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16704969 No.16704969 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16704985


>> No.16704988


>> No.16705006

Blase with accent

>> No.16705038


>> No.16705061

this but unironically

>> No.16705084
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nigga we finna spook you
this post was made by GHOST GANG

>> No.16705088

t. indocrinated

>> No.16705108

Feed and seed

>> No.16705112

an adverb followed by an adjective

>shockingly beautiful
>disturbingly captivating

it's like putting A1 sauce on a perfectly seasoned steak. hard to take the writer seriously

>> No.16705118

Exceedingly based

>> No.16705120

Amazingly based.

>> No.16705126

Basedly exceeding

>> No.16705131

Stupendously based

>> No.16705132

Exceptionally based

>> No.16705133

Agreed, best used for establishing a convincing voice that is not to be taken seriously

>> No.16705287
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>> No.16705293


>> No.16705309

>the self assured white woman

>> No.16705366

incredibly accurate

>> No.16705644
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>> No.16705696


>> No.16705715


>> No.16705755

" 'cos "

>> No.16705766


>> No.16705825

Absolutely based

>> No.16705937


>> No.16705950

ITT: We are predisposed to make a multifaceted (though essentially benign) series of shitposts, and consequently indoctrinate lurkers with the apparitions of nihilistic despair.

Criminally underrated

>> No.16705954

wonderfully put!

>> No.16705955

Some people just really like A1 sauce

>> No.16706486

i read that as ''AI sauce'' and it still made sense to me

>> No.16706507


>> No.16706515


>> No.16706536

Are you all morons? These are very easy words.

>> No.16706540

>Wicked reading comprehension

>> No.16706541


>> No.16706547


>> No.16706575


Precipice, yuck, you're right.


The last word is very personal to me. When I studied in a liberal arts college the kids would use that word when describing how much freedom the characters in a book had. They would talk about the 'agency' of Harriet Jacobs in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. It made me want to puke every time.

>> No.16706576

>X of Colour
>Lived experience
>Give voice to
>Rape culture

>> No.16706587

Legislation - like a kid trying to say "registraition".

>> No.16706634


Spelling is hard

>> No.16706703

shocked that this has not been mentioned, "Exceedingly based" type examples don't count because those are already so overzealous that only a 10 year tops should be allowed to find them worth saying.

>> No.16706715

Alt-right neonazi mysogynistic anti-semitic islamophobic biased science-denying incel trash xenophobic homophobic transphobic racist latinx people of color latinx intersectional rapist.

>> No.16706725

420 blase it

>> No.16706737

Discard benign, or justify its inclusion. Otherwise okay.

>> No.16706750


>> No.16706752

naif (yours reminds me that I hate the nominalization of naïve or naivete with an accent; the umlaut doesn't bother me in the adjective, however).

>> No.16706759

but predisposed should be on that list? isn't this one of the cold scientific terms? Don't remember anyone using it in a cringeworthy manner, only misusing it due to lack of proper understanding of the concept

>> No.16706782


>> No.16706819
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>> No.16706826


>> No.16706840

you can't stand words you mention because they are overused, niche and quirky, or why exactly?

>> No.16706860

>all Twitter buzz words
Cope harder pol-cuck.

>> No.16706864

>Admitting you are this easily triggered

Fecking pansy

>> No.16706872


>> No.16706885

Anyone using qua should be shot

>> No.16706921

>t b h
>s m h
>f a m
and i cant stop using them

>> No.16706962

Why does the rejection of terms used by a dangerous cult annoy you?

>> No.16706975

Yeah, probably. It's ambiguous junk, a freakshow mouthful that attempts but fails to mean 'inclined'

>> No.16706991


>> No.16707024

Second question
Yeah, science has ruined this word (benign tumor) which once meant gentle, kind, and helpful. Lately I read 'benign threats' which is not only absurd, but ugly. Thanks, science..

>> No.16707042

The word prompts an image of swimming in crystalline waters with overfed and therefore incredibly plump narwhals

>> No.16707619


>> No.16707818

Its endless usage as the most condescending euphemism for "noisy" or "chaotic" ever to have emerged from neoliberal journalism about immigrant enclaves, has ruined a word that I didn't particularly like in the first place.
"Wanton" can be a riot if the context is camp. It's why I remember Martin Amis's line about an interviewer who "unsmilingly processes the wanton bitchiness" of Capote's drunken dish which "glows with the pale fire of illness" as Amis adds later. I agree about "quixotic", which is just plain tired.

>> No.16707829
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>> No.16707840


>> No.16707856


>> No.16707872

What's wrong with 'Folk'?

>> No.16707886


>> No.16708082


>> No.16708106


>> No.16708195


>> No.16708202

top kek

>> No.16708230

>badger (verb)

>> No.16708265

You probably don't like
>cul de sac

>> No.16708273

this but ironically

>> No.16708286

So what's the problem with agency? You just described its meaning.

>> No.16708299

When have you ever actually read any of those words in actual books (baring certain innocent uses of celebrating and whiteness, like "celebrating the whiteness of marble")?
Genuine question, because I've never seen them in print. If you see them ever, then the problem is on you for reading poor material.

>> No.16708302

Those are completely different words.

>> No.16708382
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In English, they say it like "quick-sotick", but it comes from the name Don Quixote.
So how come everyone pronounces it wrong? The x an h sound in Quixote. Why can't they pronounce quixotic as "qi-ho-tic"!?
Are you happy with that?? I'm not happy at all! Is this your idea of a fucking joke!?
It's Spanish, you goddamn bastards! Speak fucking Spanish! Fuck, that pisses me off!
You stupid motherfuckers!

>> No.16708399

The fact that you call the insignificant and insular 'woke' subcultures of twitter a "dangerous cult" is what annoys people.

>> No.16708490

Absolutely ANY other word chosen would have been a 'completely different word,' anon, but I assume you know this.
Like impasse cul de sac is recognizably French and potentially the physical manifestation of what an impasse looks like, especially if one's running away from someone, perhaps a thug, perhaps three of them, only to discover that what one took to be an alleyway was in fact one's death..
Like fortuitous aleatory's obviously Latinate (iacta alea est!) and concerns chance, but in a different way (for the most part) than fortuitous I completely own-- so?
Though chivvy reminds me of a chipmunk nibbling on a stick it has no real truck (a word I hate btw) with the animal kingdom. Nonetheless it's perhaps closer to its mark than the other two are to theirs.
My point was to pick three uglier words near enough in meaning to the three perfectly good ones you chose, and that fwr you do not like. All three are perfectly good words I felt, and still feel, so I commented.

>> No.16708973


>> No.16708999

the fuck does this word even mean. i thought it was phonemes more at the back of the mouth but i've seen it applied to literally the opposite as often as not.

>> No.16709004

the thread is personal. clearly he has bad memories associated with it.

>> No.16709031

A feir feld full of folk || fond I þer bitwene,
Of alle maner of men, || þe mene and þe riche,
Worchinge and wandringe || as þe world askeþ.

A fair field full of folk || found I there between,
Of all manner of men || the mean and the rich,
Working and wandering || as the world asketh.

- William Langland, 1370-1390

>> No.16709037

Essentially, OP is a multifaceted mega lexico-autismo. It's alright, though. it's all alright.

>> No.16709169

>In English, they say it like "quick-sotick"
No they don't. There's dozens of pronunciations because it does not alter the spelling so it is unparsable by the orthography. You can see this in your own post as the name and adjective as pronounced differently.

>> No.16709399

>Anglos consider these to be fancy words

>> No.16709563

no they don't

>> No.16709621

Any 4chan buzzword that I use on a daily basis.

>> No.16709667


I can't pin the definitions down in my brain. Fucking retard.

>> No.16709779


>> No.16709789

It's actually oneiric and it refers to night dreaming. Not a bad word, actually.

>> No.16709820

Yeah it's a good word, i just can stick it. Is it the origin of oneism/oneitis where you simp after one (dream) girl and no others?

>> No.16709877

No, but it should be. Nice feel.