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16701613 No.16701613 [Reply] [Original]

How would you phrase "Freedom of Speech" so that it can't be used to protect pornography?

>> No.16701626

>Just curious since i wasnt on /lit/ in 2016 on election day:

How shite will /lit/ be starting tomorrow till lets say thursday? Is off meta posting allowed during that time?

thanks. this was an expression of free speech

>> No.16701631

>speech: the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds
how does that in any way imply freedom to produce and distribute pornography?

>> No.16701633

Freedom of Speech but no for porno

>> No.16701640

the 1st amendment is used to protect pornography

>> No.16701641

pol did not infect lit in 2016 but lit is the least known board,

>> No.16701644

Its shittiness in the next while will depend on how much you post so we can't answer right off the bat

>> No.16701651

be that as it may I highly doubt that when the founding fathers were drafting the bill of rights they were thinking about trannies fisting other trannies

>> No.16701654

Jewish lawyer tricks

>> No.16701658

they also didn't think black folks would be given rights either but here we are

>> No.16701659

>lit is the least known board,
Keke. Imagine being this stupid. /lit/ is the 24th most active board on this website you stupide

>> No.16701669

People are hedoenist, and all humanists who created the human right are hedonist and they have no morality to offer besides saying ''woah dude create your own values within the dogma of the human right'' so basically it means people take orgasms and for the new god.

And the republic is the merging of politics, entertainment and education. This is why all those 3 fields talk about sex all the time.

You can't have the republic based on the dogma of the human rights without sex.
Sex is the cornerstone of any republic. this is why women keep pushing for more republic and thrive in this society.

>> No.16701671
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Freedom of speech doesn't protect obscenity. This was precedent for 1000 years until the 1960s.

>> No.16701678

you don't even know the website to watch the live stats

>> No.16701681

Your problem is not with the definition of "freedom of speech" but with the definition of "obscenity" as interpreted by the Supreme Court of the United Cucks of America.

>According to the U.S. Supreme Court, the First Amendment's protection of free speech does not apply to obscene speech. Therefore, both the federal government and the states have tried to prohibit or otherwise restrict obscene speech, in particular the form that is now called pornography. As of 2019, pornography, except for child pornography, is in practice free of governmental restrictions in the United States, though pornography about "extreme" sexual practices is occasionally prosecuted. The change in the twentieth century, from total prohibition in 1900 to near-total tolerance in 2000, reflects a series of court cases involving the definition of obscenity. The U.S. Supreme Court has found that most pornography is not obscene, a result of changing definitions of both obscenity and pornography.[21] The legal tolerance also reflects changed social attitudes: one reason there are so few prosecutions for pornography is that juries will not convict.[202]


>> No.16701683

Maybe just stop fetishizing “freeze peach” so you don’t have to get into all sorts of double think

>> No.16701689

Some people leave these tied up outside their houses and nobody knows what you do to them

>> No.16701692

Or maybe just be consistent about it, if you don't want people to say things, if you are actually so fucking retarded you are threatened by people just emitting words, then you are probably full of repressed shit you can't look at, and you're terrified of it being brought to the surface.

>> No.16701694

4stats.io you subhuman. Imagine gatekeeping fucking 4stats, you really are a waste of sperm

>> No.16701708

Words have consequences. Not every retarded opinion some moron has should be permitted to be disseminated. The Internet provides many examples of why this should be so

>> No.16701720

>if you are actually so fucking retarded you are threatened by people just emitting words

Why do you think we would live in a better world if everyone had the right to say obscene shit to each other at the super market? I really do not understand the "all censorship is bad" people.

>> No.16701722

What consequences you gargantuan faggot? Can you actually prove what consequences there are, or are you just a 50 year old white suburban woman nagging people to not say certain things

>> No.16701729

There's no such thing as Freedom of Speech and there never has been. There's always been boundaries to the acceptable discourse, the question is who gets to define and police those boundaries.

>> No.16701732

Because I fucking despise people like you whose first instinct when you see something you disagree with is to run to an authority and get them to shut it down. You are that same little faggot kid who snitched on people in first grade or calls the cops if you see people having a party and smoking weed

>> No.16701742

/thread. OPs premise is wrong. It assumes pornogrpahy has always been free speech. It hasn't. It is a false liberal interpretation and an international adoption of American "jurisprudence", a la "DUDE I KNOW IT WHEN I SEE IT LMAO " which allowed anything to go.

>> No.16701761

>when you see something you disagree with is to run to an authority and get them to shut it down.

That's the entire basis of government. We as a society lay out what we disagree it and make it illegal. I still do not understand why giving people the right to call my mother a whore while waiting in line at the grocery store would be a better world.

>> No.16701772

Then punch them you colossal pussy, do something, don't run like a pathetic welp to get some authority figure to shut them down with the might of the state

>> No.16701788

>Then punch them you colossal pussy,
This is called assault and is also illegal. Also, you can kill somebody in a fist-fight. But I guess you think people should have the right to assault each other as well.

>> No.16701796

Yes people who choose to assault each other should have the right to do so, again you literally have the mindset of a tiny child who has to ask his parents whether it is ok to do anything. It is human and natural to fight sometimes, and people would be less rude not more if they knew it could involve a fight

>> No.16701806

Why should I be arrested for calling your mother a whore?

>> No.16701816

we have a much bigger problem with anti-pornographic moral hysteria than we do with pornography
we should be making lists of home addresses and full names of morally hysterical people like OP in order to terrorize them
people like OP are enemies of freedom and enemies of the USA
we have the authority to strike fear into the hearts of our enemies
we have the authority to use fear to protect ourselves
we can use fear as a hormonal weapon that has bio-degradation (zersetzung) effects
defending the Constitution and Bill of rights against enemies means making them live in fear to the point where they they have trouble going pee pee and poo poo

>> No.16701817

Okay then, glad the law is on my side on this one!

Because we've collectively decided that should be law. In praxis, it's to prevent you from calling my mother , or anyone's mother a whore. Because that's not a nice thing to do to somebody.

>> No.16701823

The law doesn't actually give a shit if I call your mother a whore or slap you, it provides the illusion it does, but it doesn't. It exists to make you the cowardly little wretch you are, there are practically never consequences to actions like those, try calling the cops and telling them that someone insulted your mom or punched you, they don't give a shit.

>> No.16701828

good luck proving it in court that I called your whore of a mother a whore

>> No.16701832

Just don’t watch tranny porn dude

>> No.16701835

Then why are you so upset about it if you think it's made up?

You say this in the era where everyone has video and audio recording capabilities with them at all times, lol. Don't think you thought about this one a lot.

Also, I personally would not call the police if someone called my mother a whore and walked off. But I would still prefer to have the law there as a deterrent.

>> No.16701847

Because there are pusillanimous little schoolmarm souls such as yourself that seek to tyrannize every human interaction into conformity with a docile placid standard befitting neutered cows, and you don't even realize that the people that are drafting these laws don't follow them but do it because they want to control and humiliate you.

>> No.16701854
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Dangerously based. I think this call is for you...

>> No.16701874

You're making this way more complicated than it is. I don't want the cashier at Denny's to have the right to call my mother a spic, so we made a law to prevent that. Also, how many posts away are we from you blaming the Jews, little man?

>> No.16701879

If they catch the slap on camera they could probably get you with assault.

>> No.16701884

Why not just insult him back, or hit him, or stop going to that store, or simply not care? Why run to daddy? Why do you want your entire life to be regimented by a higher power that you defer to like a slobbering dog?

>> No.16701897

He's a spic anon he clearly doesn't understand the mindset behind the laws that made the West so powerful in the first place and his gut reaction is to try to turn the West into whatever shithole he's from. Obviously there's 0 self-awareness

>> No.16701915

>Why not just insult him back
Doesn't solve anything.
> or hit him
My mother is in her 60s, don't think she can pack a mean punch
> or stop going to that store, or simply not care?
Because I can forcefully make the store comply to civility through the power of legal violence, which is a much more effective tactic.
>Why do you want your entire life to be regimented by a higher power that you defer to like a slobbering dog?
Because the alternative is a horrible form of social organization by any reasonable standard.

>> No.16701922

You can't do anything, you don't draft laws. You obey laws and you convince yourself that you like them and agree with them because the alternative is admitting you're a slave. You're a kind of warped Uncle Tom

>> No.16701925


What are you Australian?
Don't you have bigger problems than protecting your citizens from jerking off

>> No.16701933

>You can't do anything, you don't draft laws.
I can... call the police... Isn't this what we've been talking about for the past 30 minutes, hello?
> You obey laws and you convince yourself that you like them and agree with them because the alternative is admitting you're a slave.
Laws are not set in stone and can (and have) been changed, I really don't understand what point you're trying to make.

>> No.16701934

>supporting authorial policies that alienate and radicalize my detractors solves the problem!

>> No.16701940

>Not every retarded opinion some moron has should be permitted to be disseminated

Yes, they should. In fact, the most offensive opinions are the ones that need the most protection from the likes of you.

>> No.16701943

You have 0 impact on laws, you cannot change them, you can only obey them. The more laws that are created that tyrannically control ever more facets of human behavior, the more you are a slave, and you just accept it and thank your masters, and what is most pathetic you pretend you are a part of the process yourself, that you are part of the power creating the society, and all this because you are so emotionally weak that you can't cope with someone insulting you or saying something you don't like so you want the faceless abstract state to come and crush them for you, just like a toddler crying to his mommy, you are the slave snitching on the other slave because it feels like power to obey when he doesn't, you disgust me.

>> No.16701949

>I can... call the police...
Yeah and they'll show up to take your statement half an hour after any dangerous situation is over. Cops exist in their current form only to extort money from people who refuse to bend over and take it

>> No.16701953

producing porn is not speaking

>> No.16701956

tell that to jews

>> No.16701971

If you think deterring the cashier at Denny's from calling my mother a racial slur with the use of state power is comparable to an authoritarian government you really need to brush up on your history.

>You have 0 impact on laws, you cannot change them
Dude, laws get made and changed all the time, what are you talking about. It's called lobbying, read a book.


I don't want to talk about Black Lives Matter right now, sorry.

>> No.16701980

The absolute state of (You)

>> No.16701986

Porn is harmful to the women who star in it, the men who star in it. It is harmful to those consuming it. It encourages viewing people as sexual objects. It encourages a selfish and narccistic view on sex. It encourages an empty and hollow view on intimacy. It domesticates people. It drives people insane because they think sex is literally the most important thing and getting it will fix their lives. It is targeted at children using the internet by degenerates to fuck them up. It only benefits the kikes who produce it

>> No.16701996

Yeah you can definitely lobby and change laws, try it as an experiment, go try to get a law changed and see how successful you are. Make sure you pick a very controversial stance since you want to prove how much power you have you fucking retard.

You belong in your shithole country far away from societies whose basic principles you can't even comprehend, you are a born slave who just seeks to enslave himself and everyone around him.

>> No.16702014

>Yeah you can definitely lobby and change laws, try it as an experiment
I just linked you an article that shows the Mothers Against Drunk Driving organization successfully lobbied law.

If you're seriously asking why I, alone, by myself, can't walk into the White House and ask Donald Trump to implement whatever law I want, then I don't know what to tell you.

>You belong in your shithole country far away from societies whose basic principles you can't even comprehend, you are a born slave who just seeks to enslave himself and everyone around him.
But you're the one against law itself, which would alienate you from any Western society in the world, lol.

>> No.16702016

Do brainlets still use terms like "moral hysteria" in the >current year? In the epoch that men parading naked in the streets and fisting each other in front of small children is considered a-ok?

>> No.16702042

>If you're seriously asking why I, alone, by myself, can't walk into the White House and ask Donald Trump to implement whatever law I want, then I don't know what to tell you.
No of course you don't, you're literally incapable of even formulating the notion of autonomy, you can only perceive your agency in relation to following some social pattern, adhering slavishly to what is around you registers to your mind as freedom, and oppression or wrongness means to you people disagreeing with that status quo. This is why your countries are fucking shit and you know they are

>> No.16702058

Okay, I have to go to work now. Hope the LARP was fun for you. On a serious note, I would invite you to research some honest critiques against anarchism and see if they make sense to you. Have a good day, anon.

>> No.16702068

have a good day at work

>> No.16702074

>I don't want to talk about Black Lives Matter right now, sorry.
>if you dont like cops u r blm
I didn't even bring up excessive force an abuse of authority because they are symptoms of the fundamental issue which is the disconnect between public perception of cops and their actual duty. Cops exist to extract money from people who refuse to willingly hand it over. It's the classic protection racket, but they slap a patriotic veneer on it and retards eat it up. They have no duty to further the public's wellbeing, but people act like they're heros because the media says so.

>> No.16702091

Get fucked mate holy shit

>> No.16702094

>if you think econonically depriving people who say things that I think are mean is authoritarian then you need to brush up on your history

>> No.16702123

It's less about having a definition of free speech that excludes pornography but rather an understanding of pornography that excludes it from any reasonable conception of free speech. When it comes down to it porn is engineered to achieve a very deliberate ends rather than to engage with the human spirit in the way artistic creation does. In this it has more in common with a toaster or car than it does with even the most pandering summer blockbuster, and like the aforementioned products, it should be subject to regulations in order to prevent it from doing unnecessary or extensive harm. Because of its ubiquity in information age societies and the great influence it has on the collective consciousness' views of sex and sexuality, that regulation should be as wide-reaching as possible.

>> No.16702447

You are a complete idiot who doesn't understand what freedom of speech is. The point is that the State shouldn't have the power to ban speech it dislikes. You may buy the argument or not, but giving examples of harmful types of speech completely misses the point.
Secondly, pornography goes under freedom of expression, not freedom of speech.
Thirdly porn is one of the greatest inventions of mankind and if you disagree you are an idiot.

>> No.16702686

Porn isn't expression in the same way art is. It's expression in the same way that an engineer working on a vehicle or piece of electronic equipment is. You don't even understand what porn is.

>> No.16702709

>The point is that the State shouldn't have the power to ban speech it dislikes
This is not the case now, and it has never been the case. You live in a fantasy world.

>> No.16702831

it good cos make peepee hard :)

>> No.16702927

Porn is absolutely art, or at the very least it has more in common with art than a pcb or whatever

>> No.16702977
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>> No.16703000

>>>/lgbt/ is more active than /lit/
w-what? so we really do get raided by those faggots?

>> No.16703004
File: 45 KB, 300x446, 1984first.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you phrase "Freedom of Speech" so that it doesn't apply to all speech
>dude the people who compare 1984 to the real world are idiots lmao

>> No.16703009

I'm pretty much a free speech absolutist but there should be an exception for critics of Israel, our only democratic ally in the Middle East. It should be seen as an obscenity to be Anti-Semitic.

>> No.16703018

Disables the very region of the brain associated with processing aesthetic beauty, imbecile.

>> No.16703037

Free speech didn't include obscenity until the 1960s, moron.

>> No.16703065

Why would they raid us? They have plenty of active discussion over there

>> No.16703072

>reads one study

>> No.16703078

nobody cares about /lit/ enough to raid it except leftypol once in a while because they are exceptionally delusional. There may also be some right wing discord that raids it, it's hard to tell if that's organized or just shitposters

>> No.16703101

Some of them did, some of them didn't

>> No.16703172

>puritanism isn't freedom of speech

>> No.16703183

That's right and I want to add that freedom of speech ought not to include blasphemy.

>> No.16703200

Shouting 'fire' inside a theatre is not exercising your free speech.
Speech with intent to provoke violence is not exercising your free speech.
There's a whole bunch of other shit too, and this is why we have judges.

>> No.16703227

faggot bootlicker

>> No.16703384

>Not every retarded opinion some moron has should be permitted to be disseminated.

case in point.

>> No.16704513
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>> No.16705733

ok liberal

>> No.16705816

If you don't want to discuss anything in good faith then we are at an impasse. Resorting to name calling is weak and only really shows me that you realise that you are beaten and stupid, and I don't mind rubbing your noses in it so you can learn a lesson, interestingly that technique does not work on pups and kittens. You should be embarrassed to make these kind of name calling remarks. You are not allowed to goad with your speech, or actions, someone into attacking you and then accusing them of assault.

>> No.16705839
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>> No.16705862

Very good post

>> No.16705888

Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support free markets, free trade, limited government, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), capitalism, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion. Yellow is the political colour most commonly associated with liberalism.

>> No.16705899

Generally unemployable people who make no positive contribution to an economy. Sometimes described as the bottom layer of a capitalist society. May include criminal and mentally unstable people. Some activists consider them "most radical" because they are "most exploited," but they are un-organizable and more likely to act as paid agents than to have any progressive role in class struggle.

>> No.16705905

In cultures influenced by Abrahamic religions, the law and the church established sodomy as a transgression against divine law or a crime against nature. The condemnation of anal sex between males, however, predates Christian belief. It was frequent in ancient Greece; "unnatural" can be traced back to Plato.