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/lit/ - Literature

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16703771 No.16703771 [Reply] [Original]


I haven't read a book in over a year. Every time I look for a recommendation I get a meme answer. I even tried reddit but those people are insufferable. Even more than /lit/.

>> No.16703782

I once pooped and peeded

>> No.16703785
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I really want to start with the greeks but it's so fucking boring that i can't

>> No.16703794
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I've been reading It for like a month now. I hate how long it takes me to read books, even 'easy' ones like fucking Stephen King novels. I know it's not a race but I have a huge backlog of books and I spend most of my day playing vidya/shitposting so it's not like I don't have free time.

>> No.16703797

i read voltaire's candide and all i could think about was doggy style with a woman with only one buttock

>> No.16703805

I am afraid of starting my novel. Every day new convenient excuses come up that get in the way. I'm afraid that I will lose my motivation to write it if this keeps going on like this. I am so excited at the prospect of writing until the time I've designated for it comes, and then I am afraid and hesitant.

>> No.16703806

I think Pynchon is Family Guy when compared to Gaddis.

>> No.16703809

I bet my girlfriend's dog on the Steelers-Ravens game yesterday and I lost. I have to kidnap her dog basically by this Thursday.

>> No.16703848

Force yourself to read 15 pages a day. No exceptions. Once you get in the habit of reading it becomes much easier
Alternatively, continue to complain on 4chan and never turn your life around

>> No.16703871

>will starve and deprive myself of sleep reading a book
>finish them in a few days
>have only read 5 novels in my lifetime

>> No.16703872

>greeks are boring
literature just isn't for you i guess

>> No.16703883

>Every time I look for a recommendation I get a meme answer

yeah man, it's totally our fault

>> No.16703913

I think literature is a self-gratifying meme. It doesn’t make you more intelligent, sympathetic, understanding, complex, or any other positive quality. It isn’t even memorable for the most part. The prose is too far from our current way of speaking that it lacks emotional potential. Originally, novels were digestible to normies of the era (Don Quixote up to Tale of Two Cities). Before that, stories were oral and uncomplicated.

Complex stories with complex prose as in the case of literature just has very little value to offer. Those who read these stories generate very little value, moral of productive or anything else.

Literature is worthless. But short stories, essays, and short novels have worth.

>> No.16703926

>Every time I look for a recommendation I get a meme answer.

Literally just pick a fucking book and read it. This is a nonproblem

>> No.16703942

I feel like I have to pee a lot and it distracts me from what I'm doing. In reality I just lounge around for hours doing nothing until the need to urinate hits me hard enough, so I piss in the nearest bottle. I've developed a collection, to my great shame.

>> No.16703972

Then don't start with the greek? The fact is that there's no point reading something for which you don't have any context and that doesn't interest you. Even if you did manage to go through it you'd most likely forget it all as it's extremely difficult to retain things that both don't make sense to you and appear uninteresting.

>> No.16703975

you should be checked for diabetes.

>> No.16703984

>Literature is worthless. But short stories, essays, and short novels have worth.
>short stories, essays, and short novels have worth.
So... Literature has worth? I quite agree with you that short stories are the best form of literature, but it's funny to me that you don't consider them to be lit.

>> No.16703985
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>have a friend unironically believing in Max Weber's protestant ethic bullshit
>gets mad when I assume he also thinks the birth of Jeff Bezos was the second coming

Why are history majors all autistic, bros?

>> No.16704013
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I really enjoy reading a book series about a Schizo Florida historian who goes on a rampage, while bedding multiple women and saving the day. I've wanted to post a thread about it but I don't really think /lit/ would be receptive to a lad literature action book

>> No.16704052

i think on of my testicles isnt in the right place and it feels kinda sensitive and uncomfortable. i dont know what to do

>> No.16704062

see a doctor ya goof

>> No.16704074

what if they remove it i cant have that happen to me

>> No.16704082

if its something bad like testicular torsion or cancer you will lose both. Better to lose one and have it replaced with a metal one then to lose both.

>> No.16704095

I actualy like pop science books

>> No.16704126
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I don't have any other symptoms. I drink a lot of water and coffee (I am deeply addicted to caffeine and rarely sleep) but it is very inconvenient to get to the bathroom from my room (the door is incoveniently set behind a literal pillar and my bookcases which means I have to squeeze sideways to make an exit and then deal with the door itself, a half broken piece of garbage, meander down the hall to a disgusting bathroom, usually in the dark, and then meander back. One of the worst places I've ever lived (a series of unfortunate events brought me here but I have since recovered) and I plan to move in the next three months.

>> No.16704146

You should read Roadside Picnic, its the book that the stalker games are based off of, its science fiction and is pretty philosophical and entertaining.

>> No.16704156

So the novel is worthless because its too demanding/challenging while serving no specific purpose but easy to read stuff isn't because it doesn't aspire to be anything than entertai!nment to people?

>> No.16704172

A simple novel can convey great information better than some long, pretentious work that requires a thesaurus

>> No.16704182

You can just watch 10 hours of youtube lectures and get the whole Greek summary, people have been condensing their knowledge for years.
Hume is incredibly based unless your a brainlet, I recommend reading his work.

>> No.16704187

I've never read a single book all the way through for a lit class. I've skimmed and taken notes, but I honestly can't stand reading books that I'm not interested in and I can't force myself too.

>> No.16704194

What do you even mean by pretentious?

>> No.16704279

>I believe the best novelists in England are female

>Hemingway is my favorite author and his work is a lot deeper than the average anon thinks.You get out what you put in with him

>I believe Lonesome Dove is the best western and one of my favorite novels

>I avoid most Jewish and black novelists

>I used to love the American “postmodernists” (Pynchon, Gaddis, etc) but now I think they suck.Yet I’ll still defend them

>while having sublime moments, In Search of Lost Time is boring

>I think short stories are better than novels and require more skill to read and write

>I still love Moby Dick and have read it 4 or 5 times but I feel drop down my “favorites” list which makes me sad

>Goethe is terrible if you read English translations

>I hate reading plays

>> No.16704305

Reminds me of the time my teacher in 2001 forced us to live out her mid life crisis by foisting on us Margaret Laurence's Stone Angel. I did absolutely everything I could to get out of it. Book was dry, unrelatable, and proof that there are too many fucking old women in Canada.

>> No.16704456

Eh, there are some good Jewish authors. Ever read Mein Kampf?

>> No.16704473

I’ll read some.I just avoid the “Jewish identity” writers.Not because I’m anti Semitic, but because that subject offers me nothing after I read a couple of them

>> No.16704491

Have you ever read The Source by James A. Michener?

>> No.16704499

Some of these are real bad but you seem like a cool guy

>> No.16704515

I have not.What’s it’s selling point?

>> No.16704540

Thanks I suppose.I was trying to think of ones that go against the grain here and I embellished some of them for dramatic effect

>> No.16704558

It is a historical novel about a plot of land in Israel from pre-monotheism to the (then) modern day of 1968ish. It's structure is similar to an anthology, with a 1968 archaeological dig being used as the framing device for a series of short stories regarding each period. I would say it is pretty neat, and touches on a variety of themes including family, religion, war, etc. Due to its location Jewish identity does come up but is not a major or running theme, especially given how much of the history simply does not involve Judaism. An example of a piece is a story about a Crusader who is being threatened by Babar's army and is trapped in a political intrigue with his nephew due to his age and illness, but his nephew being unable to bear male heirs.

>> No.16704576

Thanks.I’ll look into it.My gripe is with writers like Chabon and Roth

>> No.16704635


>> No.16704649

I actually like the Greeks

>> No.16704664

got filtered by Gene Wolfe and now he's whining

>> No.16704677

Don’t do it retard buy a fucking dog or just kill yourself, you might as well.
If you go through with it at least have the decency to break up with her

>> No.16704678

start with episode4

>> No.16704685

???? Are you saying you only read a few cause they’re bad for your health?

>> No.16704707

Lit loves flashy, post a thread and see if people are interested

>> No.16704724

>Bet a dog
What do you mean? Like your gf and you bet that if the Ravens or Steelers lost, you'd try to kidnap her dog and she'd have to defend it (like capture the flag but flag = dog)?

>> No.16704734

I think an author who can elicit emotion and weave a good story is better than a purely technical writer

>> No.16704773
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Alright, I have some
>i don't like poetry at all
>I haven't touched philosophy since college and never will again
>I mostly read sci-fi, fantasy, romance, other genre stuff
>i love star wars books
>i write power fantasy romance fiction starring obvious self inserts
>i have a degree in English but bullshitted through almost all of my classes. I managed to get a solid GPA despite only reading cliffnotes/summaries of material/books. I'm not intelligent, just good at giving professors what they want.

>> No.16704822

No shit? Are you retarded

>> No.16704835

Lit seems to jerk off technical writers like Nabakov, Borges, Pynchon, etc.Too often a great novel that is simple is written off as high school tier

>> No.16704960

No he bet some guy that if whatever team lost he would pay him his gfs dog. Now he has to steal the dog from his gf to pay the guy

>> No.16704972

Don't do it anon, people love their pets a lot. In some cases it'd be like kidnapping a family member.

>> No.16705082

im a monolingual cuck. my taste is absolutely olympian and unimpeachable otherwise but its an embarrassment to only read in one language

degree in english but you dont like poetry at all? how is that even possible


the point of literature isnt necessarily to improve your personality, although it can do that. at the most simple level its a replacement for socalled real life. imagine if you experience a horrible accident or have a horrible disease and can't do most of the things normal healthy people can do. what do you do with your time?

>> No.16705100

been considering killing myself on the daily since lockdowns massacred academic careers and I spent half the summer drunk before noon

>> No.16705109
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He who repents is twice unhappy and doubly weak.

>> No.16705115

>lockdowns massacred academic careers

>> No.16705125

oh and continuing and keeping it /lit/ the only Greek I've ever extensively read is Herodotus and I have no regrets about that

>> No.16705130

Dude, just go to the wiki if you want real recommendations

>> No.16705188

I pretty much only read fantasy books and /co/ cause i don’t have the ability to invest myself in anything else

>> No.16705199

"The Penis Book: A Doctor's Complete Guide to the Penis--From Size to Function and Everything in Between"
Paperback version costs about 13$ on Amazon

>> No.16705303
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i prefer listening to contemporary sci fi audio books, especially if narrated by rc bray

>> No.16705327
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i like to pretend I've read finnegans wake but ive only listened to mckenna ranting for hours on booms

>> No.16705351
File: 5 KB, 249x222, stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the entirety of Story of the Eye while furiously masturbating. I made sure that my jerking matched the narrative, gradually increasing in intensity until I climaxed at the story's own climax. 10/10 experience, definitely recommend

>> No.16705360

It's typical Western butthurt, they talk all about "muh work ethic" and "muh basic economics" until it turns out that centrally-planned Chink economies can utterly btfo them, then it always falls back to "muh rights" and "muh social contract".

>> No.16705524

I'm on the part where they break in to that prison to rape that girl and I've been erect the entire time, but I can't bring myself to masturbate to it. I think I'll need to reread it a bunch to get rid of the sacral feeling I have for literature.

>> No.16705535

you don't get it; you're not supposed to actually confess in these threads.

>> No.16705571

I constantly think about how many stars I’m going to rate a book on goodreads while I read it

>> No.16706043
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Not a clue what book series you're talking about, in my post I'm referring to Tim Dorsey Florida Roadkill, I remember reading it when I was 16 and I've been slowly reading through its over four years, I've read through at least eight of them alongside other books for sixth form and uni like Moby Dick and Paradise lost

>> No.16706048

On vacation in the US (NON CITIZEN) and voted early in the election at a polling place. Your country is a joke.

>> No.16706146
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I already broke No Nut November. I am a slave.
I want to read Hindu scriptures, but in the preface it says something about the sattvic quality expected of the reader, and I'm constantly stressed and horny and so I don't qualify

>> No.16706164

Seeing Evola makes me horny.

>> No.16706215

>sattvic quality expected of the reader
ignore that shit, i bust a nut all the time i read hindu scriptures primarly as i enjoy it, you dont need special knowledge or quailty of character to read it, shiva be busting nuts all the time then goes back to meditating for 1000years only to wake up again to lazer beam some cunts face of becuase every one prayed to shiva to stop this mad cunt taking over the world

>> No.16706222
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i would read a book that's below my standard or out of my usual liking if it has a nice priest character. i have a crippling clergy fetish. i want to kiss a man who feels unloved and distant, trapped into his public figure, ridiculed and not fitting in, to talk to him for hours with sincerity and very personal attention he never hoped for in a laymanFUCK

>> No.16706242
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The primitive nature of your post has only further convinced me that I must first establish myself in sattva

>> No.16706269

holy based
the eye scene made me hard on public transport, the most raging hard-on a book has ever induced

>> No.16706273

I've never read a book sneed

>> No.16706279

Can someone explain this meme to me? I took a break from 4chan and when I came back everyone was saying sneed

>> No.16706289
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I don't know man I just got here

>> No.16706302

I'll give you a book. What do you enjoy?

>> No.16706311

well i tryed to write a post casualy so you wouldnt feel so stressed by someone who is also on the same path, i tyed to put you at ease, dont feel stressed by the presupposition that you ought to be satvic to understand or to be worthy of what is written, becuase you will become more satvic as you read and understand the scriptures themselves, a man does not becomesatvic in a day, its somthing you can work towards, you dont "first" become, you do it "as" you learn , its important to note sattva means also sentient being so aslong as you're sentient, you may feel worthy althought that may be the very thing you try to remove

>> No.16706328

i only get the reference, as to how its being used in this context, i got no idea.


>> No.16706355

a forced meme, that started out unfunny as a way to troll the simpson generals from the episode where homer has to work on his old grapas farm, then it became ironic to post it which made it funny then it bled out into mainstream threads to become post ironic where it is now funny to post it anywhere it derives meaning from it being used to take the piss out of simpson threads and the reaction it got when it become overused in ways that wernt related to simpsons in general, so now the mere use of the word "sneed" or "chucks" bring an aire of humour from its mere utterence

>> No.16706359

think of it as the new "bane?" or that episode of spongebob https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nX6N2tgLmaQ

>> No.16706362

I think the book I'm writing is just genre fiction...

>> No.16706365

Thank you, I see your point. It's just that I notice I am distracted and unsteady these days, and it detracts from my reading even of simple things.
I think it would make more sense to try and work on that, I think some weeks of good sleep, diet, getting off the internet, not procrastinating and not seeking excessive external stimuli and excitement would do me a world of good.
Let's see if that happens though

>> No.16706369

i have 20+ books partially read, but i keep starting new ones

>> No.16706379

good luck friend, i also struggled at the begining, you're going to be great.

>> No.16706386

Read On Identity by Amin Maalouf. 125 pages or so, and very interesting.

>> No.16706423
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>> No.16706438

I refuse to read a book I know is sad.
I don't like being sad.

>> No.16706455

Same here. Once I'm in a sad state it takes enormous effort to get out of it, so I'm scared of falling in.

>> No.16706521

>The prose is too far from our current way of speaking that it lacks emotional potential.
before the adoption of modern vernacular chinese, written and spoken chinese may as well have been called different languages, it's still v different to compare modern formal written chinese and e.g. spoken cantonese
it's to a much lesser extent in english and presumably other european languages. prosaic english is different to spoken english and is a separate thing to be learned, just like poetry.
I don't think this was ever not the case. the first novels could not be appreciated properly without some background in the literary tradition/canon

>> No.16706569

I have been letting myself succumb to anger, not reading books and neglecting my own well being (except that I’m quitting smoking successfully, that’s nice). I have called upon God during a sinning spree in complete ignorance and it was clear to me how reckless I was being right then and there. I had to accept a wave of sadness to move on to normality instead of allowing resent to control me.

>> No.16706574

The last few moths i have read mostly the malazan book of the fallen

>> No.16706583

I'll bite. this is the worst fucking take ever. it gets disproven by every study ever. reading enhances your education and personality by any standard. it's also ignorant of linguistics, art, and history. oral stories are not uncomplicated. especially with metre every syllable counts and must be gotten right, and don't even get me started on Hebrew Bible stories in which every letter has a numerological place and meaning. if you wish to read short stories that read like they are being told orally or via e-mail, there is plenty to choose from, e.g. Romeo and July as text messages, or modern YA, but if you aspire to go down this road, then, as you may know at this point, you need to go back.

>> No.16706585

>I even tried reddit but those people are insufferable. Even more than /lit/.
try r/truelit it's small enough not to be insufferable. pretty comfy

>> No.16706663

I’m going through the same shit, anon. Except I have read a couple of books that completely hooked me and I just read them like it was nothing so I always have that lingering hope that I’m just not reading what truly appeals to me.

>> No.16706918

Euchh you are a farce. Have you read Death Troopers? I really liked it

>> No.16707010

Flashy= Flashman

>> No.16707036

reading bourgeois smut is what makes you sad in the first place

>> No.16707130

I have something of a clergy fetish too, though milder. Any recs? The way you describe your potential husbando is very similar to how I would describe mine, though he isn't a priest, and I don't think those qualities can only be found in priests. Just any person with a demanding job which requires them to place duty above personal life, really. Them being a tad socially awkward and with an unhappy childhood also counts, I suppose. Have you read Ninety Three by Vitor Hugo? It's has a god-tier priest, imo, though the ending is really tragic.

>> No.16707156

Pretty sweet

>> No.16707178

I actually kinda like some structuralists. Lévi-Strauss was wrong but at least he was wrong in a cool way

>> No.16707749


>> No.16707870
File: 133 KB, 1162x850, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started with the Greeks... at like 6-7 and am seriously wondering if it fucked my life up. My mom gave me a book titled something like 'Greek Mythology - A Retelling for Children' (it wasn't in English). The author iirc was some fairly respected mythology scholar from the early XXth century and by no means a bad writer... and it's not like there was any explicit sexual imagery or violence in his book which could make it officially unsuitable for small children. But there was some vague unsettling thing about the way he told the stories, this poignant romanticism and beauty, but even worse, this sense of doom and tragedy about everything. The eerie 'moral': whatever you do, gods want to fuck you up and will fuck your life up, or worse, you will fuck your life up yourself, and even if you want to escape your dreary fate, you'll just make it worse. When I grew up and became prone to self-reflection I started wondering, whether absorbing this sort of fatalistic outlook so early in life has contributed to my lack of initiative, pessimism and melancholy. My parents being abusive and neglectful might've played a role too, but... Were I ever to have a child I definitely wouldn't give them this book (or any Greek Mythology book for that matter, because, after all, the fellow didn't invent anything and that stuff IS filled with tragedy, cuckolding, incest, human sacrifices and whatnot...) until they are closer to their teens, 11-12 maybe. But smaller children, especially if they're socially isolated and sort of autistic, like I was (my mom actively discouraged me spending time with my peers) have trouble distinguishing fiction from reality, at least subconsciously. And if at such an age you develop a subconscuious belief that 'life is inevitably shitty and tragic, you live in thrall of powerful entities which could fuck you up as they please, all the beautiful things you love will be taken from you, you'll die horribly and there's no point trying to change this beause it's likely to just make things worse'... it's pretty hard to shake this belief off in favor of more positive and proactive attitudes later on.

>> No.16708450

>socially isolated and sort of autistic
you sure you wouldn't have turned out that way without the greeks because of your autismo

>> No.16708464
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I can't stop reading fanfiction. Every time I try to read an actual book, I get distracted and go read more fanfiction. I read ~50,000 words a day, and I read maybe three books a year.
I don't know what to do.

>> No.16708522
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>absorbing this sort of fatalistic outlook so early in life has contributed to my lack of initiative, pessimism and melancholy

>> No.16708533

what f*anfiction do you read?

>> No.16708539


>> No.16709341

>The prose is too far from our current way of speaking that it lacks emotional potential
How are you dependent on familiar symbols and practiced motions for catharsis and insight?
Shouldn't you be practicing and familiarizing yourself with language constantly through your internal dialogue?
Being unable to infer meaning from non-familiar prose forms just shows you're disconnected from the fundamentals of language

>> No.16709957

started as a degen thing, ended up being stupidly in love with my irl priest but in the least coomer sense. he's my best offline friend now.
> recs
diary of a country priest was great. narrator perfectly to my taste, so to say.
i know those qualities are not exclusive to them but i have a special spot for religion and vows. i don't like men enough to be full fag so these restrictions, if respected at least partially, would make a perfect setting

>> No.16709996

I've downloaded 50 books in the past few weeks and have yet to read any of them. I'm really intimidated about it. When I was a kid I used to be able to zoom through a 200 or 300 page book in a day or two but as an adult 4chan and youtube have rotted my brain to the point where I can't focus on what I'm reading even if I'm very interested in the subject. I just keep procrastinating. Feels bad man.

I'm like this but with rateyourmusic.

Yeah, it's a meta meme. The humor derives from the absurdity of memes in general. No original context is really necessary to understand it except ironic and post-ironic meme 'culture' in general. It cycles through being funny, unfunny, funny, unfunny then funny until it's forgotten for 4 years and only people who were around at the time remember it and it becomes nostalgic. It's a variation on rick roll basically.

>> No.16710044

I dropped moby dick and blood meridian because it bored me

>> No.16710073

There’s no place in hell for you anon

>> No.16710346

I jerk off to futa on female porn

>> No.16710824

does it matter how much you remember after you've read a book? How do you increase memory? Will it go up with the more books I read?

>> No.16710956

>I still love Moby Dick and have read it 4 or 5 times but I feel drop down my “favorites” list which makes me sad
what did he mean by this

>> No.16710972

I don't use a bookmarker, I just open randomly and jump pages until I get near where I left last night, occasionally I skip pages because of this and because of boredom. I also write shit in HP lovecrafts style.

>> No.16710975

are you male?

>> No.16710989

how many books have you read this month?

>> No.16711004

I get filtered constantly by difficult prose

>> No.16711088

I completely lost my grasp on my native language(french) because everything around me is in english. When speaking in french i always forget words and how to properly explain what i'm trying to say. I've been scribbling in notebooks my state of mind, my opinions in a weird mish-mash of frenglish and it reads like a crazy person's manifesto

>> No.16711169

>i want to kiss a man who feels unloved and distant, trapped into his public figure, ridiculed and not fitting in, to talk to him for hours with sincerity and very personal attention he never hoped for in a layman
literally me. we wouldnt get along though im a bit of a bastard

>> No.16711256

you have to break free anon

>> No.16711898

I took a look at Flashman and I'm shocked I've never heard of it before, it seems like a colonial viceroys dream
Not going to read them however

>> No.16711913

time-travel fix-its, crack-treated-seriously, fandom-specific aus. Naruto, KHR, Stargate Atlantis

>> No.16711916

is that good or bad?

>> No.16711919

This is normal for multilinguals- especially if you're living in a place where the main language is different from the one you grew up in.

>> No.16711953

So you're blaming others for not giving you good enough recommendations? Yeah you don't have the willpower to read

>> No.16712025

what compells a man to read fanfiction?

>> No.16712039

yes, why
you'll find your own fetishist, brother, sooner or later.

>> No.16712041

It gets really niche and weird.

>> No.16712071

I must say sometimes authors are overdoing it with weird, for instance when inserting omegaverse, demons and other wacky fetishes into everything. Rule 63 is where I draw the line. If you want to write about dog dicks, pregnant men or tentacled crotch make your own characters, don't try to convince me that someone else's human character suddenly has all this weird biology. What's the point of writing a fic anyway if you want to make it some wacky AU? Write an original. 'Square' fics where everything is at least moderately canon-compliant and without OOC stuff are where it's at.

>> No.16712078

boring and sad

>> No.16712700


>> No.16712998

low iq post

>> No.16713124

I hadn't read a book since November 2017. Then last month I finally read the Iliad. I started small, only doing around 20 pages a day, then I'd gradually increase til I was reading 50-100~ pages a day

Just gotta take the leap bro

>> No.16713185

I have no ambition, I have never finished a single thing I started learning and as a result of this laziness and lack of discipline, I have no hobbies, no friends, I'm almost always sad. Sad is all I know. I'm fat, unmotivated, and the worst part is, I'm young.
Right now I'm sitting on the cold floor, watching Netflix, I had a huge sugar binge an hour ago and I'm waiting for my stomach to empty out a little so I can eat some more and wallow in self hatred before I go to sleep and do it all over again.
I am very certain I'm too stupid for engineering.

>> No.16713295

>and the worst part is, I'm young
good, you have time to fix your problems

>> No.16713762

I have not finished a book in over 8 months despite starting countless of them. I keep dropping them after 5-10 pages.

>> No.16713768

I've allowed /lit/'s elitism to get to me and feed me feelings of intellectual inadequacy and self-loathing more times that I care to admit.

>> No.16713809
File: 64 KB, 719x688, 1598706646803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to write graphic novels, but i am too much of a useless cunt to learn to draw or learn storytelling. What kind of faggotry am I subjugating myself into? What's the point of dreaming if deep down I know I won't do what I dream about?

>> No.16713810

I rarely tell anyone my ideas, not even my best friend/fiance. It's mostly cowardice. The problem is I really do think the things I think are crazy but they keep getting confirmed the more I read and observe the world. Most of my ideas are about God and the modern world. The closest I got to talking about them was some stranger ditz who basically blocked me afterwards lol. I told her that I like to visit cathedrals as if they were spiritual ruins, and in them lie the traces of something ineffable. Christfags will tell me some shit but they are blind. I can tell that something is in the wind; God diffused into the earth. I know Borges was closest to speaking what is latent in my dumb breast. We can only grasp at the detritus, the contingencies, that revolve around something, you know?

>> No.16713836

I borrowed a book from the library that was due to return in june. I only read the 1st 10 pages

>> No.16713867

t. butthurt closet furry degenerates

>> No.16713880

Are you at least moderately attractive? You could seduce some ugly femcel yaoi artist and mindbreak her into drawing to your scripts.

>> No.16713889

Get help before you're full schizo, fampai.

>> No.16713897

well, not furry...

>> No.16713922

I've read pretty much only fiction for the last few years and I don't know when I'll read a nonfiction book again

>> No.16713948

This is one of the reasons to feel glad that characters I genuinely care about are from obscure books/animus/things with little to no fandom. Sure, no one would make kino art or fics about my husbando (unless I finally man up and do it myself), but that also means no one would write about him getting preggers from dog cock.

>> No.16714078 [DELETED] 

>Disney-Wars books only

>> No.16715133

The person who typed this post thought they were profound and discovered a deep insight. Oh boy am I laughing at you, though at least you are sincere. Glad to see every anon BTFO you. Hopefully you'll learn from this.