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File: 957 KB, 1096x678, west vs east.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16691379 No.16691379 [Reply] [Original]

You have 30 seconds to name someone who explained the degeneration of modern world better than J. Evola

>> No.16691381

The Bible, plato

>> No.16691402

Guenon (pbuh)

>> No.16691409

Guenon literally supported freemasonry -- the father of the modern world

>> No.16691411

Why? What did the hecking Freemasonorinos do?

>> No.16691436

Rousseau, Babeuf, americanism, degeneration...


>> No.16691449
File: 302 KB, 750x970, H0027-L25673671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His paintings look like something I'd doodle during typing class in Microsoft Paint

>> No.16691470

>The two spheres - the exoteric sphere and the esoteric - Guénon suggested, ought to be complementary: so that an individual who is incapable of following 'exoteric' norms aimed at investing life with order and sacredness ought not attempt to pursue a higher path.
So based?

>A 'consecration', therefore, of external, active life today can only derive from a free and genuine inner drive towards transcendence, rather than from given moral or religious norms.
Ah, so a pearl clutcher no different than your kike overlords. How can anyone develop this "drive" if you hide it from them? Everyone needs access to these pearls -- pearls covered in shit is still a pearl. People tend to be stupid because of generalities. What Evola here proposes is a game for people who are either lucky or who aren't in gaining access to this knowledge. I can see why he's not a fascist at all

>> No.16691480

Dada is supposed to be chaotic and I guess silly at times, as a form of rebellion, though when it comes to that particular piece I'd kick out some elements to make the composition flow better.
I honestly could never get into modern art, I can appreciate it as final touch in room design, but as a standalone piece it never meant anything to me, I get more emotion from classical paintings.

>> No.16691510

same coud be said for
>neo plasticism
>alot of cubism

>> No.16691512

It's not just you contemporary art critics laughed at Evola. He was a hack

>> No.16691530

did contemporary literary/political critics also laugh?

>> No.16691542

Don't know if they even knew about his attempts at art since he was embarrassed by the reactions he got and stopped painting.

>> No.16691559
File: 58 KB, 1024x576, 1603652538074m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you people ever explain *why* "degeneracy" is bad?

>> No.16691566
File: 121 KB, 632x347, william based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Degeneracy in the modern context? It's materialism. As a whole? It's the pearl clutching that has been prevalent since the Bronze Age. This was our fall from Eden. Evola is a dastardly villain

>> No.16691569

This post was typed by amerifat Guenonian hands
Schuon was much smarter than (((Guenon)))

>> No.16691570


>> No.16691579

He's wrong. There are eternal truths. The Faustian age is just a passing phase

>> No.16691589
File: 42 KB, 279x373, dime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always and forever

>> No.16691590

The modern world hasn't degenerated in any way.

>> No.16691591

>Why can't you people ever explain *why* being addicted to heroin is bad?

>> No.16691594


>> No.16691595

It's well-explained and justified. You just want to be spoon-fed consequentualist crap

>> No.16691627


That's what got us into this mess.

>> No.16691920

Because I say so.

>> No.16692003

Left and right are both trash fuck women fuck men fuck humanity and, most importantly, fuck you OP.

>> No.16692014

I fuck anyone i want, i get abortions whenever i want, i take plan bs whenever i want okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay?

>> No.16692017


>> No.16692018

F. Neetsche

>> No.16692033

Is it bad that I really badly want to dress like a muslim girl?

>> No.16692042

Source on left pic?

>> No.16692180

The level of dishonesty hahahahahahaha Guénon wrote an entire book calling masons counter-traditional.

>> No.16692184

Adolf Hitler

>> No.16692227


>> No.16692230


>> No.16692398

contemporary to his time? During his short-lived dada phase he exhibited in some major exhibitions, and was close to Tzara. Anything afterwards (today's contemporaneity) just dismisses him for ideological reasons.

>> No.16692404

And now it's the only thing to get us out of it...

>> No.16692409

How high-modernist of you!

>> No.16692432

Quite the opposite.

>> No.16692439


>> No.16692598
File: 117 KB, 706x1062, gatsu young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you tired? Isn't it painful to always criticize, to always see the ugly side of things? To think yourself alone in a world with no allies, stranded in a time where you do not belong? If only you could have the glorious death you wish for... If only you could be the inner warrior you are sure to be... If only you could love, wholly, completely, a woman that respects you and admires your secret strength: the strength of a spiritual warrior. You would be whole. But the era is indeed Kali Yuga and you are alone, with few others, last men standing amongst the ruins of a world once glorious, once beautiful. Once...? Yes, once: repeat this to yourself. Yours is the mission to bring forth tiny sparks of goodness, reconnect the little bit you can to a superior and sacred metaphysical order, an order beyond time. Yours is the mission to prepare, for as little as you can, the return of an age of gold: to let it manifest, even if for a second, through your own life and example. Yours is the mission of developing in yourself the total freedom of the solar spiritual warrior.

But let me ask you this: have you actually found something more than bitterness anywhere you went? Anywhere you looked, with those eyes of yours? Is this fight brought on against the decay of the world, this vengeance of yours against time robbing man of everything beautiful - is this satisfying for you? Where is the war you long for? Where are the enemies you fought in vision and dream? Where is the complete compenetration of true love? Nowhere, nowhere to be seen... You see men calling themselves happy and call that a semblance of happiness. You see women calling themselves liberated and call that "degeneracy". Of what? From what? From what order and what moment in time, my friend, oe from what higher, atemporal ground - if not that of a spiritual childhood of man that never actually existed? Never in history. As you read more, you doubt, you start perceiving that Kali Yuga is not the age you live in: it is existence itself. Has the solar purity of the golden age truly manifested in, in history - do you see it in the Imperium of the Romans? Study them throughly and you'll see nothing but old men singing praises of themselves - and the same blood, and gore, and "degeneracy" of our age. Old men singing of values. Old men singing of heroes THEY THEMSELVES NEVER WERE. Singing of a young death never achieved, but still dreamed in the sadness of their old age. For were are the heroes who died young, dear to the gods? Nowhere. Nowhere to be seen. Nowhere but in stories, in chants, in poems.

>> No.16692601

You, so vibrant of life, take advices from these men? You, so full of power, listen to words of old cowards in wheelchairs, of mystics believing themselves part of a spiritual army? It is a convenient retreat, that of the old man writing - calling "war" and "degeneracy" everything he does not participate in, not because he does not want, but because he cannot: not anymore. You see men calling themselves happy and called that a semblance of happiness: yet, they fight more than you, harder than you. They fight for things you may call petty, but haven't they merged with Kali Yuga more than you ever did? Aren't their ordinary, unaware lives lived riding the tiger of modern times more than that of old, reactionary men, babbling of symbols and gods, ever circling the same ideas, ever recognizing, in religious signs and esoteric doctrine, the confirmation of what they already believed in? Isn't it senile, isn't it the mark of old age, of stale thought, poisonous like all still water, to always return upon itself, to repeat the same story all over again?

>> No.16692608

You say: the golden age will come again. Believe the self, in you, who believes this, for he has faith in the only thing that will exist: the future. Not the past, not a cyclical age returned, not the wheel of time, for your life already screams: everything that happened to me, will happen only once. There are no second first experiences: and as is for you, so is for mankind: so is for the cosmos. The cosmos does not fold upon itself. All circles are already broken, and those which are not, are broke by death. Yet, the future exists. The future stands - the future! - beyond the necrophilia of these old men, beyond fascinations of heroism lost and fallen empires - the future! Where the time and space of today are dead already, and everything is there to shine anew, to be made anew - by YOU. You have felt in yourself the presence of a spiritual childhood and you were not wrong: for the love you felt for it is indeed love for something that exists. But it is not time returned that you want, but novelty, life baptized anew. Love for youth born anew. Love for life fully explored, for life consuming life, love - mind - not for war, but for the world making itself anew through war, and of war only as a phase of this renewal: of war as a function of the emergence of novelty. Love for what lies beyond all borders: for the ever-expanding, ever-surprising birth and rebirth of novelty through novelty in the endless mitosis of life adventuring in all possible futures. Why then, enclose time in a circle? Why listen to old men, men who whose youth will not return, and who have dreamed of nothing but of its return? Whose philosophy is but a crime against novelty, against life trying itself in all possible ways, in all possible directions, in the ugly as well as in the beautiful? There is no value beside this attempt, beside limitless creativity of life and its search for the new. So answer me now: why are you here? Are you here to make it so that that time past happens AGAIN? Or are you here TO MAKE IT NEW?

>> No.16692614

Why, indeed? Can you expand on that so we may have a discussion?

>> No.16692623


>> No.16692879

stupid weeb bitch

>> No.16692902

>Why can't you people ever explain *why* "degeneracy" is bad?
Because a World of hedonism has no value to anyone. There is no cause worth fighting for, there is no values to uphold, there is no way you can go forward. It's a dead end and it quickly follows up with rot and decay.

>> No.16692925

maybe if you’re an incel shut in who doesn’t actually get to enjoy the ecstasy of degeneracy. just stop being ugly and autistic, and see how much it changes your worldview lol

>> No.16692944

>Hmmm, I'm an idiot prole that dropped out of high school works a 9/5 job and I spend my free time hiring hookers and doing cocaine
>I know, I'll browse the literature board!

>> No.16692961

why would I browse /lit/ if i spend all my free time with hookers and coke

>> No.16692983

Gawd no Spengler is an idiot.

>> No.16692984

You tell me.

>> No.16692989

Sean Green and Rupi Kaur

>> No.16693009

I think its utterly disgusting how people can so harshly criticize the work of someone who isnt an artist by trade. He was a philosopher, he studied maths in his youth. He didnt study and do art every day from the age of 14.
It isnt as to as high standards of other artists but that doesnt give you the right to belittle the creativity of another person. Ass hole jerk face.

>> No.16693035
File: 167 KB, 583x792, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-R06610,_Oswald_Spengler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16693036

The islamic abaya's function is only one: to cover a woman's body so that she would not tempt men. Those bitches on the left are not only leaving their faces visible, but they're wearing makeup (obviously not allowed), they're wearing clothes that highlight their tight waists (same) and one of them even has her feet uncovered!

Women are retarded, vain cunts, regardless of culture.

>> No.16693162

I don't get who's supposed to be the east and who the west in this pic.

>> No.16693178

Why women should not tempt men?

>> No.16693182
File: 383 KB, 884x663, Godstiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to renounce the world, by all means go for it, but if you're doing it on an anime image board you've become a parody of your intentions. Lots of "trad" larping is just the socially inept wishing for a dead environ whose rules they understood. Social cues are more complex now. Everything becomes "trad" in the rearview mirror. You watch shit from under a century ago & think it's "trad." Everything is "trad."

>> No.16693185

there's no degeneration. It's all bullshit.

>> No.16693191
File: 117 KB, 2250x930, yeezy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16693194
File: 14 KB, 300x300, destiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no way you can go forward
There is more social mobility now than there has in any other time in history. There was no room to go "forward" in your backwater medieval villages, incel.
>There is no cause worth fighting for
There absolutely is. You can start a family. You can choose to get really skilled at something. Artwork. MMA. Whatever you want. You have more options now than ever before but you just want to cry on image boards.

>> No.16693222 [DELETED] 

Good evening, I didn't find an adequate thread to ask my question and I didn't want to pollute the front page with a stupid thead so i'm asking it here.
Earlier today I had a YouTube vid in my rec from Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson as his guest and they were talking about "Post modernism".
There are some things I've not understood well so, if someone answer these:
>Are social studies and gender studies considered post modernism since they are trying to deconstruct the individuals?
>In the video Peterson say that post modernists don't care about the individual but the identity ; what does he means by "individual" (does he mean what makes a man a man and a woman a woman?)?
>and lastly, why are they against reason, science, dialogue and so on...What is their end goal?
Sorry if these are stupid questions bro but i'm not that smart.

>> No.16693830

I see the good things in life. You're simply not well read. I'm not a pessimist, I simply pointed out a continous problem and what could've been

>> No.16694313

Put in more general metaphysical terms - I cba to bother with Indian stuff.

>> No.16694382

>Social cues are more complex now.
Could you expand on this. I think there are powerful arguments against the trad larding your attempting to attack, but this all to familiar "you’re ugly/unpopular/unlikeable" is unconvincing and is actually an argument against your position. The current order is bad because it harms these people and it is logical to criticize that which harms them.

>> No.16694389

the 50's fetishists are more a Twitter and Instagram phenomenon.

>> No.16694390

>There is more social mobility now than there has in any other time in history.
Not him but that's not true. There is, it's widely studied, less social mobility now than, say, in the 60s. As to why, or what it means, that's another question.
Also :
>You have more options now than ever before but you just want to cry on image boards.
Maybe thinking of these things as options is the problem. Most people were bred and molded by biology and history to work under stress, to face adversity and struggle to survive, have children, etc., in tight-knit communities. Doesn't take a genius IQ to realize that social isolation and comfort make it hard to get direction in life for many.

>> No.16694892

That's theosophy.

>> No.16694952

Nobody is really worth anything. Went to the beach today, hundreds of people, hundreds of ultramodern cars that looked the same despite having different makes. Everyone was fat, sunburnt, their wrists bulging around their palms as they take selfies every hundred steps. Do these people really deserve to propagate if they can't enjoy anything? I don't think they could convince me they are happy, and if they did, they would be different people. For the average person life is always going to be pretty mediocre, and standards change with the times, so nobody really appreciates anything they have.

>> No.16695028

>There is more social mobility now than there has in any other time in history. There was no room to go "forward" in your backwater medieval villages, incel.
Yes we can slave our entire lives away to barely afford rent and consume goods unlike anytime in history.

>There absolutely is. You can start a family. You can choose to get really skilled at something. Artwork. MMA. Whatever you want. You have more options now than ever before but you just want to cry on image boards.
Those things have no market value and no societal value. You will get nowhere with those things.

>> No.16695038

Unironically, Adorno.

>> No.16695083

>His paintings look like something I'd doodle during typing class in Microsoft Paint

I love how this suddenly becomes a bad thing when the painter in question has views that the mainstream discourse finds taboo.

>> No.16695239

You're not as good a writer as you think you are. Also, what a horrendous post.

>> No.16695242

He wrote books about both Theosophy and Masonry and the counter-tradition.

>> No.16695269

Paulus (pbuh), Platon (pbuh)

>> No.16695274

They didn't have their head bashed in by the based Jesuits.

>> No.16695281
File: 32 KB, 600x688, 361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16695310

not an argument

>> No.16695324

>There is more social mobility now than there has in any other time in history.
>There absolutely is. You can start a family. You can choose to get really skilled at something.
marriage is now a purely bourgeois construct with no traditions or real purpos, to think marriage has the same meaning now as it did in medieval times is laughable.

kys retard sophist

>> No.16695335

>You watch shit from under a century ago & think it's "trad." Everything is "trad."
Anything post-enlightenment isn't trad.

>> No.16695349 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 1422x1626, so true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Classic philosophers that rigorously devoted themselves to the study of art, literature, history, philosophy, ideals, politics, religion, and metaphysics.
Worthless garbage that has not and never will matter.
>Scrawny gamer liberal centrist soiboy that "debates" uneducated proles over the internet

>> No.16695356
File: 170 KB, 1422x1626, so true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Classic philosophers that rigorously devoted themselves to the study of art, literature, history, philosophy, ideals, science, politics, religion, and metaphysics.
Worthless garbage that has not and never will matter.
>Scrawny gamer liberal centrist soiboy that "debates" uneducated proles over the internet

>> No.16695384

maybe reddit is more your speed

>> No.16695400

>my side good, your side bad

>> No.16695408
File: 226 KB, 1422x1626, so true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>philosophy dumb, youtubers good

>> No.16695497

It is better to live a long and good life than to die young, to teach and share and prove helpful.

>> No.16695636

This is actually Destiny right? You write exactly like him.

>> No.16695762


>> No.16695951

I don't know how Destiny writes.

>> No.16696346

Dont listen to the weak conservatives Anon, this is very well written and you make many good points. Traditionalists are just sad losers stuck in the past, unable to learn from the past.

No different from people who watch Star Wars or Hero movies.

>> No.16696351

>Because a World of hedonism has no value to anyone.
The only one living in a world of hedonism is you, I have very little problem giving in to some of my intellectual inclinations, in fact the internet makes it much easier.

>> No.16696857

He also thought masonry were where the last remnants of true initiation in the West lied. He simply considered it was a difficult thing to restaure this old masonry, maybe impossible. You do know masonry went through a lot of changes and it is, still today, split between a rather more traditional and a rather more progressive camp?

>> No.16696870

You're right, but this stance shouldn't be instrumentalized as a tool to suppress discontent with the current direction things have taken. Which is what it often means, considering 'forward-looking' prospects most of the time are only the furthering of the same (liberal, leftist, egalitarian, etc. ; sorry but that's the stupid truth) project that's already defined the last few centuries.

>> No.16696895

I do both

>> No.16696972

It means different things for different people.
I take to mean people becoming psychologically and physically weaker, less able of harsh efforts and striving for strange and complex things. I take it to be both a biological and cultural process, although the second causes the first. I think its bad because although I'm flawed, I value many "strange and complex things" (difficult artistic products, sacrifices, a complex emotional inner life that requires attention and can be quite unpleasant) and I think that once one starts caring about those things, one almost always retroactively realizes their life has become more interesting and they don't want to go back to their inferior, 'stupid' state. So that it's not just a personal preference but one that I think all would share in the right environment. So I have both an egoistic and an altruistic reason to dislike some modern developments. I'm not a trad though I think that's a dumb way to look at things.
Here, there you go, a fully fleshed out answer. You don't deserve it.

>> No.16696989

I don't get it, why are those pictures degenerate in any sense of the word?

>> No.16697011

Look at the OP. that lady has dreadlocks, these are truly terrible times

>> No.16697016

You never provided one to begin with, you just said "thing bad!"

>> No.16697018

Glad no one took the bait

>> No.16697325

it's not bait dipshit

>> No.16697970

addiction is naturally understood to be bad, not sure where your disagreement lies.

>> No.16698065


>> No.16698085


>> No.16698205
