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/lit/ - Literature

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16661432 No.16661432[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What vidya does /lit/ enjoy?
Pic related for me

>> No.16661438
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>> No.16661440
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go back to >>>/v/

>> No.16661442

death stranding and tetris are the only decent video games

>> No.16661445

mr big standards

>> No.16661454

I am curious about the population of /lit/ preferences

>> No.16661467

Silent Hill series, Metal Gear Solid series, Pathologic series, Mother series, Shadow of the Colossus, Ico, Planescape: Torment, Thief 2, System Shock 2

>> No.16661468

Nice one

>> No.16661473

I play Fifa with my father and brother, and I play call of duty with my brother. I generally dislike videogames, but when used in social contexts they aren’t so bad

>> No.16661485

/lit/ enjoy Visual Novels mostly

>> No.16661488

>death stranding

>> No.16661503 [DELETED] 

total war empire , project zomboid b41 ,factorio , ksp with mods, dwarf fortress
>inb4 autism

>> No.16661514
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>> No.16661516

Skyrim, it's the best game ever made. I look forward to the next time it's released.

>> No.16661524

Literally finished this 2 days ago. Now play Kiwami 1 and Kiwami 2. Then play 3, 4, 5, 6. They are all great.

5 is like some Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy level of intrigue. Very kino. K2 is like if Hemingway cloned himself and then the two fought.

Good choice anon.

>> No.16661529
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If you are looking for /lit/ games, then you can do little better than Legacy of Kain.

Kain must be the single best written character in the history of vidya. Number 2 is likely Raziel. Imagine the boast of having two of biggest heavy weights in one game series.

>> No.16661540

I enjoy beautiful games, adventure/exploration games, co-op shooters and party games. What I don't like is grinding, excessive loot, playing for a high score, frustration and games that have no fun gameplay but rely on addicting rewards (i.e. upgrade games with no good core gameplay).

That was a great game. Sadly Lego never bothered to make a new one after the buggy sequel.

>> No.16661544
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>> No.16661558
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Imagine playing Japanese games

>> No.16661575

It's a walking simulator with an inventory slot dedicated to boots.

>> No.16661580

Imagine not being a Kiryu-chad.

>> No.16661595

It hurts that we'll never get a sequel.

>> No.16661629

I hope only for one thing, that some legend at Squeenix decide to remaster all the game in one multipack. Hell, you could fit them all on one blu-ray. It would require a ground up remake of the first game though.

>> No.16661632
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I've been playing the same games for 15 years

>> No.16661652

Dark Souls, Doom (new), Magic Arena

>> No.16661663

Play old doom, so fucking good

>> No.16661673

>bought them on Steam
>can't play with them with a controller

>> No.16661675

U tried Talos principle?

>> No.16661831

I'm playing Divinity: Original Sin (classic) right now, may follow it up with a DivOS2 playthrough after, and I'm always playing Diablo 2 and Kingdom Come: Deliverance off and on, the latter being the best RPG of the decade me for me, as well as just having braindead fun in random BGs on WoW before Shadowlands releases. DKs are in a really fun spot right now where they just feel like absolute Hectors while Zeus was still shitting on Agamemnon. Currently rereading Homer and Virgil.

>> No.16661840

Counterstrike, Fallout, Street Fighter

>> No.16661862

Who knew that /lit/ has good taste in games

>> No.16661873

She's hot I want to fuck her

>> No.16661881

And who cares if it is, not all video games need to be dedicated to gratuitous violence.

>> No.16661883
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>> No.16661924

As long as it's a remaster but not a remake, I'm all in.

>> No.16661960

You can go to the Supreme Court at any time

>> No.16661969


>> No.16661978

I like the Nioh series.
Recently, I downloaded Genshin Impact because I thought Klee is just too cute.

>> No.16661980

Sometimes I just listen to all the audiologs in order https://youtu.be/pf92cXs6fvg

>> No.16661993

Usually CRPGs, but I got into Aurora 4x recently. It's pure autism.

>> No.16661994

I don’t really play vidya these days but I really liked Morrowind and Deus Ex

>> No.16662005

None. Video games are worse than even genre fiction.

>> No.16662011

Why do you think so?

>> No.16662029

Most games are just disposable entertainment, time sinks where you throw hours of your life away while getting very little in return. Most of them have very shallow writing and themes, and even the better ones pale in comparison to literature. I honestly find most of them boring and a waste of time.

>> No.16662037

That game sucks

>> No.16662041
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>> No.16662045

I put hundreds of hours into Morrowind.Its the best TES game by far and one of the best of all time

>> No.16662051

vidya are a massive waste of time
t.wasted years on years playing vidya
also vidya is propaganda nowadays, I quit vidya forever when Rocket League made a statement supporting BLM in game, fuck this bullshit.
anyway if I have to pick a favourite game of all time it would be The Witcher 2, I finished it at all difficulties and multiple times.
OGs I salute you.

>> No.16662083

>vidya are a massive waste of time
what isn't?

>> No.16662088

Caves of Qud

>> No.16662106

Having good taste

>> No.16662109

And non fiction isnt?

>> No.16662114

If you had good taste you wouldn't be playing the kind of vidya you were playing

>> No.16662154

I feel this applies if the majority of /lit/ agreed with you.

>> No.16662161

Not all fiction is genre fiction.

>> No.16662165

reading non fiction
learn a skill
not being a consoomer

>> No.16662171

That's not possible, because I have good taste. Also I am not that anon, and I agree, he has bad taste.

>> No.16662184

Umineko, Dota 2

>> No.16662209

>learning a skill
like what

>> No.16662210

That is a tasteful post

>> No.16662279

Why would you be playing a videogame for "writing" or "themes"? Games aren't about telling a story. Just admit you suck at playing a game and so you think there stupid lmao fukken loser

>> No.16662300

Favorites recently
> Firewatch
> Baba Is You
> Doom Eternal

>> No.16662387

No! Play yakuza 1 and 2 on ps2 OP. Don’t listen to this fucker OP.

>> No.16662437

Why the fuck would you want to play the objectively worse versions? The jap voice actors are light years ahead of the dub, it’s worth it to play kiwami versions just for that.

>> No.16662511

>learn a skill
It is the biggest meme in self help. What skills can yopu learn on your own and become licenced proffessional at? Fucking carpentry? Vidya in moderation can help take the edge off and are a healthier alternative to substance use. They can be of use unless you are a pathetic NEET addict.

>> No.16662690

They sell a Doom collection for $20 that comes with DOOM, DOOM 2, DOOM 3, and DOOM (2016). Never touched the franchise until this year but now I’ve played them all and the first one is one of the best FPS’s I’ve ever played.

>> No.16662722

>most games
>most of them

Hate to break it o you anon but you’re looking at bad games. A lot of popular games are very watered down but, it turns out, most games are made my independent developers.

Game mechanics can be used to set a tone, express ideas, convey new ways of thinking, etc. Sure CoD and Assassins creed aren’t good examples of that but there are games that use the genre to achieve unique and inspiring experiences.

It’s totally cool if you’re not into it and don’t find merit in the games you’ve seen but it’s down right unreasonable to assume the genre as a whole is purposeless trash.

>> No.16662742

Euro Truck Simulator 2
Age Of Decadence
FO 1,2,NV
Opus Magnum
Prison Architect
Mount and Blade Warband
Deus Ex
Hitman (Blood Money, 2016, 2018)
Dawn of War 1+ expansions
40k Mechanicus
Divos 1+2
Total War (shogun , Warhammer 1+2)
Hotline Miami 1+2
Civ Games
Dominions 5

>> No.16662749

Mostly visual novels/point and click games. I play shoot 'em ups every now and then but they're a bit of a timesink.

>> No.16662767

like reading a language, learn how to program, every art form like drawing or wood carving. There is nothing more satisfying than creating something with your own hands.
They are not a meme you brainlet, you can live without use drugs and vidya and have a happy life. Vidya is like fast food: you feel full and it might give you a boost of dopamine but in the long run is harmful for you. Same for porn tho. It's just a way to put your free time in big tech corporations hands, I don't want to do that.
If I want to relax I'd rather read a novel by a XIX century russian writer than playing Fortnite or CSGO, I spend like hundreds on micro transactions and I grow out of it.

>> No.16662820
File: 747 KB, 1024x768, vagrant-story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite game is Vagrant Story. It has one of the most refined and actual lit dialogue prose, great story, complex and engaging gameplay, a unique soundtrack and plus outstanding artistic sound design.


>> No.16662829

She only fucks black men