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/lit/ - Literature

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16702524 No.16702524 [Reply] [Original]

Starts at 1:00. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTPxWkBgW6U
I never had less fun than reading classic literature and I hate how much time I wasted trying to appear intellectual for reading it like a fucking pseud. Like in Crime and Punishment where, Raskolnikov lies in bed being sick and people around him just talk for, no fucking joke, 70 pages straight.
>inb4 filtered
I don't give a fuck anymore about this pseud bullshit. Imma just read things that are actually fun.

>> No.16702534

There are at least 3 threads about Bukowski right now. You probably made this same thread a couple of days ago. Stop spamming it. Nobody cares, as shown by the low number and quality of the replies.

>> No.16702592
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>classics are no fun
One thing you gotta consider is the period the novel was written. Before television and mass enterteinment the only media people had to experience stories was books. There was music too, but that's a different conversation. In Amusing Ourselves to Death the author give examples of how people could just sit and listen for 8+ hours of political debates in the middle of the square. And it wasn't like a carnival or aything, just two people talking. People today are addicted to entertainment, and if they don't feel rewarded during the first page, they'll skip the book and go back to instagram. Some books, specially classic ones, are long-term investments - and I'd also argue that people who live like Bukowski will end up burning all their dopamine receptors with drinking and drugs, never being able to enjoy something without immediate rewards. Well, there's always the possibility that he wanted to be seeing as a counter culture figure too.

>> No.16702629

He's 100% right. This pretty much summarises charles Dickins

>> No.16702696

didnt we have this thread yesterday or something, except it was about war and peace instead of crime and punishment

>> No.16702758

Most people who pass their thirties loose the ability to have fun and life in the moments, its because your mind is no longer as maliable as it was when you where young and your dopamine receptors have grown weaker.

Searching for fun past that point, will be pointless, you wont have fun, no matter how many episodes of rick and morty you watch, because you are just old and stuck in your way.

But you can still appreciate the world in an intellectual or trancendental matter, the contemplative life, because thats the only thing that will occasionally cause your mind to become maliable again, when you feed it a lot of lofty and profound ideas.

My suggestion is that you stop trying to be a child again and start being a man, you will never have fun again.

>> No.16702784

didn’t he say he liked a bunch of the classics when he was a wee lad in ham on rye?

>> No.16702803

desu i'd blow my brains out if i had that worldview

>> No.16702807

he would be michael bay's #1 fan desu

>> No.16702838

>Most people who pass their thirties loose the ability to have fun

Somewhat true.

But there are no lofty or profound ideas anymore.

>> No.16702841

you are a dumb nigger. kill yourself.

>> No.16702843

>after 30 you can't have real fun anymore
Anon... I...

>> No.16702844
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This fat fuck describing working in the post office isn't worth reading by his own criteria. Is he too stupid to realise that his books are even more repetitive and lacking in climactic events or interest? You're actually making me think this twat is a more banal even bigger asshole moron than I even realised.

>> No.16702847

>desu i'd blow my brains out if i had that worldview
Thats because you are inherently a weak and feminine individual without much of a personality or any serious intellectual interest.

You are the average pleb who keeps fucking, partying, gaming, etc and then reaches thirty, with or without children and wonders why I dont enjoy my life anymore.

Its because you never seriously developed a personality or a genuine interest in the world around you, so now you are stuck trying to find "fun", which you of course will never find because you are no longer a child.

>> No.16702856

>But there are no lofty or profound ideas anymore.
Open a book and find them.

>Anon... I...
Its true and its childish to say otherwise.

>> No.16702869
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Yeah, you seem content and in possession of a deeply developed, healthful worldview.

>> No.16702872

bla bla bla, go post that shit on /pol/ or r/TheRedpill

>> No.16702891

How can you get filtered by THIS? He's saying some classics can be shit when they have purple prose and like the smell of their own farts

>> No.16702899

>Yeah, you seem content and in possession of a deeply developed, healthful worldview.

Yes, I am not stuck in my childhood, I realise and have accepted that fun is no longer an option, so I search for tranquility, inner strenght and profound and lofty ideas, that is the healthy way of being an adult.

You do not need to have fun in order to have a good life, thats just propaganda from Hollywood and commercials. Just search for tranquility and God.

>bla bla bla, go post that shit on /pol/ or r/TheRedpill
In other words you think I am too true and too profound and it is making you realise how much your life truly sucks and how much your life is truly pointless, which it is.

The quest for fun is childish and pointless.

>> No.16702925

>Most people who pass their thirties loose the ability to have fun
nigger what, sure living a highly hedonist lifestyle leaves you empty, no shit, but saying that people over 30 can't have fun is a retarded cope

>> No.16702933

>inner strenght
its not "inner strenght" to lose all your spaghetti on anonymous image board btw
also you're projecting HARD
what speaks against enjoying oneself from time to time

>> No.16702940

Way to prove his point, dumbass. Also, Bukowski is exactly as much of a retard as I pictured him from his prose. BIM BIM BIM, all these uninspired metaphors, "it's bad because it bores me". Don't bother replying, I'll never open this worthless thread again.

>> No.16702942
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>> No.16702957

>Open a book and find them.
I read every day. But there's nothing new under the sun.

>> No.16702968 [DELETED] 

not him but I believe that being cynical of human worth and then finding the meaning of life in God is truly the most sincere path you can take.

>> No.16703361

t. fat americans/western europeans

>> No.16703371

You should blow your brains out anyways if you aren't going to be an intellectual nor have children.

>> No.16703560

>Raskolnikov lies in bed being sick and people around him just talk for, no fucking joke, 70 pages straight.

i stopped reading there too. it was boring. i enjoyed it up until then though. but this doesn't mean classic lit is all boring.

>> No.16703575

Can we ban the fucking Bukowski spammer? Every day now you make new threads about this guy and accuse anybody who disagrees with you of just being a pseud

>> No.16703650

>its because your mind is no longer as maliable as it was when you where young and your dopamine receptors have grown weaker.

There are more things in heaven and earth, anon, than are dreamt of in your dopamine receptors.

>> No.16703852

you are also a dumb nigger...and you may kill your dumb nigger self now.

>> No.16704059

I like his book about cats. I could almost smell his girlfriend's cheese breath while she sat on my lap

>> No.16704066

Based and big brain pilled

>> No.16704071

>and God.