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16703053 No.16703053 [Reply] [Original]

In the philosophical sense, just not in the colloquial sense that normies will have you believe. Nihilism is simply the philosophical position on the ontology of reality that life is objectively meaningless and by extension all human constructs are illusory, this is what Nietzsche believed.

to clarify:
Nietzsche and the affirmation of life: God is dead (If God is dead everything is permitted = Will to Power = Might makes right)
Normies and the denial of life: Nihilism means nothing matters, everything is an illusion, ergo, you should be depressed and kill yourself

>wHy Do NoRmIeS BeLiEvE NiEtZsChE wAS A NiHiLiSt
Now stop asking this question ever again!

>> No.16703060

Finally someone said it

>> No.16703070

>In the philosophical sense
You don't know shit about nihilism on the philosophical sense nor of the Will to power. You're a dumb nigger. Go back to fiction, autodidact scum.

>> No.16703079

kys/pol/fag with your stupid 90 iq

>> No.16703082

You're basically doing a "no true nihilist" bit right now

>> No.16703085

He was a life-affirming nihilist. He states that because value judgements aka meaning are man made, it would make sense to take meaning by the balls and make it your bitch in whatever way you see fit. Kind of a big difference between traditional cosmic nihilism, where the logical end point is just to kill yourself if it's all meaningless. If you're a nihilist who doesn't end up killing yourself, you're a shitty nihilist.

>> No.16703088
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>atheism = nihilism
>>>>>>you should be depressed and kill yourself

>> No.16703095

If you're an atheist you're a nihilist, simple as.

>> No.16703108

explain how funko-pop collectors are nihilists, if their meaning for life is to consoom

>> No.16703127

Reddit moment

>> No.16703135

clearly you have not read N enough and have a very cloudy idea of what he’s talking about. obviously you’re right in that life doesn’t have inherent meaning, that’s existentialism 101 as existence comes before essence. might makes right is also a trivial interpretation, N is way more subtle than that as his early criticism against Hegel in untimely meditations show. also saged cuz you sound like a dweeb.

>> No.16703138

>Nihilism means nothing matters, everything is an illusion, ergo, you should be depressed and kill yourself
nietzsche was all against this shit though
what makes you think he's a nihilist then?

>> No.16703142

>all human constructs are illusory, this is what Nietzsche believed

>> No.16703146

Good bait, OP

>> No.16703148

in Twilight he actually makes a case for suicide

>> No.16703395

>If God is dead everything is permitted = Will to Power = Might makes right
This has to be bait. I'll let you call him a nihilist if you just stop saying this shit.

>> No.16703399

He was, but so is everyone who believes in an afterlife or a soul.

>> No.16703408

God is dead but He is replaced by the overman. So for N, the overman is the solution to nihilism.

>> No.16703505

Lol, imagine being so miserable as to project your nihilism on a philosopher who fought nihilism all his life. Your arbitrary, personalized definition of nihilism means nothing. Now fuck off back to r*ddit.

>> No.16703515

they are the last man, they recognize their meaninglessness but satiate with shallow pleasures

>> No.16703548
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Complete fucking retard
Nietzsche did not believe life was meaningless. He believed life itself was the meaning.
>"When one places life’s center of gravity in the “beyond”—in nothingness—one deprives life of its center of gravity altogether."
The affirmation of life is accepting life itself, life in all its struggle and pain, in its peaceful splendor, in its drunken ecstasy, accepting it all as meaning.
From there you are able to go out and find your own meaning for your life. But at its core life is meaningful. It just isn't some singular, "objective" meaning that can be succinctly put in a dictionary.

>> No.16703600

And what is the overman? The godless overcome by the infinite power of sentimental masturbation.

>> No.16703623

Nietzsche was not a nihilist, but an aestheticist. His affirmation of life was the affirmation of beauty, and he disapproved of those whose will to power was 'unsubliminated', without creative intent. Nietzsche's overman, infact, plays a similar role to Plato's philosopher king, insofar that they both are artists which stand above a society and molds them as they see fit. But while Plato believed in the form of the Objective Good, Nietzsche was a perspectivist, one who believed 'man was the measure of all things' and concluded that the greatest men, overman, ought to create his own values; not everyone should create his own values, mind you. For Nietzsche, a life of servitude fits most people.

>> No.16703630

yeah he was, but better to add that he wasn't a pessimistic one, Nihilism is now assumed to be pessimistic by most, so some have chosen to call themselves "optimistic nihilists"

>> No.16703733

>And what is the overman?
The next evolutionary step for humanity.

>> No.16703757

t. reddit

>> No.16703795

Nietzsche wanted to not be a nihilist but couldn't avoid it. He went insane because of resentment.

>> No.16703812

>He went insane because of resentment
Why do fags love to wax poetic about a neurodegenerative disease?

>> No.16704083

Did Nietzsche believe in a kind of ouroboros unfolding of time in which our future rise to Godhood loops back around and pushes us forward, and more importantly makes us God itself now experiencing the beauty and pain of life, even though we haven't achieved this Godhood yet? I think this would also imply some greater force in the universe/existence. If not, where would we get the meaning from? Certainly not brain chemicals and sense-reaction I would think.

>> No.16704633

He was searching for a scientific basis for the eternal return towards the end of his writing, but nothing indicates that he "believed" it to be the absolute case, as in metaphysically true.

>I think this would also imply some greater force in the universe/existence.
It wouldn't, unless by greater force you mean another quantum being, i.e. the Overman. That's who everyone gets their meaning from, consciously or not, besides the Overman himself, who gets his meaning of life from himself, since he is the pinnacle of life and thus has the greatest will, which is affirmed by the world's eternal need of him.

>> No.16704740

That's something any 13 year old could come up with though

>> No.16704749

13 year olds can also believe in God and be taught that cross-dressing is normal, well-adjusted behavior. What's your point?

>> No.16704770

You are a retard. End of discussion

>> No.16704793

Yes that is more or less what I mean.

>> No.16705071

The question isn't "why do normies think nietzsche was a nihilist" its "why do normies see the pessimistic view of nihilism as nietzsches thesis"

>> No.16706204
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Fact. Basically, he is the founder of optimistic nihilism

>> No.16706366

Go back to that filthy cave you call a Facebook philosophy group

>> No.16706460

t. mad /pol/ack
Sorry that your slave morality only works with magic.

>> No.16706471

>self-help understanding of Nietzsche
seethe, dilate, cope

>> No.16706498


>> No.16706520

"if God is dead everything is permitted" was written by Dostoevsky who was read by Nietzsche only after he was finished with his work, and "will to power" was a phrase not used by N in any of his published work. He never published a book called "will to power", it was a compilation of footnotes and memos he wrote that was published post hoc, which he never planned to collate.

>> No.16706671

imagine be this dumb. Nietzsche never claimed to kill god, he just stated he is already dead in the 19th european society.

you miss all the un-cringe nietzschean philosophy.

>> No.16706678


dont waste time trying to educate a /pol/ tard

>> No.16706699

>"will to power" was a phrase not used by N in any of his published work
what are you talking about lmao he uses it repeatedly in BGE, probably in others but I can't remember. It's just not used as a coinage, like ressentiment and master/slave morality.

>> No.16706862


>muh create your own value!111

>g-g-g-guyz that's not nihilism

american education is a mistake

>> No.16706901

>doesn't believe that there is no such thing as objective truth
>doesn't believe that there is no such thing as objective morality
Then he is, by definition, not a nihilist.

>> No.16706910

but if you're making your own morality, how is it objective?

>> No.16706913

did you read what I said?
Life is the meaning, and it breeds other meanings. You can find/create your own meaning through living, but at its core life is meaning. This is not nihilism, it's just returning lifes center of gravity to itself and away from God or the afterlife, which deny life's inherent meaning.
This much is obvious in all of his works. Its implicit in his every argument. To think that N, at his core, thought "nothing really matters" would be only possible if you've never read him.

>> No.16706915

Who made it doesn't make it any less objective. That's the entire point of "will" and all that. Why is morality more objective if someone else gives it to you than if you give it to yourself?

>> No.16706998

if you read his books they'll give you a neurodegenerative disease

>> No.16707111

i am not even american. i done my studies in a south american philosophy uni heavily frech oriented. You're retarded

>> No.16707181

>Nietzsche and the affirmation of life: God is dead (If God is dead everything is permitted = Will to Power = Might makes right)
This board is so dumb

>> No.16707207

Maybe if you have autism

>> No.16707209


>> No.16707242

i am uneducated and dumb. nietzsche is supposed to be some entry level barely-a-philosopher literary figure apparently but i have literally never seen anyone reduce his ideas to a simple meme form and almost every discussion about him here or elsewhere devolves into arguments about
>what he really meant by this

how come nietzsche is so hard to pin down if he's easy to understand?

>> No.16707298

He's easy to understand if you actually read him and read him carefully. Majority of /lit/ users and even more Nietzsche posters don't read or skim, which Nietzsche very explicitly warns against. A quote from him taken out of context can seem like its saying one thing but in the context of the book is very obviously saying the opposite. Hence why the Nazis loved him when everything he stood for was against their ideology; they read terms like ubermensch, master morality, blonde beast, and his writings on the aryan race, and took them at face value.

>> No.16707304

I can't believe people still don't get what he meant here. Must be rolling in his grave.