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File: 61 KB, 569x681, Plotinos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16659531 No.16659531 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about this guy please

I feel like a pleb for not knowing

>> No.16659556

Read the Enneads then achieve enlightenment

>> No.16659564

Strange that you should be able to harry /lit/ with your internet connected computer, but not run a Google search with it. Are you scared you won't even understand the Wikipedia page for Plotinus?

>> No.16659636

Well you see, anon, he was a guy who knew about how fiction must be based on real people. He knew about the "plot in us"

>> No.16659810


>> No.16659850

What did Longinus find

>> No.16659870

my cock

>> No.16659913

you obviously missed the boob thread

>> No.16659992


>> No.16660041

He was from Egypt, but little is known about his youth because he refused to speak of it. At 28, he felt a call to philosophy, but over a year visited countless teachers but was never satisfied. Just before he gave up, he met Ammonius Saccas, a reclusive teacher who also taught Origen. Under Saccas Plotinus learned about a mystical take on Platonism that made it compatible with Aristotleanism.
Plotinus then traveled to India in order to find more esoteric philosophy, but the army he was following was defeated and he had to walk back to Rome by himself. At age 40, he finally started teaching philosophy himself. He developed a large following in his lifetime, most notable Porphyry or Tyre, who was tasked with arranging his notes after his death. These notes became the Enneads.
The Enneads are a diverse text that document many things, such as reflections on beauty, accounts of mystical experiences, arguments against competing ideologies, and contemplation on the soul and a transcendental One.

>> No.16660047

Worlds first incel

>> No.16660092

How? He thought that celibacy was a prerequisite for attaining higher understanding because cooming clouded the mind, but he had female followers and he was considered such a virtuous character that he was entrusted with raising orphaned children.

>> No.16660111

was raising orphaned children a privilege of sorts? was plotinus a good guy or something? he strikes me as an autist who is incredibly fixated on a single subject, hard to believe such a man would do something so charitable as raising orphans

>> No.16660149

Ah, you mean Longanus, who spread far and wide the practice-turned-art of buttsex

>> No.16660164

This. The individual doesn’t matter.

>> No.16660199

The Life of Plotinus states that one of his wealthier followers gave him one of his extra homes. Because the locals saw him as somebody of uncompromising character he was trusted with orphans to raise. Some dying mothers would specifically ask for him to be the guardian.

>> No.16660250

but why did he take in that task? why would you raise orphans? for what purpose?

>> No.16660267

I don't remember it giving a proper explanation of why. I imagine he just thought it was the right thing to do.

>> No.16660282

>why would you raise orphans? for what purpose?
On order to get money from the government. Duuh

>> No.16660296

Most philosophers are extremely concerned with ethics and virtue, him being a paragon of virtue isn't exactly a surprise

>> No.16660302


>> No.16660341

Never did anything wrong.
(Besides the spiders, but fuck them they deserve it)

>> No.16660345

Two exceptions kinda prove the rule but you're right in that it does apply more to the ancients and medievals because of how they understood ethics and metaphysics to be intertwined

>> No.16660361

fuck you anon, they're just spiders. spinoza was an awful heartless monster and the world would've been better off if he had been a contribution to the stats of the high infant death rate at the time

>> No.16660649
File: 421 KB, 1763x1176, time-for-your-c-528526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know your kind. You're a spider lover. You can't help lusting after them.
These six-legged eldritch abominations...
But listen to me. They're evil, anon. EVIL!!!
Can't you see there's something inherently malignant about these bright eyes of them?
Like if they knew something we don't now. Some unspeakable truth we can't even begin fathoming.
A blank daemonic stare...
Then there's their mouths of theirs,
multi-toothed portals to the abyss
which looks back...
Always menacing to crush us voraciously.
Such hediond beings.
Are completely contrary to any sense
of human decency.
Always casting their nets of shimmering white softness.
Always looming.
Always patiently a-waiting
They can't fool me.
At present times
they content themselves with flies
But at the end of times
they will finally come for US.

We can only pray, anon.
I hope you find God.

>> No.16660763


>> No.16661210
File: 11 KB, 184x274, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I need to read before I tackle Plotinus? I've read the entire Platonic corpus and basically have a good grasp of all of the Hellenistic schools except for Skepticism. Am I ready?

>> No.16661287

I think you'd need some Aristotle but I'm not sure.

>> No.16661389

Eleatic monism, heraclitus, plato, aristotle and you're good to go anon.

>> No.16661571

Reminder that I know the One. It’s my dick, and it’s in your mom’s fat ass every night

>> No.16662089

We're eternally EMOONOOTING

>> No.16662641

He sucked his mom's tits into his teenage years (based) and also is the west's Advaita Vedantist teacher

>> No.16662651
File: 115 KB, 800x700, 1599725617641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already hear the screeching of jelly Abrahamites.

Without pagans (Greeks in this case) you're nothing!

>> No.16662656

>Never did anything wrong.
Except for being a jew that is.

>> No.16662674

I like to think this drawing was some ancient Jew shitposting because he was bored, but against all odds, it survived.

>> No.16662681

To be fair, Plotinus is somewhat hard to understand for those who don't have a good grasp of Ancient Philosophy.

>What do I need to read before I tackle Plotinus? I've read the entire Platonic corpus and basically have a good grasp of all of the Hellenistic schools except for Skepticism. Am I ready?
I guess so.

>> No.16662689
File: 106 KB, 908x728, yhvh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably right. Why else would he depict his tribal god as a tranny banger?

>> No.16662697

Who's the fella sitting down

>> No.16662714

The author depicting the act

>> No.16662717

>another episode of an uneducated retard thinking the greeks didn't get most of their theology from desertic med/near east

>> No.16662737

Spinoza, the philosopher of the Ethics, isn't concerned with virtue?

>> No.16662988
File: 95 KB, 728x410, 697b2ed0-09f8-495e-839f-7e8d5e7f0cef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me how this is the origin of world philosophy.

>> No.16663165
File: 113 KB, 638x479, 21681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16663175
File: 40 KB, 739x415, 09C4FCAA-3112-430A-9462-912176E74E6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16663201
File: 65 KB, 410x289, 659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16663205

Why? If anything it is the One thing that matters at all!

>> No.16663233

>none of those is Abrahamite
Thanks for proving my point

>> No.16663248

Read Sophist, Philebus, Book X, Republic, Phaedrus, Phaedo, and Parmenides, also Aristotle's Metaphysics. His Categories and Physics and De Anima is necessary to understand some of Plotinus' Critiques (although you might need Alexander of Aphrodisias to properly understand the version Aristotle that Plotinus is critiquing).

>> No.16663278

The Enneads are more like letters that he sent to Porphyry for editing which Porphyry then sent to various Platonists around the empire (all of whom began as middle Platonists, but all converted to Plotinus absolutely transcendent One beyond all knowing and thinking, beyond perception itself).

>> No.16663296
File: 94 KB, 663x456, 6384968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>desertic med/near east
but there is pic related for you nigger

>> No.16663314
File: 92 KB, 393x800, 8168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this one

>> No.16663588
File: 80 KB, 206x205, stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop worshiping semitic desert demons!