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16702670 No.16702670 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books philosophical or scientific, about sentience? i have a suspicion that humans are not actually sentient, and that sentience is merely a sensation in the material body

>> No.16702674

Use google, nigger.

>> No.16702877

this image is retarded

>> No.16703005

i come here for the best suggestions. Google is for commoners

you're just brainwashed

>> No.16703021

OP is retarded

>> No.16703077

>the quality of being able to experience feelings/sensations
>I have the feeling that sentience might be a mere sensation of the material body

>> No.16703103

sorry i know this one isn't in the Bible

hmm well then you have to tell me what experience is. who is experiencing what? if you are an automaton you merely feel that you feel. you feel me?

>> No.16703157

>who is experiencing what?
The subjective I is experiencing either outer sensual phenomena or inner representations. I know that the subjective I exists because experiencing sensations isn't everything it does, it also thinks. You are doubting your own existence before doubting the material world which is nonsensical.

>> No.16703216

also, Descartes, Hume, Kant and don't come back until you're done. You sound like a wanna-be-smart-atheist who ends up just being a naive p-zombie because he looked into epic science without epistemology.

>> No.16703237
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Here ya go, OP. Don't say I never did anything for you.

>> No.16703244

you feel that you know things because the you that you precieve is itself an evolved sensation with evolutionary benefits. but through rational analysis we can see more of your behaviors are rationalized post hoc and "you" are just a part of da puzzle of da material object that is "you"


>> No.16703250

okay now we're talking. thanks Anon

>> No.16703257

you are describing the hard problem of consciousness

>> No.16703261

>humans are not actually sentient, and that sentience is merely a sensation in the material body

There's no difference retard

>> No.16703314

doesn't seem very hard to me desu but i thought maybe some book would lay out the argument in a thorough way

>> No.16703372

Mind and Cosmos

>> No.16704012

thnku anon i am going to read this as well then

>> No.16704254

I'm currently into a similar topic and have been reading a lot on the subject.
>>16703216 is right, Hume and Kant are incredibly based and will give you a good understanding of the background that most modern literature on the subject is based off of. Skip Descartes unless you can read his stuff untranslated, it's really ruined by the translation. It would also help to have a rudimentary understanding of biopsychology.

Then read the following in order.
>The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes (seriously read this book it'll answer your question exactly)
>Affective Neuroscience: The Foundations of Human and Animal Emotions - just the first first chapters so you have a better basic understanding of what sentience is
>The Emperor's New Mind - Then go watch some Roger Penrose lectures on the subject
If you want to go deep down the rabbit hole
>Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness

>> No.16704320

hell yeah, thank you for the big reply. this all looks great. i guys i will read the philosophers although i really don't want to.

case against reality sounds like exactly what i was looking for. have you read The Denial of Death btw? i will start reading soon

>> No.16704325
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>you merely feel that you feel

>> No.16704343

Republicans control the presidency, senate, supreme court, and most state legislatures. Republicans also delude themselves into calling themselves a counter culture. Republicans are retarded

>> No.16704397

Start with the Greeks unironically

>> No.16704400

>i will read the philosophers although i really don't want to.
Even just watch some youtube videos about them.
>The Denial of Death
I thought it was a pretty good book until I almost died and had a near death experience, it made me doubt a lot of the ideas in the book. And if you haven't read it I'd recommend reading Worm at the Core, it's written by Beckers disciples. It expands and in my opinion improves on a lot of his ideas that he wasn't able to fully express in Denial of Death.

>> No.16704421

If you don't want to read philosophy, then there's not a whole lot of hope in you finding wisdom. But if you insist, watch videos.

Link below has two intro courses, Ancient & Modern, that are relatively good. There are a thousand other courses posted online, narrow down where you think you'll find the answer you're looking for, and use the videos to get an introduction.

"Very short introduction to" series from Oxford offers very good overviews as well, in as little detail as necessary.


>> No.16704448

op learn to write properly first

>> No.16704684

thanks. yeah i read work worwowreare wwoworworm honestly thought it wasn't helpful ttbtbhtbhtbh

>Republicans are retarded
enjoy tomorrow anon :)

>> No.16704692
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>f you don't want to read enjoysophy, then there's not a whole lot of hope in you finding wisdom

>> No.16705149

This is called an inflated sense of self importance and a superiority complex.

>> No.16705154

sentience is defined in the negative
that is to say, we know what is insentient
human beings are not insentient because they have a mind
the point of studying insentient phenomena is to have a source of mind-independent observations