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16688005 No.16688005 [Reply] [Original]

>untranslated german words in english sentences

>> No.16688027
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>untranslated greek words in english sentences
>also untransliterated from greek alphabet

>> No.16688211
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>latinized Greek

>> No.16688219

>letters in mathematical equations

>> No.16688224
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>mispronounced French words in (((English)))

>> No.16688228

I remember reading an english translation of Aristotle in an edition where the author made footnotes in untranslated greek and latin. They weren’t very helpful.

>> No.16688233
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>transliterated arabic

>> No.16688236
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>author uses whole phrases in Latin he has composed himself which are completely impenetrable to his reader unless they knows Latin

>> No.16688242

I remember reading some book on Greek myth and the author, who was an Anglo, would frequently put entire footnotes in German. He wasn't quoting anyone, as best I could tell he'd just say whatever he had to say in German if he had to use a German word.

>> No.16688297

Nothing humbles me more than this.

>> No.16688327
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>book is entirely in English
>still can't understand half of it

>> No.16688334

Are you an American zoomer?

>> No.16688464
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>words on paper

>> No.16688957

yeah i've seen this shit in a german text from 1920s for university students. Most probaly all of them knew both langauges
based nazi daspora

>> No.16688977

This is common in older books, you couldn't get away with being a monolingual brainlet in those days

>> No.16689778

I bought a book about Voltaire and every time he's quoted it's kept it in the original French, the writer also mogged me with numerous passages in German and Latin

>> No.16689875

Based. One of the best ways to filter plebs is to use more than one language while writing.

>> No.16689897
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>metric system in fiction

>> No.16690040

This is actually a good way to filter out anglos. Extremely based

>> No.16690113
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>untranslated english words in any other language

>> No.16690174

Basic Gestalt Weltanschauung Sein Schwuchtel

>> No.16690289
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>reading a McCarthy book
>all the dialogue is in spanish

>> No.16690307

>and as he turned away to go he said: "देवनागरी एक भारतीय लिपि है जिसमें अनेक भारतीय भाषाएँ तथा कई विदेशी भाषाएँ लिखी जाती हैं। यह बायें से दायें लिखी जाती है। इसकी पहचान एक क्षैतिज रेखा से है जिसे 'शिरोरेखा' कहते हैं। संस्कृत, पालि, हिन्दी, मराठी, कोंकणी, सिन्धी, कश्मीरी, हरियाणवी, डोगरी, खस, नेपाल भाषा (तथा अन्य नेपाली भाषाएँ), तमांग भाषा, गढ़वाली, बोडो, अंगिका, मगही, भोजपुरी, नागपुरी, मैथिली, संताली, राजस्थानी बघेली आदि भाषाएँ और स्थानीय बोलियाँ भी देवनागरी में लिखी जाती हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त कुछ स्थितियों में गुजराती, पंजाबी, बिष्णुपुरिया मणिपुरी, रोमानी और उर्दू भाषाएँ "
>In awe, the protagonist replied, "I had never seen it that way..."

>> No.16691571

>doesn't at least have a basic understandimg of español
You're ngmi. But in reality I'm surprised at people who claim to be McCarthy fans that drop the Border Trilogy due to the spanish dialogue. The vocab he uses is very limited and if you're not retarded you should be able to memorize the frequently repeated phrases. Iirc the best part of The Crossing besides the opening is with the priest in the church and I think that was all spanish and I feel bad for anyone who skipped it

>> No.16691622

>entire citation in greek, except for some brackets in which sanskrit equivalents are given

>> No.16691624
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>author describes characters by referencing Ancient Greek dieties

>> No.16691650
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Yes, and?

>> No.16691655

>philologist uses all the romance languages and Latin without the English equivalent

>> No.16691660

Because they don't translate directly

>> No.16691792

>buy book
>it's entirely in German
what the FUCK

>> No.16691797


>> No.16691983

I'm Canadian we learn French, if anything, not Spanish. Anyway I just did the translations as I read it. ATPH+TC were absolutely riveting and I look forward to rereading the trilogy again sometime very soon.

>> No.16691989

Imagine being unfähig to understand Fachsprache.

>> No.16692021
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>author quotes entire paragraphs in greek
>offers a translation, in latin

>> No.16692043
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>footnotes in untranslated proto-indo-european

>> No.16692337

>untranslated french and latin are the norm of English language
Why, anglos?

>> No.16692343

it's called transliteration

>> No.16692355

>accomodating spics

>> No.16692364
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>> No.16692375

Try not being a pleb.

>> No.16692389

Being able to read Greek and Latin doesn't make your a patrician, it makes you an idiot for using up so much of your brainpower learning a useless skill

>> No.16692399
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>> No.16692422

Wow, is coping your superpower?

>> No.16692467

>using up so much of your brainpower

>> No.16692512

Are you in qubec? I've never known someone who didn't have the option between french or spanish. And all the chads took spanish because it's easier.

>> No.16692525
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>words period

>> No.16692531

I don't understand this post, I used up all my brainpower.

>> No.16692543


Anglos take what we want from whoever we want. Your words are now our words, capisce?

>> No.16692545

I have never once heard of such a thing. Do you live very close to the American border?

>> No.16692600

In calgary, I know my friends in BC took spanish too. I assumed everyone had the option besides those in quebec.

>> No.16692711

My brainpower was destroyed by trying to comprehend this shitpost by a burger

>> No.16692890

>russian with whole untranslated pages in french

>> No.16692891
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>full of Russian phrases, Latinized because all Russians migrated to North America in the 15th century
What was he thinking?

>> No.16693659

Based and truthpilled

>> No.16693776
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>german sentences with english grammer

>> No.16693777

(get it?)

>> No.16693788

You mean... like Heidegger? they were all just larping, since Schiller, pure larping. In the academia were the greeks, in the military the romans, since sieg heil became associated with the roman salute... but all of it was just pure larping. Remember, all germs are barbarians.

>> No.16693823

burger and zoomerpilled

>> No.16693835

i'm deeply disgusted by this phantasía logiké

>> No.16693838

that be the neuter nominative!

>> No.16693954

Absolute bugman

>> No.16693988

schadenfreude comes in handy and it doesn't translate