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16656873 No.16656873 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16656937

Literally just read actual esoteric stuff and not mumbling footnotes of it.

>> No.16656957

It only has a reputation as impossible because philosophically illiterate women try to read it. It's challenging because of the ambiguity of its ultimate referent, that's it. Its ambiguity allows its metaphors to be used in different contexts and sometimes for the whole text to be mapped onto different contexts. It isn't even Hegel's most important work, it's only a propaedeutic, but again it's the famous one because it's all dabbling women and university students care to read during their brief phase of posing as someone interested in philosophy.

>> No.16656992

why hate on women?
the book is about attaining (self-)consciousness (selbstbewusstsein)- as he literally states in Logik - so either you already are at the state and therefore can easily see the beauty in the work, or you will have to work or slug through it in hopes of you attaining it when finished reading.
There are too many men who would never be able to claim the right of self-consciousness, so somehow focusing on only women, seems to project an unnecessary personal hatred toward women completely unrelated to Hegel.

>> No.16657027

I haven't heard one good thing from anybody about the nigga.

>> No.16657301

Listen to the audiobook, no meme. People get hung up because they spend 3 hours trying to understand a paragraph only to have what they figured out sublated on the next page.

>> No.16657318

What do you guys think of Science of Logic? Should I read it? I've never read Hegel, but perhaps need to understand Heidegger.

>> No.16657346

I'm reading it right now, but I've read phenomenology 5-6 times. You need to start with Phenomenology to get it. As far as what I think of it, I can't say, because it wouldn't mean anything to you; you are not human if you have not gone through Hegel.

>> No.16657358

I heard the contrary, Science of Logic before Phenomenology.

>> No.16657368

If I play it while I sleep will I acquire arcane powers?

>> No.16657370

FdG is not a self help book you fucking moron. Hegel explicitly says that the book describes no historical moment. It's a Bildungsroman concerning the coherent narrative of the movement towards self-consciousness of the spirit in the absolute Spinozan sense of the word. Which also btfo's Marx before he even wrote his books btw.
Don't even try Hegel if you haven't read and understood the greeks, neoplatonics, Augustine, scholastics (Abelardus & Aquinas), Descartes' Meditations 1-6, Spinoza and Kant at the very least. Otherwise you will get none of the obscure references he makes all throughout the text. Without those references the true meaning of his words is lost.

>> No.16657381

I fell asleep with it on one time and something very strange happened. I was projected into a very shiny version of my bedroom and there was a hovering quicksilver entity which was modulating itself in mid-air.

>> No.16657382


I'm taking a class on Hegel right now and the way the prof has organized it was to take small parts of his big works. So we read the preface to second chapter of Phenomenology and then Fragment of a System, then first 50 or so sections of Encyclopedia, then introduction and first chapter of Science of Logic. Going into Philosophy of Right next week.

I think it's a good way to go about Hegel fo just learning how to read him and how he organizes his system because hopping from one to another you can see how everything connects.

>> No.16657405

Your prof should hang himself. To understand why Hegel tries to systemize philosophy one mus read FdG first. Also his best work along with the Logik probably. All his political writings were written under duress from the Prussian states, so he can never truly express his deepest thoughts there. Just read Spinoza if you want Hegels political phil.

>> No.16657425
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Hegel is an idiot that lacks, as Schopenhauer correctly argued, the clarity and systematic rigor of Kantian philosophy as well as the penetrating insights of Kierkegaard's subjectivity. He fucked up philosophy for decades and befuddled fools who think that prolix words = prolix thought. May he be thrice damned by Sophia herself.

>> No.16657438


>> No.16657444

Thanks for outing yourself as a total retard.

>> No.16657492
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Imagine not understanding the relevance of Platonic philosophy to the German project. Hegel's last lament was that he was not understood; given that he had 17 volumes in which to express himself clearly and systematically, perhaps the failure lies with him. Also, checked.

>> No.16657508

So how far did you make it into Phenomenology before getting assblasted and running to Schopie?

>> No.16657562
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I think Schopenhauer is the rightful heir of Kant, but I also think that the Kantian project is doomed. Systematic philosophy, in the German sense, will be forever incomplete — Hegelian philosophy doubly so, because of its reliance on the contingencies of historical progression. So no, I did not retreat to my Schoppy safe-space after reading big daddy Hegel. Kierkegaard is the much more sensible alternative, and his fingerprints can be found throughout the whole of 20th century philosophy.

>> No.16657593

>It's a Bildungsroman concerning the coherent narrative of the movement towards self-consciousness of the spirit in the absolute Spinozan sense of the word.
what i said
> Hegel explicitly says that the book describes no historical momen
doesnt go against what i said, faggot
> Which also btfo's Marx before he even wrote his books btw.
totally irrelevant
>Don't even try Hegel if you haven't read and understood the greeks, neoplatonics, Augustine, scholastics (Abelardus & Aquinas), Descartes' Meditations 1-6, Spinoza and Kant at the very least. Otherwise you will get none of the obscure references he makes all throughout the text.
i have and this also has nothing to do with what i wrote.
Lol you are such a faggot loser.

>> No.16657594

What are some great scholarly books on Hegel that aren't intros, biographies or reading of the PoS?

>> No.16657599

>its reliance on the contingencies of historical progression
You really didn't get it.

>> No.16657615

some people say you can jump directly to the Science of Logic as the introductory status of the PoS is contested but I think you should just read them in order, I believe the PoS is actually a great mental exercice to grasp the nature of the dialectic, it kind of conditions you to read the Science of Logic

>> No.16657616
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It’s written like that because of Kant. Hegel was able to write absolutely clear as his earlier work shows, the guy worked for a fucking newspaper ffs. If you don’t understand why he wrote the way he wrote then you have no business reading it. The logic and grammar of the phenomenology necessitates, by reflection, a rhetoric true to its predicates. When Heidegger says “Intelligibility is suicide in Philosophy” it is castration in Phenomenology. If the language of Hegel doesn’t excite you, and if the “meaning” itself is all you wish to exploit, you have no reason to be reading this, you are officially out of your depth, you are lost in a wing of the library that to you should be forbidden.

>> No.16658032


>> No.16658330
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>> No.16659342

>his fingerprints can be found throughout the whole of 20th century philosophy
So can Hegel

>> No.16659390

*jacking off motion*

>> No.16659397

>in e*glish

>> No.16659572

No, not to the same degree. A small snippet of Hegel influenced Marx's most radical writings, and both Hegel and Marx had no small effect on 20c. continental philosophy (Derrida, Habermas, etc.). But the French existentialists (Camus and Sartre especially), Heidegger, and Wittgenstein plagiarized heavily from Kierk. Heidegger was regarded as the most important metaphysician of his century, while Wittgenstein bred a million little disciples (including Iris Murdoch, who is now a hot topic, and Pierre Hadot, who was in turn a major influence on Foucault). Those apart from this tradition — the American pragmatists, Russell, and Whitehead (who simply could not contend with the Eleatic doctrine) — now possess either a contained or faded influence.

>> No.16659920

It's starting to appear as if you collect words you hardly know the meaning of.

>> No.16659936

What’s it to you nigger lover?

>> No.16659957

>Wittgenstein plagiarized heavily from Kierk

You typed this without a hint of irony.

>> No.16660007

What do you recommend?

>> No.16660021

right up ur alley

>> No.16660236

Dogme et ritual by Eliphas Levi.

>> No.16660384

What's your address?

>> No.16660390
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>> No.16661012
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