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16673438 No.16673438 [Reply] [Original]

>all the best authors were right-wing

Prove it wrong, /lit/

>> No.16673450

>evola, the turner diaries, the list goes on
there has never been a good right wing author, reactionaries by definition hate art

>> No.16673463
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>left right dichotomy
why do retards still believe this shit
>evola the dada artist hated art

>> No.16673473


>> No.16673485

evola literally got btfo by art schools and critics so hard he quit painting and harbored a deep resentment of them for the rest of their life... interesting parallel with hitler and other reactionaries like scam hyde

>> No.16673490

being any "party" dilutes your thinking and makes you illogical & gives you weak points

>> No.16673499

Seething because someone called the left vs right dichotomy retarded proves that you’re a newfag whose understanding of politics doesn’t extend outside of post-enlightenment humanism

>> No.16673502

>HA! Someone failed at something non-imperative that wasn't meant for them and then found a unique and much more powerful role somewhere else

>> No.16673516
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Bien sûr

>> No.16673518

i don't think harnessing incel rage to become a shit tier ideologue was what nietzche meant

>> No.16673535

Wasn’t Baudelaire quite antisemitic?

>> No.16673536

you only read right-wing authors

>> No.16673541

That is literally what Nietzsche did, I mean you couldnt even have described his life any better. Evola was not an incel on the other hand

>> No.16673544

I am more of le ebin fascist than you will ever be.
No he didn't lmao his work was displayed in museums. Provocation and outrage is literally one of the points of dada.
He left because he thought avant garde movement was becoming commercialized and creatively stifled

>> No.16673548

Idk but he hated Belgians and progressives.

>> No.16673557

Baudelaire was a huge de Maistre fanboy

>> No.16673607
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>Evola has been called “Italy’s foremost exponent on Dadaism between 1920 and 1923 (according to Roger Griffin’s Modernism and Fascism, p. 39). Fifty-four of his paintings were exhibited in Rome in 1920, and an exhibition in Berlin included 60 paintings by Evola. and According to an essay on Dada on the website of New York’s Museum of Modern Art, Evola launched a Rome Dada season in April 1921, which included an exhibition at the Galleria d’Arte Bragaglia that included works by Mantuan Dadaists Gino Cantarelli and Aldo Fiozzi, as well as performances at the Grotte dell’Augusteo cabaret. Evola did readings from Tristan Tzara’s Manifeste dada 1918 and said that Futurism was dead, causing an uproar.

>Evola’s intellectual autobiography, The Path of Cinnabar, provides insights into his foray into the art world in the chapter “Abstract Art and Dadaism.” He was attracted to Dada for its radicalism, since it “stood for an outlook on life which expressed a tendency towards total liberation, conjoined with the upsetting of all logic, ethic and aesthetic categories, in the most paradoxical and baffling ways” (p. 19). He quotes Tzara: “What is divine within us, is the awakening of an anti-human action” and cites a Dadaist philosophy with a premise in keeping with Evola’s thoughts on the Kali Yuga:
>Let each person shout: there is a vast, destructive, negative task to fulfil. To swipe away, and blot out.In a world left in the hands of bandits who are ripping apart and destroying all centuries, an individual’s purity is affirmed by a condition of folly, of aggressive and utter folly. (p. 19)

>Evola says that such an emphasis on the absurd seems, at an external level, analogous methods used by schools of the Far East such as Zen, Ch’an, and Lao Tzu’s writings.

>If some of Evola’s paintings seem ugly, it’s not without purpose and intent from the artist. In 1920’s Arte astratta, Evola outlined his theory that “passive aesthetic needs were subordinate to the expression of an impulse towards the unconditioned.” Dadasim, as Evola understood it, was not to create art as it’s usually understood, but “signalled the self-dissolution of art into a higher level of freedom” (Cinnabar, p. 20-21).

>It was during the Dadaist period of his life that Evola started reading about esotericism. He met neo-Pythagorean occultist Arturo Reghini in the early 1920s. He quit painting in the early 1920s, and stopped writing poetry in 1924–not to pursue either again for more than 40 years (according to Gwendolyn Toynton’s essay “Mercury Rising” at Primordial Traditions). Although Evola left the Dadaist movement after a few years, in an interview in 1970 he said that the movement even today “remains unsurpassed in the radicalism of its attempt to overturn not only the world of art, but all aspects of life” (Cinnabar, p. 257).

>> No.16673680

>Right-wing / fascist / nationalist / traditionalist / conservative:

De Martino
Gomez Davila

>Left-wing / Marxist / communist:

Rupi Kaur

>> No.16673884

>grouping people from different eras with fundamental differences in thought as "right wing"

>> No.16673893

stopped right there

>> No.16673904

based retard

>> No.16673985

most would definitely not associate with the current liberal party
anyone of good taste wouldnt associate with them
theyre highly unfashionable in every capacity, esp the arts, then again show me a good modern right wing artist as well, but the left is widelyt degenerate now and disgusting, any christian author, which is a lot of the greats (shakespeare dante milton tolstoy dostoy keirkegaard) would all be considered 'right wing' due to their moral tradition which has been abandoned wholesale currently
also all men alive before the 20th century that werent cucks would be hated by the left and therefore right, to a certain extent, simply because they believed women were lesser than men and meant to serve men, again another christian derived viewpoint

>> No.16674017

today's shitlibs aren't "leftists", they're not even Marxists. They're a bunch of xenophilics with an outgroup preference.
The dichotomy means fuck all when describing anything outside the french three estates. You can at least make a connection that "right wing" is the status quo and the "left" is that which is against it.

Is state capitalist "dictatorship of the proletariat" left-wing?
Is fascist "national syndicalism" right-wing?
There is no depth in using the left-right dichotomy

>> No.16674048

>women were lesser than men and meant to serve men, again another christian derived viewpoint
More than half of the people you listed don't believe in that and a quarter of them loathed Christianity

>> No.16674058

i know i know, the dichotomy is shit, but its even dumber to act innocuous like you dont get it. hes obviously not here to talk about political and economic theory hes just subsuming to the level of muh right is right and muh left is wrong
hes probably like twelve and will learn in the years to come that theres much much more to it than that
shit thread commencing sage rn follow suit
im not the guy nigger and all the people i listed definitely did because they were strong christians and would have read the bible

>> No.16674063

>More than half of the people you listed don't believe in that

>> No.16674070

Lenin was the same. He wasted the first part of his life writing pamplets and giving speeches to empty rooms. This is pretty common with these types of men.

>> No.16674073

>Great authors subject themselves to ideological straightjackets rather than striving for the unvarnished truth
Try again pleb

>> No.16674094

Hemingway, Tolstoy, Shelley, Vonnegut, Sartre

>> No.16674095

Actually, compared to pagan religons like Greek Mythology (in which woman was created for man as a curse), Christianity frees women. And if you think about it, today' culture of objectifying women is almost as bad as the pagans.

>> No.16674104

Shut the fuck up flyover faggot, shine my shoes

>> No.16674108

>im not the guy nigger and all the people i listed definitely did because they were strong christians and would have read the bible
>fucking EVOLA


>> No.16675344


>> No.16676115

the few right wing-leaning authors in that list are all considered charlatans

>> No.16676121

The only good right wing writers are good in spite of their retarded politics

>> No.16676135

>woman was created for man as a curse
You have heard of Eve, right? Not an exact parallel, but she gave women a bad rep in Christian history for some time...

>> No.16676140

By the modern american standard of right wing yeah.

>> No.16676147

Everyday this board hits a new low

>> No.16676155

Tradition has nothing to do with you petty, vulgar realism. the divide is not between "figurative" and "abstract" art, but between postcards meant to be sold to tourists and pure depiction of light. pic related is nolde, an evolian fascist. benn is an expressionist poet and an affectionate evola reader.
you know nothing about art, just stick to twitter, woke protests and pop-science in children shows.
lmao. evola exposed his paintings with tristan tzara, retard.

>> No.16676402

>all considered charlatans
By leftists, sure.

>> No.16676414

>reactionaries by definition hate art

No. They hate degenerate deconstructive art and the leftist worship of it. By definition, certain kinds of reactionaries, specifically Nietzscheans, actually exalt in art and see it as the redemptive path for man. Even trad. conservative like Burke are obsessed with the sublime and beauty. Anyway we all know leftists are the true haters of beauty; ((they)) want to level everything, and equality is totally incompatible with great art.

>> No.16676422

Face it, both sides hate art

>> No.16676442

>reactionaries by definition hate art
Reactionaries *created* the concept of art, you imbecile. If the world stayed forever leftist we'd still be cavemen and 'art' would be feminists slinging literal poop as a performative act of empowering liberation.

>> No.16676576

>pic related is nolde, an evolian fascist. benn is an expressionist poet and an affectionate evola reader. you know nothing about art, just stick to twitter, woke protests and pop-science in children shows.
Cope, that painting is kitsch as fuck.

>> No.16676612

>conservative politician for most of his life
>christian conservative
>speaks against technology, progress and capitalism
>almost a nazi
>bard of the human decline of Europe
>defines himself conservative
>defender of traditional values
>pessimist darkboy against progress
>conservative-leaning for all his life

You must love embarassing yourself

>> No.16676647

Isn't it funny how politics has devolved almost purely to sex. For the most part, what it means to be right or left wing today is a description of sexual attitudes, towards fags, trannies, women, sex itself.

>> No.16676745

Maybe in degenerate Murrica, not in my country

>> No.16676886

>conservative = right wing
okay retard

>> No.16677887
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again im NOT THAT GUY the people that i listed in MY post were
shakespeare, dante, milton tolstoy dostoy and kierkegaard
you absolute fucking retard

>> No.16677903

Those who have made the best art understand the importance of the mythic ilo tempore. Do not conflate them with your political preferences. You’re a fool to do so

>> No.16677912

>not having read that the post explicity stated "right-wing / conservative / etc"
double retard

>> No.16678014

Nabokov was a liberal like his father. You're also wrong about at least 12 others. If anything you proved liberals make the best authors.

>> No.16678037

Compared to us the Assemblywomen were right-wing

>> No.16678178 [DELETED] 

Every author before 1900 is automatically right-wing by today's standards. In other words, Leftists of pre-1900 are more similar to the Righists of pre-1900, than they are with you. Do you honestly think Marx believes Niggers are equal to Europeans, or that Marx believes Women are equal to Men? Marx would vomit if he saw the Brown migration coming into Germany.

>> No.16678188

Every author before 1900 is automatically right-wing by today's standards. In other words, Leftists of pre-1900 are more similar to the Righists of pre-1900, than they are with you. Do you honestly think Marx believes Niggers are equal to Europeans, or that Marx believes Women are equal to Men? Marx would vomit if he saw Brown migration coming into his German hometown.

>> No.16678196

look at this fool

>> No.16679489

You got some replies, 4/10 bait thread.

>> No.16679490

Okay retard