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/lit/ - Literature

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16662127 No.16662127 [Reply] [Original]

Forestanon is safe fwiw

4 hours ago
I saw a thread about me on /lit/ and just wanted to let you guys know I'm safe! In a way I'm actually doing even better than I was before the fire because for some reason the flow of the stream has increased tremendously. Usually most of the channels are dry by this time of year, but after thinking about it for a while I believe one possibility may be that some natural dams upstream have been cleared by the fire. Still doesn't make complete sense considering some parts of the stream have actually been burried by landslides, but I imagine dirt is easier to percolate through than the logs that previously littered it. Whatever it is, it's a pretty interesting phenomenon that I know has to be related to the fire.

The forest is coming back with a vengeance, everything is returning. Some of the nettle has clocked about 5 feet just since I've been here, sucker shoots are growing from the base of the oaks, willows and sycamores. It's been cold the last two days, so there have been many dark eyed juncos hopping around foraging, acorns have been dropping from the tops of the oaks providing food for the flightless animals and fallen leaves have covered much of the loose ash, the deer have returned, the squirrels have all emerged from hiding, packrats have been building new nests all over... I never realized how many packrats there were out here until now.

I have just been waiting to upload anything because I wanted to film replies to your comments first and I still haven't replied to them all from the last three videos, but I've been filming every day and I will post a video soon. Uploading just takes a really long time so I had gotten into the habit of making longer videos monthly to cut away at the frequent uploading time (for the sake of not having to crank my chargers so often) but maybe I should go back to uploading short videos frequently, instead of keeping you waiting for long ones.

I would have made one of these "community posts" sooner but I notice they don't reach all of you, but I figure posting one of these is better than just leaving you guys wondering. Either way, I hope you don't think Im ignoring you. The funny thing about filming replies is I've technically been having conversations with you and you don't even know it yet hahaha.

I love you all. Thank you for always wishing me well and leaving nice comments. You guys make great friends and I don't even think you realize how thankful I am for your kindness.

I hope this post finds you all doing well. Winter is on it's way.
- You're friend in nature,
Branwell (Forest Anon)

>> No.16662134

nice, i love you forest anon and i wish you well
what are you reading?

>> No.16662147

He can't reply here because 4chan blocks mobile connections like his from making posts. He'll probably tell us about what books he's got through in his response video when he gets around to uploading again.

>> No.16662193
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>I love you all. Thank you for always wishing me well and leaving nice comments. You guys make great friends and I don't even think you realize how thankful I am for your kindness.
> I hope this post finds you all doing well. Winter is on it's way.
Glorious Forest Anon, you enrich the soul.

>> No.16662199

Surely one of us can get him a 4chan pass. Although maybe it's better for him not to waste his time posting in this hellhole.

>> No.16662244

Forestanon, you're a blessing in these dark times.
I wish you nothing but the best.

>> No.16662264

Love you, dude. Stay safe.

>> No.16662294

Anyone have that picture of the fireline directly in front of his house?

>> No.16662468

What's he eat for food?

>> No.16662517
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>The funny thing about filming replies is I've technically been having conversations with you and you don't even know it yet hahaha.
oh my dear Forestanon, but I have known. I heard what you said and replied instantly.
Did you not hear me?

>> No.16662530

I did not expect this e-celeb shit here

>> No.16662548

>this e-celeb shit
fuck off newfag.

>> No.16662558

You're living the dream, forrest anon, the dream I dream whenever my boss yells at me, whenever I'm too tired from work to read, whenever I do stupid shit for the beaurocratic monstrum our society has become. May your forest forever prevail!

>> No.16662591
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Can it, bitch ass nigga. Forest anon isn't an "e-celeb."

>> No.16662608

>Forest anon isn't an "e-celeb."
e-celebrity (plural e-celebrities)

A person who is famous on the Internet.


he is

>> No.16662669

I love you Branwell.

>> No.16662758

>forest anon is famous on the internet
kek. that is a low bar for famous, anon. by that standard, half this board is famous authors.

>> No.16663027
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still insane everytime i think about it
lmfao then stay out of the thread you seething retard. you must be new because /lit/ posts kat and q almost daily.

>> No.16663041

>still insane everytime i think about it
same- I said it in the original thread: I don't believe in god, but seeing that pic, it really makes you think.

>> No.16663052

you are an easily convinced man then

>> No.16663057

I didn't say I was convinced, anon

>> No.16663124

Good for him. I hope he has warm and great winter ahead of himself.

>> No.16663140

i'm convinced. call it gods or god or something bigger but i'm convinced.

>> No.16663146

>what are you reading?

>> No.16663161

Absolutely based of a man

>> No.16663189
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>> No.16663360

I wish there was some way we could help out forestanon, shame he's so far from town that he can't set up a PO box

>> No.16663372

quick rundown? kaczynski fan?

>> No.16663396

Just a kind soul living in the forest and just enjoys reading and talking to his /lit/bros

>> No.16663438

Keep taking care of your mental health bro.. Don't rely on /lit/ for your connection, not entirely. 4chan has a short memory and is fickle.

>> No.16663454

>kek. that is a low bar for famous, anon. by that standard, half this board is famous authors.

>> No.16663472

Do you have a family? What do they think about your lifestyle? Is this sustainable for the rest of your life, are you worried about the future? How did you break free o' based hermit of the woods?

>> No.16663690

Forest anon makes replies about books to practice speaking so he doesn't sound like a sperger talking to cashiers when he goes into town. He's probably taking better care of his mental health than most anons in that respect. He's got friends beyond the animals and 4chan; he simply prefers spending more time with his animals and books than with us. I can't blame him really.

>> No.16663750
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>> No.16664556

I love you Forestanon. I am sending you kindness mental vibrations through space and time.

>> No.16664672

Forestanon you are the best thing to happen to this hellhole of a site for years.
I hope you continue strong, stay safe and be happy, you are living the dream.

>> No.16664926

My buddy!

>> No.16665210

he made a kaczynski snowman once

>> No.16665337

based and tedpilled

>> No.16665637

>not using the 'rona mask

>> No.16665642

thank god