012

Can't get it in my city :(

>> No.16710015

yo anon give me 500$ pls it will be funny

>> No.16710091

Do you have one with a little bit of cancer?

>> No.16710252
File: 2.23 MB, 4032x3024, IMG-4192 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohhhhhh ok



>> No.16710329

What do you think of political systems and state government? What does your ideal system look like?

>> No.16710498

Based selection
Where did you go to school?
Favorite political science text?

>> No.16710553

this is some cringey shit

>> No.16710600

Post pics
Unironically want to see more who we are talking about. Ive only seen the cancer pic of rapture where he just looks like he has cancer.

>> No.16711165
File: 146 KB, 917x871, Ohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>happy to see a shelf thread
>about to post pic of shelf
>realise just in time that the thread isn't worthy of it

That was a close one.

>> No.16711198

>Would love to discuss any and all aspects of them—what have you studied? What are you most interested in?
I'm the one who asked the original question >>16709022. I'll admit I don't know much about those things, or really anything at all. I'm an 18yr old living with his parents who's studying IT in college because computers are the only thing I've ever had any marginal interest in (that I can make a living off of). Sounds like you're really well-read and accomplished in the things you're interested in, which is great. I would like to find something I'm really passionate about, something I can really invest time and effort into but I haven't found that thing. Any tips on building a library? I know you mentioned in another post that you're about to get a large personal collection or something, but do you buy a lot of your own books? If you do, where do you get them (online, thrift stores, etc)?

>> No.16711817


>> No.16712317

Unless you have anything even approaching OP’s collection then no one would care anyway you stupid fucking pleb

>> No.16712605
File: 2.10 MB, 3389x2735, IMG-3814 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

difficult question to answer. i'd say: i've been influenced primarily by plato, aquinas, kant, schiller; madison; peirce, james, dewey, arendt. nietzsche and schmitt.
i believe in something like the "aesthetic state" cast in a democratic fashion.i think that the state needs to maintain a monopoly over the means of conversion/aesthetics and that the state should further act as a catalyst and defender of pluralism. i think that a liberal state can have "teeth" contra Schmitt and try to trace out something like a "nietzschean democracy" (i am aware of the irony and potential theoretical contradiction here) in my own writings. i've got like a 250,000 word blog committed to tracing out this very problem. i know, i know--i need to edit and provide a better TL;DR at some point. still working out my own ideas.
i care less about left and right politics and more about certain "greek" problems like what a state-led paideia ought to look like, how this paideia relates to institutions and structures of immortality, how art and beauty operates in this paideia, the role of charisma and antinomeanism vs. forms of communitarian politics, etc.
i can elaborate and go into detail, etc.--very hard to disclose one's real commitment on a 4chan post

what are your politics??

>> No.16712635
File: 2.03 MB, 2925x3268, IMG-4077 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've attended or taught at: princeton, NYU, stanford, cornell. you?

hey thanks a lot for the input, very honest and insightful. good anon is good.
let me ask you: what is it about computers that interests you?
this is going to sound like an odd question but will help me orient toward your thinking: when i say something to you like "intellectual fulfillment," what visceral images, feelings, vague or indistinct rumblings--what is it that comes immediately to mind? at this stage i am less interested in the exact nature of this or that passion and more so in the source of your passion more generally. the more honestly you can answer what naturally turns you on, what you naturally gravitate toward on an existential/aesthetic level--the better and more refined your library will be. would love to hear all about your interests, however uncultivated they currently are.

i've been collecting for a while and have a number of sources. honestly, between amazon, abe books, powells online and then a host of used bookstores in the areas i live (DC and cambridge, MA--some uniquely good stores in both locales), the flow of books is continuous and the quality is top-notch. i've never felt constrained or starved, save for trying to track down some particularly rare or hard to find titles.
i buy and select every single title, along with my wife.
as far as the large collection i'm about to acquire, that is coming through a very particular service called Ars Libri--a store in Boston that specializes in acquiring and distributing entire libraries, especially art libraries, to institutions. they are the boys that hook up a university with what they need in a single shipment or two. i very much like them and do business with them more generally, but this is the first time i've orchestrated anything like the purchase or an entire library. a private collector recently died and i happened to get first dibs.

>> No.16712658
File: 2.62 MB, 2360x3377, IMG-4079 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the world holds its breath...

>> No.16712814
File: 1.33 MB, 1500x3633, shelves1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just moved into a new place and got this bookshelf today, but I need to get another one to have more space. Sorry for the bad quality, it's dark already and the lamp light is worse than sunlight.

>> No.16712944

Interesting takes I can relate to. I would have expected something vastly different. Do you reject the traditional dichotomy of left and right wing politics?
I more or less reject politics on principle and I don't know a lot about it. Saying anything more will contradict this statement and prove my ignorance, but here we go:
-state government is a useful tool that needs to work on making iself obsolete like any good education. I realize right now the benefits outweigh the cons, but this is where state control needs to put the most work in
-the central problem in politics is freedom vs security and I'm all in on freedom. The current time and all others prove this position to be naive and again the government needs to work on a plan to usher humanity into a state where it no longer has to choose between the two
-long time plans cannot work with limited human life spans. I'm talking hundreds and thousands of years. Ways to achieve vastly longer lifes/immortality need to be the prime focus - to this end I MIGHT even accept ridiculous dictatorship turbo-techno-capitalism to accelerate the matter... but it's not like we have a say.
-democracy as a subset of politics is another tool, imported from a very different time and context, that we should work on overcoming. Maybe it could be 'amazing' within a society of intellectuals, but right now you can't even suggest weighted votes, or 'philosopher's kings' without being put in the right wing camp.
-not original, like the rest, but left and right is kindergarten-tier. Much prefer a two axis system of individual and market freedom/security

I could list some more, but I'm my phone right now and stated my most important 'tenets'. Basically I want to already be in my cozy post-singularity dream, sculpting planet-sized experiences from my Lotus Throne with my friends in party chat. I want to be able to relive our collective simulated past and end the millenium with a fun century of nano-travel through the body of Moby Dick. I know I'm a dreamer, but what interesting things can reality even say to us?

>> No.16713003

What exactly compels a person to buy and keep so many books instead of borrowing them from the library?

>> No.16713020

You can read them whenever you want for however long you want. If you're a savage you can also underline stuff in the books.

>> No.16713042

Few books are actually worth re-reading. Most are only worth copying a few key ideas from onto a notebook

>> No.16713275

Why does anyone have a home gym, or a home movie theater, or a pool at their house...?
Probably the same reasons.
Or if not those reasons other reasons.
It’s weird that you thinking wanting to own a private library is weird. I cant imagine justifying any purchase to you beyond just basic necessities.

>> No.16714585

Bump for holy based rapture (pbuh)

>> No.16715744

Why is the Aeneid in between the Iliad and the Odyssey?

>> No.16715781

I don't understand it but it looks cool I guess.

>> No.16716296

How do you acquire books? These must have mostly been various different hauls, I'm assuming? Do you end up with duplicates? Do you subscribe to certain publishers? How many of your books were acquired individually because it was a book you knew you wanted not counting academic work? If you could only save 10-20 of them from a burning building would it take long to decide? Are bugs or mold ever a problem? Is your collection protected from fires? Do you have cats? Do you keep them away from your collection? What does your family think of this? Would you consider yourself a hoarder or a curator? I am so curious

>> No.16716300

Aeneas didn't sit on his ass for 9 years so the story happened sooner.

>> No.16716313

well reading your site cleared up some of this and I'm disappointed you're not a crazy person

>> No.16717160

This. Sorta disappointed not more crazy. desu though he seems like an interesting guy. Or at least the project is the most interesting thing I’ve seen on this site in a while.

>> No.16717172

What are all those slim yellow books?

>> No.16717211

are they not Monographs?

>> No.16717279

Reclam Leseheftchen

>> No.16717376
File: 10 KB, 215x268, 1561036165975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worked in mergers and acquisitions
What did he mean by this?

>> No.16717452

Cyrylic spellings of English words are so funny

>> No.16717464

are you gay btw?

>> No.16717538
File: 675 KB, 1551x988, hh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well anons i was lured in by this thread and bought the hiroshige book and hokusai set. they just arrived
the hiroshige book is the "jumbo" version not the big boxed version shown in >>16702805 which sold out long ago but it's big enough for me.
the hokusai set is a little smaller than i expected, but it seems to be great quality and is very nicely presented.

>> No.16717580
File: 831 KB, 2016x1337, h1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hiroshige book is a beauty. i'm not sure about that japanese style binding, it always seems a big fragile, but of course it suits the book.

>> No.16717596
File: 724 KB, 2016x837, h2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hokusai set is one long concertina-folded page with all the pictures, together with a little booklet with descriptions of them all
looking forward to spending a couple of hours poring over these later. might go and get a bottle of sake to drink at the same time to get the right mood.

>> No.16718100

Hey man, just wanted to let you know that you have two copies of "Zombie Economics".

>> No.16718122

Anon, that wall... is that a storage unit? If so, how do you recommend it? I have little space for my books, as I share a room with my brother (me, 21, him 17). Right now my best bet is to box up books Im not going to read in the next 3 months, and move them to our garage on metal racks. Would love if you could recommend a storage unit.

>> No.16718127

National Geographics?

>> No.16718542
File: 236 KB, 1024x781, 7916791776_f21e0002f5_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think?

>> No.16718545

having that much of any author's work is concerning, anon.

>> No.16718635

ITT op finds naive anons to suck his wee willy winky

>> No.16718777

What makes anons naive? OP seems legit.

>> No.16718896

thread is obvious newbie bait for op to flex on

>> No.16718917

If you didn't realise this >>16702752 was op you're the victim

>> No.16718943

You don’t know how to read poster order, do you?
Fucking filtered you pleb faggot

>> No.16719251

Those are all the Bulgarian editions of National Geographic. I've been getting them since they started in November 2005.

>> No.16719259

All I see is garbage, got any literature?

>> No.16719304

Уaт дy ю мийн?

>> No.16719320

gay af lol
cope the broken heart, anon

>> No.16719323

Who the fuck reads? I wish I could take enough time off from making lots of cash to sit down and give an hour, much less 2hrs

>> No.16719330



>> No.16719381

I am gonna guess that you are into Jung.

>> No.16719395

I’m pretty sure rapture makes more than you, anon
What makes him interesting is that he is wealthy and seems to read, too

>> No.16719779
File: 81 KB, 217x842, 687AC9EB-F908-4375-852D-7BACB197D61D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayye rappy, how’s the treatment old boy? You hanging in there?

>> No.16720118

library has nothing but YA trash

>> No.16720395

This thread is a total garbage fire.
Good job trying to get other people to post their bookshelves when all you've done is circlejerk your own shit for almost every other post.

>> No.16720658

I wonder what he looked like with hair. How did you find this picture? Share your doxxing skills with me, anon!

Also summoning rappy(pbuh) to chime back in

>> No.16720728
File: 71 KB, 404x751, 0F044B66-C3B8-4C8B-9FEB-0BB1428261FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found that pic in a thread about him a while ago, reversed image searched it, turns out he just has a link to a gala for pancreatic cancer on his website that his family puts on, pic is there. Not sure what he looks like now, think cancer pic was a couple of years ago. Surprised he’s still alive.
Just found other pics of him in the warosu threads, i think from his wife’s Instagram (which is no longer up)
I make fun of him cause he’s rapture but desu he was kinda a chad when he had hair

>> No.16720745

Interesting. Thanks anon. I just hope this won't scare the Rapster away.

>> No.16720771
File: 759 KB, 1537x2049, 2D5129D5-B680-4A8E-9B15-BB36DF5EF392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I troll him whenever i see him but i also find him fascinating desu
I’ve seen his posts for years. The wealth, cancer, library, his life plays out a lot like a 19th century Victorian novel. He’s a faggot but he’s also sorta my go-to faggot, ya know?
I don’t mean to scare him away. Love ya, rappy.

>> No.16720783

these posts should be in the 4chan faq under "why is this board anonymous"

>> No.16720803

Rapture is pretty open with his info, he doxes himself. Sorta respect that.
Anons asked for pics so anons got pics.

>> No.16720837


>> No.16720968

Have you actually read all of these? How old are you?

>> No.16721099


>> No.16722164
File: 220 KB, 1024x1024, myshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rest of the set is on the way

>> No.16722207

Garbage bait

>> No.16722212

>Star Wars on the same shelf as Moby Dick, The Illiad, the Odyssey, and the works of Ernest Hemingway

>> No.16722218
File: 3.55 MB, 4481x3651, 1604081854620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16722966

you seem to have a great interest in Advertisements

>> No.16722983


Looks good but I hate the things you like.

>> No.16722984

the cute teddy bear makes it a 10/10

>> No.16722995


When you can get a kick out of him unironically, thats when you'll know youve gotten over yourself.

>> No.16723001


You're unbent spines are showing

>> No.16723002
File: 26 KB, 355x293, normie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt read

>> No.16723009
File: 991 KB, 480x292, so hot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those nice leather hard bound books
oh yea thats hot

>> No.16724227

Bump for holy rapture (pbuh)
Come back and answer questions

>> No.16724729

He was actually what i would call classically handsome. Shame.

>> No.16725252

Not only is it beautiful, it looks like a nice, peaceful read, which is completely underrated on this board. Sure, read Peter Sotos or Guyotat, but dont ignore or undermine some quality comfy lit

>> No.16726110

Don't forget Hitchhiker's GTTG kek

>> No.16726977

Damn this looks really good. I think you and OP convinced me too.

>> No.16727335

You have lived a tough life.

>> No.16727853
File: 329 KB, 2048x1536, book shelf Oct 2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16728635



>> No.16729098
File: 3.65 MB, 5120x3840, IMG_20201107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started with them and never stopped

>> No.16729205

very nice

the Plutarch edition far left is the Dryden translation?

>> No.16729869

Yeah, but that hardcover is not that readable desu. The Penguins have useful footnotes as well, but the're also inconsistently structured. No comparisons between lives and there's Lysander, a Spartan, in the Athenian collection for some reason

>> No.16729898

That's actually a very nice collection, I could live with this

>> No.16729908

To keep dust jackets on or not to keep them on--that is « la question ».

>> No.16730368

I think you'd enjoy watching Mad Men.

>> No.16730401

based and reject modernity pilled

>> No.16730439

Do you read in german too? When I was studying philosophy at uni we were heavily advised to read the german philosophers in german and not translations.

>> No.16730495
File: 316 KB, 870x1159, Roman Pepe Head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice anon. I am reading Utopia now in a Catholic book club. Do you recommend landmark series as opposed to Oxford for Caesar's writings?
Healthy mix. I like Scruton.