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/lit/ - Literature

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16673005 No.16673005 [Reply] [Original]

itt you post your issues in life and other anons will recommend books which relate to them.

>> No.16673022

im really upset that some faggot posted a so-called bibliotherapy thread on my favorite bulgarian mud-thumping forum, books for this feel?

>> No.16673025

your diary, desu

>> No.16673031

I'm in love with the secretary of the school I work at.

>> No.16673044

um uh uhmmm the sense of beauty by Santayana? maybe?

>> No.16673051

I want to ask out a girl in my law school class but I don't know if I should.

>> No.16673063
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I broke all contacts with my narcissistic mother about two years ago (never been more tranquil), now she's suing me to ruin me financially.

>> No.16673088
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>repressed fag
>cold relationship with my father
>weak body
>feel disgusted with the current state of my country
>studying a career I don't like
>gad and bpd
I've already read Confessions of a Mask

>> No.16673092

I have an alcoholic father and my girlfriend broke up with me over mutual emotional health concerns

>> No.16673103

sex and character
the bible

>> No.16673108

I was at the supermarket rolling down the bread aisle (no squeaking, new carts) and I slammed right into OP's mom, who happened to be passing in the main aisle orthogonal to me. We made strong eye contact, both chuckle-blushed, and then went our merry ways. The thing is... I never caught her name and it's eating me up inside. Books or pamphlets for this feely?

>> No.16673126

I have obsessive compulsive disorder and as a result I am overly conscientious about rule following, even in situations where diverging from the rules harms no one and no one will know if I do it. I need a book or books to help me snap out of this mindset.

>> No.16673129

>I have an alcoholic father

Knausgaard's My Struggle Vol. 1.

>> No.16673142

Chronic back and shoulder pain as a result of a sports injury as a kid. I've seen many specialists and am finally making progress with an RMT.
Rec me books about chronic pain and/or mysterious irresolvable physical pain, OR the polar opposite, whatever that may be
>Inb4 Ivan Ilyich

>> No.16673149

>gulag archipelago
Rules are meant to be followed. You break the rules we break you...

>> No.16673166

My parents hating each other and gaslighting me in an attempt to make me hate the other, and it working on my younger brother

Also I have discipline issues

>> No.16673169

I am a horrible person. My parents spoil me and treat me so nicely but I do nothing in return. I am a louse. A parasite. I don't know how to repay them or even if I could bring myself to do so. I am a bad person. I am greedy. I hate myself.

>> No.16673178 [DELETED] 


>> No.16673180

No Longer Human.
Atomised/The Elementary Particles

>> No.16673182

im too tired

>> No.16673183

This thread I made once >>/lit/thread/S16430363

>> No.16673187

never ask out girls
never speak to them
never get close to them and never get near them
i hate to tell you this, but they are actually all demons
read the odyssey, particularly the part about the harpies

>> No.16673190

I am suscetible to random pangs of depression. Doesn't have the money to go to therapy and nor do I have someone to talk about: everyone I know thinks of me as this witty happy young man.
Recently I have been in a very good period of my life, I've been writing a lot and completed a translation of some plays to my original language, published them in amazon to some success, but even still I feel like shit, and I don't know why.

>> No.16673194

You will never solve a single problem by reading

>> No.16673195

maybe exercise?
i like to take adderall
it's the only way i ever feel awake
soon i will grow a tolerance to it and soon i will be permanently plunged into darkness
i need to make my last months awake meaningful

>> No.16673209

Corpus Hermeticum

>> No.16673237

the bible, and fast

>> No.16673240
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exercise just makes me more tired

>> No.16673242

Very often a wave of vitality comes across me and gives me a thirst to enact anything extravagant. It may be something like screaming as loud as I can in public, puncturing my fingers through someone's neck or drive very fast on a motorcycle. I am very "normal" when it comes to my external life... being my relationships work and persona. But I simply cannot bear doing nothing while not having music in the background, and if I ever am alone, doing nothing, with no music playing, I enter a deep dissatisfaction or boredom. Fantasies of glory and immense power in different forms possess me at those times, but I'm left with nothing but envy and resentment to the fact that I'm not fulfilling them.

>> No.16673254

I literally can't stopping cock

I'm the OP btw

>> No.16673256

no issues here, except being too much of an individual maybe

>> No.16673269

unless your problem is a lack of knowledge in a specific area

>> No.16673274

Who is cock and what is he doing that you can't stop?

>> No.16673277

Continuing -
I am very strict with my health and maintain physical excellence, I am secured financially with having to do little to no work, and I've been told I'm charming and such by others very often. I am apathetic, because I'm confused and I seek to find embody a form of divinity and glory but it is nowhere to be found.

>> No.16673279

i am cock and i cannot stop

>> No.16673281

Erich Fromm's Forgotten Language

>> No.16673345

Thank you man. I hope it worked out.

>> No.16673359

sounds Jungian which interests me though I only have a surface level understanding of Jung. And also lol at him being from the Frankfurt school that I hear so much about on the internet. Anyways thanks for the rec, I added it to my list

>> No.16673368

Lina Meruane has a trilogy of novels that have been translated into english that all deal with chronic disease, they might interest you. I haven't read those novels myself but I've read one of her other books and she's good.

>> No.16673376

How are you financially secured with little to no work. Also do you like poetry, fiction, or romanticism?

>> No.16673399

It will greatly help you understand symbolism and dreams

>> No.16673413

Me too, but idl if the anon to whom I promised it ever saw it

>> No.16673427

very happy with my current life but zero desire to pursue a career and no clue what do do as a job

>> No.16673432

>read the odyssey, particularly the part about the harpies
I dont remember harpies in Odyssey. Which book is this in?

>> No.16673448

The one where they pour wax into his crewmate's ears and bind him to the mast with ropes

>> No.16673486

Are you mistaking the sirens for harpies or is there also mention of harpies in the same book as the sirens?

>> No.16673497

italo svevo - zeno's conscience

>> No.16673539

thanks fren

>> No.16673558

Im very neurotic and it’s gotten to a point where I can’t get comfortable around anyone

>> No.16673731
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he is thinking of the sirens; there's no harpies in the odyssey
but maybe he got confused by this painting
i don't think there was an actual description of what sirens are or look like though (at least in the odyssey itself), i do remember there being only 2 and that they were singing from on top of some rocks at the coast

>> No.16673977

I have the same issue exactly. Are you also a neet?

>> No.16674712

why yes, yes i am

>> No.16675035

I think infinite jest is about a neet who hates himself and thinks of himself as a parasite but I could be wrong

>> No.16675043

I think infinite jest is about a neet who hates himself and thinks of himself as a parasite but I could be wrong

>> No.16675135

>mediocre literature student (i love my career, though. i just cant help but being useless)
>good at nothing. boring as fuck
>too self-aware
>narcissistic fuck
>terrible at love. i feel capable of loving but incapable of being with someone or try anything despite the fact of being loved and have had women interested in me for some reason
>good and terrible at socializing. depends on the day or my mood i guess. i prefer to be alone but sometimes i just need the people
>have some friends. too good or too shit for me. loss lots in the last two years for same reasons (and alcoholism, i guess)
>shit writer (i dont even write in like years lmao but i still call myself a writer, even if im a terrible one, almost like a need to give me a label)
>basically always depressed and feeling guilty but i dont care anynore
>went to therapy years ago during my adolescense but didnt help me and became sort of addict to the antidepressants (i also consumed drugs for my behavior during my entire childhood and i feel like those pills kinda destroyed my brain)
>always sayin to myself that im gonna kill myself but im actually too coward to do it

tl;dr im a fag and my english is retard-tier just give me some books

>> No.16675225

I hate myself because I'm a coward and a crying faggot. Whenever I see someone abusing another person I do absolutely nothing about it and just spend the rest of the day crying and thinking of killing myself. It's a mistake that someone like me even exists because people are supposed to be able to stand up for themselves (and for others, to some extent), otherwise they would get killed very easily, but I never fight back. I resent so many people because they've been rude to me even though I've never been rude to them. Some even get mad at me for not getting angry and think they have to be specially tough or straight up offensive to me so I fight back, but that only makes want to die even more. Whatever instinct that makes people fight back it's just not in me. And I can't live like this.

>> No.16675231

the metamorphosis =)

>> No.16675248

are you an INFP? also idk if it will help but maybe read the sorrows of young werther
thank you for the suggestion, anon, but i am afraid that i hate the jews too much to interact with their art

>> No.16675288

The elementary particles by Houellebecq

>> No.16675341

Kafka was a self-hating jew if this makes you happy

>> No.16675375

No, I think I got INTJ that time I took the test. It doesn't sound quite like what I expected but I've been meaning to read it for a while now anyway, will check it out already. Thanks for the suggestion, anon.

>> No.16676050

hmm that shouldn't happen
maybe do cardio and keep up the habit for a month or two

>> No.16676070

Although I live with relatively few means I am largely content with my life. It seems the solution was never to have more stuff or a more beautiful partner but rather someone who understood me and the removal of persons who were holding me back.

However, there is one shortcoming in my life that bothers me very much. Though I am generally in good health and reasonably endowed I am still unhappy with my bodily fitness. Yet I cannot seem to motivate myself to exercise. I think Meditations might help with this but I am curious if anons have any other recommendations.

>> No.16676073

Sorry for diverging from the thread's point, but unironically go to therapy and try to find friends who are spontaneous. I don't have it as bad as you do, but even now I feel it negatively impacting my well-being and potential.

>> No.16676080

spark by john ratey shows that exercise is as good for the body as it is for the mind
i started exercising not to get in shape but to cure my retardation

>> No.16676106

His paintings are so unblievably kitsch and melodramatic, yet there is still something likeable about them, it's weird

>> No.16676739

i want to kill myself

>> No.16676959


>> No.16676964
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Stay - A history of suicide and the philosophies against it - Jennifer Hecht

I drink heavily every night and face no consequences in my personal or professional life.

>> No.16677737

Not sure if this helps bc I skipped the death chapters but maybe Existential psychotherapy by Yalom

>> No.16677896
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>> No.16677987

I have no purpose and I'm a lazy fat piece of shit. I waste a lot of time and if I don't start studying right now, I will not go to college next year

>> No.16678135

No goal seems worth pursuing to me. Everyone keeps telling me I could do anything I wanted if I stopped being lazy, but they don't understand that the reason I don't work for anything is because nothing seems worth the effort. If they force me to do it I sabotage the whole thing to prove I had not done it yet because I didn't want to, not because I thought I couldn't do it: I apply for a scholarship but not submit the paperwork once it's been granted, I go to college but switch majors every year, I commit to one major but drop out on the last semester, I go to a job interview but quit once I get the job, I get a job but not accept any money in exchange, I accept the money but burn it either figuratively or literally, I'll do everything they said I had to do but then kill myself.
Currently reading The problem of the puer aeternus and although she nails it with what she mentions, she doesn't mention anything on neuroticism, anima possession or avoidant-schizoid personality (at least not yet).

>> No.16678219

I hate women but I love feminine boys. I believe every relationship, like anything in life, needs the strong and the weak, the dominant and the submissive. But I just hate women, and cute boys are more aesthetically pleasing.

I talked to one a week ago who was 16 (I’m 19, which is legal in the state of NY because of Romeo and Juliet laws), but he was uncomfortable with it.

Overall it’s a very confusing time for me right now. Not sure if I’m gay or if I just dislike modern women to the point of not wanting anything to do with them. Even with the girls I’ve dated, one of which was 3 years, I can’t think of a single female that’s had a net positive impact in my life.

>> No.16678230

I show all the symptoms of someone who hates themselves but yet I love myself

>> No.16678832
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>> No.16679150

Thank you anon. I’d only heard of the movie before but I’ll be sure to read this

>> No.16679212
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>my parents abused me physically and emotionally
>I've been bullied until 11th grade
>a poorfag my entire life
>almost had a gf once; screwed it all up with my coldness
>now a bpd pessimistic fag who can't fin it anywhere
>constantly avoiding people because I don't wanna hurt them
>mfw days without suicidal thoughts 0

>> No.16679344

This just turned into a vent thread

>> No.16679820


>> No.16679844

Need a real page turner for an upcoming long flight

>> No.16679855

The only thing I can recommend is suicide, once self pity goes this far you no longer have a chance

>> No.16679872

Friend, come to God. Answer His call to, and He will answer you back. Give your life over the most amazing thing you can.
Even if youdon't, Anon, I'll always love you.

>> No.16679880

Man's search for meaning.
Everything will get better anon. I promise

>> No.16679883

master and margarita

>> No.16679891

I read it when I was a teenager but don’t remember much, is it really as good as people say it is?

>> No.16679897

wife mascarried and got cancer, no job, no prospect at getting a job related to my education, bitter, spiteful, can't relate to anyone or fit in anywhere, hate everybody

>> No.16680242

I am diagnosed bipolar, I've had two psychoses and I now have no stamina. Last psychosis was years ago but I never seem to recover. I have reason to believe I will never be able work more than a handful hours a week. I do not know how I will survive. Sometimes I think maybe I will inherit enough money to drag on for a while yet. Although that might sound awfully grim, things are pretty grim and are not going very well. I am trying to finish college but at this pace it will take many years yet, and as I approach 30 I have very little real-world experience. Recommend me a book that can change my outlook on this situation.

>> No.16680261
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>> No.16680299

that isn't starting strength

>> No.16680507

I don't really have much ambition to pursue stuff long-term in any sphere of life. I'm not a failure or a NEET or anything, I have a good degree and an OK job and don't struggle to get girls. But I don't have any real long-term career aspirations, no "dream job", and have never really felt like pursuing a long-term relationship with any girl even if I get along with them well. I wouldn't say I'm depressed, but I'm just sort of drifting along without much of a direction.

>> No.16680734


>> No.16680887

Sun and Steel.

>> No.16680888
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>poor Eastern yuropoor
>hate my life
>I hate being so ironic and without a goal in life
>I want to improve my life
>I want to become a better person and fullfill my dreams, even though some of them are probably impossible
Books about how to cope with this?

(Already reading Marcus"not gay" aurelius "meditations")
Thank you Reddit for reading this blog.

>> No.16681772

Holy Bible. All of you.

>> No.16682561


>> No.16682567

damn dude, that suck, wish you the best

>> No.16682706

Motherfucker. This was one of the best recommendations I've received in my entire life but how did you know to make it based on what I wrote?

>> No.16683117
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there is a girl i like who looks exactly like my ideal woman. i met her 2 years ago and never talked again since. she probably even forgot about my existence. if you are going to tell me that it isn't logical to like a girl for two years, fuck off. i can prove it mathematically.
i also wrote a poem for her. pic related the poem with the title "come"

>> No.16683132

I’m in love with my psychiatrist. What read?

>> No.16683150

>writing all these and not getting a response.

read some bukowski i guess, even thought you most probably read all his novels. but i guess, i should recomand a book, which should help you. i don t know just become the cool writer stereotypee who gets a lot of pussy. i am just a nerdy mathematician so i can't put myself in your situation

>> No.16683152


>> No.16683270

What the fuck is SS

>> No.16683278


>> No.16683325

>I hate myself because I'm a coward and a crying faggot. Whenever I see someone abusing another person I do absolutely nothing about it and just spend the rest of the day crying and thinking of killing myself.
>I resent so many people because they've been rude to me even though I've never been rude to them.
This but I a torturing the for them by the hands of me. Obviously I don't have the guts for that, but it's there

>> No.16683342

ask her for a fuck ton of adderall and xanax bro

>> No.16683351

I've gotten into programming and a lot of it is just do this to get that, this behaves like this because bananas... etc.

I'd like to have a historical context of how these technologies developed, such as recursion, abstraction, programming paradigms etc. , but I don't have 4+ years to give towards a CS degree.

>> No.16683380

I don't want to go pursue academically because what I want doesn't lie in formal studies. At the same time, there's hardly any other choice left.

>> No.16683481

Not him, but that's even worse. At least have some pride.

>> No.16683492

I know that discipline is best learnt through action, but maybe someone can recommend something to improve it even better. Both physical and mental discipline related books are welcome.

>> No.16683702

thank you anon!

>> No.16683766

>Bipolar has smeared blood on the walls
>Breaks down easily without meds
>Has harassed people due to bipolar (I'm better now)
>"Good" writer/wants to be a writer (people say i am)
>did not go to school not even homeschooled
>Father neglected and abused me I still try to have a relationship with him
>5/10 in terms of looks.
>Massive furry
>Wants to be an artist/musician also.
>Has no job might live on disabity.
What is the right book for me anons?

>> No.16683778

the first religious text you can get your hands on. and pronto!

>> No.16683810
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I did some messed up things to a family member as a teen and have never apologized or tried to make up for it. It's been years and the guilt is eating me up inside, and I often sabotage opportunities for myself and deliberately distance myself from other people because I feel like I don't deserve to be happy.

>> No.16683818

Boy do I have a book for you. Confessions of a Mask, to a t. Other than that, maybe Hunger by Hamsun

>> No.16684117

I'm truly sorry, Anon.
Journey to the End of the Night by Louis-Ferdinand Céline

>> No.16684506
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I love my wife but I think she might be infertile and desu if there's not going to be any kids i'd rather have a go at being an incel and spend my (considerable) money on drug binges and prostitutes.
Made a bargain with God and He delivered, so i'm too scared to fuck it all off now (the house, the business, the lifestyle)..it's just so much effort.

>> No.16684550

I became the second active lover (she had another at the same time and I knew) of my female best friend. She is engaged in a relationship since 6 years and after a week of great sex with her, best sex of my life, she wanted to stop because she seen me catch feelings and said "we'd hurt each other". I have been trying to get her back with no success and now we distanced and I feel like a man deep down inside me is laughing all the time at me.

>> No.16684605

My whole life is a constant grey, no ups, no downs. Grey all throughout without any colour.

>> No.16684622

I passed a really difficult exam last year, basically achieved everything I could hope for, career-wise. I am on track to becoming a judge/prosecutor in my eastern european country. Most people take this exam 2-5 times before they pass, I managed on my first try. Now I’m actually making money, I am financially independent from my parents, an plan on moving with my girlfriend next year probably.
Yet, I feel extremely demotivated now, having achieved my goal, I am late on my assignments, and I just don’t feels like trying anymore. I feel like I lucked out and that I didn’t deserve such a big win.

>> No.16685405

Well you asked for it so here goes nothing. I am anxious and stressed. Not satisfied with my life. I fuck up every relationship I start. My body is slowly decomposing. I am getting old and full of pain. I don’t know where I am headed. I now believe I am mentally ill but refuse therapy. I refuse any organized religion. I refuse to cope via drugs tobacco alcohol porn vidya etc. I am averse to attachment. I want to do everything and nothing at the same time. I am afraid of everything and nothing at the same time. I increasingly dislike the world we live in and where we are going to but I at the same time could not care less. I am getting to know less and less about life and about myself since college. I am in an endless loop of whining and despise my pathetic weak state. And my writings are shit.

>> No.16685783 [DELETED] 

I don't really care about most things which makes it hard for me to express myself in conversation or even tell a story. I can carry the conversation when it comes to asking the other person questions, but it falls when it is the other way around.

>> No.16685809

I don't really care about most things which makes it hard for me to express myself in conversation or even tell a story. I can carry the conversation when it comes to asking the other person questions, but it falls when it is the other way around and I am asked to elaborate.

>> No.16686237


>> No.16686288

I've recently redoubled my faith in Christ, after a much too long stint with being a lax Christian in name only.

I am finishing up Confessions. Any more lit for this or should I shoot straight for City of God? I read the bible daily of course.

>> No.16686431

I know a girl, and recently found out, though she's a herd animal, is easily manipulated. All girls my age (18) have no opinions that sticks out from the norm, including this one, but I talked to her about Biden, and that he's actually way worse than Trump. I didn't really think my words crawled under her skin, she's not very bright and didn't make any relevant arguments, but yesterday in class all the other girls talked about Trump, and she admitted she preferred him above Biden (not something you hear a lot in my socialist european country). Today it was like she woke up from a coma, much brigther than ever before, and she talks to me a lot. I don't want to give her the real redpill, but I want to build a greater bond with her. She would be a nice friend (and because of her skin color, nobody can call me a racist as long as she's next to me and agreeing).

Now my issue is:
How do I make her not fall back into her old slave-minded self?
What are some books about white and muslim alliances? She's not hateful towards white people, it would be great if she felt more strong love towards whites. Maybe something about jews and chineses hating muslims to stir her up as well.

>> No.16686841

Give me a book you fucks

>> No.16687166

>on medication
>cant go to gym because of lockdown
>chaotic home life
>socially isolated right now

>> No.16687172

also my sense of morality is getting grayer

>> No.16687216

thank you, appreciated

>> No.16687509
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>> No.16687601

I think myself of a nice, sociable, decent looking and interesting person (except for a very little shadow of autism) but I can't have a physical or romantical relationship. These times of lockdown make me twice as anxious. Also I feel for everyone who experiences that kind of human connections, and sometimes I feel I'm predestined to never feel love in exchange of something great, like some kind of work of art that will inspire people. I'm not superstitious, but desperation makes hard to think rationally

>> No.16688451

I have this deep seated anger issues at myself because I believe that no matter how much I improve and change myself it will never be enough. I could lose my virginity, ace uni, and get a well paying job and still feel like it's not enough and there's still something I could improve on more and do better. I also undermine all my achievements, like imposter syndrome. Books for this feel?

>> No.16688528

Constant paranoia of the motives of those I care about and who are involved in my life.
I hate living like this.

>> No.16689688


>> No.16689764

I can't connect deeply with anyone. Family, friends, coworkers, women.
Critically low self esteem.
24 Year Old Virgin, kissless, hugless, handholdless

>> No.16689777

It's an exercise program. "Starting strength". GOMAD, I believe is a regime where you only drink milk or whatever.

>> No.16689782

Submarine by Joe Dunthorne