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16651712 No.16651712[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i thought socialism/communism way good

>> No.16651740

>If cringe exists
Marx = Dum Joo

>> No.16651753
File: 48 KB, 1080x608, Дугин.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in america and britain leftist power in the foreseeable future is impossible, let's have fascism instead as a good alternative to neoliberalism

>> No.16651754

There's more infighting on the left for the same reason there is more infighting among architects than arsonists

>> No.16651773
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>> No.16651776

The left
>hierarchies are unjust maaaan
The right
>well somebody has gotta make the decisions here
I wonder why?

>> No.16651830

I think it's because the right tend to be more subservient. They crave authority. They want a paternal state, and they're always quick to fall in line. The left tend to be more rebellious. They want free, expansive lives.

>> No.16651923

>Believing you need someone in charge of you
get cucked

>> No.16651955

literally the only people who don't want authority are full-blown anarchists. Tankies suck off lenin and Stalin to no end and I shouldn't even have to argue about how pathetic liberal progressives are about complying completely with what the state tells them.

The argument on the right is that there is always an authority, and they don't like the authority that exists now and would prefer a different type.

>> No.16651969

Obey your superiors - Socrates

>> No.16652076

What if everyone is inferior to me? Obey myself?

>> No.16652102

you're not god

>> No.16652114 [DELETED] 

How do you know?

>> No.16652115


>> No.16652116

All people obsessed with politics, but especially the extremists, are retarded and mentally ill- this usually manifests as external ugliness as the body is simply a mirror for the soul.

>> No.16652189

because i am

>> No.16652200
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those are tankies. they are basically larpers

>> No.16652213

tankies are to the left what neo- nazis are to the right

they adopt ussr aesthetics and pretend like they are russians from the 1930s

>> No.16652225

most of them don't give a fuck about leftism. they just care about the aesthetics of the ussr . it's mostly an aesthetic thing with them

>> No.16652237

When you’ve literally never touched marx or even interacted with a marxist once in your entire life.

>> No.16652244

oh did marx explain how that classless stateless society was going to function

>> No.16652247

I am the one in charge

>> No.16652253

This is more of an america thing imo

>> No.16652283

I think you're missing the boat if you think that marxist communism is a critique of hierarchy

>> No.16652311

It’s unfortunate. While I think the enemies of socialism *are* the enemies of a nation’s wellbeing, there is something wrong with many (Americans) that identify as a socialist or communist. Often times, outcasts or otherwise unsuccessful people are attracted to the notion of taking power away from the powerful- a personal vengeance against an imagined other who has wronged them. It’s tragic, but I don’t think this can change- if a socialized distribution of economic power ever takes root here, it will not be the product of the people in OP’s picture “winning.”

>> No.16652373
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Olavo anally raped Dugin
The "greatest leftist intellectual" in brazil at that time (Alaor Caffé) was shown to be the retard he was (muh no real socialism was one of the arguments the moron used in a public debate), so the international left used Dugin to try to quiet him down intellectually. To this day they havent be able to (because modern communists are all either idiots or mentally ill, the great left intellectuals already died and the next generation was a victim of their own doing to imbecilize the masses and bureaucraticize the intellectual work), so now they resort to reputation assassination

Read it if you want to change your opinions

Olavo anally raped Dugin after the "greatest leftist intellectual" in brazil (alaor caffé) was shown to be the retard he was (muh no real socialism was one of the arguments the moron used in a public debate), so the international left used Dugin to quiet him down. To this day they havent be able to answer him intellectually (because modern communists are all either idiots or mentally ill, the great left intellectuals already died and the next generation was a victim of their own doing to imbecilize the masses and bureaucraticize the intellectual work), so now they resort to reputation assassination

Stop being retarded leftists and rightists incels, join the ancap side
Pic is from an ancap company promoting the end of taxes in gasoline

>> No.16652379

fuck off rightoid

>> No.16652405
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pic is an actual ancap man
i would rather ally with natsocs because at least theyre not disgusting weaklings

>> No.16652414

you talk big for someone that cant even manage his own life, let alone the entire capitalism a.k.a. economy
if you want to solve corporativism or crony capitalism, communism isnt the way
go read hoppe

>> No.16652432

I don't need anyone in charge of me, but someone sure needs to be in charge of the feral niggers

>> No.16652440
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more ancap models because i like them

>> No.16652460
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