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16688183 No.16688183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Pragmatism poggers?

>> No.16688191
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>> No.16688198

Is poggers pragmatic?

>> No.16688206


>> No.16688330
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>Is Pragmatism poggers?
There's something so absurdly funny to me about the conjunction between venerated philosophers and the spectacle of zoomer culture.

>> No.16688552


>> No.16688574


>> No.16689137


>> No.16689147

>*buuurrrppppp* just do whats pragmatic bruh.

Damn it really do be like that

>> No.16689167
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>> No.16689176

It sucks that this thread is the only relevant place to say this but mark my words: within 2-3 academic generations Charles Sanders Peirce will receive a renaissance of study and take his place among the greatest and most widely discussed philosophers of the western pantheon.

>> No.16689177

damn this really melts my heart....

>> No.16689183

I'm interested to learn more anon. Why do you think so?

>> No.16689186

This is already happening. Let me guess, indexicality?

>> No.16689199

Its based and coompilled, perhaps even zoomer doomer and Chadpilled

>> No.16689201

Because his philosophy is the ends-oriented answer to postmodernism and can be used as a bridge between political philosophy and empirical data on social organization. Also because he is, I think, congenial to the American moderate and will appeal on the surface as an attractive and sensible paragon of a discourse that seeks to transcend the confused noise and conflict of post-9/11 United States and its similarly media-saturated Western allies.

>> No.16689208

>his philosophy is the ends-oriented answer to postmodernism
Very interesting. Can you elaborate more on this? How is he the answer?

>> No.16689212

have already been looking into him for my own thesis
thanks for reminding me

>> No.16689238

Because I firmly believe, though I don't know how satisfied I would be with my own ad hoc justification, that the best answer to postmodernism (where I think postmodernism should have gone but didn't explore completely enough) is the idea that one may have his delusion as long as it brings him success. I think CSP's semiotics and writings on logic and metaphysics are the perfect foundation for this belief: a sort of knowing irony that, unlike the cynicism that marked Western culture in the late 20th century, is not enervating but invigorating. I believe it is possible to justify one's beliefs in justice, temperance, equality, nation, and charity without having to resort to moralistic sentiment. It seems to me that within western culture there have long been two camps among the public, those who are so afraid to lose the moral platitude that they refuse even to justify it, and those who claim that the moral platitudes' grounding in the tautology of human judgement renders it useless. There is an entire field fertile for theorists to resolve that dispute, to demonstrate that we do not have to lose our security or sentimentality, and that desiring security and sentimentality can be rerouted into a strength that is not based on blind belligerence.

>> No.16689246

Cool so Richard Rorty

>> No.16689248

What Rorty should have been, but yes, in a way

>> No.16689259

Yeah don’t get me wrong Rort shit the bed in his later years. In any case I’ve been meaning to check out Pierce for a long time now. After this conversation I certainly will

>> No.16689295

Very interesting, thanks for explanation. Since his work is rather vast, which papers do you recommend to start with?

>> No.16689318

For what I'm talking about specifically, anything on Pragmatism as a philosophical body rather than his delineations or logic or semiotics. A lot of his stuff so far as I know is collections but you could spring for Chance, Love, and Logic.

>> No.16689320

Everyone who is already in the know recognizes that CSP is goat. Everyone who can engage with him on his level acknowledges him. The main reason why he is not more widely recognized as opposed to his protege William James is that he didn't have the same platform as a Harvard professor and wasn't from as elite a family and never gave lectures to the general public. He isn't accessible, and worked on a level that one is only able to engage with if you have the same rigoorus. technical background.
Just going off the wikipedia page on him,
>Webster's Biographical Dictionary said in 1943 that Peirce was "now regarded as the most original thinker and greatest logician of his time."

>> No.16689341
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>> No.16689394

insanely based

>> No.16689633

My nigga peirce with the quasi set theory. Everything is a sign easily turns into everything is an object or everything is a function and all the other relationship that peirce talks about stays true. In Linux everything is a folder, for example. Based peirce will save us all

>> No.16690211

Rick & Morty > Richard Rorty>>16689246