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File: 249 KB, 477x497, 175058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16659282 No.16659282 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some eco-fascist literature

>> No.16659575

what don't you understand in going back to monkey?
btw >>>/pol/ go back there you degenerate fuck

>> No.16659599

There are a ton of charts but from a theory standpoint Savitri Devi seems to be a big deal. Also look into books on things like permaculture for the practical side.

>> No.16659656
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Post-human and fisher-esque philosophy unironically; Dark Enlightenment, Moldbug, Fisher, Debord, etc.
Then move onto ecology. The key aspect here is to realize that the Earth will solve its problems with or without us. The true eco-fascist is not concerned with the Earth's survival, but humanity's.
Finally you apply anything ranging from traditional to more radical views on family, birth rates, and attacking whatever resembles anti-life philosophy (which ecology is a part of).

>> No.16659661

How is eco-fascism degenerate? Also nice use of the /pol/ boogeyman

>> No.16659663

Hans Jonas

>> No.16659695

fascism is literally the most degenerate ideology, it's all about being cucked by someone in a higher rank than you and being totally sexually repressed.

>> No.16659710

Why don't you fuck off back to r/socialism?

>> No.16659712

>sexually repressed
The perverted freudian jew is calling something degenerate?

>> No.16659719

Apocalypse Never is an essential read

>> No.16659723
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no one is more lit than linkola

>> No.16659760

>someone tells me something that i don't like
>i call it jewish
>automatically, i win le debate *me gusta face*
>I'm very smart and my dada loves me very much now

>> No.16659780
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>> No.16659793

based injun eco-fascist

>> No.16659814

Both mussolini and hitler agreed that fascism was putting corperatism in a even more central role in society than capitalism. How tf is eco-fascism going to do anything good for the climate?
>capitalism is destroying the conditions for humans to live on earth
>lets give leaders of big buisness unrestricted power to silence and kill everyone who speaks up against them through the power of the fascist goverment, that will really solve the ecological crisis!

>> No.16659864

Do you even know what fascism is? How is eco-fascism giving power to capitalist multinationals? The power resides in the authorizatarian regimen. One could argue that such a government could end up in corruption through malversation of public funds but isn't that already what happens every day in our democracies? Fascism ulterior motive is to protect its territory and its people from outside threats and influences. Eco-fascism understands that the soil of a country is of extreme importance for the wellbeing of its people and thus intends to protect it from the polution of third parties a.k.a (((multinationals)))

>> No.16659893

I wasn't ecofashie before but after seeing this based instagram pic I'm a convert thx anon

>> No.16659933
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>go innawoods
>make babies
>simple as
Keep those birthrates up anon!

>> No.16659958

>Eco-fascism understands that the soil of a country is of extreme importance for the wellbeing of its people and thus intends to protect it from the polution of third parties
>protect from third parties
>has no intention of ending a class based society
Absolutely delusional. Let me guess: "It's different though, billionaires that look like me actually care about my well being right???"

>> No.16659964

meant for

>> No.16660069

To create a society that is actually acting according to the collective interrest, this society must be controlled by the collective interrest and not a secondary bourgeois interest.

The fascist goverment puts the secondary bourgeois interrest highest through its distribution of power - this, again, is also agreed upon by both hitler and mussolini.

Thereby a fascist government is not suited to deal with the collective problem of climate crisis because it cannot act according to the collective interrest but only according to the secondary bourgois interrest of the ones in power.

Remember, the only one who isn't a cuck under fascism is the leader.

>> No.16660079

>>16660069 here with lucky numbers 666 and 69

if it wasn't clear, then i agree with >>16659958 with lucky numbers 66 and 99

>> No.16660101
File: 76 KB, 373x552, CA209912-287D-4FD2-896A-545AB8D7DBEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put that moomin down, you creep

>> No.16660123

Is the "fash" bit of ecofascism even...Fascism?

Seems like it's a placeholder name for socially conservative pro ecology people who believe in oneness with nature?

>> No.16660127

Bitching about muh ideology wont save muh earth

>> No.16660133

It's a recognition of the fact that no democratic society will vote to reduce its own comfort and consumption.

>> No.16660146


also, OP, Pentti Linkola. "Can Life Prevail?" is pretty good.

>> No.16660157
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>> No.16660191

It’s a fear that people can do better organized and decentralized. Bootlickers are cowards

>> No.16660196
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not my pic

>> No.16660204

Bottom left is kinda cringe, other than that extremely based and redpilled.

>> No.16660218

What's wrong with the Merriam Webster dictionary?

>> No.16660232
File: 116 KB, 640x902, 963CEE96D2CC42DF8A784390EE265F62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come and make me
pick one, or you can shove that bookchin right up your ass and get off my lifeboat

>> No.16660256

Hyperion, the soldiers tale explicitly.

>> No.16660258
File: 159 KB, 722x662, 9ED09001-EF41-47EA-A23D-0ABBDCF50FC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See? You’re scared.
And making no sense. Snufkin is a classic anarchist. That picture is ridiculous

>> No.16660285

>Seems like it's a placeholder name for socially conservative pro ecology people who believe in oneness with nature?

There's also antisemitism and, you know, a government that kills and tortures anyone who disagrees

>> No.16660290

Bramwell, Hitler's Green Party

>> No.16660292

the fuck are you crying about? eco-fascism has nothing to do with /pol/, if you've got some retarded friends who believe in climate change, ask them about eco-fascism, if they have any intellectual consistency they'll support it

>> No.16660317

...which doesn't seem to be inherent to what people refer to as "ecofascism".

>> No.16660321 [DELETED] 

>retarded friends who believe in climate change
/pol/tard, can you please leave peacefully?

>> No.16660329
File: 581 KB, 1749x2332, 5844046B-267A-4C00-A506-FDC973941EC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eco-fascism hasn’t been tried yet!

>retarded friends who believe in climate change
/pol/tard, can you please leave peacefully?

>> No.16660343
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>snufkin stands by as moomin house is looted with snork-maiden and moomin mama being raped by an unwashed populist mob
>snufkin sells out to hemulen banking because his community run garden is only producing hemp
>snufkin can't pass much needed sanitation works because stinky keeps blackmailing him
You're conflating the noble anarchic spirit with a cancerous and outdated modernist ideology.

>> No.16660352

Kek this, if climate change is indeed real and getting worse the only real solution currently is top down. Getting retards to willingly give up their guzzlers isnt happening

>> No.16660435

>Eco-fascism hasn’t been tried yet!

That's not what I'm saying you fucking retard

>> No.16660450

you're talking to a tranny btw
be patient

>> No.16660451

Oh it's butterfly again, posting with a tripcode, trying to get attention from male posters. She doesn't care that they all call her a stupid cunt, she just needs any kind of (you) she can get. Maybe she likes the abrasion? I bet you do, you dumb bitch.

>> No.16660659
File: 148 KB, 480x480, deep ecology btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend you take a shower and get some pussy first. Then, once you've gotten over your sexual frustration, you can start reading Bookchin for ACTUAL political applications of ecology

>> No.16660682

>communal anarchism
Into the trash it goes

>> No.16660715
File: 1.30 MB, 954x1278, 67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no consensus but there a multiple facets to this;
>it's not restricted to traditional values
Although blood and soil is used as a moral caveat, ecofascism is not essentially reactionary. The adoption of biocentric or traditional worldviews is to create an ecological one, and not really for the sole argument of any one system; ethnonational, pagan, or just disgruntled mailman. The reactionary and radical elements all surround the singular goal of an ecological worldview (Ted talks a lot about this).
>what is fascism
The modern political climate isn't the same as modernism, so fascism here really just indicates militancy with an set of virtues alien to the hopes of egalitarianism, humanism, or the enlightement rift between man and nature. The biggest aspect of ecology is that the man-nature dichotomy does not exist, making ecology unconcerned with human rights, quality of life, and enlightement values, which gives it it's fascistic appearance and a misanthropic facade (despite being the most anthro-appreciative branch of politics) with moral addendas made to it.
>sexual frustration
Found another pervert freudian jew, bookchin was firmly against deep ecology and therefore a part of the same delusional fear of catastrophe. You can't prevent the inevitability that human behavior either won't change, or the necessary alterations will only increase violence and worsen conditions. I choose a stable future for humanity, one willing to recognize violence and irreconcilablity as the only outcome for this horrendous time.

>> No.16661197

No u.

Eco-fascism = clean coal

>> No.16661226

You didn't respond at all to the substance of my post, I expect more from a retard pseud like you

>> No.16661272
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>> No.16661283

Kys tranny, you will never pass.

>> No.16661352

>I'm very smart and my dada loves me very much now
Someone's projecting

>> No.16661361

One thing that is a positive for Fascism is that there'd be no space for wastrels like you.

>> No.16661401

wow what an incredible display of snark, my mind has been thoroughly changed

>> No.16661429

stop avatarfagging and kys already buttertranny

>> No.16661502
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>> No.16661512

the person who took the pic, CHAZANON, changed my life. I’ve talked to him a few times since, very good man

>> No.16661515


>> No.16661528

Linkola would agree with Kai Choyce.
It's extremely harmful for the environment to have this much children when citizens of 1st world countries have biggest carbon footprint on earth.
Absolutely disgusting braindead bitch.

>> No.16661550

>being cucked
>being totally sexually repressed.
have sex you goblin

>> No.16661645

implying your childless ass isn't getting turn into fertilizer day one

>> No.16661647


>> No.16661655
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I think eco-fascism is a meme or psyop engineered to turn the left away from environmental issues by isolating a wholly imagined radical extremist group.

The left no longer talks about overpopulation, will critically support fracking, and romanticize industrial convenience. Marxists are almost totally anthropic at this point. The hatred towards anyone who addresses ecological-enviro issues or animal rights is crazy.

I swear it's not a natural turn for the left and seeing the mainstream media hype up this "ecofascist" moment seems sus.

>> No.16661660

rare instance of physical cringe
imagine walking into someones room and seeing this

>> No.16661669

>Has children

Having a kid is the single worst thing you could do in terms of ecological impact. Absolut pleb.

>> No.16661677

You absolute fucking retard. Take your homonormative mental baggage back to the academy where it belongs and return without it.

>> No.16661689
File: 125 KB, 694x441, MG42-Kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sense judaism coming from a particularly faggy 4channel comment
>call out the dirty jewish pilpul and let him I know I know who he is
>kvetching begins

>> No.16661690
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Not a very compelling argument mate. Want to explain how multiplying your ecological impact is ackshually environmentally friendly?

>homonormative mental baggage
Nice projection bro

>> No.16661694
File: 31 KB, 1864x281, women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recommend me some [insert anything]-fascist [anything]

>> No.16661706


>> No.16661711

Just think it through retard, what do you think are one of the tenets of eco-FASCISM!?

>> No.16661719
File: 186 KB, 729x1024, DSIfSkoXcAAJsrJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you accept that one of the core tenets of eco-fascism is fundamentally rarted, got it

>> No.16661735

>He believed that democracy was a mistake, saying he preferred dictatorships
>He supported acts of terrorism such as the 2004 Madrid train bombings as he viewed them as disruptions to a society that is responsible for the degradation of the Earth
Whether or not you consider Linkola's writings as "ecofascist" texts or not, these points (among others) are in line with the fascist worldview and that's why (eco)fascists look up to Linkola.

>> No.16661740

This. Never mind that eco-fascism is an even more preposterous oxymoron than faith-based science.

>> No.16661746

No, it is PRESERVATIONIST. The logic of antinatalism is DESTRUCTIVE, eco-FASCISM calls for the preservation of WHITE people and the closing of NATIONAL BORDERS. Refusing to have children DEFEATS the purpose, we think not in terms of carbon footprint like a little bitch neoliberal subject. It is STRUCTURAL.

>> No.16661815

So it's just fascism, and the eco is meaningless

>> No.16661823

No, try again you fucking brainlet. I'm not answering things that are so obvious that to question them reveals an ulterior motive or mental retardation.


>> No.16661851

Awareness of a carbon footprint is the bare minimum to claiming "eco"
Your ideology is effectively just as eco-friendly as "eco-friendly" neoliberals. If you have no conception of degrowth you can not claim to be eco-friendly.

>> No.16661932

How so?

>> No.16661938

His only concern was ecology and no political bullshite. At the end of his he even supported Greta. He was against immigration because of high rate of consumption in first world and not because of muh white genocide. He even said that westerners should migrate to Africa and start living their simple low entropic lifestyle.
He never gave a single fuck about racial/traditional/religious matters or da joos.

>> No.16662038


The top left pisture is so ecofascist it needs a military-industrial complex scorching the Earth to come to existence.

In the end is always the fascist part that remains and all the eco, socialist or obrerist is just a catching web.

>> No.16662053
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>The true eco-fascist is not concerned with the Earth's survival, but humanity's.

>> No.16662126
File: 58 KB, 765x399, World_fossil_carbon_dioxide_emissions_six_top_countries_and_confederations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called accelerating overpopulation retards. This isn't about any single person, but what will happen when you get overwhelmed by a huge violent underdeveloped demographic that's mad your cutting off their international aid. Yes, in the long term we should stagnate, but what's going to happen when the 11% white global minority starts trying to dissuade the rest of the world from overpopulating? Violence. The only way to prepare is to teach children simple living, survival, and to reproduce as much as possible to counteract what will be a flood of disgruntled immigrants coming to stop you. Any anti-natalist propaganda is just destroying developed nation's fertility rates, making it easier for them to be overwhelmed in the future. You can kill yourself after we're done.
Since when are neo-luddites in favor of industry?

>> No.16662135

>instead of having a violent "underdeveloped" demographic we should have a violent overdeveloped demographic

>> No.16662138
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>> No.16662140

No it is not, I recommend you read more before you dare to speak of such matters.

>> No.16662141

We have a concept of de-growth and it is INDUSTRIAL DE-GROWTH.

>> No.16662167

One of the core tenants of ecology is that what we do to the Earth is more harmful to us and the status quo, rather than the Earth as a whole. The contemporary discussion of climate change is almost exclusively the concern of neo-liberal countries.

>> No.16662206

Keep whining faggot and keep dreaming these wet dreams but Linkola wasn't a fascist.

>> No.16662220

Why not just environmentalism? It seems a lot of you just care about the imagine of being "le epic eco fasc inna woods army man" instead of actually caring about the enviroment

>> No.16662278

>I'm gonna not reproduce, that'll teach hyper-inflated populations not to reproduce too!
>world keeps on reproducing toward extinction
Because modern environmentalism is just conservation, which only cares about resource gains for humanity. It no longer serves as a moral platform, and we are in drastic need of a pivot in worldview. "Caring about the environment" is literally crypto-ecology.

>> No.16662308

There is nothing wrong with 1 or 2 kids. But don't delude yourself by thinking that you care about environment or ecology after having 3+ kids and promoting high fertility rate natalism.

>> No.16662334
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They will come for your family, kill you, replace you, and give zero shits about your land. You can have 1 to 2 kids once we're safe.

>> No.16662362

Take your meds /pol/

>> No.16662365

Hey anon why didn't you do population density instead of birthrate?
Could it be that you know you're wrong or something :^)

>> No.16662370

You've been saying this for what, 300 or so years now?
When's it going to happen already

>> No.16662395

Are you saying that the agrarian land reforms, the quasi control of industries by the state and parastate agencies, the switch from international markets to autarky, were all "secondary bourgeois interest"? Do you have any example from the (italian) fascist doctrine to back that up?
Commies always whine about people misrepresenting their ideology but they sure do love reductionism when it suits them

>> No.16662416
File: 274 KB, 1500x841, populationdensity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally already happening
Because we were talking about overpopulation and birthrates. Population density is important, but having 8:46 births is scarier than an extra 100 people that exist per square kilometer already.

>> No.16662465

>it's literally already happening
Yeah they were saying that 300 years ago too and I'm tired of waiting for the white genocide

>> No.16662482


>also, OP, Pentti Linkola. "Can Life Prevail?" is pretty good.

It was not bad, but there were a few things that bordered on wasteful sperging.

He wants to literally bad the word competition, presumably to stop people from competing economically, meaning no perpetual growth. But that's dumb, because humans, especially some individuals are instinctively competitive and it's more or less apart of the human condition.

Banning of money... Lol. Read "Debt, The first 5000 years" and you'll see that it's not really possible to do a pure barter system like I think he was suggesting. People will just find substitutes for money.

Limiting average height as a positive goal? The fuck? Sure, reduce the population, I'm in agreement, but policing that so we get a further reducing in biomass. Priorities....

References Uncle Ted with praise, but forgets he goes over the problem of technological pursuits for the purpose of warfare, and getting an edge on your enemy. Hypothetically a nation can't surrender its means for self defense, and things like nukes, or advanced weapons systems/equipment are almost mandatory as a deterrent. Only solution I see is walling off military tech from rest of society, so it can develop, while everyone else lives simply.

>> No.16662488

>All caps
Stay seething

>> No.16662491

> thinking some bullshit abstraction like "the environment" is more important than your own flesh-and-blood progeny
DESU, you deserve to die out, and I can't wait until people like you stop existing.

>> No.16662512

Yeah that's what Linkola thought which you eco-fascists consider an essential read.
He never gave a single fuck about muh white race

>> No.16662527

you obviously didn't read it

>> No.16662538

There is no ecological crisis.

>> No.16662544

Top kek

>> No.16662549

Why do eco fascists assume that nature is a respecter of racial boundaries?

>> No.16662602

Ah, here we have the first person to scream “gulags”. Of course he would employ them if given the chance.
Over here we have the holocaust denier. “But there should have been one! Yuck yuck yuck”

Still no restating this “substance”.

>> No.16662634
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>> No.16662636

>Why do eco fascists assume that nature is a respecter of racial boundaries?
First of all nature doesn't exist (or only exists confined as a literary device). The Earth does not give a shit about our problems.
Secondly, most of what this is about is care for racial diversity (which is "natural", evidenced by its existence, and is coming under attack from "unnatural" human institutions and an influx of peoples)
Yes normally an ecologist wouldn't care about race, but when race becomes tied to genuine care for land it also becomes a facet of ecology.
Ecofascism isn't about the Earth's survival, it's about humanity's survival on the Earth (which requires a change in worldview> which requires genuine care for the land> which requires race)

>> No.16662640

I too enjoy fantasy

>> No.16662663

But white people are the only race known to actively destroy the environment, almost all 3rd world pollution is done by factories owned by the eternal white
Ecofascism therefore must imply that a white genocide is a net positive

>> No.16662791

>he who increaseth his knowledge increaseth his sorrow also
So, by being the first to provide such alterations to the environment we're seeing now, we are also the first to understand it's harms. This isnt an argument against the white race, but only proves that it's continued existence is necessary for it's mistakes to be learned from. We have a duty to curb our mistakes; mass immigration, dependency on white economies/lands, and overpopulation due to immature adoption of technological advancements.

>> No.16662806

>almost all 3rd world pollution is done by factories owned by the eternal white
the absolute cope, do you not realize how many giant cities there are in China? Do you think that doesn't contribute to pollution

>> No.16662812

>attacking whatever resembles anti-life philosophy
Sure anon let's start with that assessment. The black sun has to go

>> No.16662818

Absolutely loling at all the retarded fascists getting BTFO ITT. Delicious buttblasted tears

>> No.16662831 [DELETED] 

Can you please shut the fuck up and go die of AIDS you stick-infested tranny cunt

>> No.16662839

Can you please shut the fuck up and go die of AIDs you stink-infested tranny cunt

>> No.16662843

>but when race becomes tied to genuine care for land it also becomes a facet of ecology
This literally doesnt make sense

>> No.16662862
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There really isn't any because it's not a coherent ideology. People like to cite Linkola or Kaczynski but both were obviously anarchists. Fascism is by definition pro-capitalism, and capitalism is intrinsically linked with industrialization and the imperative towards exponential growth. Besides this clear economic contradiction, any form of nationalism is helpless against global climate issues.

Read Adorno instead if you really want some critical anti-liberalism.

>> No.16662863

basic bitch

>> No.16662870

You're right
All "intelligent" (read: myopic) races must go
There's no wriggling out of this one white boy, do the needful for the Volksgemeinschaft and kys

>> No.16662905

intelligent post

>> No.16662939
File: 522 KB, 1000x676, anprim-reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this thread is a perfect example of the quality decline that is caused by the /pol/ leaks.
Butterfly is honestly one of the best posters ITT, the fact that I need to say that just makes me consider leaving /lit/ for the good.
Racism is not related to ecology at all. White supremacy is actually counterproductive. A primitive tribal life is superior to any hierachical structure when it comes to ecology.
You retards only got memed into this because you see images of muh aryan gf, just like this one >>16659656 and even when someone makes fun of that fact (see >>16659893 )you don't even get it. This particular type of politically incorrect retard tries to act like they're well read and knowledgeable by buying a bunch of books and putting them on their shelves while they actually just get convinced of a political ideology with a bunch of statistics used in a wrong context ( >>16662416 ), images of characters in childrens books, the only books self proclaimed ecofascists have the endurance to read ( >>>>16659933 lmao just think about it, unironically using a moomin to spread fascist ideology is absurd) or just from reading absolute nonsense on the tasmanian typewriting forum (see >>16662334 ).

I will now post a bunch of good books and charts about ecology, haven't read all of them but probably still more than most of the other posters here.
Now I'll just wait with some popcorn until some ameritard who only knows the dual party system will start calling kaczynski an ecofascist because he critizised the modern left, even though he dedicated a whole chapter to an argumentation on why a state or any kind of large scale steering system for society will never work in his most recent book.

>> No.16662954
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x1403, luddite-reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one. It is really sad that one has to feel bad when reading someone like Linkola in public because ecofascists use him and a bunch of others as a source for their stupid opinions without even reading the actual books

>> No.16662979
File: 625 KB, 2282x3052, the_secret_life_of_trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a purely ecological book, no politics whatsoever. But it is incredibly interesting and makes you think about nature and why to preserve it dfifferently

>> No.16663005
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These two posts end this discussion.

> throws entire regions of the world into chaos
> noooo why are they leaving and coming here they must be invaders aaaaa

>> No.16663017
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Blood and Soil + Ecology = Eco Fascist take on Ecology
Actually somewhat this, the mixture of modernist ideology and contemporary thought makes it hard to place things on solid ground. Fascism in ecofascism does not refer to modernist classical fascism, but merely the ecological worldview of blood and soil that arose from it. Ted and Linkola are not anarchists because ideological anarchism focuses on egalitarianism, social democracy, and liberal-incest/parasitism (all of which they are against). The problem is that with oversocialization and overpopulation being such burgeoning issues, ecofascism and radical ecologists are forced to describe themselves in outdated terms solely for appeal. I would rec people like fisher, debord, lasch, etc because contemporary philosophy gives ecofascism a firm platform of what it is against in the contemporary world. But it is true there are little to no ecofascist authors.
>personal attack
>attack on competency
>more personal attack
>primitivist argument with no actionable stances providing real world solutions
Race is very much related to ecology, no one is claiming that ted, linkola, or foreman are ecofash. Their critiques of environmentalism and contemporary society are the cornerstone of the philosophy however. Green anarchism is about the most retarded take on ecology, mostly because the anthropology is outdated as fuck.

>> No.16663032

You're the stupid one. No one here is saying that eco-fascism == ecology. They're different ideologies you fuckwit. Eco-fascism is the combination of ecology and fascism; the fucking name says it all. So stop with your moralizing and stop trying to "woke" people here 'cause you're only making a fool of yourself. White supremacism is a key factor of eco-fascism and every eco-fascist will acknowledge it. It's fucking embarrassing to see a retard acting enligty just because he found some charts online of books he hasn't even read...

>> No.16663054

>Eco-fascism is the combination of ecology and fascism
Yes, and since oxymoron don't work well as a political ideology it is facism with a traditional lifestyle without any ecology. Maybe you should read the thread before calling me a retard.
And I read six books from only the first chart, which works of """ecofascism""" have you read that make you proficient in that field?

>> No.16663064

>r Kaczynski but both were obviously anarchists.
Ted rambles at length about the need to save anti-tech movements from leftist incursion. He's not a fascist but he's no leftist

>> No.16663094 [DELETED] 

>no actionable stances providing real world solutions
read anti tech revolution, it is in the chart.
Could you please explain how race is related to ecology? I don't see any connection. Sure, Hitler was actually vegan or at least vegetarian and the NSDAP cared about animal wealth but that's about it. Fascist governments never care about ecology, they actually can't because they always need to produce weaponry to ensure their reign.
Read it again:
7. But what is leftism? During the first half of the 20thcentury leftism could have been practically identified withsocialism. Today the movement is fragmented and it is notclear who can properly be called a leftist. When we speakof leftists in this article we have in mind mainly socialists,collectivists, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay anddisability activists, animal rights activists and the like. Butnot everyone who is associated with one of these move-ments is a leftist. What we are trying to get at in discus-sing leftism is not so much movement or an ideology as apsychological type, or rather a collection of related types.Thus, what we mean by “leftism” will emerge more clearlyin the course of our discussion of leftist psychology. (Also,see paragraphs 227-230.)
Too lazy to use proper quoting but he says nothing against anarchists here, it's just modern leftists he rambles about

>> No.16663111

>no actionable stances providing real world solutions
read anti tech revolution, it is in the chart.
Could you please explain how race is related to ecology? I don't see any connection. Sure, Hitler was actually vegan or at least vegetarian and the NSDAP cared about animal wealth but that's about it. Fascist governments never care about ecology, they actually can't because they always need to produce weaponry to ensure their reign.
Read it again:
>7. But what is leftism? During the first half of the 20thcentury leftism could have been practically identified withsocialism. Today the movement is fragmented and it is notclear who can properly be called a leftist. When we speakof leftists in this article we have in mind mainly socialists,collectivists, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay anddisability activists, animal rights activists and the like. Butnot everyone who is associated with one of these move-ments is a leftist. What we are trying to get at in discus-sing leftism is not so much movement or an ideology as apsychological type, or rather a collection of related types.Thus, what we mean by “leftism” will emerge more clearlyin the course of our discussion of leftist psychology. (Also,see paragraphs 227-230.)
He says nothing against anarchists here, it's just modern leftists he rambles about

>> No.16663114

The books you've posted above are about primitivism and anti-technology. Eco-fascism isn't about that for fucks sake. Eco-fascism is in favour of nuclear energy, the above mentioned ideologies are not. Eco-fascism embraces the blood-and-soil motton, the other two ideolgies do not. Eco-fascism intends to limit the usage of single-use plastic, the preservation of natural resources and forests, etc. so it is indeed an ecological ideology. However it also embraces white supremacism, traditionalism (which isn't the same as anti-technology b t w), the establishment of an autarchy, the elimination of feminism and LGBT ideologies, etc. so it is also a a fascist ideology. In short, stop trying to impose your moral views on other ideologies 'cause you're just showing your own incompetence. If you don't like eco-fascism that's completely fine, but I recommend you to stop misinterpreting the ideology 'cause nobody will take you seriously If you continue to do that

>> No.16663125

Now tell me where did I state that the charts are about ecofascism? They obviously aren't kek, not sure why that's upsetting you

>> No.16663139

>animal wealth
Should be animal welfare, that other poster is actually right about me being a tard

>> No.16663150
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>oxymoron don't work well as a political ideology
>functioning anarchist society
You know damn well almost all ideologies are oxymorons you categorical fuckwit.
Ted is not an ideological anarchist, and almost all of those things he listed are the same things anarchism lobbies for/ is associated with. Any anarchist movement will be appropriated by capitalist realism and become manufacture dissent, the "left" can't into hyperpolitics and that's what makes ideologies like ecofash way more useful.
>posts chart in ecofascist thread
>I'm in thread full of thing I don't like, why am so mad ooga ooga

>> No.16663180

Upon looking at his manifesto again(maybe he has updated since) he does call himself an anarchist, but it's obviously in a sense that would differ from most anarchist groups, who are very similar to other leftists psychologically. It's possible Ted himself had a bit of that psychology and was projecting, I don't know.

>> No.16663216
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>anarhic spirit =/= ideological anarchism
how absolutely shocking

>> No.16663227

You know that's what I meant when I mentioned the political thinking of americans coined by the dual party system. You think that he has to be a modern leftist because some modern leftists are anarchists. That is however false and just like saying all gays are leftists. Just look at the average 4chan user and see how that is wrong. Just like you can be a faggot nazi you can be an anarchist without being leftist (or, what you think a leftist is, aka a supporter of the american democratic party)

>> No.16663245

I said that he might have that psychology because he seemed resentful of eg. academia, which is a powerful institution. A lot of the Right are resentful of these institutions in a way similar to Leftists being resentful of men, whites, upper class, etc.

Anarchism is clearly on the left side of things, even if the sort of anarchism he is advocating is ultimately different than most others. And I was using leftist the way Ted does obviously, which applies to both Dems and socialists.

>> No.16663265

Zero actual arguments against fascism detected, as per usual.

>> No.16663266
File: 471 KB, 1914x1038, 629fb3fd-6c25-42fb-835d-01fc6fb63191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fascism is the most degenerate ideology
>Communists and Socialist cutting off their dicks to larp as a female
>Communists cucking themselves as their women bang another man
>Commies running diaper tranny discord where they groom 13 year old children
Yeah, fascism is far from that, even Nazbols are even on par with being as degenerate as commies.

>> No.16663269

a bunch of interesting books neatly arranged? yeah, imagine

>> No.16663279

Ted isn't an anarchist at all, he's shat on anarchists, so I don't know anarcho primitive fags love him so much.

>> No.16663300

I'll feed the troll, although your bait is very low effort. Let me quote my own post:>>16662939
>he dedicated a whole chapter to an argumentation on why a state or any kind of large scale steering system for society will never work in his most recent book.
If you are too lazy to look it up, here is a link to the mentioned book https://archive.org/details/KaczynskiAntiTechRevolutionWhyAndHow_201803

>> No.16663327


>> No.16663342

I don't even see how anarcho privitism is going to work, it just sounds like giant larp from a bunch of mentally retarded subhumans who think they will be able to defeat the industrial or neolithic revolution by pretending to be a caveman.

>> No.16663369

that's probably because you never read about it.

>> No.16663380

lmao shut the fuck up. that doesn't make any sense, eco-fascism means applied deep ecology, which is little to not concerned at all about humanity's well-being, once the full diagnosis pretty much says that our well-being and nature's are incompatible

>> No.16663382

threadly plug for the hyperpodcast

>> No.16663400

Didn't know Snufkin was an eco-fascist symbol around here; makes sense. He's an LGBT one in tumblr, but they make that out of any character

>> No.16663424


>> No.16663435

No I read about it and it's filled nonsense, how are you going to stop technology of today by larping as cavemen? Most of your books you recommend do well to criticize technology, but they never have a realistic solution agaisnt. Anarchism is a mommy and daddy problem ideology.

>> No.16663481
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>eco-fascism means applied deep ecology
What, and that makes it not have social facets? If you read up on your ecology and natural history, you'd know that there is almost little to no chance of humans destroying life on earth. There is, however, a very high chance of humans creating another catastrophic period (which has happened several times in the geologic record) which will result in species extinction. That's just highschool-tier. Humanity's well-being (moralistic worldview, proper socialization, simple living, and harmony with the rest of Earth's ecosystem) is different from human welfare (dopamine fed control societies and modern quality of life). The ideology requires a disregard for human life/rights so that human life can survive the way it is intended to - as a part of the ecosystem. If we were
>not concerned at all about humanity's well-being
we would just let us run ourselves into extinction and encourage things like anti-natalist rhetoric.

>> No.16663511

Who is the gunfu on bottom left?

>> No.16663516

my wife desu

>> No.16663640

Now that was surprisingly based

>> No.16663814

can someone explain this moomin thing? tried to look into it and I found a book series, a comic, a couple tv shows, movies, etc.

— where do I start?

>> No.16663856

That is not a women lmao.
This is abomination against nature. That is why they have a vested interests against both Fascism and EcoFascism. They have no place in an ideology designed around the beauty of the natural world.

>> No.16663862
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The series is slowly being released on youtube in its entirety, just start watching.

>> No.16663879
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>> No.16663902

sweet, thanks!

>> No.16663931

kek, very good humor anon. I appreciate your effort

>> No.16664005
File: 26 KB, 499x372, 1602578626025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls gib aryan milkers...must...secure...future

>> No.16664138

Utterly based

>> No.16664337

Ted explicitely says he doesn't think making plans about how society must be structure is worthwhile

>> No.16664522

Based and Checked

>> No.16664698

but... fascism bad

>> No.16664730

>Ted and Linkola are not anarchists because ideological anarchism focuses on...

There are many non-egalitarian anarchists. This kind of generalization just shows you haven't engaged much with the field. Kaczynski very explicitly rejects the link between "blood and soil" because that is literally the definition of the State.

I guess it's something that needs to be repeated over and over again on this board, but the best critiques of liberal capitalism come from the Left, both historically and in contemporary thought. Debord is a decent example but Marx, Lukacs, Adorno, and Deleuze are the most important.

Never called Kaczynski leftist. He's an anarcho-primitivist by his own admission. But there is some overlap between his writings and anarcho-communists like Bookchin or Graeber -- while "anarcho-facism" is a meaningless oxymoron.

>> No.16664757

Incredibly powerful bookshelf

>> No.16664769
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>> No.16664786
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Ted Kaczynski explicitly denounced Ecofascism.

>> No.16664791
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>> No.16664810
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>anarchism is everything so you can't say what it is
damn it bobby, go back in your room and read dugin

>> No.16664893
File: 31 KB, 500x375, Drm7S9TWkAAZHl5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice reading comprehension hank, except you seemed to hav missed the part where I said anarchism is not fascism or leftism, and that there are different strains of (often contradictory) thought under that umbrella term

and why in the hell would I waste my time reading gotdang dugin when I still haven't finished volume 3 of capital

>> No.16664962

>The key aspect here is to realize that the Earth will solve its problems with or without us. The true eco-fascist is not concerned with the Earth's survival, but humanity's.
spoken like a true larper. man's divine mission is to help all of creation flourish.

>> No.16665120

>Complains about people not reading and knowing anything about the subject
>Posts more charts

You are obviously a seething communist tranny.

>> No.16665217
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I think people are misunderstanding what I'm saying. Abbey talks about this at length; that the Earth will keep on living with or without us.... which it will. It is ignorant for humanity to think it could destroy all life on this planet. If you look at the destructive events of the past few generations; mount st. helens and chernobyl, those regions are recovering the same way all regions do after such events. The Earth's ecosystem will never stay stagnant, and I challenge you to find an ecologist/naturalist who argues otherwise. When you look at reef communities, it took the ocean a couple million years to get modern scleractinia corals from the previous species in the geologic record. And even then there were different reef builders (sponges, bivalves, etc) before corals. Reefs responded to catastrophic/extinctionary events by diversification, and thrive. The real issue, when environmentalists bring up things like reefs, isn't that reefs will stop existing if corals die... but that the implication of corals dying would most likely result in the destruction of modern human society (maybe even life). The point is that life still goes on. A true ecologist and natural historian understands this, and sees that 'nature' will not be held hostage by humanity, it will kill all of us (by our own actions) and life will go on. So we have to move past social issues, quickly, and secure sturdy ground for the continued survival of the human race. I prefer the "right" (dichotomy is a fuck) because the "left" is caught up in itself and won't ever make something sturdy or quickly as necessity demands.

>> No.16665470


>> No.16665962

le sad demivrge

>> No.16666313
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>wars for israel is trad

>> No.16666387

>hatchet, eco fash
>bricks in the background

>> No.16666542

I do, stop being an existential cuck fascie.

>> No.16666568

Yep, pretty much.

>> No.16666579

I take it you're an anarchist then?

>> No.16667411

What would Ted say about Traditionalism (pbuh)?

>> No.16667439

>use technology to destroy technology!!!!!!!!!!
ecofascists are retarded

>> No.16667465

ted denounces the myth of anarcho-primitivism, just like he denounces the myth of a dialectic ideal of society. it does not mean he doesn't agree with the sentiment on a foundational level.

>> No.16667474

ecofascists aren't primitivists tho

>> No.16667713

I can guess what you look like.

>> No.16667728

Doesn't "Technological Slavery" include "ISAIF"?

>> No.16667831

While I disagree with you that we shouldn't be concerned with the survival of the Earth, I agree with you and like that image. I'm kind of surprised you mentioned Debord but I agree completely. He's an essential for anyone fed up with the current state of things.

>> No.16667836
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>it's another authoritarian conservatives that think they're fascists shit fling with marxists and anarchists
for shame
Futurism is the antithesis to anything that can make the claim to be "ecological"
Fascism is a a democratic State par excellence, every citizen shares a relationship with the State and is so intimate that the State exists only in so far as it is made to exist by the citizen.

>> No.16667843

>pick one, or you can shove that bookchin right up your ass and get off my lifeboat

>> No.16667848

Sam Hyde was a mistake

>> No.16667881

How was Linkola not a fascist?

>> No.16668153

Just read the fucking book, it's not thar hard

>> No.16668915

>Fascism is a a democratic State par excellence, every citizen shares a relationship with the State and is so intimate that the State exists only in so far as it is made to exist by the citizen.
That's not democratic that's more of socialism.

>> No.16668919

No ted denounces anarcho privitism as a whole, read it nigger.

>> No.16668952

>Larp as a caveman to destroy technology
Sure buddy, but that's not even what ecofashs support. Your entire belief system is even more asinine because you guys completely reject technology as a whole, something that was inevitable for humans to use and is needed to create change in the world. Come on you fags don't have any right calling anyone retarded. What's the point of anarchy, if you're going to have to literally be restrictive agaisnt people who technology?

>> No.16669057

This but unironically

>> No.16669183

>the State exists only in so far as it is made to exist by the citizen.
Actually the contrary is true

>> No.16669198
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Fascism is just a power trip for mistreated children. As history has always shown: fruitless dogma = degenerate

>> No.16669201

How? The state is only an idea.

>> No.16669210

wow you have no idea what fascism is, how suprising.

>> No.16669237

the only reason i came here is for the bg pic without the rune, i'll come back if i find it

>> No.16669261
File: 3.72 MB, 2720x1810, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't too hard to find actually
better quality because 4chan is ass: https://takt-tv.ru/uploads/TAKT-KURSK/2018/08/14/lesss.jpg

>> No.16669274

Start reading Hegel, brainlet

>> No.16669282

Hegel agrees with that, brainlet.

>> No.16669286

Enlighten me on what fascism is 'o wise fascist man

>> No.16669293

It's national syndicalism in praxis

>> No.16669312

First of all he doesn't and then he wouldn't dismiss something for being "just an idea"

>> No.16669324

How? Something being an idea is not a dismissal of it. Hegel argued that the State is the highest form of social existence and the end product of the development of mankind, from family to civil society to lower forms of political groupings. The State is a superorganic whole made up of individuals grouped into local communities, voluntary associations, etc.

>> No.16669326

even you are using "citizen" which implies something that oversteps the individual's boundaries

>> No.16669342

>from family to civil society to lower forms of political groupings
Yes, and all these acquire their actual meaning in the State, just like an organ in itself has no meaning outside of the body. Fascists went a step further with actual idealism.

>> No.16669361

With eco-fascism you'll have more pics like that one :^)

>> No.16669375

Maybe I'll make my own thread later but I'm looking to get into eco criticism. Not particularly interested in fascism but it will probably play some role in my dissertation. Any good intro books or anthologies in this developing field?

>> No.16669383

The state cannot exist without the people.
Just as the body cannot exist without it's organs.
>every organ shares a relationship with the Body and is so intimate that the Body exists only in so far as it is made to exist by the organ.
The body and it's organs, the state and it's citizens— are one.

>> No.16669394

Thanks for actually replying to the question instead of sperging about semantics. Much appreciated

>> No.16669680
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What the fuck is up with all these butthurt cry babies raging just because 1 anon wanted some book recommendations? Imagine being this close minded and hostile over people having different opinions and taste in books. Imagine carrying around so much hatred in your heart. I never judge or care whatever weird books people read, and I've known friends push me books written by psychos (diagnosed) and still, didn't care. It's their life.

It isn't anyone's fucking business what someone else online likes to read, holy shit. Chill out, you retards.

I am open minded and not a faggot. Can you explain to me how is fascism different from eco-fascism? I have briefly read some fascist books from Cornelius to Mussolini, so I have some vague idea what regular fascism is about. Am curious.

>> No.16669692

The biggest polluters in the world are India and China, Africa third. Europe is the cleanest place on earth. You're a mong.

>> No.16669728

Hi thank you for actually contributing to the thread. Theoretically, eco-fascism has a particular focus on the preservation of the natural resources of a territory since the soil of a country is as important as its people. As such, eco-fascism differs with general fascism in that the first one strives to find the balance between ecology and industrial efficiency. General fascism generally tends towards industrial efficiency (in order to create weapons to defend its territory and products to establish an autarchy) and in doing so will destroy the environment if its own soil by contamination such as toxic waste, heavy smokes, deforestation, etc. Eco-fascism will, theoretically, limit industrial efficiency and will seek other ways of achieving a similar results. As an example, eco-fascism is pro nuclear energy even though it is of higher cost than regular coal (this is why eco-fascism =/= anarcho-primitivism). Eco-fascism will also check that industries don't use single-use plastic, that they treat their waste accordingly, ect. This cannot be achieved in a "democratic" state as it is already proven. On the other hand there's the fascist ideology which seeks to protect the well-being of its citizens by embracing tradition, limiting the exposure of feminism and LGBT, limiting illegal immigrants, etc. You don't need to be a genocidal freak to be an eco-fascist, but on the other hand eco-fascism is much more than just cleaning some trash from the streets and planting a tree or two.

Hope this solved some of your questions

>> No.16669898
File: 509 KB, 546x650, unknown-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, than you for your detailed explanation, I'll be sure to share your post with a guy I know irl who seems much more well read on fascist literature and ask his opinions.

Everything you said is what I thought regular fascism already was, or been told at least that it's heavily about conserving nature and limiting animal experimentation and what not. Maybe I am biased because of womanhood making me very sensitive to the affairs of nature and, especially, the well beings of animals, but I see many agreeable viewpoints here. Amazing how simply having "fascist" in the name and "limiting immigration" makes people hiss at this doctrine as if it's the KKK or satanist blasphemy, despite in reality it generally being extremely well meaning and selfless.

I've described fascism, of my limited knowledge, to liberals without naming it, and ironically they always adore the concept, so long as they arent told it is fascism. Fun game to play, try it out sometime.

Ps: any ways I could meet groups of people into such literature? And I don't mean illiterate hitlerists who only read 1 book and think they're now the popes of fascism.

>> No.16669911

>Interesting, thank* you
Oopsie typo.

>> No.16669918

Literally a jewish theory

>> No.16670132

Yeah, it's amazing how people will agree on something until you put a label on it, the it's the work of the devil or something. Anyway, to reply to your questions, unfortunately I do not know if any such a group. I myself have been trying to find a decent group to talk about politics/literatute but every place online that I've found has eventually been ran over by trannies (I don't mean it in the meme-way, I mean literal trannies. For some reason they love to go online and destroy communites. Go figure why). I suggest you to meet people irl if you are able to. 4chan long ago became overruled by tourists and discord et al. are flooded with arrogant idiots. I wish I could give you some recs but that's all I'm able to say. Perhaps one day you'll find a nice community to be part of. I myself I'm still in the search of that

>> No.16670141


>> No.16670248

Are you going to reply to me? >>16669383

>> No.16670713
File: 39 KB, 720x726, 1465959882125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why in the hell would I waste my time reading gotdang dugin when I still haven't finished volume 3 of capital
Because if you'd read fourth political theory, you'd realize that restraining the new political theory to modernist terms keeps it chained to a dead optic. The success (of sorts) of post-human philosophy is that it's the closest to ever come to breaching the modernist carcass we've been feeding off of for the past couple centuries. Don't concern yourself with a lot of old shit, especially when the times are ripe for something new or disastrous. There's enough strangeness brewing, most of which is contained in literature under 100 pages, to keep you pondering. Maybe you'll never escape these chains, but you'll at least have been thinking with your times rather than chasing ghosts.

>> No.16670787

Where did you finds this?

>> No.16670789

No, it's theory made by an ethnic jewish atheist.

>> No.16670809
File: 312 KB, 850x505, they-live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes, it's a jewish theory

>> No.16670825

Just like many German philosophers have similar qualities to their writing, so do jewish philosophers/thinkers. They may be atheist, but their views tend to differ somewhat to those from atheists from a christian background, which includes your average westerner.

>> No.16670870

>separatist attitude will inevitably promote rivalry
Are racial dynamics not already doing this?

>> No.16671156

>ecofascism and fascism is the same thing
low iq moron. You can join pol, 100% fit

>> No.16671180
File: 7 KB, 246x405, Growth_of_the_Soil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody named pic related
I'm disappointed

>> No.16671193

skandi culture is literally suicide, ablism, seal clubbing, sweaters, black metal, skiing and fish, and I love it

>> No.16671299

>late but whatev
eco fash, biologist and working in the ecosystem restoration business desu, i can tell you wothout the shadow of a doubt that there are damages that the earth can't recover from, and there are expanding problems that are already snowballing like several desertification habbenings that were 100% set into motion by men and that without men will continue like they are right now
>unless you're talking about in the scale of millions of years then... maybe, but if you are holy shit dude maybe compassion for humies as well as other beings?

>> No.16671341

>unless you're talking about in the scale of millions of years
yes pretty much, I refer you to>>16665217 I'm basically arguing that humanity needs to get it's shit together, and that trying to maintain the current ecological status quo indefinitely is. impossible (i.e. misanthropy for humanity)

>> No.16671351

>He even said that westerners should migrate to Africa and start living their simple low entropic lifestyle.

>> No.16671353
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A credible eco-fascism is not yet been theorized. Several strands of 20thC Western culture and political thought could likely be knit together into an eco-fascist position coherent enough to start making policy recommendations. But if all you really want is to live in a rural area and be racist that can be accomplished without any theorization.

>> No.16671483

>but every place online that I've found has eventually been ran over by trannies (I don't mean it in the meme-way, I mean literal trannies. For some reason they love to go online and destroy communites. Go figure why).
Wow... That bad? I cannot comprehend attacking already tiny groups like that. I may strongly disagree by certain groups I've been on, but assaulting and destroying always seemed tyranny-esque and abusive. Just let people be. Damn...

>I suggest you to meet people irl if you are able to.
Sadly, nope. I'm from east europe, so I did have many classmates like that. But now I'm in west Europe and such people are non-existant.

If you don't mind, perhaps we could exchange emails/element(riot) or even pisscord? I could introduce you to a few guys from my homeland who share your views and like similar books. It sucks to be alienated, I know that much as someone going through culture shock. I'll prove it's me with my east euroepan langauge skills, lol.

>> No.16671661

Гoвopишь пo-pyccки? Ecли тaк, тo нaпиши мнe в Пиccкopд. Я Morpheus # чeтыpe пять двa двa

>> No.16671723

You can send letters to ted.

>> No.16671838
File: 231 KB, 417x709, 1601786866818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my take combining the thread with some of my own suggestions;
>conservative revolution
junger (eumeswil) and schmitt (political theology) should probably be your go-tos out of modernism
>blackpills/hyperpolitics/contemporary critique
lasch (culture of narcissism) fisher (capitalist realism) debord (society of the spectable) land (dark enlightenment) if you can understand semiotics baudrillard and adorno although I can't give personal recs on his works
>violence becomes acceptable
sorel (reflections on violence) dugin (fourth political theory) linkola (can life prevail)
>race and lifestyle
hamsun (growth of the soil) bramwell (hitlers green party) grant (the passing of the great race) keeping in mind these people are old and the post-pagan/neo-pagan thing doesn't work for a lot of people (also that racial/immigration demographics are really burgeoning) tarrant (the great replacement) - the first goal is to have lots of children don't be a faggot getting raped in prison that helps no one
texbooks don't be a nigger, probably include some foreman (rewilding america) and abbey (desert solitaire)
In summary; primitivism is a fuck, make lots of white babies, teach them how to survive, and don't get caught up in old politics/premature actions

>> No.16671852

I’ve been looking for this specifically someone recommended me 24/7 seemed interesting but I’ll check the others out

>> No.16671860

all charts are on the wiki baka

>> No.16671881
File: 1.89 MB, 299x214, BEA7340C-A06F-4D50-B792-EF0ECE92117A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought of that I haven’t browsed here for a while

>> No.16671930
File: 36 KB, 480x360, lawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you all could hang up the radical ecology, crack open a beer and mow the lawn
when was the last time you mowed the lawn anon

>> No.16671967

solid recs. thanks anon

>> No.16672049
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>> No.16672595

I'll send screenshot proof by the way for extra security.

>> No.16672606
File: 606 KB, 750x804, 2B48E291-56E6-4E79-AD65-C1CAE29A935D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16672618

fugg u demiurge!

>> No.16672628

>Fascism is by definition pro-capitalism,
Retarded af

>> No.16672674

What's with the homeless faggots?

>> No.16672854

I am tired as shit so if I don't respond/send pics, I'm likely asleep. Will send stuff in the morning.

>> No.16672889

>native biodiversity
Go back to 1980's Netherlands
this type of garden logic is outdated
in the current Anthropocene we have had "exotic" plants for hundreds of years and its arbitrary to suddenly exclude them and expect to go back to some virginal unaltered state of greenery that never existed in the first place

>> No.16673120

this except also racist

>> No.16673880

>whites reproduce as much as possible and reject modernity for muh simple living
>now both hemispheres are overpopulated with inefficient slash-and-burn subsistence niggers
>feedback loops and carrying capacity btfo Earth's biosphere in a matter of mere centuries
>most multicellular terrestrial life extinct, including the retarded apes that started it all
If that's not anti-life idk what is

>> No.16673888

Basically what you just said can be boiled down to “hurr durr i dont know what native biodiversity is hurr durr”

>> No.16673896

This, based anon! Now go work in my factory building guns for extractivist military ventures and have lots of babies to work in my factory too <3 you'll show those jew-commie capitalists in no time!!!!

>> No.16673924

Pic related isn't fascist at all, fuck off

>> No.16674006

that's exactly what pic related is

>> No.16674033

>Fascism is just a power trip for mistreated children.
<The entire ideal of anarchism was built by degenerates and faggots who had daddy issues

>> No.16674046

It’s a friggin letter.
Algiz doesn’t belong to you

>> No.16674068

it literally isn't
>The entire ideal of anarchism was built by degenerates and faggots who had daddy issues
Majority of fascists were former anarchists and marxists
Authoritarian conservatives don't belong to us, and that's what most of these "fascists" are

>> No.16674117

In that context it is used exactly that way, just like swastika is considered nazist in context of Nazi Germany. Neither swastika belongs to nazis.

>> No.16674307

what is the opposite of eco-fascism? tech-fascism? what are the books for that?

>> No.16674352
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I have more sympathy for green anarchism, but they look too scattered and diverse to be anything more than just a matter of personal choice which global change isn't about. It doesn't matter how much I hate extreme ideologies, they are the only ones ready for a radical change exactly because of being extreme and prone to violence. Because talking about something like ecological change you either do it or not, but that means people will have to give up their comforts which they will never do. You won't find any way to please those people while doing what you believe in since that's a contradiction.
If you are one of those mommy boys with 'vegan for life' tattoo on your neck who believes everything can be resolved in a diplomatic way, you lose because you are weak and people won't be as kind and acceptable fighting for their comforts, not to say that vegans are fucked without technology because many foods aren't available for them in urban areas to be self-sufficient, so they are ultra dependent on the market, they live off it.

Being a member of somewhat anarchistic community for several years I can tell those people can't be reliable, they will find a way to disagree and fight with each other on a plain terrain and make dumb decisions that will only make everything worse, and it does to everyone else's surprise. With radical changes there must be no doubt in making it otherwise it won't happen, so radicalism is a sad necessity if you really care about the nature.


>> No.16674394

where are the books for transhumanism?

>> No.16674422


>> No.16675605

Kill yourself tranny

>> No.16675628
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>> No.16676853

>deserts didn't exist before the industrial revolution

>> No.16677171

Excellent thread.

>> No.16678163


>> No.16678169

Ecofascism is for fools. It's just like leftism. Read Ted's works or Ellul, but the other stuff labelled as ecofascist is just silly.

>> No.16678200
File: 715 KB, 2550x3300, Ecofascism - An Aberrant Branch of Leftism - Ted Kaczynski 9-29-20 page 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the last page.

>> No.16678232

But did you send the letter which triggered this response?

>> No.16679449

China will be soon enough.

>> No.16680127

Very based

>> No.16681714

do you have any plans for the future? like what are you going to do with your life other than post snarky shit on /lit/?

>> No.16682760

Yeah. Covid threw me off it, but I won’t wait here forever.

Funny how no one answered that question

>> No.16683261

Based. Do you want to go into the specifics? I honestly wish you luck butterfly, you're one of the only non-edgy users of this board who sift through all the shit to post some serious stuff

>> No.16683267

Lol what?

>> No.16683287

It is literally not possible to be a true environmentalist without also being a racist eugenicist. It is literally not ideologically consistent otherwise.

>> No.16683340

It's an ethnic symbol and nature. Our heritage has no business being associated with authoritarian politics.

>> No.16683387

I’ve gone into some details in other threads. Herod and all that
You heard him.

>> No.16683425

i like how its evident that you just pick and chose your ideology, pastiche faggot kys

>> No.16683518 [DELETED] 

I would be willing to put forth some arguments about race clearly being part of ecology but your seething at a board of 2nd generation American spics and British Pakistanis revealed to me that you are a subhuman who is not worth arguing with and who is only meant to be ridiculed and shown his place at the bottom of the hierarchy the existence of which funnily enough he rejects.

>> No.16683531

Damn, Australia really is just a desert huh.

>> No.16684481


>> No.16684520

I love how the supposed eco-fash guy has a hipster beard, a faggy earring and a high maintenace haircut and wears mascara, very trad.

>> No.16684530


>> No.16684552

>Doing so will not change their beliefs -- which are based [...].

>> No.16684556

>billionaires that look like me actually care about my well being right

perhaps not but billionaires that have a gun to their head and literally no choice but to play ball are good enough

>> No.16685720

loved every single page of this book