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16647896 No.16647896[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Book that dismantles capitalism?

>> No.16647982

...Das Kapital?

>> No.16647998

Anything easier? Don't understand it

>> No.16648034

That’s a misleading headline. They’ve been given five trillion

Try professor Richard Wolff. He makes it easy to understand

>> No.16648040

Pick up ya damn discord dms
- Trayshawn

>> No.16648046

>Richard Wolff
Lol no

>> No.16648085
File: 58 KB, 445x623, E77A5E23-7EBF-4C7D-AB52-98AC40005AAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol yeah. If OP doesn’t want to read Kapital, listen to some who has and makes a living teaching it.
He’s free to study further, naturally.

>> No.16648095

capitalist realism by mark fisher

>> No.16648108

friedman's work, ironically enough

>> No.16648130

Books can't dismantle capitalism. On the autogestation of the proletariat in its own abolition.

Join the union, join the other union, organise.

To help you join your union and organise:
Engels: Socialism: Utopian & Scientific
Engels: Conditions of the working class in England 1844
Marx: Theses on Feuerbach
Marx: Value Price and Profit

>> No.16648134

It dismantles capitalism?
Doesn’t it say how deeply entrenched it is and nearly impossible to get out of?
Have I been misled?

>> No.16648142

Try 'wage labor and capital' by marx it's way shorter, also 'value price and profit'. Ithink you can get both together in a single paperback

>> No.16648144

Holy shit Bezos has to be the most based person in existence

>> No.16648146

reminder its probably from stonk value, and tech stonk for some reason shot up during the pandemic because "reasons." those who fell into poverty probably dont own stonks, hence the reason they didnt benefit from the rising stonk values.
more likely because of the feds pumping money, inflation, and speculative investing
but what do i know
theres something about buttercunt's opinions, which i almost always disagree with, makes my penis go up too

>> No.16648185

no but we need to be real now

>> No.16648223

Who is buttercunt?

>> No.16648227
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In what way? By proving it to be morally indefensible? By proposing a better alternative? A pessimistic rambling?

>> No.16648244

Businesses collapse left and right so millions fall into poverty, duh.
Now go read some leftist scholars who'll explain to you that you don't need employers anyways and actually you are supposed to dismantle business yourself.

>> No.16648275
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>That’s a misleading headline. They’ve been given five trillion

who are they and why?

>> No.16648289
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They’re the owners
But only because they’re thieves

>> No.16648310

The dichotomy capitalism and anticapitalism is inherently atheist, humanistic, since it is what the judeo crhistian bourgeois created in the Parliament of their republics. They put the monarchists on the right and the secular humanists on the left

you see thus that being right wing in a the republic just means monarchist, but now that the humanists killed any political power of the theists, the right is still socialist but dubbed ''right'' and the left is still socialism but dubbed ''left''

There is no difference between left and right in a humanistic republic.The only which changes is the symbols tied to each group.
The underlying basis does not change.
The underlying basis of the republic is the constitution about the Human rights. These rights are the jewel of the judeo chrisitans.

Now the subtle point is that leftists and rightists are okay with that. All what matters for the judeo christian bourgeois is that theists do not take power again. And this happens exactly by giving the illusion to the midwits like you that left and right are separate doctrinally.
So the plebs can vote one time for the left, then they see that the bourgeois ruling class does XYZ, then the plebs whine that the ruling class is not doing what they promised during the campaign, then the next election the plebs swing to the rightists, which is exactly the same people.

Thus there is no ''capitalism'' or anticapitalism.
What there is the Humanist Republic, the dogma of their Human Rights .
This is what capitalism is in its entirety.

Second capitalism cannot be destroyed without destroying the republic and its dogmas. This is what liberals hate to hear.

Third capitalism cannot be destroyed because by the dogma of the Human Rights, any doctrine is turned into a bulk of opinions, which are always shat on if the humanists see it as anti Human rights.
The doctrines which are the most appealing to those people are commodified and capitalism remains unaltered.

This is why btw all the motto and slogans in the humanist elections are always about ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''change'''''''''''''''''''''''''''
the only thing that does not change is exactly the fake symbols made up by the bourgeois about their political dichotomy.

The most important thing for the bourgeois is that the plebs really believe that the rulling class will stop the bourgeoisie after any election.

This is part of the fantasy of the humanist of the '''''''''''''''''perpetual revolution''''''''''''. T'hose people live on their laurels of doing revolution over and over, fighting the cops int he streets as part of the humanistic ritualistic baptism, because killing theist Christians is the only thing they did in their entire history and they only live for this.
but now that theists are destroyed, they have nothing left to do and get bored, so they try to find new topics to ''''''''''''revolutionize'''''''''''''' and just say cops are evil.

>> No.16648340

Based anti-humanist poster

>> No.16648364

>They’re the owners
>But only because they’re thieves
Based. They're just unspooked egoists exercising their free will and taking what is rightfully theirs.

>> No.16648371

Stirner is so 2014-2015

>> No.16649442

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.16649616

Mother of Zero Kids, Breaker of Anon-Kuns' Hearts, Faggot of the Old, and Indisputably One-of-Us, the true Queen of /lit/

>> No.16649725

There is nothing wrong with capitalism as long as there are is an equal amount of male and female businesspeople and CEOs.

>> No.16649881

Literally everyone has the right to start their own company. People are poor from their own doings and then they just blame rich people for being successful out of slave morality. Nietzsche wrote about this ages ago

>> No.16649888

>Give companies money
>They are able to create more jobs and hire people in poverty
>Everyone wins
I swear leftists can't think for themselves

>> No.16649910

I have rarely seen a more cucked comment. People were making money just fine when they could run their own businesses and their currency wasn't being devalued by literal state-endorsed counterfeiting

>> No.16649913

>give companies money
>they create robots and AI and fire the meatforce

>> No.16649926

>let's just ignore how people born with poor parents are stuck with wage slaving while rich kids can invest millions in the economy or in really safe bank placements from the get go

>> No.16649939

Parents have the freedom to help their kids out.

>> No.16649975

What's the best translation of Marx's Capital books?

>> No.16649980

Literally all that means is that Amazon stock price went up

>> No.16649986

If you are against rich people you are a filthy commie and should kill yourself. Jeff Bezos is worth more than all the mediocre people in this world.

>> No.16649991

Also read Joseph Stiglitz, he's one of the best economists currently

>> No.16649995

That still doesn't prevent anyone from starting a business. But, nevermind that most businesses fail, anyway.

>> No.16650000

Poor parents shouldn't have children. They should be put in jail for having children.

>> No.16650003

>Book that
You never read a book in your life and you have no reason to post on /lit/
Fuck off back to /pol/ or /leftypol/ or /r9k/ or whichever shithole you crawled out from

>> No.16650093

Having children when you're poor is a conscious decision. If you want to blame someone for your situation, blame your parents, though I wouldn't recommend blaming anyone, because it's a waste of time and will only dig the financial hole you're in deeper.

>> No.16650146

So what? It doesn't matter who you blame, if you're born poor you're still not going to have the freedom or resources to come up with a PayPal or Amazon.
If becoming rich is as easy as "lol just stop complaining and start a business," why don't you guys do it?

>> No.16650178

Jeff Bezos wasn't born rich, he only had enough money to study at university, but many people study at university and don't end up being the richest person alive

>> No.16650180

You could have more freedom if you're smart and lucky enough (mostly smart). Your genetics also dictate how much freedom you're going to have in society. It will never be a perfectly fair game because since a thing doesn't exist.

>> No.16650228

Why is it so hard for internet commies to wrap their heads around how it's just stock ownership and that they don't actually have that money? Amazon stock went up because everyone's buying stuff online due to covid.
Please, educate yourself on economics and finance first, don't adopt some violent revolutionary ideology from memes and reddit circlejerk.

>> No.16650231
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>> No.16650263

why would you not like people gaining money? that means they provided useful services to others
why do you want to dismantle the system that rewards people that provide useful services and products to others?
is it out of pure jealousy? is your heart filled with pure hate?

>> No.16650270

This blog post does: http://sjruruchunchun.com/blog/on-economics-or-on-opportunity

>> No.16650281

>There is nothing wrong with capitalism as long as there are is an equal amount of male and female businesspeople and CEOs.
why? is this a satire?

>> No.16650288

>let's just ignore how people born with poor parents are stuck with wage slaving
Most rich people didnt come from rich parents dumbass (the dominos pizza creator comes to mind)
Stop blaming anyone but yourself from being a failure, everyone is self made, but only the successful will admit it

>> No.16650294

>and their currency wasn't being devalued by literal state-endorsed counterfeiting
and how is this a problem with capitalism? the problem is the State, we need anarchocapitalism

>> No.16650295

>it still believes in capitalism

>> No.16650307

commies circlejerking by satirizing some strawman that doesn't actually exist as usual. similar to the "enlightned centrism" stuff. obviously the people who want equal representation in higher management or in the "1%" or whatever aren't opposed capitalism itself.

>> No.16650309

>they create robots and AI and fire the meatforce
which in turn lowers the prices and costs of everything assuming there is free entry of competition (no government made cartels due to laws)
it also makes the entry in the market easier as anyone can buy or create an ai and robots (ai would make it easier)

It seems most communists really just lack the basics about economics, read thomas sowell book "Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy"

>> No.16650319

>So what? It doesn't matter who you blame, if you're born poor you're still not going to have the freedom or resources to come up with a PayPal or Amazon.
Do you know how any of those started out?

>If becoming rich is as easy as "lol just stop complaining and start a business," why don't you guys do it?
It is and I am. The hard part about businesses is thinking and work ethics really (see earl nightingale, i dpecially recommend the recordig "the secret of success", where he talks about korean immigrant families in the usa), which communists cant really do.

>> No.16650326

>Please, educate yourself on economics and finance first, don't adopt some violent revolutionary ideology from memes and reddit circlejerk.
Thats just asking too much of people that believe any (not every, any) kind of value comes from the time of labour it was put into it
Any thinking person that has read marx can notice terrible inversions and contradictions at each page or so

>> No.16650328

Stirner’s argument lays bare the cold hard facts of why things are the way they are.
A minority rules and we all suffer. A majority of egoists rule and we all cooperate (more or less)

>> No.16650336

youre too retarded and ignorant to realize youre retarded and ignorant
please stay away from businesses and live the rest of your life as a cabbage farmer or some dung collector

>> No.16650342


>> No.16650352

>i specially recommend the recording "the secrets of success", where he talks about korean immigrant families in the usa
this is the link to it by the way, it is kind of hard to find if you dont know what to look for


>> No.16650361

businesses and capitalism, the collective descentralized voluntary intelligent efforts of millions of individuals motivated by profit be that monetary or emotional or another thing with different time preferences, are the reason you can even shitpost here, humble yourself

>> No.16650381

It worked for a while to protect the interests of the aristocracy and artists. I think it may be bound to change now due to digital technology.

>> No.16650399

You don't need a book. Capitalism dismantles itself, comrade

>> No.16650408

capitalism will never be dismantled, sorry lads, its just not gonna happen.

>> No.16650414

Yes, the world will end and humanity will go extinct before that.

>> No.16650416

The rich die just as easily as the poor, and poor have the numerical advantage.

>> No.16650418

It's whether it can be built upon. Capitalism in the 18th century isn't as developed as capitalism w ecurrencies.

>> No.16650419

>just like start a business bro
>meanwhile four tech companies and like 3 banks control the entire economy

>> No.16650421

Then you're a moron

>too stupid to read Marx and foment a revolution for a hostile takeover and control of everything

>too stupid to have bought amazon at $2000 a share this year when it is going to $5000 by end of year.

You're a failed socialist and a failed capitalist.

>> No.16650425


>> No.16650435

What does it mean to "control the entire economy"? You can still start a business in that economy and be successful with it.

>> No.16650470
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I like The Servile State. You should check it out.

>> No.16650483

The Usury Pamphlet

>> No.16650488


>> No.16650494

>Sociopaths with suicidal tendencies are why you can waste your life at work and the Internet

Not an argument

>> No.16650507

...read the book
If people can’t overthrow the bully class of elites, we will march ourselves over a cliff like so many lemmings
Short term spook ridden profits will be the death of us

>> No.16650522

Can I ask where you get the term lemmings from? I'm used to the far right using it from some guy but idk where it came from

>> No.16650541

Love this shit meme. "Sociopaths" are always just people whose ambition is greater than that of the effeminate weaklings around them, who only witness the actions of their long-term planning executions without understanding what goals they are aiming for. There are no "sociopaths" running corporations and banks. Such people exist only in the gutter, on or under the poverty line, because they're unable to function and understand people at all, hence sociopathy.

>> No.16650543

An old saying goes that herds of lemmings will follow a leader over a cliff causing them all to die.
Not a fact for the animals, just a saying, that proves true of conditioned humans

>> No.16650555

A sociopath succeeds at the game of capitalism because he doesn’t care. The rulers of the world have no care about feelings. It’s an accurate description of them. Not one of them are not sociopathic.

And off to work

>> No.16650556

I see makes sense. I'd be interested in seeing a stirnerian economics

>> No.16650571

>A sociopath succeeds at the game of capitalism because he doesn’t care.
Care about what? People? Capitalists care about people. Some of them care about their ideals more than some people, and this does not make them sociopaths.

>> No.16650591

>Most rich people didnt come from rich parents
most delusional post in the thread

>> No.16650604

not going to make it

>> No.16650612
File: 317 KB, 1108x938, capitalism1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism is by far the best thing humans have ever had.

Socialism does not work.

Marxism does not work.

Communism does not work.

>> No.16650616

Its from when disney pranked the world into thinking lemmings diving off a cliff en masse was natural behaviour for a documentary and not a scripted event they prepared and recorded where they spooked corralled and eventually physicall tossed a pack of them into the ocean

>> No.16650622

Capitalism is just another word for any advanced industrial society (The USSR was capitalist too)

>> No.16650627

Command economy without egalitarianism would be ideal.

>> No.16650693

Much easier
People don't want to go out in the pandemic, but still want to shop.
So they just order shit on Amazon.
Bam profit increase.

>> No.16650705

Boohoo fag Lange debunked this shit

>> No.16650754

Probably the only book that critiques capitalism without advocating for people to go out and larp as a revolutionary

>> No.16650756

Books for this feel?

>> No.16650760


>> No.16650768

The proletariat don't need to read to fight for it's immediate needs.

>> No.16650777

The 40,000$ I spent on a degree from career academics begs to differ.

>> No.16650784

>dude it will trickle down just trust me lmao
strange how people living in places with lower taxes on business aren't paid higher wages

>> No.16650793
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>Also read Joseph Stiglitz

>> No.16650799

like fucking over the planet through industrialisation, looting from 3rd world and enslaving Africans?

>> No.16650800
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Fichte considered this his most important book, though nowadays no one even reads it

>> No.16650822


>> No.16650843


>> No.16650857

no like creating millions of angsty middle class degenerates

>> No.16650861


>> No.16650893

Industrialization is absolutely a good thing though i'm not going to argue with a tedtard, but It definitely seems weird to blame capitalism for industrialization and for slavery. That's just not true no matter what hundreds of pages of mental gymnastics you come up with.

>> No.16650963
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true. We live in the most prosperous time in history, our living conditions were a dream to previous generations. If you live in a first world country you really to complain about even if you are "poor". and the "third world"s living conditions have increased (and keep increasing) tremendously in the last few decades too.

>> No.16650991

Buttercunt, is there anything I can do to help you off yourself?

>> No.16650992

>and foment a revolution for a hostile takeover and control of everything
You cant control it, mises already demonstrated that
The soviets also very likely read Mises since the Berlin dominated by soviets was where Mises office was in, hence why russia and china realized communism is impossible in a wolrd where people have any free will (and consequently the capacity of choosing something different from others)
The communist end goal, the utopia, is really an ant society, a hive mind, where the workers live only to work and enjoy the labour of each other in the most efficient way possible, everyone makes the same choices like a hive mind to inhibit any hierarchy (though even ants have an hierarchy). In communist utopia there is no State, there is no market of any kind, there is no capitalism, no currency, only workers and means of production (taking to the last consequences there would be no families as women are means of production as well but of babies)

>> No.16651001

>A majority of egoists rule and we all cooperate (more or less
Nope, if a majority of egoists rule, no consensus is achieved, no one would be ruled over
The only logical solution is anarchocapitalism

>> No.16651017

>If people can’t overthrow the bully class of elites, we will march ourselves over a cliff like so many lemmings
retarded thinking, the "bully class" needs underlings to do the menial jobs and work while they spend their lives in leisure
their end goal is something like 1984

>> No.16651027

>A sociopath succeeds at the game of capitalism because he doesn’t care. The rulers of the world have no care about feelings
Hoe can capitalists not care about the feelings of your customers, dumbass? Have you ever worked a day in your life with the public or even had a business?

>> No.16651045

>most delusional post in the thread
This is an statistical fact you fucking moron
My entire family and people I know of came from absolute misery, Im talking about what you would see in coal mines, and they still got rich because the problem is with yourself and your mentality

>> No.16651051

>Lange debunked this shit
If youre illiterate, maybe

>> No.16651059

c'mon man dont post statistics that refute marx predictions on a marxist thread, thats just bad

>> No.16651064

the article says the opposite of what you are saying

>> No.16651083

What is meant by self-made? Isn't Buffett just an investor?

>> No.16651155

Use Linux.

>> No.16651181

Did you even read the article you linked or did you just rushedly google some keywords from my post and copypaste a link in here? That article literally argues for what I said.

>> No.16651229

read the entire article you brainlets and see where cuba is in their retarded geni index of muh equality, i posted the article to show how communists thinking is retarded is the exact same in every part if the world (muh inequality bad, much rich getting richer), i already had posted an article showing that the majorty of people that are rich are self made

Not only that, the chinese article is from 2016

>> No.16651243

>all these funding
>not a single vaccine

>> No.16651322

I'm a literal third worlder who immigrated to the US as a poor fuck nobody and my family went from abject poverty to upper middle class in 2 decades.
I genuinely do not understand how absolutely retarded you have to be to fail to succeed in the US. This country is easy mode, yet people still fuck it up.
Give me your excuse why you managed to fuck up in the easiest country in the world to succeed in.

>> No.16651331

Because it's not easy mode for everyone

>> No.16651350

there are many working vaccines, but they haven't been approved yet.

>> No.16651364

Yes it is. I'm a literal, actual thirdworlder who was born in fucking tent clinic and I've still managed to succeed.

What possible excuse could anyone born in this country have compared to that?
Tyrone can get a full university ride off the back of being a C student.
Cletus should have generations of native born ingrained wealth or at least familial relations to draw from.
Chief Cashes-Check gets free government money for breathing and could get accepted into any university in the country without a single passing grade.
It is not possible to fail in this country if you've put genuine effort into it.

>> No.16651385

give me the detailed reason why you failed

>> No.16651407


>> No.16651426
File: 112 KB, 777x960, gilded age child labour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously don’t understand how people can defend Libertarianism and say that regulation isn’t needed because the invisible hand of the free market will handle it, when the Gilded Age was a thing that existed.

Young oyster shuckers, from left to right, Josie, six years old, Bertha, six years old, Sophie, ten years old, Port Royal, South Carolina, 1912.

Work began at 4 AM and ended a 5 PM, making for a 13 hour workday. During winter when things were even busier, they would often be called in at 3:30 A.M. and have their lunches cut short, for no additional pay.

Notice how mangled their fingers are. It is quite easy to end up accidentally cutting yourself while shucking due to fatique, and losing a finger or two to gangrene was not uncommon.

These girls were obviously not able to go to school due to the hours worked, and when they got home they usually had to spend their little remaining time caring for younger siblings and doing household chores, frequently having to forgo a few hours of sleep to keep up with their workload.


>> No.16651451

>Amanda having to work a retail job because her bachelor's in African Lit has no career path is comparable to bivalve bopping billies
>its a humanitarian crisis that Amanda can't live in the most in demand city in the world without large budget constraints

>> No.16651452

He probably failed because of NEET apathy

>> No.16651466


They sacrificed so that you could live in comfort today. You should be grateful instead of whining. Complaining about capitalism is just belittling the sacrifice they made and it’s honestly disgusting.

>> No.16651478

Unironically based and true schizoposting

>> No.16651480

>I'm a literal third worlder who immigrated to the US as a poor fuck nobody and my family went from abject poverty to upper middle class in 2 decades.
>I genuinely do not understand how absolutely retarded you have to be to fail to succeed in the US. This country is easy mode, yet people still fuck it up.
The reason is that they dont want to work and serve others the best way they can, they want higher wages, less working hours, immigrants want only th opportunity
>this is the link to it by the way, it is kind of hard to find if you dont know what to look for

>> No.16651486

>What possible excuse could anyone born in this country have compared to that?
They know niggers have a lower iq anon, they just dont want to admit it

>> No.16651489

>how people can defend Libertarianism
libertarianism in america is what the rest of the world calls classical liberalism, you yankees ruin everything
im talking about austrolibertarianism or ancap

>> No.16651507

>the shitty system produced some wealth
>therefore we should never change, even if we have way better technology today and enough ressources for everyone

>> No.16651509


>> No.16651511


you're working class, anon

not a temporarily embarrassed millionaire...

>> No.16651513

lol stfu phaget pig

>> No.16651514

>I seriously don’t understand how people can defend Libertarianism and say that regulation isn’t needed because the invisible hand of the free market will handle it
because so far we haven seen a situation where this hasnt happened without the State interfering in some way, we are not ignorant about the shit we talk about

>when the gilded age was a thing that existed
And let me guess, the great depression also proved that free market capitalism doesnt work? Dont you see that you only know and repeat State propaganda? Its the me thing in the entire world (capitalism bad and failed, white man bad, colonialism bad, hitler bad, workers right thanks for communists, sexual liberation was a good thing, etc.)


Check the soueces referenced if youre not completely brain dead

>> No.16651521

>Work began at 4 AM and ended a 5 PM

>> No.16651530

not really i mean... what does he even do with ALL of that cash? the first billion should probably cover absolutely every experiences to be had in the material plane... then what? fucking what? why don't he try to fix a problem that have been dogging humanity since the dawn of time? he got the ressources, he can hire a coordinator/producer to assemble a multidisciplinary team of top notch techno/scientific experts , build them the heavy industry , labs and whatever else theyu they need . increase longevity. fix the ecological collapse. build free living sustainable cities. build free universities in poor muslim contries to curb down their retarded murderous urges. etc etc

>> No.16651532

>These girls were obviously not able to go to school due to the hours worked, and when they got home they usually had to spend their little remaining time caring for younger siblings and doing household chores, frequently having to forgo a few hours of sleep to keep up with their workload.
yeah and when women and their families finally were able to stay at home to get a better life, do you know what appeared? feminism, state mandated work for women so they wouldnt have the privilege of staying home

>> No.16651533

>I did why don't other people do it?
If you don't understand why, then you likely got rich out of pure luck and autism.

>> No.16651537


lololol take some stomach medicine stupid idiot

>> No.16651542

even marx recognized how much capitalism improved peoples lives, these useful idiots are just braindead niggers

>> No.16651551

Money is not that simple. Countries already spend billions and billions on that, no private citizen has that wealth, not even Bezos. Money doesnt fix everything.
Also he can not sell all his shares.
Why does he need money? It's not about buying Ferraris, it's about influence, him having that influence might not even be a bad thing, he leads Amazon well.

>> No.16651554

their shit situation didn't correct itself , people suffering took care of it or else we would still be in that shit. still are in many ways. that's the left. if you can enjoy a week end and use that time to feel alive and not kill yourself remember that it's the LEFTISTS that made that happen.

>> No.16651555
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you know he doesn't literally have a billion dollars locked in a vault somewhere right? That valuation is based off of Amazon's real estate/assets and stock price, which were he to try to liquidate, would instantly nosedive in value

>> No.16651563
File: 106 KB, 1013x1300, 2701767-asian-sushi-chef-posing-with-his-knives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art of war will topple capitalism once and for all

>> No.16651567

your average 4chan NEET knows nothing of sacrifice

>> No.16651574

>you're working class, anon
>not a temporarily embarrassed millionaire...
What makes a millionare different from a worker saving his money little by little with frugal spending just to create his own business and become a millionaire just so communists can take everything the worker built with his hands in a later future because he was a bourgeois and people deserve free shit just for existing?

>> No.16651580

Finite ressources. Anyone can in theory become rich, but not everyone at the same time. If everyone worked harder, the winners of today would be the losers of tomorrow, nothing would really change.

>> No.16651588

>why don't he try to fix a problem that have been dogging humanity since the dawn of time?
throwing money at things doesnt solve issues you mouthbreather moron, money doesnt create statues", people do

>> No.16651591

he could certainly go to JPMorgan and get a loan for a billion dollars by putting his equity up as collateral.

>> No.16651592

>build free universities in poor muslim contries to curb down their retarded murderous urges
Muslims arent idiotic enough to fall for the modern secularism bullshit

>> No.16651599

He probably could get 1b in many ways, but do you really think that will change the world?

>> No.16651603

>then you likely got rich out of pure luck and autism.
Luck doesnt exist, luck is just when opportunity meets preparation, and opportunity is there all the time
Luck is a concept invented by losers to justify their failures

>> No.16651615

The US has spent trillions on a certain demographic group and still hasn't fixed them. What will Bezos' couple billions do on that front?

Bezos also spends large amounts of his fortune funding space tech to actually get us off this rock and away from the aforementioned demographic that will eat us out of food and home eventually.

>> No.16651620

be honest, was it crypto?

>> No.16651624

I recommend you read Fooled by Randomness.

>> No.16651625

Your luck is living in the easy mode country. All my luck involved getting to this easy mode country. If you are already here, YOU ARE LUCKY.
If you squander that luck, you are retarded. This is the easiest country to live on in the entire planet.

>> No.16651634

hahah. antagonistic cunt, that kind of money can pay salaries of people to work on problems. throwing money at things... what the fuck do you... ah , fuck you

>> No.16651639

That is not how things work. The rich don't actually consume much more than the poor do. The 99% already consumed 99% of the industrial production of the world.
Bezos isn't eating half of the world's food by himself just because he has the valuation of being able to buy half the world's food.

>> No.16651644

of course you got to spend it in an inspired way... i feel there is a lot of potential solutions out there that are underfunded for whatever reason... maybe because not profitable. we got to break old patterns and create a participative society.

>> No.16651646

why would anyone who receives a salary to solve a problem ever go about solving that problem?

>> No.16651650


Wrong. Their situations improved when capitalism had created the necessary conditions for improvement. Then lefty politicians came along to steal credit for it from the workers and the industrialists who actually got their hands dirty doing the work

>> No.16651651

dude i dont think about giving YOU gibs... i am talking about lets say fuckng aubrey degrey who is always begging for cash... give him a fucking chonk already and let him hire people to go to the bottom of his hypothesis.

>> No.16651653

Governments spend multiple times Bezos' total theoretical fortune every year and they still haven't fixed shit. What makes you think Bezos' fortune will do more with less unless you know that private actors will always been more efficient than public actors?

>> No.16651659

I dont need a book, I know of live examples
Stew Leonard's Dairy shop exists today just because its entrepreneur worked as a dairy delivery man and noticed there was an opportunity in his work (mainly, seeing what were the most popular products)

I dont give a shit about a book talking about the fallibility of human thinking, all I need to know is that people are capable of recognizing opportunities and acting upon it with an uncertain reward in the future, which is something entrepreneurs have been doing for a living since the origin of humanity
I also dont believe randomness exist except as an abstract idea

>> No.16651661

The fact that you get so easily swindled by conmen like degrey shows why you'll never be rich.

>> No.16651669

The government throws hundreds of billions at those "potential solutions" every year. Where is the solution?

What makes Bezos' money so magical compared to the hundreds of billions the US government throws at minutia?

>> No.16651673

resources are scarce but economy isnt a zero sum game retard

>> No.16651677

>of course you got to spend it in an inspired way... i feel there is a lot of potential solutions out there that are underfunded for whatever reason
could it be that you have no fucking idea what youre talking about because you never even had a small business to manage?

>> No.16651686

I want you to pull up your tax statements and I want a rough estimate of how much in tax you've payed in a normal year.
I would also accept any investment portfolio you might have.
I need absolutely any evidence you're an actual adult.

>> No.16651689

Governments also hire smart people or just fund private companies who hire smart people. Eben if it's less efficient than the private sector, the amount of money is also much higher. And this is not just the US, many countries do foreign help as well as countless charities.

>> No.16651696

I highly recommend you read Fooled by Randomness because if you don't, you'll continue being a dumbass.

>> No.16651700

I never said that. Still not everyone can be rich, although most people should be able to survive at least.

>> No.16651702

hope you feel like a big man writing this. wastrel.

>> No.16651704
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You could be reading Marx right now

>> No.16651706

>>16651702 at

>> No.16651707

but i am a big man.

>> No.16651713

>democratic administration

>> No.16651716

Why won't the US just print 10 trillion dollars and save the world with that? It should be enough to buy food for everyone on this planet. Pretty selfish if you ask me.

>> No.16651724

Make sure you don't stay up too late. You have algebra tomorrow.

>> No.16651756

>I highly recommend you read Fooled by Randomness because if you don't, you'll continue being a dumbass.
I dont care if you consider me a dumbass if Im still successful and well read about subjects that matter

>> No.16651762

Dont most adults "invest" in a savings account?

>> No.16651777

>real (underscored) socialism
you have no fucking idea about what youre defending do you?
No real socialism exists, marx never proposed a model for it, the praxis would create it in the future

>> No.16651778

All civilizations have a convergent evolution towards our technocratic neo-feudalism future. Sorry.

>> No.16651784

that's not how to dismantle capitalism. answer OP or fuck off.

>> No.16651787

>you vote where you work
what the fuck does that even mean? you choose youeself where yourself is going to work? why voting then?

>> No.16651798

I was actually thinking about this a bit, hopefully someone can disagree with me or has some recommendations for books.

The amount of money that billionaires have can not be judged in the same way as that of normal people or even slightly rich people. Normal people mostly use their money for their own survival and some luxuries, someone might for example buy a Porsche or something.
At the level of Bezos his luxuries don't even matter. People get angry when a billionaire buys 2 Ferraris, but first of all that is nothing for him and secondly this doesn't even have any real negative impact on the world economy.
At that level it's more about social and political influence. The problem with just throwing money at problems is, that money itself has no real value, for example it would not help at all to just print money.
If Bezos were to just donate a huge amount of money, what would that mean? I assume that most skilled people are already employed and most people in general are working at their full capacity, so he would have to hire people from other companies for his charity. It would probably also affect Amazon in a negative way.
The only reason why giving his money away could be a good thing would be, if he can manage those new workers more effectively than they were managed at their own company, otherwise no real value was created.

>> No.16651802
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Shitty stawman does not justify libertarianism.
>capitalism is creating wealth for everyone [99% of new wealth disapears]....oh no were did all the wealth go? [dividends and r&d]
>marx: capitalism will cannibalize it's self hegel said so
>wtf?! what is a "mixed economy"?
>because so far we haven seen a situation where this hasnt happened without the State interfering in some way, we are not ignorant about the shit we talk about
>laissez faire capitalism wasn't given enough time to autocorrect it's self to be more ethical
>that's not real capitalism
Sounds awfuly like an ideological cope to me.
>(capitalism bad and failed, white man bad, colonialism bad, hitler bad, workers right thanks for communists, sexual liberation was a good thing, etc.)
Capitalism bad becuase humans did not evolve into your retarded model of a capitalist.
White man bad because white man human.
Colonialism bad because it's lukewarm imperialism.
Hitler bad because he's a retarded idoit who neither had the tech nor the knowledge to sustain his totalitarian bullshit.

You're a fucking clishé neck yourself. Also...
Science built this world not religion.

state mandated

>> No.16651814

the suggestions on how to overcome capital presented in this pamphlet came from the working class itself

>No real socialism exists
i suggest you read the communist manifesto

>> No.16651824

just read it once then read it again

>> No.16651836
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Can you attack capitalism without first questioning its ideological superstructure, /lit/?

>> No.16651838

>I blew my parents' money like a fucking idiot and it's capitalism's fault!

>> No.16651857

Even mcdonalds employees get a 401k these days. You'd have to be a fuck up below a mcdonalds employee to not have at least a 401k.

>> No.16651894

>ideological superstructure

can you explain what that is?

>> No.16651900

1) The planet's not fucked. It will kill all of us before it's fucked.
2) The third world deserves to be looted for being weak.
3) Africans deserved to be enslaved for being weak.
Industrialization resulted in many improvements in quality of life, greater art, new scientific research, and new technologies that wouldn't have been possible otherwise. If you're still crying about it, you're a nihilist / sore loser / uneducated buffoon / mentally ill individual.

>> No.16651901
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>If you squander that luck, you are retarded.
Then i never was lucky in the first place, fucking idiot.
>Luck doesnt exist, luck is just when opportunity meets preparation, and opportunity is there all the time
>Luck is a concept invented by losers to justify their failures
Possessing the capacity to perceive a specific opportunity is predetermined and how you prepare with what ever is available to you is also predetermined.
And winners brag about being lucky all the time, being lucky means having unkown variables aid or not hinder your efforts.

Mouth breathing retard.

>> No.16651912

In my native language based is bazos so go figure

>> No.16651951

>Then i never was lucky in the first place, fucking idiot

Yes you were. You were born in the easiest easy mode country on the planet and you did nothing with it. Imagine being you

>> No.16651956

is luck a martingale?

>> No.16651963

>Possessing the capacity to perceive a specific opportunity is predetermined and how you prepare with what ever is available to you is also predetermined.
non refutable assertion, and as useless as saying people have no free will, any successful person will automatically be labeled as lucky for having good genes or whatever predetermined it (really makes one think though why their parents weren't successful as well, ortheir grandparents, etc.)

>laissez faire capitalism wasn't given enough time to autocorrect it's self to be more ethical
>that's not real capitalism
The issue wasnt time you brain dead ignorant baboon, stop talking about subjects you have zero reading on, the issue is that the State caused it and worsened it in the first place, it was even predicted by real economicists (austrians)

>Science built this world not religion.
What built science if not logic and philosophy you fucking idiot? You are so fucking ignorant and full of dunning kruger your opinion should become an example on all the future dictionaries and textbooks about human behavior.

Go back to preschool after getting a good beating for saying all that retarded shit and learn to be humble

>plant council
>local industrial council
>national industry council
>all-industry congress
Ok idiot, let me ask you something that will break your brain appart
Who fiscalizes each council? Another council? Who fiscalizes that council?

>with democratic administration
People vote for administration issues? All that creates is an incentive for people to act like politicians, that is, to promise whatever the masses want and spend everything for it, then they will just put the blame and consequences on whatever idiot comes next in the election

And socialized systems do not work, thats a factual, empirical truth
If something is "free" and very useful, the demand for it will reach infinity, or at least, it will surpass the ability to provide for it, thats what happens in every universal healthcare system over time, longer waits, worse and worse services, lack of equipments and drug, all because people were too ignorant or retarded to understand mises argument about the economical calculation problem (it is not solvable by big data)

>> No.16651978
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Omg you fucking nigger, there is a difference between being lucky your in a 1st world country and being lucky you aren't a retard.
Leave /lit/ mouth breather.

>> No.16651984


>> No.16652009

Why should anyone want to ensure retards survive ?
If you're born in the US, but also born a retard who can't succeed in the easiest country to succeed in in the entire world then why should people stomach your existence? If you can't function in a place where you are set up for success, then why should you even exist

>> No.16652127

>Who fiscalizes each council?
lol what an idiotic question, you really are in no position to critique socialism. That you keep linking these moronic mises.org articles rather than quoting Mises himself is really telling btw.

>> No.16652168

>non refutable assertion
yes, because it's true.
>and as useless as saying people have no free will
Saying people have free will isn't any different, it can be argued that disbelief in free will aids in coping with stress from failure and belief in free will boost motivation from success.

>the issue is that the State caused it and worsened it in the first place
The state forced businesses to grind through child labour and make harmful products who's harmfulness can't be adequately traced by consumers. OKAY buddy.

btw i'm not >>16651704

>> No.16652180
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okay then i guess it's time to genocide the working class then.

>> No.16652205

>The state forced businesses to grind through child labour

>> No.16652217

There are plenty of successful working class people considering that anyone who works for their paychecks is working class.
If youre given every opportunity in the world, and you're still working entry level retail in your 30s, why does society owe you their collective sweat, blood and tears to make sure you get even more opportunities (that you will also squander)

>> No.16652219

>ol what an idiotic question, you really are in no position to critique socialism
Then please do give your answer to it based on reality

>> No.16652275

Impossible, since it's a non-sensical question and asking it betrays a complete non-understanding of socialism. Might as well ask what blue tastes like.

>> No.16652285
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>Even from birth, the parental ownership is not absolute but of a "trustee" or guardianship kind. In short, every baby as soon as it is born and is therefore no longer contained within his mother's body possesses the right of self-ownership by virtue of being a separate entity and a potential adult. It must therefore be illegal and a violation of the child's rights for a parent to aggress against his person by mutilating, torturing, murdering him, etc. On the other hand, the very concept of "rights" is a "negative" one, demarcating the areas of a person's action that no man may properly interfere with. No man can therefore have a "right" to compel someone to do a positive act, for in that case the compulsion violates the right of person or property of the individual being coerced.

>Thus, we may say that a man has a right to his property (i.e., a right not to have his property invaded), but we cannot say that anyone has a "right" to a "living wage," for that would mean that someone would be coerced into providing him with such a wage, and that would violate the property rights of the people being coerced. As a corollary this means that, in the free society, no man may be saddled with the legal obligation to do anything for another, since that would invade the former's rights; the only legal obligation one man has to another is to respect the other man's rights.

>Applying our theory to parents and children, this means that a parent does not have the right to aggress against his children, but also that the parent should not have a legal obligation to feed, clothe, or educate his children, since such obligations would entail positive acts coerced upon the parent and depriving the parent of his rights. The parent therefore may not murder or mutilate his child, and the law properly outlaws a parent from doing so. But the parent should have the legal right not to feed the child, i.e., to allow it to die.2 The law, therefore, may not properly compel the parent to feed a child or to keep it alive.3 (Again, whether or not a parent has a moral rather than a legally enforceable obligation to keep his child alive is a completely separate question.) This rule allows us to solve such vexing questions as: should a parent have the right to allow a deformed baby to die (e.g., by not feeding it)?4 The answer is of course yes, following a fortiori from the larger right to allow any baby, whether deformed or not, to die. (Though, as we shall see below, in a libertarian society the existence of a free baby market will bring such "neglect" down to a minimum.)

>> No.16652303


>> No.16652441

>he thinks I'm a libertarian because I think that anyone who manages to fail in a country where people below the poverty line are still in the 1% of the world is a retard who doesn't need anything else to squander

>> No.16652555
File: 1.81 MB, 400x224, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a libertarian society the existence of a free baby market will bring such "neglect" down to a minimum.
> libertarian society[...]free baby market
>free baby market
>baby market

>> No.16652592

sorry buddy i meant to reply to the post right above yours.
I was merely quoting a passage from the wiki.mises link from >>16652205

>> No.16652617

It's hilarious >>16652205

>> No.16652814

holy shit libertarians really do try and make a case for the leagel selling of babies for heroin, you can't make this shit up

>> No.16652851

Is Blue Origin actually accomplishing anything? They've been burning through money and haven't showed anything for it while SpaceX has become a reliable payload provider.

>> No.16652908

>Supposedly "humanitarian" child labor laws have systematically forcibly prevented children from entering the labor force, thereby privileging their adult competitors
lolol it's filled with gems

>> No.16652960

>free baby market
it already exists, but the price is zero for each baby

>> No.16652968

>not answering any of the posts instead using an ad hominem related to a question that wasnt even discussed in the thread
so you admited defeat then? answer his post
>There are plenty of successful working class people considering that anyone who works for their paychecks is working class.
>If youre given every opportunity in the world, and you're still working entry level retail in your 30s, why does society owe you their collective sweat, blood and tears to make sure you get even more opportunities (that you will also squander)

>> No.16652977

>holy shit libertarians really do try and make a case for the leagel selling of babies for heroin, you can't make this shit up
Yes, and?

>> No.16652989

so asking for a pratical definition of what you want to impose over the entire society is a nonsensical question?
no wonder all you can resort to are strawmen and ad hominem

>> No.16653004

Workers who favour communisation don't know what *we together* will impose because *we together* will work that out in practice.

You're asking what blue tastes like.

Communism isn't moral. It is powerful.
Communism isn't idealist. It is concrete.

We don't dream ideal moral orders.
We make it impossible for the rich to shoot us easily.

>> No.16653173

Oligarch warlords tax their de facto subjects super heavily with corruption and usury.

>> No.16653284

Also age of consent laws should be abolished!! Well than I'm off to sell my baby to Jeffrey Epstein in Libertopia see ya later

>> No.16653340

Vastly based

>> No.16653381

Only retards are "against the rich". The fact remains that it's blatantly unhealthy for society if wealth inequality gets too severe, which is currently happening. Most "democracies" are now oligarchies, especially am*rica

>> No.16653508

based trips

>> No.16653744

Wtf are you talking about schizo? That mises stuff is straight looneytunes shit.
You think it's ok for children to work they so they can buy food and shelter because it's ok for parents to not provide them if they don't want to.
With that mises shit you've pretty much lost already.

>> No.16653760

>a stirnerian economics
He doesn’t go into economics, but I extract what he says of states and their laws to include their currency as well. People around here imagine Stirner advocates a world of psychopaths wrecking things. But a shared economy would counter any such behavior. Since it would be in our best interests, I believe the masses would approve of that.

Regular working class people are just wage slaves and consumers to them.
Every one of the wealthiest people in the world feels himself greater than lower classes. Some small time capitalists might be nice people, but their business will suffer unless he turns off that little empathy switch. Capitalism is a competition and is does favor the heartless.

>no one would be ruled over
Autonomous neighborhoods of direct democracies would achieve this light touch just fine. Strong willed and uninterested sorts are always welcome, but not pressured to join the process.

Capitalists care only for profits. A ridiculous game. You sound like the type who believes salesmen when they compliment you.
Try that noose on for size.

>> No.16653841

If you're so mad about Bezos being rich, drop your amazon prime subscription and don't order anything from amazon. If enough people do it, he'll go under. But not enough of you will because Mr. Bezos has a very useful service, ESPECIALLY in these days of the pandemic. How dare you show animosity toward a man who's nothing but a net good for society. You socialist babies know nothing but complaining. You are like women.

>> No.16654577

hourly reminder that ancap theory is so detached from reality that hoppe had to write a whole book to explain how economics doesnt actually have to be based on empirical evidence

>> No.16654612 [DELETED] 

not to mention half of the startups zoomer liberals love are hosted on AWS so even if you stopped ordering discounted packs of monster energy from bezos (and do what? switch to walmart? okay), every time you watch a blm protest on twitch or store a leftwing manifesto on dropbox, you'd be using the services provided by mr bezos

>> No.16654621

cant believe im watching someone white knight Jeff Bezos of all fucking people

>> No.16654639

i'm not sure what you're mad about, amazon has been a god send during the pandemic, and i've watched blm protests on twitch every night almost, and i've watched my amazon stock go sky high at the same time, what's not to like? why are you so resentful? that's not a healthy way to live

>> No.16654697

>lolol it's filled with gems
its talking about the "cant hire because of no experience" and "cant get experience because cant be hired"

>> No.16654701

>You think it's ok for children to work they so they can buy food and shelter because it's ok for parents to not provide them if they don't want to
The kid didnt choose to come to this world so you could aegue the parents have a contract with the child

>> No.16654707

>Every one of the wealthiest people in the world feels himself greater than lower classes
they objectively are, on all aspects, its like comparing crabs in a bucket with a fisherman

>> No.16654711

>Autonomous neighborhoods of direct democracies would achieve this light touch just fine.
they wouldnt
direct democracies are the oldest beaten polticial horse

>> No.16654715

>Capitalists care only for profits.
which is the best thing someone could do

to profit in a free market you need to provide a sevice or a product that is of value to others
in other words, to profit, you must serve another person

>> No.16654721

>hoppe had to write a whole book to explain how economics doesnt actually have to be based on empirical evidence
because it cannot moron
try to do a scientific experiment on society to prove any economical hypothesis

>> No.16654727

For people who extract more and more in exchange for less and less, yes I do.

>> No.16654733

If they were providing less and less, they wouldn't be profiting more and more. Your equation makes no sense.

>> No.16654738

Who said anything about experiments? You dont need to be able to perform experiments to be able to use empirical evidence in your theories. Just look at history.

>> No.16654741

No. Not even an accurate comparison.

Haha. Uh. DD works best on small scale and when all or most are involved. No excluding slaves and women. The small scale aspect is one of the reasons why no one considers it. But it’s perfect for our aims.
>they the oldest beaten
Except no. Republics and imperialism is. Those are unstable and dangerous.

No, it is not. Go study why and leave me alone.

>> No.16654765

>For people who extract more and more in exchange for less and less,
You provide no evidence for that but lets assume youre right
That means theyre becoming more and more inefficient, if any competition comes it will break the other apart simply by providing more using less
If there is no easier entry of competition its because government laws impede free entry, as it has always been the case in human history (see the example of american shrimp fishers begging the government to create laws to cartelize the sector for them)

its also like he said, that company wpuld be having more costs in exchange for nothing


Ignorant morons, make a vow to stop giving such retarded opinions before you have spent 40 years studying good books

>No. Not even an accurate comparison
They are smarter, have more will power, have served more others, have enriched and created wealth, they have employed millions of people and vreated entire empires of development
You are basically a fruit fly maggot compared to them

>Haha. Uh. DD works best on small scale and when all or most are involved. No excluding slaves and women. The small scale aspect is one of the reasons why no one considers it. But it’s perfect for our aims.
Ad hominem, which shows me you cannot understand the arguments written in english in the article presented
It's too well reasoned so I suspected that would be the case, ignorant savages like you continue on your errors

>No, it is not. Go study why and leave me alone.
Its not because we dont live in a free market, but in a free market it is, and has always been, as evidenced by history, no boogeyman monopoly has ever existed in the entire history without State intervention
Anything you can come up with has already been thoroughly analyzed and explained by other libertarians so I see no point in spoonfeeding you here, go read mises articles if you cant read books, which seems the case

>> No.16654770

>Republics and imperialism is. Those are unstable and dangerous.
Democracy is the same thing, the issues are inherent to a majority of people imposing coercion into a minority through vote, they exercise a right they do not possess as individuals, let alone as groups
You are too ignorant to discuss with me, read for 20 years until you reach the status questione in economics

>> No.16654780

Can't dismantle the truth

>> No.16654787

>status questione
my phone corrected quaestionis to that, but this is still understandable

>> No.16654788

That guy is correct about pursuing profits being a valuable mechanism for devising and providing good services to others. This is why capitalism was adopted in the first place and has worked for centuries. Why do you think there are good products and services out there, anyway? Mere goodwill will never suffice to sustain society and continue to advance it.

>> No.16654807

History does not involve experimentation, but it does involve the usage of evidence derived from sense-data, which is objective. This can be used to evaluate historical theories and conjectures.

How does this not apply for economics?

>> No.16654811

nice motivational poster meme

>> No.16654825

>but it does involve the usage of evidence derived from sense-data, which is objective
Your senses arent objective let alone data collecting that isnt subjected to experiments

>how does this not apply
as I said to the other idiot, read all the main works produced by economists from all schools of thought since humans started to talk about economics, dont ignore anyone because of your political biases, read, understand, overcome, thats what it means to learn the status quaestionis
Make a vow of poverty of opinions until you have done that, which will take about 10 years, 20 years if you study the pre-requisites in phlosophy

>> No.16654831

I just recently ordered a version from Barnes and Noble but they messed up and I never got it. Which one did you get?

>> No.16654839

>have enriched and created wealth
Oooh, you are a funny boy. The laziest people on the planet create wealth. Paris Hilton? Mitt Romney? Bill Gates retired decades ago and we still have to pretend he invented the computer? They do nothing. Your comparison is shit.
>I don’t like that you defend direct democracy!
Okay. You are bootlicker.
>Free markets
Capitalists need a state and states need capitalism. They are so symbiotic that it is a mistake to think of them as separate things.
Life does not improve for the masses when select merchants get to decide who profits (they always pick themselves!) so rules are set up and states or guilds have historically *controlled* markets to stabilize them to everyone's satisfaction. —we can do better still by abandoning they whole idiotic system.

Democracy would mean for once in history a majority would be in control. That has never happened before. Additionally, because they’re in small sections, misrule and mistakes are discovered and corrected almost immediately. Vindicating the minority ideas on occasion. THIS IS A SUPERIOR METHOD

No. Study how you’re wrong. Watch some Richard Wolff or something

>> No.16654860

Actual books for dismantling capitalism:
'Questions and Answers for National-Socialists' by Joseph Goebbels
'Knowledge and Propaganda' by Joseph Goebbels
'Manifesto for the Breaking of Interest-Slavery' by Gottfried Feder
'Mein Kampf' by Adolf Hitler
'For My Legionnaires' by Corneliu Codreanu
Also, I remember the tripfag shitting this thread up from way back on infinichan several years ago, can't believe it's still up to its antics. An aging bull-dyke in its 50s, though, guess it has nothing better to do.

>> No.16654864

>haha Amazon stock go brrrr

>> No.16654868

Pointing out how subjectivity affects our understanding of evidence doesnt disprove the need to utilize it. How many 'experiments' do I have to perform to prove that I actually spent $2 to buy a bottle of water? Thats an economic exchange with real physical objects. Why is this data somehow not acceptable to be used to validate or invalidate theories?

>> No.16654879

oh no this dumb bitch is everywhere

>> No.16654909
File: 149 KB, 477x438, 7D5D0C4E-3EE1-4A37-961E-16190E5344CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dismantling capitalism:
>Names a pack of capitalists
We tried naziism, we even tried Leninism and every half measure of each. I mean Sweden and France etc. are nice, but it’s all unsustainable. Where’s your eco-fascist chart now, anon?

In what way could you possibly be referring to?

>> No.16654918
File: 71 KB, 800x533, lesbianism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

National-Socialism isn't capitalist. The Third Reich is, in fact, the only truly socialist state that has ever existed.
>b-but that's not what daddy Marx says
Marx is not the inventor of socialism and he does not define the word.
Kill yourself, you aging hag.

>> No.16654923

The way most people talk about capitalism makes me think its just a buzzword.

>> No.16654925
File: 64 KB, 555x573, pZ0B1bH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16654933


>> No.16654939

try "become my slave goyim, the capitalist jews are evil and won't gibs me dat for 3"

>> No.16654942

>Adolf and Joe were best buds, yo!
I am not your fool, bitch.

>> No.16654962
File: 124 KB, 800x531, ich-bin-sozialist_hitler-daf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell are you even rambling about? I made no mention of Stalin. Are you going through menopause now, is that why you're so incoherent?

>> No.16654971

Oh. I’m getting too ahead of you?
You thought this was a dance?

>> No.16654980

I guarantee I have more emotion and empathy than you, and will still utilize capitalism to become more wealthy than you could ever imagine.

>> No.16654983
File: 2.83 MB, 1080x1926, zimbabwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wrinkly dyke loses all coherence
So is that a yes or no on the menopause? If it's a 'no', then you might wanna call an ambulance because you might be having a stroke.

>> No.16654997

Naw, I’m empathetic, anon. I’m in here, talking to these werewolves and trying to help them.
If you’re just as empathetic, you will not gain much traction in your business ventures. The system rewards only the worst best.

>> No.16655021


>> No.16655030

Sorry real life isn't sunshine and lollipops. Initiative must be taken, and actual work must be performed. Yes, in that order.

>> No.16655037

>and then you pull yer self up by yer bootstraps
>Put some hair on yer chest
>a stitch in time saves nine
>don’t let the bedbugs bite

>> No.16655059

>Workers who favour communisation don't know what *we together* will impose because *we together* will work that out in practice.
the very nature of human self consciousness ensures this will never happen or be sustainable