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16672568 No.16672568 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have an inner monologue?

>> No.16672583

I literally narrate all my thoughts

>> No.16672590

voiced by Norm MacDonald

>> No.16672597

Yes, but I dislike it. I prefer to think in pure concepts.

>> No.16672607
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I imagine my life as if it was a novel, with my inner monologue as a narrator.

>> No.16672614


>> No.16672627

Yes and I hate it. It tells me conflicting things and I don't know which to believe.

>> No.16672638

I do but im trying to remove it since it inhibits non-vocal abstraction

>> No.16672655

Yes and it’s different from the words I speak outwardly.

>> No.16672672

I’m male but my inner monologue is female.Is this weird?

>> No.16672737

take HRT

>> No.16672738

no, i imagine myself in discussion with other people. like when i work my way through a problem i bounce my ideas off a friend or really any person at all that just jumps into my head.

what do your guys inner monologues sound like, is it literally
> i'm hungry
> i should eat a banana
> hmm that tastes good

>> No.16672764

>non-vocal abstraction
what do you mean by that? example?

i had a weird revelation when i was frustrated with abstract art (just couldn't "get it") and realised it became clearer to me when i verbalised what i saw; i can't "feel" a painting directly just by looking at it, i have to parse it through language. i feel like what youre saying is tangentially related but opposite?

>> No.16673317

Same but it's erotica that I imagine my life as. The next major chapter is Halloween. I've managed to convince all my friends to go as "nudists" to our Halloween party. There is a condition that we will be dressed as "nudists" so long as none of the guys pop a boner since there will only be one girl among us who is naked. But we all pop boners anyways and the girl can't resist and she fucks us all in a big group sex orgy.

>> No.16673339

No. When I force myself to "talk out loud" it feels like my mind is moving far, far slower.

>> No.16673353

Unironically my diary, desu

>> No.16673367


>> No.16673381

same, i find that putting my feelings into words is as complicated as putting it into music...both of which are more complicated than thinking in pictures

>> No.16673388


>> No.16673543

of course, this is 4chan, literally being here requires a runaway one. The only real normies here are the porn posters.
Daily reminder that only people with internal monologues are human, the rest are equivalent to bacteria.

>> No.16673577

I do, but it's not a binary thing. Mine just gets really intense when simulating conversations inside my head and/or when I'm anxious.

>> No.16673773

LARPers trying to make people insecure

>> No.16673793

yes and sometimes i wish it would just fuckign stop

>> No.16673800


>> No.16673805

Take your pills, alice.

>> No.16673813
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>talk to my therapist about my inner monologue
>"and do you hear this voice often?"

>> No.16673828

Yeah I do a thing where I let the retard in him head talk and then I mock him with the voice that comes out of my fingers when I type, they're completely different people and it goes back and forth. If you read what I was writing on the screen in my notepad it would look like a long string on insults in a conversation you're watching someone have on the phone or something.

>> No.16674114

Yes and also inner dialogue or trialogue even, the weirdest is that when im sleepy , i hear a waltz like a distant echo.

>> No.16674159

Cope. We all have inner monologues, but you

>> No.16674172

Yup but some of the smartest people I know do not this is not a good test for being an NPC or not.

>> No.16674180

No inner monologue, no visual imagination, and no dreams.

I’ve never really talked to anyone about it or anything.

>> No.16674198

I have to ask people to show me youtube videos of what they're talking about because otherwise their words will mean nothing

>> No.16674201

My inner monologue speaks only in terms of "we," never "I," nor "you." Am... am I a communist, /lit/?

>> No.16674238

No I don't. I can only imagine the tediousness of having an inner monologue

>> No.16674548

I'm an ESL and a lot of my monologues are in English.

>> No.16674572

Imagine not having an inner monologue lmao

>> No.16674582

You’re schizophrenic

>> No.16674587

I can only understand English and yet my inner monologue is only in French

>> No.16674611

Schizophrenia is just talking to hallucinations and dumb shit like that, schizos are practically retards. Very low functioning. Your looking for DID

>> No.16674623

I have an inner epilogue.

>> No.16674649
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meme aside,
I narrated all my thoughts sometimes in first person view but also in 2nd and 3rd person
i.e, "you shouldn't do it retard" "man I'm such a dork" "anon, that's stupid"
been doing that since forever,
am I schizo ??
wtf I thought all people have this monologue

>> No.16674675
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Monke think, how monke think

>> No.16674693

No. I don't have an inner monologue but occasionally I hear a woman's voice, usually producing some bit of information I'm looking for or proffering up some generally very good advice. This voice I've associated with Athena --I know it at least approximates what our warrior forebears heard so don't let these faggots here lead you astray. Hold your head up high. We are the more balanced, the potentially far more mighty Übermenschen on this board..

>> No.16674715

You should read about the bicameral mind theory, if you haven't already.

>> No.16674717

Not so much anymore. I found the bandwidth of speech too restrictive to explore my ideas in a timely fashion so I've converted into thinking completely through images and their interplay. The only time I think in words is if I wanted to organize an idea for presentation.

>> No.16674719

I've read Jaynes. Fun stuff.

>> No.16674738

Most people have internal monologues though. Doesn't that make them the normies?

>> No.16674784

This. I only think in language when simulating a conversation/compiling things to say when prompted. My actual process of reasoning happens without words. I do think in vectors a lot.

Also, when simulating language, I think in no particular voice at all, unless I consciously decide to do so, or I'm reading a line particular to a person or character whose voice is especially familiar to me.

>> No.16675001

I think in verse.

>> No.16675063

Everyone has an inner dialogue. That is a very basic axiom of literature.

>> No.16675149

No, that's normal. Usually I use third person when trying to talk myself into or out of something.

>> No.16675166

My mind is my own.

>> No.16675213

yikes dude, the only one feeling insecure right now is you, and I used to have a lot of self-doubt

>> No.16675230

>I know do not this
this r2 unit has a bad motivator

>> No.16675239

this, but with dreams and the capacity for an interior monologue, but i tend not to used it on account of the inefficiency

>> No.16675259

Yes. I also get intense visualizations. Sometimes it is as if I'm transporting to another world or place in time. "Zone out" quite a bit if I'm not focused on a task.

Often have an internal monologue voiced by a posh sounding british man. It helps me analyze the world around me and work through problems.

If I'm in conversation with someone I rarely have the internal monologue. Things just flow. Sometimes it flows too quickly and I'll say things I don't even mean. I'm less impulsive when I'm alone with my thoughts - a better person, even.

>> No.16675270

Not at all, just like reading a book at verbal speed in your head is much slower than processing the words visually, it's a slower way of thinking.

>> No.16675276

Same, it's sad because the people i imagine talking to won't ever act or listen the way they do inside my head.
Sometimes i just "talk" to a faceless therapist

>> No.16675302

when the computer is off.

>> No.16675342

Everyone hears a woman's voice occasionally, what is interesting is not particularly your case but the anon's in which you are replying to. Intuition, fantasy, inner monologue, all of the psychical processes which are typical, what you say does not go beyond.

>> No.16675351
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Tfw have acces to both the pre-conscious, pre-formulated intuitivity as well as articulated thoughts and writings of man. It is well said "The foundation of a Literary Life was hereby laid: I learned, on my own strength, to read fluently in almost all cultivated languages, on almost all subjects and sciences; farther, as man is ever the prime object to man, already it was my favorite employment to read character in speculation, and from the Writing to construe the Writer."

>> No.16675359

I’ve never heard a woman’s voice. And god damn I know I tried to hear one during a ‘transgender’ phase I had during a deep depression in my first year of university. This is not an everybody thing at all

>> No.16675368

Really? I do when consciously thinking about something and in a large part of other situations but I can think without words too, especially for abstract concepts.
When formulating abstract concepts in my mind I use a combination of pure abstract though and a descriptive narrative.

>> No.16675378

>And god damn I know I tried to hear one during a ‘transgender’ phase I had during a deep depression in my first year of university.
Yikes. Are you at least better now anon?

>This is not an everybody thing at all
I mean hearing a woman's voice occasionally to think in, to talk to in a fantasy, to receive something from is perfectly normal. It's not normal if you're thinking in a woman's voice 24/7, but I reckon the other anon's description of this is different from the mundane inner monologue-- For if it was that, then it would likely be classified as some sort of neurotic split.

>> No.16675867

how are people without inner monologues able to realize they don't have an inner monologue
are people without inner monologues even able to rationalize?

>> No.16675984

Three of them, in fact, and they're all quirky funny characters

>> No.16676019

My inner voice lacks gender, personality and inflection
It is pure language and only relies on sentence structure when I can't express a thought without it

>> No.16676916


You will never be a woman.

>> No.16676935

Bro can you unironically not hear your own thoughts lmao

>> No.16676951

You're not a schizo you're "normal". Those who don't have it are closer to animals that's all. They do things more out of subconscious thought and instinct rather than conscious thought and rational decision making.

>> No.16677327

i can only think in words help?????

>> No.16677458

Sometimes I do, sometimes I just see movie like scenes or images. Sometimes, my inner monologue is juxtaposed with other conflicting thoughts or unfinished sentences.

>> No.16677679

>Sometimes i just "talk" to a faceless therapist
nigga i feel u