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File: 103 KB, 682x697, east-india-company-half-anna-1616-coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16668199 No.16668199 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ in 1616

>> No.16668205
File: 122 KB, 800x1049, 800px-Cervantes_Jáuregui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16668212

thy mom's rump is fat

>> No.16668240

Thy mother's is fatter, for mine eyes have looked upon it in the privacy of her personal bedchambers where you were conceived

>> No.16668244


>> No.16668295

Mine female friend was crying about how fulsome she was and i was trying to comfort her by telling her that she didn’t look that fulsome, yet she kept accusing me of lying to cause her to feel ill. So, methought that saying “maybe thy hold, but for a heckin chonker” would cheer her up and lighten the humour yet she just looked upon me and left. I hope she realised that I was only being nice and that she is being irrational. What doth I do, fellow esteemed gentlement of the 4chan's literary board?

>> No.16668300
File: 162 KB, 616x531, E9BAEA0C-4E4B-4CFB-946C-3D4535F3081A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protestants say this is bullshit, catholics still stand by it. Books on the subject?

>> No.16668599

Is Indian literature occidental or oriental?

>> No.16668608

I've just started with the Greeks guys, where do I go from here?

>> No.16669590
File: 91 KB, 636x800, 1602092453812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My most wondrous boy hath just turnet eight! Blessed be all ye here that partaketh in my joy!
Portrait I commissioned:

>> No.16669603

I hate niggers

>> No.16669660

How do some people not understand the Holy Trinity? It’s as complex as ice, steam and liquid H2O all being water.

>> No.16669691

What is that, a spell?

>> No.16669699

Thy friend is a whore, do coitus with her

>> No.16669783

Post painting of thy companion melons.

>> No.16669797

I can’t tell if you’re being deliberately retarded or not so I’ll err on the side of caution

>> No.16669875

scandalous, my dear friend! yet I shall disagree only on the terms that a painting of his companions buttocks shall be ever more pleasing

>> No.16669883

May that Spaniard fiend (and for that matter, all of his wretched race) burn in the flames of our Lord

>> No.16669895

Surely you anonymous gentlemen are not of the belief that the men of the West Indies posses souls?

>> No.16669925

One day you will fit thousands of books in a box the size of a finger.

>> No.16669927

Then what, good gentleman, is to be said of those who accept our Lord? Do they do it earnestly, with what hearts they may or mayn't posses, or do they do it to imitate us better men; as a babe imitates his father?

>> No.16669935

begone, foul heathen

>> No.16669942

What if negro chants became the forefront of music in the future? It would be quite funny

>> No.16669956

Why do I reside in the society of men who do not dare show their features to the ones they are communicating with. Let this though reside in this room since I am the first one who will admit that my face is not blessed with beauty.

>> No.16669965

>my face is not blessed with beauty
What of thy other areas? You know of what I speak

>> No.16670835

a bump, good sir

>> No.16671023


>> No.16671052

Finish all of Plato's dialogues including such riveting ones as Rival Lovers, which we have no reason to not attribute to him.

Also read them in the Latin originals.

>> No.16671060

Have thy eyes gander the new lavatory? It commits to honor 3 day before the spoils and 5 days before flies appear. Mine father got one and runs so deep we lost our youngest sibling down one. He stopped making noise on second day sadly. God have mercy on us all.

>> No.16671322

post a painting, knave, or we shall have no reason to believe such an event occured

>> No.16671346

hello yuropa, im from the caliphate and i love aristotle, can we be friends?

>> No.16671368
File: 197 KB, 1080x1080, smug-pepe-frog-painting-acrylic-12-12_1_a71f7c55d1f49a673d92eba40bbde6b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maiden refuses to marry me
>denounce her for witchery

>> No.16671378

I'm from the future, yall are dumb

>> No.16671404

I fear that my appearance isn't the source of my struggles, I seem to suffer from a rare disease with such effect that I cannot properly conduct myself to satisfy the company of others. That's the reason of my presence here

>> No.16671977

and again, my friend

>> No.16672006

>I seem to suffer from a rare disease with such effect that I cannot properly conduct myself to satisfy the company of others
Maybe a good leeching shall balance your humours?

>> No.16672037

Shut the fuck up angloshit, Cervantes dabs on that Cuckespeare guy of yours

>> No.16672039

ruffians like thee doth despise me. return to thy sanatorium.

>> No.16672046

>He is willfully ignoring the embarassing defeat of The Spanish Armada! How very quaint; return to thy hovel, spaniard

>> No.16672052

Had it not been for mother Nature which your witches coerced into creating a tempest, we would've ransacked through your lands, taken your women, and planted our flag upon thy wretched island.

>> No.16672065

yet the Lord saved us from thy wretched heathen ways, did he not? The English may yet prove to be the people of His choice

>> No.16672084

Whom art thou quoting?

>> No.16672099

Bukowski will be born in ~300 years

>> No.16672107

Because it looks like worshipping more than one God. People reject the trinity because they only want to serve one.

>> No.16672109

thy mother

>> No.16672124

What coincidence! for I was just now performing the act of love with yours

>> No.16672151

Nay sir! She is currently cleaning my seed off of my sheets on which I loved both thy mother and thy sister

>> No.16672171

Sheets? Thy are a feeble man, for I always finish in
Do also look at the belly of thine mother; for thee me see there the forceful kick of my offspring

>> No.16672177

May you perish without delay from venereal diseases

>> No.16672210

>the forceful kick of my offspring
thy seed could not impregnate even a sow of my household, knave! Return to thy earth that is in such dire need of tilling

>> No.16672221

Thine desperate cries are as a beautiful sonate to mine ears

>> No.16672229

I will say dear fellows, this shit-slinging in antiquated english is painfully funny to me. I will show my graditude by bumping this thread.

>> No.16672238

>antiquated english
dost thou mean French? hawhahwahawhawhw

>> No.16672245

negroes licketh mine bottom

>> No.16672268

I'm not going to the witchburning, gentlemen.
I've got the morbs.

>> No.16672273

no homosexuals allowed, fiend

>> No.16672275

>'tis one other episode of a forceful brute's battle of """wits""" with another scoundreç
thine ways are showing, plebeians. irish extraction, I presume?

>> No.16672318

lessen thy pride, knave, lest He hold it against you

>> No.16672336

and who art thou to besiege me?

>> No.16672347

Hello everyone. I am a time traveller from 2020. Do you guys want to know anything about the future?

>> No.16672348

who art thou that thy pride so takes control of thy vessel? Know thee not the deadly sins, numbered seven?

>> No.16672364

begone, o pagan sorcerer lest we burn thee

>> No.16672374

A witch you appear to mine eyes, to the stake with thee

>> No.16672385
File: 2.50 MB, 4032x3024, A4FEC772-10E1-4123-B510-1A31EC83CF9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The besom causes thy loins to stirreth

>> No.16672396

plunderer! in matter of faith and morals I heareth not from thee, presbyter, nay - but from the bishop himself,

>> No.16672397

I am but a wee peasant yet I hear America is a land ripe with opportunities. If I were to debark upon the arduous journey across the Atlantic, shall my progeny prosper in wealth and health?

>> No.16672410

fool! to deny thee faithful advice of a fellow gentlemen is verily pride and the Lord hath no love for prideful men

>> No.16672432

Hast thou heard the news? That bastard Walter Ralegh is to be released! And what more! He is being released in order to conduct yet another pointless search for that savage city rumored to be laden with gold. I doth hope he does not return this time.

>> No.16672455

Given that you are likely an involuntary celibate who wastes his time in such a lousy place of discussion, it is completely useless to speak of thy progeny.

>> No.16672477

how hast thou acquired such arcane insight? to Lucifer hast thou given your soul? I heed neither your base insults nor prognostication for the Lord is with me and my cousin, Adelaïde, shall bear my children.

>> No.16672494

Fair enough. Wish well to your cousin. Your progeny will be a very interesting collection of individuals.

>> No.16672507

Stupid, we're pretending this is 1616

>> No.16672510

my friende; let us cast aside all ill-temperment now

>> No.16672523

Pretending? Fool!

>> No.16672527

Many thanks kind sir. I'm glad we could end this cordially as gentlemen. The fruits of her blessèd womb shall cover the land of America and bring forth many an intellectual for the generations to come.

>> No.16672751

aye, my friend! let us jest over some mead!

>> No.16672770


>> No.16673123

a bump, fine sirs

>> No.16673192

"Homer" was a hack

>> No.16673246
File: 153 KB, 800x979, 800px-Frans_Hals_-_Portret_van_René_Descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aristotle is shit

>> No.16674444

A pox outbreak hath once again cursed our once prosperous land and taken mine firstborn. I fear this the work of a devil woman and yet pray to the lord I hasthnt brought this curse upon myself

>> No.16674478

Four fours, yet in a row! I believe you have been cursed my fellow anon.

>> No.16674516

boy I sure hope we don't have any wars that last 30 years anytime soon

>> No.16674570

Wherefore should we not burne heretics? 'Tis just and right.
Prove me wrong.
>Thou canst.

>> No.16674670
File: 187 KB, 618x900, pope-paul-iii-17th-century-detail-a-friedrich-von-hulsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fool thinks there will be 'thousands' of books one day
>Mea Facem
Absolute nonsense. If you were to slaughter and skin every kine, you could not put together these hypothetical volumes. Else, what? I hope you're not proposing some primitive form of book binding, a block of poor quality paper (because how many forests would be needed for this foolish endeavor?) sandwhiched together between cardboard and glued with some sticky substance? Horrifyingly cheap.

>> No.16675582


slain by your charming inquiry, I now fall to your steps. thank ye

>> No.16676141

whomst be thee quoting, fine sir?

>> No.16676357


>> No.16676644
File: 196 KB, 680x649, 1602772073723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doth ponder the ethical nature of mannes life with Aristotle's ethics, and not Ciceronian rhetoric
Hath thou not even read Petrarch's scathing attacke on the autisticke practices of the scholastic university intellectuals on virtue? Manne must be convinced to act well, not merely pondering what is beste for manne from the ivory castle

>> No.16676742

a cope, I do hear fine gentlemen; as offensive to mine ears as the screams of a harlot

>> No.16677281


>> No.16677319

I have heard of a land in the Far East, the Portuguese have discovered named "Japun." Many say they have much illustrations of affectionate young ladies, and maybe some erotica of them, needless to say I am very interested.

>> No.16677325

>needless to say I am very interested.
the savages would skewer thine very head, fool

>> No.16677382

That is a risk I am willing to take. I have recently seen but one of these illustrations, and they have endowed me with a sort of love and affection that actual women could not fare in comparison.

>> No.16677387

>they have endowed me with a sort of love and affection that actual women could not fare in comparison.
oh, thee idolatrous fiend! O, the liquor of sin pollutes thy mind!

>> No.16677441

Cope thyself

>> No.16678523
