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16696237 No.16696237 [Reply] [Original]

Bald Space Santa edition

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>> No.16696397
File: 227 KB, 1024x1443, the_survivor_by_quintvc_dawhten-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I reach the Absolute?

>> No.16696405

Snort up some dead elves

>> No.16696408

>Blood Meridian 2: The Judge Goes to Space

>> No.16696478

>"how did you know the engineer was a shapeshifting alien in disguise?"
>they all laughed and bought the judge a round of space beer and laughed and the kid sat in the corner of the moonbase space bar and watched while they laughed

>> No.16696515


>> No.16696684

I want to be like Tolkien. By that I don't mean the dwarves and elves and notAngel wizards, but rather the creation of an alternate-history medieval mythos, and especially including poetry in high fantasy.

There's such a variety of cultures and styles and themes throughout what the general public vastly handwaves as "medieval Europe" that I fear people won't ever look past the cover because "It's just another Tolkien wannabe"

>> No.16696798
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How do I reach the Absolut?

>> No.16696862

Are there any space operas like Lord of the Rings

>> No.16696863
File: 136 KB, 568x800, ogniem-i-mieczem-b-iext39583640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellas, are there any Science Fiction novels like pic related? Long, weighty tomes, filled with swashbuckling sword duels, based characters, and declarations of True Love? No Chinkshit, please.

>> No.16696925
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Have you read the entire Trilogy?

>> No.16696944
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>I turn off the pain. I set the timer. I make my farewells. Then I open the doors that have been keeping my memories back and let them wash over me, all the faces, all the moments, let them come as they will. So many faces, so many fights. And wasn’t it when I wasn’t fighting that the world was hardest. I was made to be a weapon but I have lived a life. I was born an animal, they made me into a soldier and treated me as a thing. Now I die as myself and they call me a general. Servant and slave, leader and follower, I tell myself I have been a Good Dog. Nobody else can decide that for me.

>> No.16696948

Just gotta put aside couple of decades of your life for the world building. Also helps if you're a linguist versed in classic literature.

>> No.16696954

Just got a copy of The Forever War the other day, what am i on for?

>> No.16696977


>> No.16697047

No, but I am reading Potop right now. Just interested to see if any science fiction authors wrote works in a similar vein.

>> No.16697164

Paradise Lost

>> No.16697173
File: 33 KB, 315x500, 519+YMEl4qL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Piranesi. What a strange and charming little book. Another example of how a well executed first person narrator can surpass a colder 3P omniscient.
I was always curious about Clarke's other more famlus book, but I remember being put off after a couple pages by its length and Victorian language. If it's as lovely as Piranesi, I'd give it a try, but Brits and their witty dialectical comings and goings take a toll on my ESL brain and it always sounds like the dead language of Wilde, Henry James and the Brontes et al.

Next I'll read 16 ways to defend a wall city and/or Spaceman of Bohemia. I've been lucky to find pretty decent modern fantasy/SF, so thank you /sffg/, I guess.

>> No.16697179


>> No.16697232

I'm going to order some books off amazon later. what do you recommend? I like medieval fantasy and sieges and wars. my budget is about 50$.

>> No.16697255

Traitor Son Cycle you would probably like a lot.

>> No.16697262

There's this 16 ways to defend a walled city that's part of a series titled "Siege" I mentioned.
Also Legend by David Gemmell.
The Red Knight is about a city sieged by dragons and weird monsters, defended by some mercenaries.

>> No.16697277

Could you link them to me?
Also, would you recommend to buy The lord of the rings series if I havent read it?

>> No.16697296

The lazy tourist strikes back

>> No.16697344



>> No.16697350
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Tolkien is non-fiction you plebes

>> No.16697374


Dude weed lmao and state enforced sexual promiscuity

>> No.16697378

David Gemmel is comfy af

>> No.16697403

Based, stop reading after a couple chapters because the appeal was lame

>> No.16697438
File: 8 KB, 179x281, Arthur C Clark 2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is actually amazing. Usually when I read I only really feel a sense of satisfaction for finishing a book. But this book starts strong.

>inb4 someone mentions Arthur C Clark had a thing for Sri Lankan twinks.

>> No.16697458

>modern fantasy story about the colonial era and steam punk
>huge chunk of characters are mixed bloods from the colonies

I hate modern fantasy

>> No.16697470

Why is that a problem?

>> No.16697474
File: 35 KB, 423x615, that scene from Signs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally start Wintersteel
>25% (Chapter 7)
>feels like an answer dump in the first few chapters starting with Sword Sage prologue books late
>Lindon still apologizes for everything
>Dross still lolrandum humor
>Eithan still wh0oo0o0oa mysterious and 9 seconds but admittedly seems to want to be less mysterious
Northstrider is fun.

>> No.16697481

I read some translated Malazan books and I've recently been thinking of getting back into it in English this time as everyone's been singing its praises. One thing makes me hesitate though: advanced ancient dinosaurs with blades for hands. Can someone tell me what the deal is with this? From what little I know it doesn't make a lick of sense and seems quite embarassing. Is this addressed in any sensible way? Right now I'm pretty sure I'd find it impossible to suspend my disbelief.

>> No.16697488

I hate negros

>> No.16697550


i'm sorry but this can only appeal to a manchild. Don't be offended - accept that you have shit taste and be proud of it. But don't ever give anyone shit about their taste.

>> No.16697611

t. cat

>> No.16697622

What kind of severe mental illness lead to this post?

>> No.16697630


honestly, i regretted it the instant i posted it. I'm sorry desu!!

Sometimes i take my rage out on anonymous people online.

>> No.16697650

What, you don't have a thing for Sri Lankan twinks?

>> No.16697783

>i'm sorry but this can only appeal to a manchild
Why? You don't even have context.

>> No.16697787

it's not impossible if you have imagination and you work on yourself and how to express it all in words

>> No.16697798

>advanced ancient dinosaurs with blades for hands
That's a really weird way to describe it, but is it any more bizarre than "ancient giant murder zombie" or "creepy interdimensional slave wagon"?

>> No.16697833

Her other book is fantastic. ESL might hamper you. Aubrey-Maturin series might be a gateway to that style of language.

>> No.16697875


that's what i realised and why i apologised to the earlier comments about my shitpost. (here >>16697630). Still i think it would be cowardly to remove it so here i am, apologising again.

>> No.16697905
File: 355 KB, 759x1190, goodreads 2020 fantasy awards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rhythm of War isn't out yet
>The Burning God isn't out yet
>they still got nominated for the Goodreads fantasy awards
What did they mean by this?

>> No.16697910
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Is it worth getting into? I've only read the Barbed Coil from her and thought it was a decent and different kind of fantasy.
Reading through the Time Machine now by H.G. Wells

>> No.16697958

What a shit shit

>> No.16697977

I unironically voted for Peace Talks because I'll probably never read any of the other books there.

>> No.16697979
File: 419 KB, 635x476, 5EE7DDC3-0B47-40FC-82F5-7484E46B95D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me good recommendations for a good cyberpunk books?

>> No.16698015
File: 915 KB, 1662x2560, Trouble With Peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this? I think I've read too many of Abercrombie's books. There's not a lot of new stuff going on here, and all the major characters are boring as hell. There are some good ideas but they're all unorigional ("Communism! Revolution! Worker's rights! Gun powder!") and not handled in a particularly interesting manner. I don't think it's a bad book as such, but I Abercrombie needs to take some chances, I think. It's getting stale.

>> No.16698019

> Goodreads is shit
Oh wow, who could have guessed?

>> No.16698026

Time dilation. A great fucking book.

>> No.16698038
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Space horror stuff?

>> No.16698084

the one new thing is the anti bayaz movement which will probably be the focus of the next book

>> No.16698097

Hopefully. We've heard lots of vague things about Bayaz so an uprising in that context would be interesting. I thought both Leo and Orso were exceptionally uninteresting and somehow they seemed totally alike to me. I often could barely tell them apart. The whole "Young Lion" thing always seemed like a joke. I think The First Law had so many great, memorable and larger-than-life characters that it is getting hard for him to create new ones. Savine was generally ok, I thought, but somewhat inconsistent and her romance plots did not work at all imo.

>> No.16698168

Guys i tried getting into the culture series trough the player of games as you recommend but the constant mention of sex changes is freaking me out. I don't mind the "space communism", in fact it makes sense in a post scarcity society, there is no reason to keep on mentioning people change sexes and men get pregnant over and over gain tho.
Consider phleas as much better book, I'm drooping this book and the series.

>> No.16698181

I swing that way, but not as much for twinks.

>> No.16698185
File: 27 KB, 491x582, oct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I Read & Reviewed Last Month
23 books, though several weren't novels.
6,025 pages, the 3rd most of the year

>> No.16698196

how was the grace of kings?

>> No.16698206

have you read these yet?

snow crash
do androids dream of electric sheep?

>> No.16698212

Do note that my opinion is an outlier though.

>> No.16698218

We have a big guy here.
Tell me what do I read after wintersteel?

>> No.16698232

That's similar to it? I don't know. It's a very specific niche. I only rate the Cradle books as 3 stars because they amuse me in a particular way. I don't have the mindset of someone who particularly enjoyed them and has read a lot of similar. Probably also depends on why you liked them.

>> No.16698281

Cool characters, interesting worldbuilding, little to no romance, no sjw/identity politics, well defined and balanced "magic" system, I felt like it's just a non stop powertrip, mc just just killing/beating everyone who is his way but also doing in somewhat smart way and not going over the top

>> No.16698298

Horus heresy lol

>> No.16698301

Yeah, as I said, I don't know. I certainly don't know in terms of prose at all.

>> No.16698340

Yes it’s her better series. Keep in mind the final book is probably never coming out if that’s a dealbreaker for you.

>> No.16698410
File: 38 KB, 620x381, arthur-c-clarke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Against the Fall of Sri Lankan Twinks
Prelude to Sri Lankan Twinks
The Sri Lanken Twinks of Mars
Islands in the Sky (Filled With Sri Lankan Twinks)
Sri Lanken Twink's Rear End
The City and the Twinks
The Deep Range of SL Twink Anus
A Fall of Moondust
Dolphin Island – Reader Discretion Advised
Glide Path (still illegal in Australia)
2001: A Sri Lanken Twink Odyssey
Rendezvous with Rimjob
Imperial Twink
The Naive Twinks of Paradise
2010: Odyssey Two - Electric Twinkaloo
The Songs of Distant Sri Lankan Twinks
2061: Odyssey Three - Arty Sips Pee
The Twink from the Grand Banks
The Hammer of Goddamn Look at those Twinks
3001: The Final Indignity for those Poor Twinks

>> No.16698549

Is Kingkiller Chronicles really that bad?

>> No.16698611

That entirely depends on the person.

>> No.16698647
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I need a horror+sci-fi recommendation.

I finished:
Ship of fools
The hemotophages

>> No.16698703

It's bullshit. Even if you like it, congrats on your blue balls for the last book.

>> No.16698756

Thanks, I enjoy denial.

>> No.16698778
File: 201 KB, 795x1051, pulpdinoart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which themes do you find yourself consistently being drawn to? As in, "Even if the story isn't that good, if it has _______, I'm still on board to check it out."

For me it's dinosaurs or dinosaur-like creatures, I just can't help myself.
I'm also a sucker for ensemble teams where each person has a unique set of powers or skills.

Sorry for being basic.

>> No.16698792

time displacement

>> No.16698803
File: 740 KB, 1600x1600, alexander-nanitchkov-island-sketch1-fin2-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mystery island settings.

>> No.16698877

>I want to be like Tolkien.
You realize how accomplished and intelligent Tolkien was, right? I mean in his career. He wasn't just some nerd who liked making up languages, he was a professor of English literature and linguistics at a few different English universities. He'd translated Old English texts professionally, worked as a Code Breaker in WW2 because his expertise with language. He's not somebody you can just imitate on a whim. He was the real deal, a talented scholar.

>> No.16698900

It's so close, Brother.
Just over the edge of that cliff.

>> No.16698918

lol aka he wasn't some dumb ass on 4chan

>> No.16698922

Intergalactic warfare

>> No.16698928

So every science fiction story ever?

>> No.16698940
File: 75 KB, 720x537, 7OwVr7J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Even if the story isn't that good, if it has genocide, I'm still on board to check it out."

>> No.16698996
File: 435 KB, 1216x636, my-image(46)-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else read Star Wars books?

>> No.16699043

Name some besides Dune, Starship Troopers, and Forever War. I want something with a hero's journey vibe

>> No.16699054

>For me it's dinosaurs or dinosaur-like creatures, I just can't help myself.
Kaiju fiction is having a rise in popularity over the recent 3 years or so. Lots of books with big monsters duking it out or humans fighting against big beasts.

>> No.16699064

no but I'm curious if the Thrawn trilogy is worth reading

>> No.16699126

Maybe, I don't know. What bothers me the most is that creatures without opposable thumbs can't really use tools and thus can't really construct anything in an early civilization. If these dinosaurs are anything like earth's dinos/reptiles, I also don't see how and why forms of higher functioning and sentience should develop in them. If these things were engineered I could understand it, but a race of intelligent blade-saurs has to be well-thought out in order for me to take them seriously.

>> No.16699127

A fan of Disney's Atlantis, are you
You'd like Geneforge, it's a game

>> No.16699161 [DELETED] 

November Reading Schedule, Currently
1st: The Paper Menagerie - Ken Liu, story collection
8th: The Hidden Girl - Ken Liu, story collection
15th: Too Like The Lightning - Ada Palmer

>> No.16699181

>rewatching the Terror after reading the book
>Crozier can speak Inuit and Lady Silence has her tongue

>> No.16699412
File: 25 KB, 258x387, A_Matter_of_Profit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been looking through all the stuff I read as a kid, and realized I've never seen Hilari Bell referred to in any thread. Farsala Trilogy is underrated I think, and A Matter of Profit was really formative for me as an exploration of how foreign cultures assimilate into their adopted homeland.

>> No.16699427
File: 282 KB, 789x961, BzFgd-S9UHg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me some SF stuff that resembles historical fiction.

>> No.16699441

Legend of Galactic Heroes

>> No.16699445

just posting a +1 for Ender's Game. Really fantastic and the author hates faggots too. So you can read a book and make normies froth because you read someone who has been de platformed

>> No.16699449

baru cormorant

>> No.16699624

>another worldbuilder without a story

>> No.16699746
File: 247 KB, 1200x1779, warriors-cats-of-the-clans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Warrior Cats count as fantasy? I've never read any of these books, but a few friends have. Is it too late to get into it?

>> No.16700113
File: 264 KB, 907x1360, 815C8rgshGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading pic related. Any thoughts?
Reads like a Guy Ritchie movie set in totally-not-Ancient-Rome and I'm not sure I'm crazy on the anachronistic stuff (blue / red corner, or the bureaucracy). It reminds me of The Black Company as well, for the main character and narrator, esp. the books of the south when there's a siege and they later besiege some place. The setting is still kinda generic, but at least it's better than all that Hindi shit Cook stole.

Do the Rosur (or whatever they're called) or "blueskins" have olive skin (like Romans or Arabs) or are they sub Saharan black?

>> No.16700126

Don't read the """"sequels"""". You will regret that.

>> No.16700182

Scifi dressed as fantasy

That shit is my jam

>> No.16700238

So... Solar Cycle?

>> No.16700246

It isn't

Man, it's easier to name those with no intergalactic warfare

>> No.16700311

>lol aka he wasn't some dumb ass on 4chan
You made your point better than you realize

>> No.16700338

And a shit writer.

>> No.16700636

Aren't the sequels shit?

>> No.16700813

Southern Reach trilogy
Gideon the Ninth
Carrion Comfort
I Am Legend
The Library at Mount Char
Who Goes There?

>> No.16700842

The Expanse
The Culture
Revelation Space

>> No.16700872

Hey, any of you hear about the comic the eternaut? It's pretty old, but I like it and I don't know if anyone else has read it. It also shows some interesting sci-fi concepts.

>> No.16700914
File: 221 KB, 1610x457, Screenshot 2020-11-02 085052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does /lit/ never talk about The Expanse?
what's the hivemind opinion?

>> No.16700926

First book is good, second book is mediocre, gets worse from that point onwards. I really enjoyed the kind of Resident Evil in Space feeling the first book had, but beyond that is really went to the dogs, and then, in the third book I think it was, it introduced that obnoxious sanctimonious lesbian ninja nun who was just fucking awful, and it got derailed by all the human politics that nobody ever actually gave a fuck about.
I feel like it's a series that should have been a trilogy.

>> No.16701020

fuck.. I had it recommended to me recently based on my good reads books. I guess i will just keep going with the classics on my backlog. I have been loving "inherit the stars" so far.

>> No.16701024

It's worth reading the first book at least.

>> No.16701065

i wouldn't worry too much about 1 4channer's opinion
i've read the 1st book, the first 3 novellas, and i'm 20% or so into the 2nd book and am loving it
my friend rants and raves about the whole series and says it only gets better, with the 5th or 6th book being his favorite
GoodReads, for whatever that's worth, agrees that the series gets better as it goes

>> No.16701150

what the huck is a 'CIBOLA' ???

>> No.16701187

it was another name for El Dorado, in the early exploration of the Americas the Spanish had a tale about the seven cities of Cibola which were full of gold.

>> No.16701228

I liked the first story arc, but then it shifted when the author had to write more due to good sales. I don't remember what happened, but it got goody-goody and boring. Fighting slavers or something. But it was worth reading the first few.

>> No.16701322


>> No.16701475

>in a book club reading Dune with classmates
>all the other classmates were raised atheist and have never read the Bible and don't get any of Herbert's Biblical references until I explain them

feels weird man

>> No.16701562
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>> No.16701597

>what do you recommend?
Stop supporting the corrupt and stagnating publishing industry and pirate. Or, if you really want to simp for an author (or rather, for an author and a small army of people who had very little to do with the book or its quality), do it after you've read the book and know that it's worth simping for, not before.

>> No.16701610

Ya I noticed that while reading Moby Dick. Referencing the bible comes second nature to him.

>> No.16701627

Looks like you got filtered, chud. Go cry on /pol/.

>> No.16701672

Hello, Cucker

>> No.16701717
File: 63 KB, 386x614, 0380759497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on Pierce Anthony and his Xanth. Is this just a cringier and bawdier Discworld? Picrelated sure sounds like an ecchi manga title.

>> No.16701721

idk how you can avoid knowing at least the basic biblical stories if you're living in a western country.

>> No.16701780

>Is this just a cringier and bawdier Discworld?
Not a bad description. Very pun heavy, less midwit-sophisticate, less funny, more shitpost-y...don't listen to me, I read them when I was little.

>> No.16701937

First few books (especially the first one) are great, but then it gets progressively worse. I stopped after book 3 or 4.

>> No.16701954

dude was a hardcode creepy incel mysogynist pedo

"The fact is, as I explore in my GEODYSSEY series, men are attracted to women, and to the shapely ones more than the others, and to the young ones more than the older ones. I don’t mean to children, but to girls after they develop breasts and pubic hair, signals of sexual maturity. This relates to the apparent breedability of women; the strategy of the man is to capture a woman at the beginning of her reproductive life and have as many children by her as possible. So young women tend to be the most appealing; it’s pretty much hard-wired in our species, and this is reflected in our society’s glorification of youth in TV, movies, magazine, advertising—everywhere, as if it is a crime to ever get old."

>> No.16701970

Thats just based. Humans would evolve a predilection for youthful traits as older women can't produce as many healthy offspring. Remember the infant mortality rate use to be much higher so having more offspring increased your genetic fitness

>> No.16702004

I don't know if you are still around but a couple threads back I asked for "A good, dark 1 volume fantasy book. Maybe with a morally grey character/antihero." and some anon recommended Between Two Fires by Buehlmann and I have read the first Part and absolutely love it. I have trouble staying invested in books but sometimes I find ones I really like and I can read for hours and this is one of them.
-Minor spoilers for part 1 ahead!-
It's not really the fantasy I envisioned when I wanted to read a fantasy book to be honest, but I still like it a lot. This is called I think "low fantasy", so you don't have elves, dragons and magic everywhere. Supernatural "fantastical" things exist but they are rather rare like that river monster or the devil banquet. The real horror is mostly real in nature, like war, famine and the black death. But it is still great, I love the banter between the little girl and Thomas and that he has to protect her for a long trip they do. Also I find it great, that it is still ambiguous if the girl even has supernatural powers or if she is just delusional. There are things that make you think "oh damn, she really has supernatural powers" like for example knowing the real name of the priest, but then I thought "okay, maybe she just looked through his drawers and a letter or something had his real name", it is a great mystery. So the story is great, the characters are great too and I like how it is written.
Thanks for the recommendation and I can recommend it a lot too, evne though I just finished part 1.

>> No.16702024

All the 'evolution', 'ethology' and suchlike shit means fuck all after humans became sentient, unless you are seriously prepared to go back to monke and die of exposure and massive sepsis instead of being a dishonest /pol/babby who only decries those aspects of civilization that make him butthurt.

>> No.16702039

I'm glad you're enjoying it. It always feels nice when someone comes back and talks about a rec you gave instead of disappearing into the ether. Looking forward to you finishing it.

>> No.16702050

Calm down pal

>> No.16702063

So you think being gay or trans is a choice because we're sentient?

>> No.16702070

Being gay is not, but being trans totally is.

>> No.16702073

Are you seriously prepared to [bad thing that happens to progressives] just to be a twitterbabby who only decries those aspects of choice that make him butthurt?

>> No.16702081

Don't do drugs.

>> No.16702099


Gemmell's Legend is fucking kino. Best story about a siege I've ever enjoyed.

also: 16 Ways, I remember that one. Ending isn't for everybody but I thought it was good. I love that author.

The Religion is about the Siege of Malta, it's pretty good in a gross vulgar kind of way.

>> No.16702134

How based is Gormenghast? How wordy is it? From what I’ve read I’m imagining it’s like a mix of Kafka, Wolfe and Tolkien with some dark souls thrown in. Am I way off?

>> No.16702141

Yes. It's just some drama in a castle written in extremely dense purple prose, much more so than any of those.

>> No.16702184
File: 251 KB, 931x784, Obey the Law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biology doesn't matter, we have SOCIETY now!

If /pol/ shredded your ass hard enough that you're just going to ignore a century of behavioral science in favor of a naïve but flattering notion of progressive tabula rasa moral development, the odds are you deserved it, because your solution to this is to aggressively and evangelically reject reality in favor of a delusion.

It is not merely your myopic hubristic self-delusion, but the fact that you take PRIDE in ignoring facts to satiate your hubris, and think nothing of boasting about it--that is what truly bothers me.

>> No.16702187
File: 195 KB, 653x1000, Little Hatred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got around to reading this shit.
They really going to do my boy Jezal like that?

>> No.16702219

I like Kafka, wolfe and Tolkien, but was bored by Gormenghast. Dropped it mid second volume.

>> No.16702304

character's being frequently killed off asoiaf style, I love watching characters react to death and having to go on with permanent loss

>> No.16702309

like a lot of series it was a trilogy that was then stretched out into dozens of volumes for the sales

>> No.16702312


>> No.16702318

western education is thoroughly secularized at this point, it's very common for younger people to have zero biblical knowledge

>> No.16702343

Never liked the aesthetic but then I'm not a huge fan of gothic and grotesque stuff (I can't watch a Tim Burton film done in his typical style without feeling uncomfortable the whole time) and Gormenghast has a lot of grotesque characters. The prose is overly visual, so it takes some effort to get a layout of the place, not that it's needed, but I feel like I would've enjoyed a bit more if the narrative was more anchored to the characters. I also remember some chapters centered around a wood worker and a girl which felt kinda out of place.

I read that the third part is in such poor state it's better to consider the trilogy unfinished. Probably worth checking out the first book. It """"redefined"""" fantasy according to some writers same as Tolkien did.
(Now that I think about it, it's funny that the ones to antagonize Peake to Tolkien are two British shitheads: Moorcock and Miéville.)

>> No.16702402

I have written a chapter on Titus Groan for my PhD. It is extremely based, but very slow. It is full of gothic atmosphere and weirdness. It is unique in its beauty, but not an easy read.

>> No.16702408

> Danmachi
Oh no no
Have you read any other LNs? Konosuba is pretty good

>> No.16702415

I wish I could read. I read only like 20 pages an hour and burn out after reading for an hour a day.

>> No.16702418


Is the rest of the foundation series worth reading after the original trilogy? I like the trilogy and I'm interested in more, but the fact that the other books were written decades later makes me feel like he only came back to it for money/pressure from fans.

>> No.16702452

They're something. Wouldn't day they're bad, but definitely not as good as the original trilogy. Also, it's important to have a general understanding of the rest of Asimov's works for the sequels, since there are many elements that heavily relate to them.
I suggest reading more of Asimov's works, followed by the foundation sequels and finally the prequels (since they expand on elements from the sequels)

>> No.16702463

I feel you. During my NEET phase I managed to read about 2 books per week, now I'm struggling to read a book every two weeks.

>> No.16702469

I read the Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear in quick succession.
Then I read Lies of Locke Lamora, The Way of Kings and the Earthsea novels but they weren't really similar enough for me.
Any other recommendations for fantasy novels similar to the Kingkiller Chronicles?

>> No.16702480

Just search for wish fulfillment / self insert fantasy.

>> No.16702507

I would go back and read the robot mysteries and galactic empire books before continuing with the foundation sequels past the trilogy. First, because those later books build on the robot stuff and second because you're kind of right about the later books

>> No.16702533


>> No.16702600

John C. Wright really took the Catholic-pill, huh
maybe a few too many

>> No.16702750

The guy is basically a textbook example of going from contrarian atheism to contrarian TradLarping.
I wonder if his views on the trinity are just modalism like every tradlarper out there.

>> No.16702769

This was great, first new release in a month or so that I've read cover to cover without even looking at other books.
Everything I've liked new in the past couple of months has a real prick of a protagonist lol.

>> No.16702787

Did ya forget something, nigga. Perhaps... a picture?

>> No.16702797
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a good reader should use their imagination

>> No.16702799

>This was great
This or THIS? Because This was derivative slosh aimed at children masquerading as an adult masterpiece (ala Harry Potter) but THIS... now that was a fuckin' tale.

>> No.16702804
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I suffer from aphantasia.

>> No.16702857

Yes, a lot more than I should, and probably a lot more than you have. Certainly more than you ever bought, what a mistake that was. Konosuba is entirely overrated.

I don't have problems with doing something for long periods of time. Whether it's reading, watching, or playing something for 8 hours straight or more it's all the same to me.

>> No.16702900

yeah the whole series is like that, read the 3rd book at least, use of weapons. its about a Culture assassin and the way its written is really interesting, the book is split in two with one plot line starting at the end and moving backwards and the other moving forwards so they meet and cross in the middle. just remember The Culture is the antagonist of the series

>> No.16702904

>The Four Hundred...
Hey I've read that.
>not reading the rest of Rev Space or any of its short stories

I'm halfway through Wintersteel now.

>> No.16702914

Thrawn is a massive mary sue, nice military sci fi though when its focusing on Thrawn not Luke and co. only the 1st Thrawn reboot book is worth reading

>> No.16702915

It's okay. If you want to read Zahn read Icarus Hunt.

>> No.16702920

i read the 1st series, very enjoyable even though they're made for kids. basically cats in the wood under constant tribal warfare with the other cat clans

>> No.16702930

and now to post the reviews I haven't because of the recent thread deletions. There are more on my GR account, not everything I read is SFF, and which one is mine will be obvious if you join the group.
To see those that I've posted in the thread since starting to use a tripcode, this link can be used.
I probably should do post that links back to reviews prior to its usage. Maybe sometime.

>not reading the rest of Rev Space
Eventually. I'm currently reading some GR awards books for this month. Then there's also the discord reads and discussing those.

>> No.16702946

I'd love to lose myself in a sprawling highly-acclaimed epic, but only if I know it's gonna be worthwhile.

>> No.16702967
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Replay - Ken Grimwood (1987)
This winner of the World Fantasy Award for Best Novel (1988) completely exceeded any sort of expectations I had. I have a particular interest in books that involve time loops or living your life over again, but I'm usually rather disappointed by them. Does this say something about me? Yes, it does. Is it what you're thinking it is? Probably so. I don't believe I've ever read anything before where I've so strongly felt that it's something I would have wanted to have written myself and perhaps in some other life may have done so. He had been writing a sequel before his death in 2003 at age 59, but it was never completed, which feels like such a loss to me.
This is more a work of speculative fiction than it is of fantasy or science fiction, or as I've also seen be called, paranormal romance. I wouldn't classify it any of those and I may need a speculative fiction shelf.
A considerable portion is devoted to his relationships with women, though I don't know if describing it as "romance" would be particularly accurate considering the associated connotations. There are also religious musings from more than one faith, but how much they matter may be up to the reader as they seem to be more attempts at explanations for the unknowable rather than preaching. Other non-religious ideas for their circumstances are also considered. Spoiler regarding why any of this happens: Nothing is ever determined about why any of this happens and I don't think that matters. It serves its purpose and I think it would have detracted from my enjoyment as I don't think any given reason would have satisfied. Sometimes there's value in leaving matters unknown and unsolved in works of fiction.
The problem with feeling so personally strongly about anything is that it devalues the usefulness of whether someone else would enjoy it or not for the simple reason that they aren't you. I may be entirely wrong, but I think the primary determinant for how much most people would enjoy reading this depends on their personal life circumstances and beliefs.
Despite that disappointment may be inevitable I'll give his other works a try sometime, because hope persists, even without any reasonable expectation that it ought to.
Rating: 5/5

>> No.16702979
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The Book of Koli (Rampart Trilogy #1) - M.R. Carey (2020)
I knew that this book was labeled as YA, but I thought I'd give it a chance because the premise was interesting. It didn't work that way though. This is very much a book for teenagers and possibly early 20s. Does that mean it can't be enjoyed by those older? Clearly not, but I wasn't able to do so very well. If I had read this half a lifetime ago or more I probably would have enjoyed it quite a lot. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this book trilogy was made into a trilogy of movies eventually. A previous novel of his already has already had a film adaptation.
Unfortunately, the premise doesn't come to much, and after reading summaries of the second book and extrapolating what will happen in third book, it's easy for me to conclude this is far too small of a story with little for me to want read for. So many pages and so little happens. The plot doesn't even start to begin until a third of the way through.
Probably I should have stopped reading shortly after I started, but there's nothing really wrong with it, so I kept reading and by the time I finished I found myself rather indifferent. It's just something that was.
Rating: 2.5/5

>> No.16702987
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The Collapsing Empire, The Interdependency #1 - John Scalzi (2017)
This novel isn't going to change how you feel about Scalzi if you dislike him. For me it was high quality comfort food. The book's tone can be described with a single word: snarky. If snark isn't your sort of humor, then you may not like this, because many characters often are. If you're looking for an entirely serious space opera this isn't that. I read some interviews he gave about the book to confirm what I thought, and it's basically "What if Game of Thrones in space with a basis in Dune with a whole lot of snark and female leads?"
I don't know what effect he was going for with having the book be with rife with profanity. There are 183 instances of "fuck" over 336 pages, which mean it's used on average every other page. One character is said have had that be the first word she ever spoke. That's the most used, but similar sorts of words are used to a lesser degree.
The collapse, as per the book's title, is being caused by a metaphor for climate change and some other contemporary issues are also present in disguise. The setting is feudalism in space, complete with noble houses, guilds, churches, and sealing documents with wax stamps.
There's also sexposition, which is to say two characters are having sex while discussing the fate of the empire. Scalzi seems to have fully adapted to modern sf trends to remain highly salable, which if nothing else is something he knows how to do. One female character is particularly interested in sex and has multiple sex scenes and talks about previous sex they've had.
Almost all the characters that matter are female and they're all highly competent and powerful. Which isn't to say they're well-written because I wouldn't consider myself a very good judge of that, or of characters in general. The male characters don't receive such preferential treatment. The dialogue is highly modern, youthful, and irreverent. I know that can certainly be a problem for some.
It was a fun and enjoyable space opera that provided a lot of entertainment. I'll be reading the books that are out, the second and third, sooner than later.

>> No.16702995

>only if I know it's gonna be worthwhile.
There's no way for you to know that, so you won't ever. You must miss out on a lot in life in general if that's your usual attitude towards everything.

>> No.16703112

>Ann Leckie endorsing

>> No.16703134

It's much more straightforward space opera than the ancillary books
The only Leckie novel I've read through was The Raven Tower and I thought that was bad

>> No.16703150

>One female character is particularly interested in sex and has multiple sex scenes and talks about previous sex they've had.
>oh nono
>oh no how dare they have sex and say bad words?!
>What if Mom looks over my shoulder while I read this??!
Grow the fuck up, you fuckin prude

>> No.16703174

I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion. There wasn't any judgment of it, just that it was interesting that it was the case.

>> No.16703194

>Space opera
>galactic war
>countless billions of lives may perish at any time
>female space ship crew cannot do or talk about anything else except sex

>> No.16703204

You've never worked with women before have you? Half their personality is talking to each other about sex.

>> No.16703213

I have that's why at least in works of fiction I don't that any of that nonsense.

>> No.16703236

>Millions perish of COVID, traffic accidents, wars, etc, every minute but coomers of 4chan still fap and talk about cooms and waifus and fetishes and give zero fucks
Not so different, is it? People are built this way. They get desensitized to disturbing shit and concentrate on pleasure and survival instead. Those who don't get depressed and get weeded out of the gene pool. Besides we only perceive the select few individuals that we come in contact with most often as actual persons. We routinely objectify people we don't know or know only in a superficial way, so we don't posses real empathy for them. And that's a good thing, because if we couldn't objectify people, had as much empathy for every fuckin hobo on the other side of the world as we have for our mate/children or couldn't get distracted from negative shit, we would all get terminally depressed and human race would die out.

>> No.16703278

Soon Sanderfriend.

>> No.16703284

Let me add 'most likely worthwhile for me knowing myself'. I do struggle with my attitude but it's also a part of who I am and I'm not yet willing to let it go entirely, though I'd argue it is reasonable to use a litmus test before committing to a ten -or 25 depending on how you count- book series. It'd also be a major disappointment to see myself giving up halfway through, because of silly plot developments that make you question the whole series.
Can you relate to that? I'll probably just get back into it, but 'sentient blade-arm dinosaurs' just irks me a lot. I'm phrasing it like that deliberately to highlight how much like awful fan fiction it sounds in the hopes to be disproven.

>> No.16703377

You're just realizing that?

>> No.16703390

Any other sci Fi like John Wyndham? I've read a couple of his books, and I want something similar.

>> No.16703403

This is why Christianity was a mistake. Revolutionary but a mistake. The demented fundamentalist religion of secular humanism descends directly from it.

>> No.16703463

It has served its purpose.

>> No.16703594

>>16696954 PTSD in Space: The Metaphor
>>16697173 British nonsense
>>16698015 What do you mean by "chances"?
>>16698097 Foolish to compare to the previous.
>>16699445 It's repressed.
>>16700113 Parker is the author's historical fantasy lark.
>>16702187 That was the plan since before he was born.

>> No.16703605

Only too damn well

>> No.16703608

There's a reason that people think Seinfeld is one of the greatest sitcoms of all time and only women enjoy watching friends.

>> No.16703741

I've been reading another series, so I've been putting off the new Dresden Files book. I've heard people say it's a bit meh since it's just all big battles, but is it worth pushing higher up my list? Or should I wait a bit until it's closer to the release of the next one?

>> No.16703762

Just read it. He sweeps out the sclerotic plotlines, for better or worse. The next will set the table for the new terms, so don't wait for that.

>> No.16703814

Monster wasn't very good, Tyrant is better if a bit disorienting

>> No.16703977

Talking swords for me
Have you read Sawyer's Quintaglio books? They're his best books and take place on a planet of intelligent dinosaurs

>> No.16703986

>talking sword

>> No.16703998

Eventually evolution will filter out such a meme for lack of fitness.

>> No.16704099

Just went to read a book from the new releases I'd downloaded and it literally had "#RESIST" in the dedication lol

>> No.16704143
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any good fantasy books where the love interest is MC's sister?

>> No.16704213

> Konosuba is entirely overrated
Overrated yes, entirely no. It was pretty good, though I agree there's way too much hype around it for something that's just "pretty good"

>> No.16704231

It was ok. The emotional beats didn't really land for me, but some of the reveals/plot points (especially those I wasn't retarded enough to be spoiled on) were pretty solid

>> No.16704462

To be honest the invest was a major reason I ended up not liking the book, but without hesitation I would say you should check out Under the Pendulum Sun

>> No.16705085

I just finished it and really liked it. Picked it up on a recommendation here months ago. Blind sided me in how much I enjoyed it.
>16 Ways, I remember that one. Ending isn't for everybody but I thought it was good. I love that author.
I just finished it a half hour ago. The end made me bitter but the ride was so pleasant I can't be mad. Never read anything by Parker/Holt before. Where can I go from here?

>> No.16705391

House of Suns. They're clones.

>> No.16705462

Finished it a few minutes ago. The other book in the series seems to have the exact same tone and premise. Unreliable narrator, highly cynical, know it all realistic opportunist who still gets shit done, everyone else is dumber than him, soft spots for silly things to make him sympathetic, etc, etc.
I don't think I'll keep reading the author, even though it was a fun read. It was a bit too repetitive for my taste, but well executed if you don't mind the writing. The main problem was definitely a few too many '*record scratch freeze* you might be wondering how I got myself dragged into this situation' moments. You're at the writer's mercy at every turn.

I also have a thing against writers who discover something or some phrase that works for them well into the novel, and they don't bother to make that private aha! moment any subtler, by maybe adding it before. There were a couple of these, but the one that stood out was the 'Ascension' thing. The guy clearly found the phrase halfway through the book (what would be a cool expression to signify ecstasy for a not-Roman), then it gets casually thrown in 4 or 5 times after it first appeared. I don't recall reading the expression before they take the lighthouse.

>> No.16705590

Give me a good edition of the Bible to read. Been meaning to do that.

>> No.16705679

is robert heinlein good or no
kjv if you only wanna understand references. nkjv if you're too brainlet for kjv
nasb 1995 version if you want accuracy, esv if you're too brainlet for nasb
douay rheims or rsv if you insist on being cucktholic (dont though)
also im not the guy you're replying to

>> No.16705765

the hyperion cantos seems cringe af from what i read of it on the wiki

>> No.16705777

Only read the first one. Shit gets out ofnhand really fast

>> No.16705786

How do I become a writer.

>> No.16705796

This post is cringe af.

>> No.16705803
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>from what i read of it on the wiki

>> No.16705811


Read a lot and try to understand why you enjoy what you're reading

You should always try to improve but don't be shocked if a lot of people don't love your writing. A lot of the classics are only beloved because they appealed to a lowest common denominator

>> No.16705826


>> No.16705881


>> No.16705915

The colour gangs based on which team you support were kinda based in reality, though obviously not 1:1. Read up on Hippodrome gangs.

>> No.16706008

Corrupt how?

>> No.16706052

they won't publish his story about a neurotic 20 something white loser set in the 2000s of course

>> No.16706080
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>> No.16706127

is elric of cuckporn good?

>> No.16706147


>> No.16706170

sucks how there is no good repress of it to buy.

>> No.16706186

It is meh. Not bad, but left a bad taste im my mouth because he clearly had no more to say on the subject, and was just writing for money. Also because he tries to retroactively pull this retarded marvel universe shit where now all his works take place in the same universe. Like, fuck off, Isaac, im not buying all your other books.

>> No.16706258
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Hey any of you guys who are white, do you find it hard to relate to protagonists that are of a different race to you guys?
Most minorities living in anglosphere countries get used to protagonists that are of a different race from them. I personally can enjoy a protagonist whether they're european, asian, african, literally any race.
But i do still relate more to protagonists that are of similar background to me.

>> No.16706287

I’m about 3 chapters in and am enjoying it so far.
I got it after that anon suggested it and am pretty pleased.
Thanks kind anonymous user.

>> No.16706293

Thanks for the recommendation I also decided to give it a read.
I’m only about 3 chapters in so far but I think I’m going to like it.

>> No.16706297

It’s hard to find motivation to read when you’re working a lot of hours.
If I have a few days off or something I’ll read more but with work I get so lazy and too tired to read.

>> No.16706376

I can even relate to a dragon.

>> No.16706401
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After two times dropping them in the first book, I have now finished the Corwin's stories. Frankly, I don't even remember why I dropped the series in the first place, but I'm glad that I finished them now because it's been a fun read with a bittersweet ending. Now I have to decide between finishing Merlin's or Revelation Space.

>> No.16706443

Would y'all read a novel about eskimo-like people in a sword and sorcery setting that utilises eskimo mythology (e.g. giants, polar bears, etc.)?

I might write it after NaNoWriMo

>> No.16706450

Yes, in fact I've wanted some good Paleo-fantasy for ages, but it's an incredibly niche genre.

>> No.16706457

Check out Paleomythic if you want the world-building of that. I'm scared my story would be too influenced by that RPG though.

Also, where would you look for that kind of story? I might try amazon but I want to get it to people who love and know these niche genres, so if there's a traditional publisher for it, I'd definitely go through them.

>> No.16706465
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will we make it bros?

>> No.16706469
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>Also, where would you look for that kind of story?
Nowhere, it basically doesn't exist. the Earth's Children series touches it, but it's mostly just caveman erotica written by an for a middle aged femcoomer, and the Imass from Malazan are it, but they're not the focus of the series.
The closest thing I can think of the a truly fleshed out Paleo Fantasy universe is the Lizarmen content from Warhammer Fantasy, but even they're just one part of a broader, more generic fantasy universe.

>> No.16706479 [DELETED] 

The linked discord in the post I'm replying to is run by a pedophile. If you want one for sffg, this is superior: discord.com/FXDaKEy

>> No.16706504

Alright, I have downloaded Earth's Children and it did feel like a self-insert of the writer being a smart girl who is lusted after by Oonga chads. I'm sad that's the only paleo fantasy so far, bar warhammer.

I might try to research heavily to get it just right. I think the use of Inuit knowledge systems may be very interesting, so I don't want to wing it. Actually, my university has some pretty good researchers in prehistoric humans so I should try to get in touch with them, or just read their studies.

>> No.16706526

>and it did feel like a self-insert of the writer being a smart girl who is lusted after by Oonga chads.
In the second book she meets a 6'6 blue eyed frenchman with a foot long penis who makes her cum her brains out. In the third book she cucks him with a black guy for a while. It is 100% femcoomer shit.

>> No.16706659

You should try The Quiet Earth

>> No.16706672

I can't remember the last book I read where the characters ethnic background was relevant

>> No.16706682

>posts animu

You're a mental case

>> No.16706731

Can you tell me a bit about yourself? Do you live a stress-free content life? Drink coffee? Masturbate a lot? Exercise?

>> No.16706734

"Oh no he doesn't have a tripcode we can't tell who it is". No, this is Rosey, still here, shitting up threads.

>> No.16706742

I like how sffg threads garner a lot of attention. This board is not too far gone to be saved.

>> No.16706794

It's Dawnshard day, r-r-right guys?

>> No.16706834
File: 1.25 MB, 900x1368, ToSleepCover-reduced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best sci-fi novel released in the last five years?

>> No.16706887

>Paolini did anything after Eragon
And it's not criminally derivative twaddle?

>> No.16706931

>earwa, smells of balls
Bakker said this, was the smell of balls a big inspiration to him when he was writing?

>> No.16706950

I only relate to protagonists with a different background, because I hate myself and my life and my country and I don't want to be reminded of all this when I want some comfy escapism. If I wanted that shit I'd look in the mirror or out of the window or read my old diary desu.
And when it comes to fantasy or sci-fi I despise human-only settings and welcome non-human protagonists (especially if it's some qt3.14 space babe or exotic fantasy creature... I've got a love-hate relationships with elves, but sometimes an elf is fine too).

>> No.16706972

Only if those are black balls which spurt black cum

>> No.16707031

thats what I thought too but after searching around I think he got inspired by jewish balls because in the interview he said "Earwa, like ancient israel, smells of balls" and that when I realized that it was jewish balls that inspired him.

>> No.16707046

best fantasy novels are actually inspired by black balls, any other kind of balls are average

>> No.16707051

Bakker BTFO

>> No.16707082


I like Heinlein. But I've only read ST and SiaSL.
I'm going to read Double Star at some point and MiaHM is on my radar.

>> No.16707126

I'm reading the world inside and it's definitely the least plausible future I've read. All these teens are fucking and being fucked constantly. Sure maybe 100 + years ago it wasn't that wierd on earth, but the chances woman would let that happen again any time I the future? Lol ok bud

>> No.16707136

I loved do androids dream but had a really hard time with neuromancer.i was pretty bored by it and didn't even finish half.

>> No.16707154
File: 253 KB, 1200x1632, 1200px-Sigmund_Freud,_by_Max_Halberstadt_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Best fantasy novels, like all best art, or even all art, are inspired by blue balls, i.e. sublimation

>> No.16707172

citation needed

>> No.16707187

the heavier the balls the best art it produces, the blue ball pain and agony of the writer inspire great emotions in his work.

>> No.16707194


>> No.16707475

Just finished snow crash.
What do you think was the best Idea in the book? I think it was Raven carrying his own nuke around

>> No.16707486

If someone wants to get started with Asimov, where should I begin? I've heard that 'i, Robot' the 'Foundation' trilogy, and 'The Caves of Steel' are some of his best works, and Everyman's Library has an edition of the 'Foundation' trilogy in hardcover

>> No.16707514

I robot if you want short stories
Caves of steel if you want novellas
Foundation if you want his big works.

>> No.16707552

My head is going hay wire trying to remember a childrens book that had a show that I watched and read long time ago.
All I can remember is something about the mcs guard companion betraying him near the middle or end of his journey after he collected all the power gems or someshit.
And it has a weird word link with tower of druaga in my mind even though they aren't related.
I'm currently going through my local library's online database and parsing through all the things with the fantasy tag, but I also have to go to work in a bit.
The details are very slight in my mind, mc is a young boy/man his guard is a middle age/old guy that helps him through the first few dungeons or something. Then it turns out he was part of the baddies trying to have mc get the things cause he wasn't pure of heart or someshit. That last part might not be right

>> No.16707604

Deltora quest by Emily Roda. A+ series.

>> No.16707608

I read this book as a teenager, and the scene where Raven fucks that dentata out of what's-her-name did... things to me.

>> No.16707700
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Holy shit you're right, I knew it had the word quest in the title, I wasted a bit of my own effort and almost got to it, but atleast I can I put my mind at ease now

>> No.16707713

It's a great series. It's one of those 90's creations that wasn't afraid to dip into outright Horror territory despite being a kids series. Fucking Ols and whatever the fuck the thing in the forest was.

>> No.16707741

I was expecting some kind of sword to cut his dick off so that actual meaning of the 'dentata' was nice

>> No.16707833

Well it's definitely not what you posted. It was too long and too shallow, with a MC that wasn't all that interesting in the end. Too Like the Lightning was much better, and gets my briefly-considered vote.

>> No.16707920


>> No.16707995


>> No.16708065
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>> No.16708107

How is Too Like the Lightning or the series in general? I've heard some voices say it's kinda dense and slow to get through?

>> No.16708495

Well I got word finally from E William Brown, so I won't fuck him for this month...

>> No.16708562

Those are irrelevant masses that just follow their desires for pleasure, people in positions where they literaly decide if other people or who or how many die or live have to be above that, and they usually are, but shitty writers are shitty writers and have to make everything about sex.

>> No.16708596

I can somewhat identify with light asian or half asian, but any other race(other than white) or half race protagonist is simply unacceptable

>> No.16708641

>people in positions where they literaly decide if other people or who or how many die or live have to be above that
Lmao, imagine actually believing something this ridiculous. Most CEOs and high-ranking politicians are sociopaths and those are even less capable of empathy than an average human.

>> No.16708672

I wasn't talking about empathy and I am not even sure why empathy was mentioned in the first place (and I don't care). I was talking about competent people in positions of power not being literal slaves to sex and I l know this from first hand experience that these people exist, so driven, they will forego sex, relationship and all the other normie shit, just to achieve what they want.

>> No.16708805

The moralfag I was originally replying to was outraged that women dared to think of sex and have sex while 'billions of people are dying'. Naturally, I pointed out the ridiculousness of a notion that a lot of people dying somewhere would stop an average, healthy human from having sexual urges and acting on them.
By the way, sociopaths tend to like sex a lot. Most of them tend to be bisexual and into a lot of kinky fetishes. But the high-functioning ones (the ones who end up in the positions of power) are also very good at lying, acting, hiding their true self and creating a palatable facade gullible masses, including moralfags, will get enamored with. So your 'first hand experience' of these people would mean fuck all. But anyway, don't want to waste any time on this pointless argument anymore, you're free to disbelieve me and keep being a good... authority-worshipping citizen.

>> No.16708812

>defending the actions of female characters

>> No.16708817

Is there a name for the writing style Ligotti uses in Teatro Grottesco? I've never read anything like it, it's so distinct, I love it. I really want a full novel in that style, not just a short.

>> No.16708865

Shoutout to based Bakkerfans

>> No.16708904

Na, they just didn't want to fuck you.

>> No.16708982

/pol/ and /r9k/ are that way, incel

>> No.16709376

hey guys, I'm fairly new to sci-fi, I usually just read non-fiction or realistic fiction. What are some good books to get into the genre. So far I've read Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead and really enjoyed them.

>> No.16709429

what's the name of the total schizo book? the one that's always recommended here with illuminanti triangles and stuff

>> No.16709457

your diary desu

>> No.16709507

Neuromancer, Foundation, and Dune are some fun classics.
Personal favorites are the Takeshi Kovacs trilogy and the Martian Chronicles.

>> No.16709574

Never Let Me Go is a more literary/realistic SF.

>> No.16709579

no and you should relate to the MC, their human problems and perspectives whatever their moral allegiance or ethnic background is, that's what makes good literature and resounding themes. As all the SJW articles out there about "decolonizing your bookshelf" say, the point is to read stories from the voice of people different than you, understand your shared place in society as human beings, and philosophize what you please. I haven't read many books that outright condemn a race other than maybe Reservation Blues which I read for High School, where you follow a group of Injuns as the MCs and all white people just seem like fucking trash by the end

>> No.16709585

Probably the Illuminatus trilogy. I just started it last night, funnily enough, and it is definitely schizo as shit.

>> No.16709670

just finished this a few days ago
thought it was hilarious

>> No.16709674

John Ringo’s Empire of Man series, each book resembles a historical battle, iirc the first book is basically Roark’s Drift in Space
There’s also his other book Centurian, which is the Journey of the Ten Thousand But in the near future (by which I mean literally this year)

>> No.16709728

Get off my fucking board, non woman hater.

>> No.16710096

/pol/ and /r9k/ are a few boards over

>> No.16710278

Bros...just quit reading the malazan book of the fallen for the third time. Made it to Bonehunters this time. Am I autistic or is the series really shit?

>> No.16710378

It's fantasy so races don't matter unless the author has a very transparent political agenda and is using the story to lecture about colonialism or whatever in which case I just drop it and pick up something interested in telling a story instead of preaching.

>> No.16710564

>people in positions where they literaly decide if other people or who or how many die or live have to be above that, and they usually are
Your current president literally pays women to have them piss on him.

>> No.16710787

Obviously both, if you're so dedicated to reading a shit series multiple times

>> No.16710945

what is the best short story anthology to wet my feet? I have the HoF anthology and its kinda met but I've only read 3 stories so far. it can be multiple authors or just one dude. I've read philip k dick and jorge borges short stories and enjoyed them a lot more than people like isaac asimov or jack vance, for what its worth.

>> No.16710948

kinda meh*

>> No.16711012

>Significant lead up of almost a chapter
>Character A approaches Character B to initiate the great climactic event which is the culmination of the last few pages of buildup
>Jump cut to side story/background events for a chapter
Why are there ad breaks in my book?

>> No.16711031

Anime/cartoons/TV has rotted the minds of modern authors. Alternatively, the need to get mre money by writing serials connected by cliffhangers rotted the minds of older ones.

>> No.16711462
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Sometimes I still spontaneously remember the masks that become permanently stuck to the wearer's face

>> No.16711465

Dying Earth

>> No.16711479

Bumpity bumpity bump

>> No.16711536

Some editor probably told him to break up the flow of the scenes because it would be more suspenseful and keep the reader going.

>> No.16711766

lord kosoter? based

>> No.16711813


>> No.16711951

Where's the discord?

>> No.16712318

Will Rothfuss finally make Doors of Stone now that the election looks to favor his side?

>> No.16712377

Just keep reading and enjoy the run, at some points you gotta just roll with it and not think too deeply on it, it’s based on a dnd game session anyway. If you’re still confused just spoon feed yourself from the wiki

>> No.16712393

>Can someone tell me what the deal is with this?
Malazan world is so ancient that several different species have evolved sentience and created their own civilizations. The K'chain are cool and you will learn to enjoy them and their flying cities.

>> No.16712448

Of course not

>> No.16712464

He has no idea where to take the story if Kvothe is no longer at school, does he?

>> No.16712791

Basically what this told me is that no Daniel Black, ever.

>> No.16712845

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