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/lit/ - Literature

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1667415 No.1667415 [Reply] [Original]

just curious, do you guys drink and smoke while you read?

why? does it make reading better?

im not of age and live with my parents, but i want to try it soon.

>> No.1667421

I am the best tripfag on /lit/

>> No.1667424
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whoops forgot my pic

>> No.1667439

>do you smoke?
>do you drink?
>while you read?
lol this ain't the circus bro

>> No.1667445
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>> No.1667735


yes because multitasking is a strenuous task

>> No.1667740

My ex (am I allowed to call him that? I don't even know) chain smokes while he reads. It's going to kill him, I swear.

>> No.1667748
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mfw people don't despise you completely and simply tolerate your utter asinine bullshit poxy philosophical chit-chat

>> No.1667755

Lie down in comfortable position while enjoying the effects of marijuana and audiobook.

'Old fashioned' reading is fine too.

Drinking and reading sounds for me like pissing and high voltage. Bukowski could have different opinion, but he was alcoholic so it doesn't count unless you are planning to be one.

>> No.1667944

i know two brothers who will drink straight whiskey and smoke joint after joint and finish a book in a few hours. both very smart people, but also their probably alcoholics

>> No.1667946

Having a couple drinks to relax while you read is fine, and quite enjoyable. But trying to read while the words are moving is useless.

>> No.1667947

I smoke cigarettes, yes. Not weed, I'm not twelve. And no, I don't drink. I prefer to think soberly while intaking literature.

I don't need intoxicants to enjoy reading, fag.

>> No.1667950

We here at /lit/ try not take anything Bukowski said, or thought seriously.

>> No.1667953

i got high once and read... it was just like reading while very very tired. my concentration was a bit better though (i was in a noisy environment and usually lose focus when there's a lot going on around me...except when high, apparently)

>> No.1667961

Some people need intoxicants to enjoy anything.

>> No.1667969

Speak for yourself, I happen to like his poetry.
Even if you don't appreciate his writing, at least you can recognize that he was prolific, and he worked hard for the recognition he eventually received.

I like to drink, but not too excessively, at least not when I read.

Sometimes I like to get high and read difficult things, it slows me down and forces me to focus on my comprehension, it really helped me when I was trying to read Milton.

>> No.1667975

Heroin is better for reading..it made me more focused but also more emotional..drinking and smoking i like to do when I don't feel like reading

>> No.1667986

I like to be soggy while reading; it helps to keep me from both over-analyzing and taking it too seriously.

>> No.1667981

>Worked Hard

Pick one.

You know what writing I like of his? I like that one that he was drunk when he wrote it and swore a lot. That guy was sooooo deep and edgy.

>> No.1667993

dunno why you would do drugs and then read. seems like a complete fucking waste to me, but whatever..

>> No.1667995

>worked hard
Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.

Also, not all of his writing is as you describe. Like I said, I'm a fan of his poetry.

But hey, you dont like it, so that makes it objectively bad.

>> No.1667997

How can you read while nodding out?

>> No.1668001

Uppers. Smoking pot and reading is OK I guess for young adult fiction.

>> No.1668017

When it comes to Bukowski, those two things shouldn't be used in the same sentence as him.

His fiction sucks. He's always the main character, he's always the baddest toughest motherfucker in the story who fucks up everyones shit.

>> No.1668018
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>reading a book whilst high

you cant have ever got high before, so let me tell you literature is best at ground level.

>> No.1668023

Well..if you do dope for long enough..the nod doesn't last very long (tolerance) and therefore you are just kind of smacked out and focused and emotional and it's really quite nice for reading in a dimly lit room with erik satie in the background..

>> No.1668026

Yeah, thats true. If you don't like his biographical phase, thats fine. Don't read it.

What I mean when I say that he was prolific, and that he worked hard, is that he wrote his entire life. He worked at being a writer the entire time he was alive, in that sense he was constantly at work.

What I mean when I say that he was prolific, is that he wrote a lot.

If you dislike the quality of his work, or the tone of his work, or if you dislike him as a person... thats fine. The one thing you cant argue against, is that he did the work.

So, let me enjoy it, and I'll let you not enjoy it... but don't speak for /lit/, because you are not the whole of /lit/.

>> No.1668029

I do opiates whenever I can get them, which isn't often. They're not popular on campus around here. I'd buy dope, but I'm too much of a scrawny white boy, and I can't afford a car. I do sub strips a lot, because I get them cheap from a kid I know, but they suck ass compared to oxy.

>> No.1668035

>If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.
Talk about drugs like a mad cunt with your other 15 year old buddies. This board is for books.

>> No.1668041

I've noticed that people who usually hate on Bukowski are the types of intellectual assholes he criticized in his work.

>> No.1668045

I do like Bukowski, but he's kind of the older equivalent of Palahniuk. Writes the same story over and over again and changes some details.

>> No.1668047

>he wrote for his whole life

He quit for ten years, throwing a huge tantrum when he didn't get accepted by publishers.

>> No.1668049

Most of his "autobiographical" work isn't actually directly about him, but rather based on his growing up. Ham On Rye is probably the most accurate of his actual feelings about himself. He's admitted a few times that he's actually somewhat of a coward in confrontations until he drinks.

And many famous writers who he spent time with said he challenged them to fights all the time if they got on his nerves after drinking.

>> No.1668054

I've noticed all his fans are all the same faggot atheist liberaltard who wrote about Anonymous taking on the Westboro Baptist Church in the school paper at college, and that they've probably never read his work, and they're just in love with his image.

>> No.1668053

He was an autobiographical writer, who switched to poetry later in his life.

I'm guessing this board doesnt care for Henry Miller, either.

>> No.1668055

my favorite writer could beat up your favorite writer hurr durr

>> No.1668057

Not really.

Post Office was set in his Chinaski's older life as a mailman, Women focused on his relationships, and Ham On Rye centered around his growing up.

And as for his short stories and poetry, that is about as prolific and diverse as you get.

Plus only hipsterfags like Chuck.

>> No.1668058

>Ham on Rye
>Post Office

All autobiographical, AFAICT, albeit with a fair amount of hyperbole.

>> No.1668062

>mfw you're personifying the people he complained about perfectly
>mfw the only place you can vent your impotent rage is on an imageboard

>> No.1668063

If your favorite writer is Robert E Howard, or Hemingway, I believe you.

>> No.1668073

While in high school, Charles typified the average underachieving dipshits that populate most of American preparatory schools. He was awkward, he had no skills when it came to sports, he was very large and mean looking for his age, and girls did not like him. On top of all of these normal teenage maladies, he contracted Acne so bad that he would have to spend many years going to doctors to remove huge boils that would explode on his skin. Due to these outbreaks, Bukowski would have scars for the rest of his life; a point that his later literature would take great pains to point out, as if acne was a “Red Badge of Courage”, or a cross to bear.

>> No.1668074

I tried drinking and writing when I was in university. OUTCOME: a) shittier prose than my usual shitty prose, b) puked pasta alfredo on my parents' couch. CONCLUSION: unless you're papa hemingway, leave it to the professional drinkers

>> No.1668072

They're not completely autobiographical. They're only loosely based on his life.

It's been debated for years just how much was true, and one of his ex's even published a story about how his account of their stay together at his house was completely untrue and that he was actually a gentleman around her even when intoxicated.

>> No.1668079

Hemingway. He'd plug Bukowski with a luger.

>> No.1668083
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I do enjoy my pipe when I'm reading.

cigarettes are pigshit disgusting, though.

>> No.1668085

Bukowski disliked liberals and was Agnostic.

I am a libtard and an Atheist, though. And nothing on 4chan should offend anyone unless they're a newfag.

>> No.1668090

"I'm an alcoholic, not an idiot." -Hemingway when asked by an interviewer if he wrote while intoxicated.

>> No.1668092

Writers who are good fighters are usually the best writers.

>> No.1668098

>dislike writer as a human being
>terrible writer.

>> No.1668100

you seem like you're getting kind of mad, though... lol

>> No.1668099

He did a well enough job on himself already.

>> No.1668104

I lol'd. ZING.

>> No.1668114
File: 20 KB, 463x313, Jar-Jar-Binks-Makes-Surprise-Visit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I think u mad 'cause I aint' mad.

>> No.1668122
File: 27 KB, 249x411, Bukowski17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1668125


>> No.1668134

Well, I've samefagged this thread into Bukowski's favor.

Back to /x/ I go.

>> No.1668136

... :/

>> No.1668269


you are delusional my friend. ive done many opiates over a span of a couple years, including injecting heroin many times. there is no way you can read on the drug and comprehend it for more than 20 minutes.

>> No.1668275

I think I just have a different idea of "comprehension" in this sense..also when you go full blown junky, you get to the point where, doing dope everyday you can do lots of things like go to work, meet the dealers, pawn your shit, talk to parents/ friends..i mean people who think junkies are just nodded out dead 24/7 are watching too many movies..you get to the point where you shoot up and only then do you have the energy and motivation to actually do anything..

>> No.1668277

Differentfag here. I've never had a problem reading and doing drugs.

Well, at first on benzos I did. But they cause amnesia.

>> No.1668280

I get too restless on opiates to read. It gives me RLS.

>> No.1668282

see i love the smacky RLS it's like i'm a kitten making biscuits in the blanket with my legs..anyway..now that i'm clean i still have it :/ kind of sucks sometimes.

>> No.1668304

Pot, sure. Sometimes it can help with imagining things, but overall it makes it harder to focus.
Alcohol, why bother.
If I were doing anything else, I wouldn't use my high to sit and read books, honestly.