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16655813 No.16655813 [Reply] [Original]

What are some novels that deal with gnosticism/occultism/mysticism?

I think its a really interesting topic for novels but I havent been able to find many that deal with it. I can only think of Foucault's Pendulum and The Fisherman, which are both really good.

>> No.16656052

The Golden Bough
The power of myth

>> No.16656057

I mean more like fiction rather than primary sources. Novels that deal with the subject within a plot rather than nonfiction.

>> No.16656133

The Magus.

>> No.16656239
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>> No.16656282

The Club Dumas.

>> No.16656285

Snowcrash, Sumerian magic and hacking.

>> No.16656409
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>> No.16656444

The way of the pilgrim maybe.

>> No.16656607

lots of philip k dick

>> No.16657091
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The Course of the Heart is probably one of the best Gnostic novels I've read.

>> No.16657400

That looks pretty good, gonna read it next.

Also, The Castle of Crossed Destinies by Italo Calvino is a nice one

>> No.16657565

The Name of the Rose

Surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet

>> No.16658555

I dont know if I would call it very "occult" but I guess it does fit

>> No.16659258

most sci-fi is actually occult but most readers are too dumb to realize it. Asimov, star wars, matrix etc etc on and on also comic books

There Is Truth In Your Fiction And Fiction In Your Truth

>> No.16659303

I agree, but would like more than just subtext, a lot of books that arent explicitely mysticism are rooted in it, but I specifically want ones that are explicit and treat it as a main (or at least of some importance) plot theme, which the thread has given quite a few good ones by the look of it

>> No.16659310

ever read any dan brown?

>> No.16659366

The Recognitions is more about syncretism but definitely has some mystical elements.

>> No.16659381

There's a ton, occultists used to write fictional novels based off of occult philosophy to avoid persecution. The two most famous examples are probably The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz and Zanoni, both of which were written by Rosicrucians.

Even after people were allowed to openly write about the occult, this tradition persisted. Aleister Crowley, for example, wrote Moonchild and The Diary of a Drug Fiend which are semi-fictional novels based off of his own experiences with the occult.

Dion Fortune wrote a shit ton of these types of novels; The Goat-Foot God, The Sea Priestess, The Winged Bull, Moon Magic, Secrets of Dr. Tavener, etc.

>> No.16659385
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pick one, because those two things are different

>> No.16659391

They're walking down the same street, just on different sides.

>> No.16659399


>> No.16659408

Nope, but Ive seen the movies, are the books actually good?

>> No.16659436

Yeah, I know they are, but I didnt want to exclude any term that might fall into the general theme. Ive read about half of those (top half mostly), but looking more specifically for occult fiction rather than nonfiction.

>> No.16659623


>> No.16660184

subjugation of the golden man

>> No.16660726

La Bas - J. K. Huysmans

>> No.16660740

Check out some of the titles in the Dennis Wheatley Library of the Occult. It contains a mix of non-fiction, classical literature, weird fiction, and novels by occultists and mystics. Sometimes has a reputation as a collection of Horror novels, but it’s much more than that.

>> No.16660791
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Goethe's Wilhelm Meister, both parts. Faust as well.

>> No.16660797

Though Faust isn't a novel. But form isn't that important here, its content outweighs hundreds of such novels.

>> No.16660813

Conan the Barbarian is literally just Theosophy

>> No.16660827

John Crowley -- The Aegypt cycle (four novels)
Gustav Meyrink -- The Golem
Anonymous -- The Chemical Wedding

>> No.16660834

Baphomet -- Klossowski

>> No.16661002

The Secret Teachings of All Ages - Manly P Hall

>> No.16661011

Goethe's Faust

>> No.16662323

>Dion Fortune

What kind of books are those? I am always taken aback sometimes by the names of some occult writers like "Chic Cicero"... so hard to take seriously.