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16691789 No.16691789 [Reply] [Original]

Is there an afterlife?

>> No.16691804
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>> No.16691811

Nope. Afterlife is a concept created because people are too scared of not existing.

>> No.16691846

Well, since the astral plane is real, the afterlife should be real too by extension, or if we assume that the astral plane is the afterlife or part of it.

>> No.16691852

Yes, that's why everyone that embraces nihilism and is asked why says that it's either consoling or liberating. No one is scared of not existing because such a state cannot be imagined.

>> No.16691874

Existence of afterlife consoles those that are sad about losing their loved ones. When it comes to their own death, people are scared of what's beyond because there is no certain way to know what it's like and because they might have fucked up getting into good place.

>> No.16691877
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>astral plane
What's the quick rundown on this?

>> No.16691883

Probably not. Why would there be one?

>> No.16691885

this is the afterlife

>> No.16691886

Well, where does your soul go when you die?

>> No.16691887

Actually non-existence would be pleasurable while existing is plain horror in this world. Everything is a lie.

Honk this world.

>> No.16691891

Yes, since upon death your soul will reunite with the actus purus, i.e. God.

>> No.16691891,1 [INTERNAL] 

I was promised resurrection. I WAS PROMISED.

>> No.16691910

Hey, you know what, kill yourself and then give us a sign if there is.

>> No.16691932

into the nearest ballsack

>> No.16691959

no and I'm thankful for that. Another layer of responsibility is all it would be. After this life I want to check out, cannot understand wanting to be bound to this universe for any longer.

>> No.16691961

I hope not

>> No.16691975

I've sort of decided that life after death wouldn't be that absurd considering life itself is absurd

>> No.16692049

Yes, there is Heaven, Hell and Purgatory

>> No.16692055

Sadly there's not.
At death you end and there's nothing afterwards, it kind of feels like how you fall asleep without dreaming.
However technology is advancing at an incredible rate and I'd look into cryo preservation if I were you.
It's not too expensive and if you can get a few more decades out of life when they put you in a new body why not.
The alternative is being dead for good.

>> No.16692159


>> No.16692330

in order to have an afterlife you must first have a life.

>> No.16692340
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This assumes Closed Individualism is true

>> No.16692341


Your what?

>> No.16692350
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This but unironically. The Many-Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics/multiverse theory imply that there are an infinite number of realities, and some of those realities are paradise, hellish, or purgatorial.

>> No.16692352

t. a modern 4chan prophet

>> No.16692353

Be nice if there was. Even though I'm not really enjoying life and sleep is one of the few things I still enjoy, I wouldn't want a sleep that lasts forever, especially if there's no dreams either. I think whatever happens after death, if I still get to keep something of myself like consciousness, I'd be well happy.

>> No.16692372


>> No.16692438

If you actually believe that then why haven’t you killed yourself yet?

>> No.16692460

Pretty much this

>> No.16692464
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>> No.16692492

>good place
Retarded bronze age thinking

Ask /x/

>> No.16692502

Seems like a rushed conclusion there

>> No.16692530

That didn’t answer my question

>> No.16692538

If there was, and the being(s) behind the crime of this world were there, would you want it?

>> No.16692577

It's a stupid question

>> No.16692607

How the fuck did you even come to this question?
Why would I kill myself if I believe that this is the only chance I have at existence? I'd be more likely to kill myself if I believed that there is a better existence after this one.

>> No.16692621

There's no evidence of one.

>> No.16692718

I hope not. Terrifying to think this is not the end.

>> No.16692757

God exists as the deistic creator of the universe but there is no afterlife.
Look the fuck around you idiots. Why do you think he made trillions upon trillions of stars with mostly empty space between then just to have one where we exist on a rock orbiting one of those insignificant stars?

>> No.16692831

based retard

>> No.16692904

>Such a state could not be imagined

Remember the time before you were born? Have you been anaesthetised? Imagine that and there you go

>> No.16692946

there is no life

>> No.16692960

I'm having too much fun.

>> No.16692990
File: 653 KB, 720x1639, The Seafarer - Hell monlogue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is one description of an afterlife - from a work of fiction, mind you.

>> No.16694048

This. Although life is a symphony and death is the absence of music or sound at all in the concert hall, so is the absence of music, the vacuum, something in and of itself?

>> No.16694070

You're scaring me, anon

>> No.16694154

I seriously hope not
imagine being reborn chinese, or worse, a woman

>> No.16694186

this thread belongs on /x/
i mean you didn't even put "books for this feel" or some other weaselly phrase to make your shitty thread on topic

>> No.16694581

Don't lie

>> No.16694417


>> No.16694949

There is life and there is death. Arising and ceasing. Their interplay is existence. You are dying right now. But you will arise again, just like the wave after the crest.

>> No.16695022

Afterlife is a literal cope

>> No.16695805


>> No.16696008

It is not out of possibility.

>> No.16696017

There is no such thing as life, how can there be an after it?

>> No.16696089

You can't imagine not being. The best you can accomplish is an image of darkness, but even that is an image and there is someone looking at it. You exist eternally.

>> No.16696130

it's up to you

>> No.16696489

There is an afterlife. Not because of any evidence or true conviction but because believing it feels good. Don't listen to people priding themselves on rationality and truth, the reality is there just trying to find some value out of willfully suffering. Don't suffer more then you need to, live your life happy and content.

>> No.16696623

Nothing does not exist.

>> No.16696711

"Man is insignificant in the material universe!"
The material universe is insignificant before the might of God. The smallest iota and the grandest pattern are both fondly and caringly regarded by the omniscient gardener.

>> No.16696724

Neither do final states.

>> No.16696802

You’ll be reincarnated