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16699694 No.16699694 [Reply] [Original]

Looking to read biographies/autobiographers on writers whose lives were as interesting as their work; what do you suggest?

>> No.16699701


>> No.16699703
File: 102 KB, 506x780, 159FAFE4-9CFB-4A9F-8363-A5A5F0FC0DF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

‘The Confessions’ by Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

>> No.16699706
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Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick: Sutin, Lawrence

>> No.16699712

All 20th century "writers" were fake. They never walked the walk and their writing is bearable at best. Many times, they didn't even write. Just had their names stamped on something written by a committee.

>> No.16699718

Anna Karina is so beautiful

>> No.16699727

what exactly are you on about?

>> No.16699733

about this
>lives were as interesting as their work

>> No.16699760

Marquis de Sade

>> No.16699779

>Byron, de Sade, Fleming
>Crowley, Hemingway
That and just about any sailor's memoir

>> No.16699803

Hemmingway and crowley are top fakes. They were both assets and did not live the lives they write about. Ian Fleming is another fake who made the james bond character to recruit young impressionable guys into intelligence.
>sailor's memoir
Unless you know this sailor personally, its probably fake.

>> No.16699829
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>> No.16700001

Benvenuto Cellini

>> No.16700016

Dostoevsky. Joseph Frank's abridged "writer in his time" or the five volumes in full are the best for this.

>> No.16700022

Byron's life is much more interesting than his work

>> No.16700028
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Kalle Päätalo spent most of his career writing about his own life, totaling 26 volumes of autobiographical work, describing his poor childhood, his youth as a lumberjack, the 5 years he spent in the army during the war against the Soviet Union, his marriage and becoming a construction worker and finally making his way to becoming a published author. Only 5 books of fiction by him have been translated into English, sadly.

>> No.16700062

I like to read female authors when they're pretty

>> No.16700065

Who are some cute female writers?

>> No.16700136

Mishimi, Yukio
That guy was both a faggot and a hyper right wing fascist at the same time. He had an unbridled sense for aesthetics and an idealism for his cause unparralleled by many other authors. After a failed coup he took his life, violently.

>> No.16700156
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He was not a faggot. He wrote ONE (1) book about a homosexual protagonist. This does not make him a homosexual himself. He was married and had children.

>> No.16700212

If you take pictures of yourself as Saint Sebastian, you are gay for all eternity.

>> No.16700433

He was definitely gay and that takes nothing away form his epicness

>> No.16700438

Cope. You can't even bring yourself to image someone living a life this many thousands of times more interesting than yours, lest you have to admit what a cowardly faggot kept bitch you are.

>> No.16700445

I always love the Mishima faggots posting his aesthetic pictures, that could literally be a shoot for some gay magazine.

>> No.16700454

Why do you care if he was gay? He was ultra based, Nationalistic and gay. Why does this hurt your sensibilities so much. To me this simpleton's "contradiction" only makes him more based and awesome because you overcame yet one more layer of the modern worlds feminine faggotry.

>> No.16700460

>because he overcame yet one more layer of the modern world's feminine faggotry

>> No.16700469

D'Annunzio. He accidentally his own country once, and helped write a ballet about Saint Sebastian >>16700212 while inspiring fascist Italy before retiring to design nightwear that made it easier to fuck sloots and keep warm at the same time because he thought that was better than helping the fascists.

>> No.16700479

>because you overcame yet one more layer of the modern worlds feminine faggotry
So youre telling me you want to suck his cock?

>> No.16700740

Project harder faggot. Fake achievement is still fake. Fake bravado, no matter how well written, is still fake. My life is infinitely more interesting than those writers because I have walked the walk, not just talk in flowery language.

>> No.16700746

Crowley fucked dudes in the desert while dressed up like an Egyptian god. You're going to need to tell us some stories.

>> No.16700754

*Bangles' Walk Like An Egyptian starts playing in the background*

>> No.16700761


>> No.16700764

This. Elizabeth David and Mircea Eliade too.

>> No.16700766

Crowly wrote that he fucked dudes in the desert while dressed up like an Egyptian God. That's it. Theosophy is an intelligence project. This is admitted. And yet we have faggots like you in this thread.

>> No.16700779

>Crowley wrote about it
You got that wrong; the dudes he fucked and onlookers wrote about it. Who's writing about you?

>> No.16700781

Hemmingway is a pudgy manlet who wrote that is an expert boxer and rake. But literally all other sources tell us otherwise. His writing tries very hard to come off as macho. Intended audience is alienated young males to vicariously live out their frustrations.

>> No.16700786

Hemmingway's a closet tranny, which is still more interesting than anything anon has mentioned about himself.

>> No.16700788

One look at the image and I already know what I’m in for

>> No.16700791

>Theosophy is an intelligence project. This is admitted.
Conveniently ignore this part.
But you've just proved my point again. It is told to us that the people he fucked wrote these things. Like all things, this is merely writing, not in fact.

>> No.16700797

I haven't mentioned anything about myself. But yes, his writing is interesting. He himself is not. He is merely writing that he is, and you faggots get carried away by it.

>> No.16700803

>merely writing
I can ignore everything you say on grounds your mere writing has laid out for me. Ever written an Egyptian ritual rape scene like you're confessing to sodomy? Because that's more interesting writing than you've already presented, and now would be the time to pull out the sticky pages if you have some prepared, Anon McWordsOnAScreen.

>> No.16700812

So you have nothing interesting in writing? Seems like even by your scale, you're being beaten by a closet tranny. I bet you never even shot Hemmingway in the face. Hemmingway 2 - Anon's Dreams 0

>> No.16700816

Interesting and shocking yes. But still fake. Because intelligence knows its effect, it is disseminated. Like I said, fake but interesting is still fake. And hence whatever you say or your (fake) idols crowley and hemmingway say can be safely dismissed.

>> No.16700819

So you can't even write a good rape scene? Twelve year olds girls can do ones with vampires, how the fuck are you worse than even them?

>> No.16700821

It seems to me you are nothing more than a child who wants to be enchanted and shocked by something. Doesn't matter to you if said shocking thing is real or fake and being used for some other goal. Kindly get the fuck out faggot.

>> No.16700825
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>> No.16700826

Like I said, you are a child who is concerned about the shock value and vicarious pleasure. Nothing more. Or a glow nigger.

>> No.16700828

does not prove anything.
it could also be a shoot for a woman's playgirl magazine.
stop being a retart

>> No.16700829

Its more likely your own parents and friends have lived interesting lives than these fake writers who's only goal was to be "interesting" and push a narrative.

>> No.16700831

If you believe what you say, I dare you to plan a trip to the houses in England and Italy in which Crowley performed black magic rituals. If you believe it's all fake, you'll have no problem having a picnic at midnight in those fake portals to hell. Right, anon?

>> No.16700832

It's not my fault Hemmingway scooped you on doing a Good Thing and shot himself in the face while you did nothing. Please don't argue you are too young when calling other people children. You could have got him with a .22 if you were interesting enough to be a small child who knew Hemmingway. But you weren't, and he did it himself.

>> No.16700835

Even shocking things are better than you. However twelve year old girls writing vampire fanfiction isn't shocking or new, do you not even read?

>> No.16700837

Ok child. Keep living in fake fantasy world of fake macho men trying push a narrative. That was its intention all along and you've fallen for it.

>> No.16700840

Anons going to wuss out because he thinks they're hotspots for an invisible virus. A virus which is, unironically, more interesting to everyone than he is.

>> No.16700843

I can point at a house, build up a narrative and say "oooh black magic rituals were performed here" and get the desired effect I want: get the public's attention on those rituals and not the intelligence operations I was conducting. Theosophy is still entirely fake. Congrats you just played yourself.

>> No.16700844

Hemmingway clearly didn't push the narrative he was a closested tranny, can you not read?

>> No.16700847
File: 316 KB, 1663x2335, Dennis_Wheatley_Allan_Warren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dennis wheatley served on the front line in ww1 and survived a gas attack at passchendaele
in ww2 he served in a misinformation and deception unit

>> No.16700848
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Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was pretty interesting. He was a pioneering air mail pilot. One of his crashes in the desert served as a prominent part in Wind, Sand and Stars and as the beginning of The Little Prince. He flew in World War II. He disappeared in his last mission.

>> No.16700849

Lol so you admitted you just want to be enthralled by something. Espicially 12 year olds getting raped. Prove to me you aren't a glowie

>> No.16700851
File: 103 KB, 1024x797, 1604246489525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the least interesting life of any author.

>> No.16700852

So you're wussing out because the virus?

>> No.16700859

No YOU are wussing out cause you are a paper man who just had his thrill of vicarious manliness shattered. You are still a child who wants to be thrilled. Or just a fucking glowie

>> No.16700868

Can YOU not read or scroll up? Or do you need another dose of fake masculinity to form an argument?

>> No.16700869

I didn't say twelve year olds getting raped, I said twelve year olds writing fanfiction. The fact you think they are the same thing makes me concerned for any twelve year olds in a 5 mile radius of you or with any internet connection to you. Though if you did rape twelve year olds because you thought their fanfiction was consent, you would be slightly more interesting, since that seems to matter to you.

>> No.16700874

So you're wussing out because the virus. It's okay buddy, I get it, they show you some maps with the virus suddenly visible over Italy and England and suddenly you give up black magic and act like a good boy in case they send you to Italy. I get it.

>> No.16700876

oh yes double down on an irrelevant point to distract me and readers for the main point. You continue to prove yourself to be a child because you care about something being just interesting, not real
>Prove to me you aren't a glowie

>> No.16700880

Oh, so you think he wrote about macho stuff because people would assume that he liked dresses and ribbons because he wrote macho stuff so he was just kind of winking in the dark at the pretty girl he could have been? How do you explain the passages about cheese?

>> No.16700881

And so you are trying to deflect the argument into an irrelevant point like the other pussy. Won't work. Crowly is still a fake. 20th century are writers are all intelligence operatives and this is even admitted.

>> No.16700885

Look, anon, just because you feel a desire to rape me right now does not make me a child.

>> No.16700887

Still fake. You are still retarded

>> No.16700891

Look, anon, YOU brought up raping 12 year old. So now I'm sure you are a pedo glowie. Like all of you are.

>> No.16700898

I get it, you think if you say they stopped faking in the early 20th Century, they won't send you to Italy to do the black magic ritual to stop the virus but value you as a psyops agent. They can see through that, you know, they have truth serums. They know you're afraid the black magic won't work and the invisible virus will make you want to fuck Egyptians. We all have that worry.

>> No.16700903

That moment when you realize your own friends and family have lived more interesting lives than these fake writers and intelligence operatives whose only purpose was to spread disinformation and capture a target demographic for a specific goal.

>> No.16700905

So was it fake cheese because he's American, or is that another tranny tell?

>> No.16700906

Seconding this.

>> No.16700909

k schizo

>> No.16700910

For some reason, your posts are the first to mention raping twelve year olds? Do you think I edited my posts before you mention twelve year olds so they now read as about twelve year olds writing vampire fiction, so the written record shows your posts to be the first to say anything about raping twelve year olds?

>> No.16700912

Just because I know what you're thinking about your impending trip to Italy and the virus doesn't mean I'm schizo. It's like you think psychics are fake but then how would you know about glowies?

>> No.16700916

Nah you brought it up. Remove your illusions. No use doubling down on them. Either that or you are deflecting in which case fuck off pedo glowie

>> No.16700919

Yeah all that time on YouTube is definitely better than going to France.

>> No.16700925

Anons can read the thread. Here's where you brought up raping kids >>16700849. Everything before that is about twelve year olds writing fiction, not getting raped. You should really learn the difference between those two things, because it's a big one.

>> No.16700927

Yes it is. Cause it is real and it happened. Unlike 20th century media whose sole purpose was to create confusion, disinformation, shock.
Still conviniently avoiding all the painful points of my arguments. Even your mode of argumentation relies on fake bravado. Fake. Like everything else your are defending and pushing

>> No.16700929

Doesn't change my arguments. Conviniently trying to move the argument onto me, instead of the point, which still remains: theosophy, crowley, hemmingway, blah blah blah are all fake.

>> No.16700935

I guess I've made my point, which none of these glowie faggots have addressed and constantly tried to deflect the argument with failed attacks on me personally.
Fake is fake. Don't be carried away.

>> No.16700938

You know there's a guy in Korea who got internationally famous for just sitting doing his homework and being hot. He is objectively more interesting on YouTube than you are. He also didn't go to France, like you, but unlike you, he still managed to be interesting, while doing something quieter than watching YouTube. You might want to think about where that places you on the scale of interesting.

>> No.16700944

If you want to keep the argument that raping a twelve year old is the same as a twelve year old writing stories about vampires, I think I should be the least of your worries.

>> No.16700949

>Anon is still mad he'll never do black magic sex rituals in the desert and be interesting like Crowley
>He won't even tell interesting lies like Swinburne
You could at least _pretend_ to fuck and eat a monkey.

>> No.16700987

Does /lit/ really believe every single, even remotely interesting person's life that was written down is fake and made up? Or that authors with interesting writings never had interesting lives?
Some of this shit reads like a thread on /x/.

>> No.16700998
File: 138 KB, 900x900, RC Waldun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R.C Waldun's Evolution from a aspiring Polymath Physicist to a Literary Figure is eye opening and he's only 20, can you believe that?

>> No.16701003

Orwell has a fascinating life, and accomplished more with 2 novels than most writers accomplish with 20. I guess it depends though of what you consider to be interesting desu.

>> No.16701010

It's some Victorian / Modern lit anon fucking with a newb from a different board. The guy who believes in the glowniggers hasn't used his imagination in a long time, so a basic knowledge of Victorian debauchery makes lit anon able to make Hitler look a little cuddly for being a vegetarian.

>> No.16701011

Shut the fuck up you mouth breather, not everything going through your jumbled head has to be written down.

>> No.16701013

So where's the interesting part? He changed careers? Lol, you must be a little zoom zoom.

>> No.16701067

Him and India is an interesting connection hitchens book why orwell matters is a very good read on him

>> No.16701071

Robert Louis Stevenson.

>> No.16701084
File: 77 KB, 800x600, burroughs-74c8b00a4aa048f307071f70cc86f26b1472594f-s800-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

William S burroughs
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

>> No.16701811
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>my life is more interesting than Hemingway’s and Crowley’s

>> No.16701833

Hunter S. Thompson

>> No.16701919
File: 14 KB, 235x233, 440217fce859a1a10c09aba99fa6f89d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many homoerotic photoshoots does it take to make you stop coping?

>> No.16701924

Hemingway caught a fish even larger than the one in the Old Man and the Sea.

>> No.16702000

Unironically Theodore Roosevelt. Check out The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, Theodore Rex, and Colonel Roosevelt by Edmund Morris in that order. One of Roosevelt's chief occupations was writing books.

>> No.16702217

>ctrl+f ernst von salomon
>0 results

>> No.16703502

And no one, NO ONE said Kerouac...

>> No.16703578

literally who

>> No.16704416

He isn't. Why do you claim so? As the other poster said, the only evidence for this is one book. You could take the protagonists of any books, which are actually closer to him, and make claim yet you're intent on this one for no reason. Liking aesthetics and art doesn't make you gay ffs I can tell none of you people actually read or appreciate the arts.

>> No.16704428

this. 'literally lifestyle' and 'artist' past the 19th century are pure marketing bullshit.

>> No.16704434

Homoeroticism does not compromise masculinity, the opposite actually. Mishima was a pure aestheticist so of course he was into homoeroticism. But he wasn't gay. Anybody who delves into his biography must get that it was for him a fantasy, but that family values, especially in his later phase of life were much more important and relevant to his sexual orientation.